Flowers for the Ladies and a SPECIAL PROGRAM on the Opening Day Mail Inquiries and orders will receive prompt attention Goods shipped on approv al by Parcel Post ?7 9 The announcement made in this newspaper last week hascreated much interest among the ladies of Alliance and this portion of western Nebraska. This store, the only Exclusive Ladies' Rcady-to-Wear Store in western Nebraska, is going to set a mark that will bo appreciated by its patrons. It will pay you, as one of those who appreciate good clothes, to make us a visit, sec the goods and prices. It is our aim to provide our customers with the latest styles at the lowest prices consistent with quality. No one has better buying facilities. No one can offer later goods and later styles. When you purchase your clothing at THE FASHION SHOP you can depend on having the latest and best. Wc arc starting out from the very first with complete stocks in all lines, which will be constantly replenished with new goods. The goods carried by this store will be of the highest grade, pleasing and attractive. You will find the newest models and exclusive patterns of quality better than the average. The prices are no higher than those of inferior goods. Wc invite the most critical inspection of goods and prices. Do not forget that the opening date will be Saturday, March -U LL. J i.6 You will find on display at this store a complete stock of the latest styles in: DRESSES. The soft Oros dc Londre, Chiffon Taffetas, Georgette Crepes, etc., in the smart afternoon, dinner and semi-dress models. SPRING COATS. Hundreds of styles in Spring Coats. Every coat a correct, new spring style. Checked coats, fancy plaid coats, white chinchilla coats, mixture coats, fine all-wool serge and poplin coats, new loose-back styles, belted coats, leather-trimmed coats, etc. TAILORED SUITS. The newest goods. Of superior quality. The copies of the foreign models show many entirely new ideas. Colors: New Reseda, Rose, Hague Blue, Copenhagen, Mauve, Bayelar, Black, etc. Materials: Gaberdines, Poiiee, Poplins, Taffetas, Silk Poplins, Gross dc Londre, etc. SILK TAFFETA PETTICOATS. NEW SEPARATE SKIRTS. A LA PRINCESS CORSETS. WASH and SