The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 16, 1916, Image 10

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MwiNTi of lliectitlve OMitmittcc
Met At Court IIimim Thurs
day Aflomoon
At the mooting of the Hot Hutte
County Dry Federation In the Court
House Thursday afternoon, several
attt's of importance, relative to the
omiiig state-wide prohibition cam
paign were discussed.
The members of the executive com
mittee took dinner together at a lo
fal hotel, and then hold a committee
meeting. This was followed by an
enthusiastic mass meeting, open to
all who were lntcrttod.
The secretary read several letters
from various candidates for public of
fices, In which they stated their posi
tion regardlnK the proposed amend
ment. The problem of raising funds to
arry on the campaign was thorough
ty discussed, and It was decided that
subscription papers bo drawn up and
circulated, that all who wish to may
kelp n little; in this way It need not
he a burden to any one.
The matter of combining the of
fices of secretary and treasurer was
reconsidered; It being decided that
this arrangement would Involve too
uch work on one man. II. M. Hamp
ton was unanimously elected to tho
fflce of treasurer.
A publicity committee was appoint
ed, In whose hands was placed the
Batter of keeping the proceedings of
the federation before tho public.
Plans for the. organization of pre
cinct federations throughout the
ounty is being slowly worked out,
and will be perfected In due time.
The olliccrs and committeemen of
the federation are as follows:
President, T. II. Barnes.
Vice president, A. S. Enyenrt.
Secretary, A. Cregory.
Treasurer, R. M. Hampton.
Publicity Committee- J. V. Thom
as, A. T. Lunn. N (J. Palmer.
Executive Committee: J. II. Cams,
Jns. Parry. N. tj. Palmer, anl (he
above named oilicera.
State of Ohio. Cily of Toledo,
Lucas t'ou uly, ph.
Frank .1 Cheney makes oath that
he Is (senior partner of tho linn of F.
J. Cheney it Co., doing business in
the Cily of Toledo, County nnd
State aforesaid, nnd that said firm
will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED
DOLLARS for each and every case of
Catarrh that cannot be cured by the
Sworn to before me and subscribed
in, my presence, this 6th day of De
cember A. O. IKKti. A. W. OLEASON,
(Seal) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken in
ternally and acts through the Hlood
a the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys
tem. Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. O.
Sold by all druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills for constipa
tion. Adv. -Mar
Well Known lint Untie Count) Kami-
vr t'nentM to Petitions of Friend
nnd Hies for County Office
J. A. Keegan. one of the most
widely known farmers in Box Butte
county, who has been a resident of
llox lttitte for ten years and who has
always taken an active part in public
affairs, In response to the strong urg
ing of his friends, has filed for the
Republican nomination for county as
sessor at the primaries on April 18.
Mr. Keegan's up-to-date farm in
three miles northeast of Alliance. He
was in the real estate business for
ten years, which gave him a thorough
knowledge of the values of land and
property, and he states that he be
lieves that much attention should be
given to the equalization of assess
ments In other words, that some
lands are assessed too low and others
too high. He believes that the state
hoard of equalization should give Box
Butte county a fair show with the
other counties of the state and that
the state assessments should be fair.
Mr. Keegan filed Monday morning.
Paper Stork of All Kinds Advance. In
Price from 15 to 2ft per Cent
lmwvlble to tiet Some
Paper stock of all kinds, used in
printing newspapers and in Job print
ing, has advanced in cost again, the
second time in the last thirty days
Notices received from the wholesale
papjer houses the first of this week
quote advances of from lifteen to
twenty-live per cent over the prices
established after the last advance.
Envelopes, book papers, bonds,
cover papers, etc., advanced twenty
per cent. Newsprint has advanced
twenty per cent. These advances
make these papers cost from forty to
fifty per cent more than they did two
months ago.
Fifteen Hundred Dollars for Fifty
Send your boy to an agricultural
college If you can, but If you Dnd that
Impossible get him a scholarship In
the Campbell Correspondence School
of Soil Culture. It will cost you fif
teen hundred dollars to send him to
an agricultural college for three
years. You can buy a scholarship In
the Campbell Correspondence School
for fifty dollars and educate your boy
at home. If he applies his spare
time to study and takes pains with
his work on tho farm, he will know
as much about scientific farming at
the end of three years as he would if
lie spent that time nnd that fifteen
hundred dollars at an agricultural
college. He does not have to pas an
examination ami can begin at any
time and go as fast as he pleases.
Of course you are too old to go to
college, but you are not too old to
study at home. We have students
all the way from 10 years old to 8 1
yeirs yo'jnc. Write for a catalog
and save $1150. You can't make
that much money as easy In any oth
er way.
Campbell Correspondence School,
Hillings, Montana
The Ache of House Cleaning
The pain and soreness caused by
bruises, over-exertion and straining
during house cleaning time are sooth
ed away by Sloan's Liniment. No
need to suffer this agony. Just apply
Sloan's Liniment to the sore spots,
tub only a littlo. In a short time the
pain leaves, you rest comfortably and
enjoy a refreshing sleep. One grate
ful user writes: "Sloan's Liniment is
J worth its weight In gold." Keep a
bHile on hand, use it against an
soreness. Neuralgia and bruises. Kills
pain. 25c at your druggist.
Adv 2
One That Should be Heeded by Alll
ance llesldenta
Frequently the first sign of kidney
trouble Is a slight ache or pain in the
loins. Neglect of this warning makes
the way easy for more serious trou
bles dropsy, gravel, Bright's dls
ease. TIs well to pay attention to
the first sign. Weak kidneys gener
ally grow weaker and delay Is often
dangerous. Residents of this locality
place reliance In Doan a Kidney Pills
This tested remedy has been used In
kidney trouble over 50 years is rec
ommended all over the civilized
world. Read the following:
James A. Kersey, Chadron, Nebr.
says: "I had slight symptoms of dis
ordered kidneys. There had been
Bright's disease In my family for sev
eral generations and I decided to try
Doan's Kidney Pills. This medicine
soon cured me."
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills tho same that
cured Mr. Kersey. Foster-Milburn
Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
Adv Mar
i iit.iL'.tJ lull
'' A rr i
WA i t ' v '- yjt
K X. ;:.j.,, -...y Wf c.s.
'', y 1'H.ffW,': , , ' b
V-. -V. 1 nti ZH'Mh', MOifl"' R.J
i .i
the national
joy smoke
it the real
tobacco for
jimmy pipes
And makin's
Tobacco Co.
HAS been resporv
sible for thousands
of business successes
throughout the country.
Everybody in town
may know you but
they don't know what
you have to sell.
Advertising Will Help Too
Get a Fresh Start!
For men who got away to a false start on a pipe
or home-made cigarettes Prince Albert has a word
or two for what ails their smokeappetites I
Forget you ever tried to smoke, for Prince Albert is so
different, such a fine flavor, so cool and cheerful and
friendly, you'll get a new idea of smoke joy ! Trn paten; J
process fixes that and cuts out bite anil parch 1
And this little preachment h alio for mon who think
they're on the rijht trad:. All to be c:.i ! is that the sooner
you lay out a nickel or a dime for a ::rpp!y cf Prince
Albert, the sooner you'll make -a ciscovcry that'll be
worm a lot to your peace 01 mmd and
Hay fnne Albert all over 4nryr,r.t
thecivilizedworld! TuppyreJ lOHgUC I
-, a; nay red tint, IVc ;
ji; nay rca rma, iuc t
. . i i i 1 1 . . ... .
;;'lorAa7-VCunca uet we idea ot smoking all you want
"rnVZlrt; without a comeback that's P. A.!
R J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Win.ton-Salem, N. C
'"' mtepm turn tobacco in
ucA fmm thapralway$ I
On t.Se rtTtfse ti el (hit tiiy rH
In foo wiu ftptL : "Procen PalmtrJ
Julr 30lb. l'Ji.7." ohirh h m.J.
thing men rauL pipe who one
Two Xow in lUce for This Nou-Piir-tisiui
Oflice Present Incum
bent a Candidate !
Itutte County Young Man Who
I Attending Veterinary Col
lege, Writes The Herald
I vih to announce to all persons who are going to plant trees this spring that, if they
want tho benefit of having their tree UUAUANTKKD FOR ONE YEAH, it is very important
to submit your order AT ONCE, so that they will come on the very first shipment.
Any trees that I plant that come on the second shipment will not be guaranteed, as
early shipments is one of the means of success, where we have to ship in stock from other
Now, if you want to receive all of the benefits connected with success, get your order to
me not later than
March 20, 1916
Then leave the rest to me. You will then have done everything that is needed or could
be done on your part for a perfect stand of trees.
If you neglect to do as above suggested, you are adding risks to the business that no
one cires lo carry, so T will have to decline to guarantee anything that is not ordered by the
above dale. The reason for this is that trees that commence to leaf out in another climate
thfn brought here, lose the leaves and new ones must start, but if brought here before the
leaves start and heeled in, the leaves do not tall off when transplanted, ami can then be safely
planted tip to the tirst of June.
Why not get busy, and let's commence to fill this country with tree. If you do not
see me. just drop me a card to Alliance, Nebr., for your wants, or phone No. .'5b
This guarantee applies only to tree which I furnish and phtnt mys. It'.
I. K. Tash filed last week for conn- i
ty Jude. Mr. Tash'H petition had I
been ready for several weeks but he '
seemed to think that the rest of the
candidates were crowding things un-'
necessarily by filing so far ahead of j
in- 1'iiiuaiy auu 11c uciu Mis J'rilllUH
till last week.
The oflice of county judge is non
partisan and there are two to be nom
inated. Up to the present time
there are only two candidates for the
nomination, County Judge L. A. Ber
ry being a candidate for re-election.
Although the oflice is non-partisan,
some "rough stuff" has been pulled
on the present incumbent, which
shows that political affiliations does
make a difference to some people who
put personal matters and personal
gain ahead of the law that makes the
judiciary nonpartisan.
Mr. Tash, former postmaster for
several terms, is one of the best
known citizens of Uox Hutte county.
He has been here ever since Alliance
has been a town and will undoubted
ly poll a heavy vote. He states em
phatically that he is not responsible
for nor does he sanction the methods
which have been adopted in his be
half in this campaign and has re
quested his followers who are prone
to resort to such to discontinue their
mudslinging. Mr. Tash says that a
judicial office and a political cam
paign for such carries a certain dig
nity that must be respected and that
a judge, of all officials, should be
elected by an honest expression of the
public not influenced by ordinary or
dirty campaign work.
It pays to advertise. Keep your ad
in the Alliance Herald.
Grandmother's Recipe
Restore Color, Gloss
and Attractiveness.
lmont even one knows tliat Sac Tea
.iiiil Sulphur, properly compounded,
liriiiL' back the nuturiil color ami lustre
to the hair when faded, streaked or
jrray. Year uj:o tho only way to get tlii
mixture wa to make it at home, which
U mubsy ami trouhle-oiue. Nowadays, by
a.-king at any driij 'tore for "Wyetir
Sage and Sulphur Compound." you will
get a l.irjjc bottle of this famout old
recipe, improved ly tin addition of other
iiivieih. nii". for ahout .10 cent.
Don't stay gray! Try it! No one,
can pw"illy tell that you darkened your
lair, as it ilms it so naturallv and
evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft
liriish with it and draw tlii through
your hair, taking one mnall strand at a
time; ly inoiiiiug the gTay hair di-
appears, and afu-r another application
... i..:- i,-
ur inv, ji nil i 11. in ,w-iun.- B
dark, gloiisy a'ld attractive.
Yeth' Sagf and Sulphur Compound
; is a delightful toilet requisite for those
who desire dark hair and a youthful ap
i pearatiee. It is not intended for the cure,
, mitigation or pri-vcutum f disease.
J. V. Myers, who is attending the
Kansas City Veterinary College at
Kansas City. Mo., writes The Herald
as follows:
Dear Sirs: On my way from Alli
ance to K. C. I have stopped at a
number of places in eastern Nebras
ka and Kansas. I have had to an
swer many inquiries about the coun
try around Alliance. I find that the
Uox Hutte potatoes are gaining a
great reputation in the cast. On ev
ery hand I heard praise of their
quality. Some wanted to know why
they had to pay $1.50 per bushel
when we had so many around Alli
ance that they were slow sale at 15
cents and 20 cents per bushel.
Strange reports often get started.
Some people think out country is the
jumping off place. I have been asked
several times if we had any tele
phones out where I lived. I find the
potato raisers along the Kaw valley,
Kansas, are pretty badly discouraged
on account of so much water. Think
many of them conild be induced to
come to western Nebraska if they
were sent some literature.
I am attending some clinics and
lectures at the veterinary college. One
of the members of the faculty. Prof.
F. V. Brown, was a school mate of
mine at the Chicago Veterinary Col
lege a good many years ago. He has
attained a high position In the pro
fession. I intend trying to get him
to visit our country 1n case we should
ever have another outbreak of th
disease called swamp fever in horses,
a name which I believe to be misap
plied. I have met Lynn Cantwell. The
professors call him one of their best
Respectfully yours,
Kotil( of (-niiinatidii Tet Made
in the Ollice of ('ounty Agri
cultural Agent
Advertising is just as necessary to
! the success of any business as are
nhow windows, show rases, a place in
which to conduct the business and
clerks to help sell the goods.
There are hundreds of reason why
you should use Herald Want Ads;
there are hundreds who read iheui
Watch Child's t ough
Colds, running of nose, continued
irritation of the mucous membrane if
neglected may mean Catarrh later.
Don't take the chances do some
thing for your child! Children will
not take every medicine, but they will
lane Dr. King's New Discovery and
without bribing or teasing. It's a
cweet pleasant Tar Syrup and so ef
fective. Just laxative enough to
eliminate the waste poisonB. Almost
the first dose helps. Always prepar
ed, no mixing or fussing. Just ask
your druggist for Dr. King's New Dis
covery. It will safeguard your child
against serious ailments resulting
from colds.
Adv- 2
j Have you tried Peacock Coal? If
not. try a ton. You will get more
Ueat for less money. FOHEKT
Persistency Is what counts whether
you are advertising automobiles,
beans, real estate or tooth brushes.
The scarcity of good corn in
being realized more and more every
It has proven also that seed com
grown near home if properly selected
cured and tested, ordinarily givH
better yields than seed corn brought
from a distance.
Therefore it is necessary tht srnA
seed coru be found within the coui-
ty. This can be done if all who ar
interested iu '. s situation will dk
their 8harn, and determine by testbxe
what pi-rcrnt of corn will grow, aorf
if it is fcood, pick out as much as posv
Kible, tot neighbors will ned
there is to spare.
ihe general tests being made ft
the county agricultural agent Indi
cate that much of the corn that own
ers thought would grow shows but a
small percentage germination.
Results of this week's test are km
1914 Old Corn, 100 kernels tested:
Sample No. 1, germination . . . 4
Sample No. 2, germination ... 77
191.1 Field Selected:
Sample No. 1, germination ... 14
Sample No. 2, germination ... $4
1915 Crib selected:
Sample No. 1. germination . . . M
Sample No. 2, germination ... ST
Sample No. 3, germination . . . V
Sample No. 4, germination ... 71
Sample No. 5, germination . . . 4
Sample No. 6, germination . . . XX
Sample No. 7. germination . . . It
lills Ilewt for Liver
Because they contain the best livr
medicines, no matter how bitter r
nauseating for the sweet sugar coal
ing hides the taste. Dr. King's Nw
Life Pills contain ingredients that
put the liver working, move the bow
els freely. No gripe, no nausea. aW
digest 'on. Just try a bottle of Dr.
King's New Life Pills and notice how
much better you feel 25c at yor
dr jgiht.
Adv 2
Klsll LAKE
Thomas Squibbs was an Alliau
visitor Friday
Mrs. .1 V. Myers called at the VT
E. Ilice ranch Tuesday.
Claude Renneau of Orlando was
Alliance visitor Friday.
tirant Kenan is at Kearnev at
present visiting his sister.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rice were m
Alliance on business Thursday.
Ed Burgtiiau and Ed MastelUr
were Alliance visitors Thursday.
Clarence and Walter Peterson and
mother are stick with the grippe.
tieorge Skala of Madison Is visit
ing with his brother L. W. Skala.
W. E. Rice was in Alliance Mot
day and Tuesday to see the dentist.
Misses Ellen and Marie Myers wer
visitors at the Fred Keller ranch Sui
day. J. V. Myers is visiting in Missouri
at present and will return home is
Miss Adah Hill of Dalton is teach
ing the Rush Lake school, the formr
teacher. Miss Lililan Hughes, haviic
Rogmoud Johnson purchased a
new milk cow and took It to hw
place twenty-three miles southeast f
Alliance Friday.
A big box social and dance will h
held at the Rush Luke school houw
March 24. Two girls will preside
over a caudy booth during the even
ing. Everyone is iavited Dos't for
get the date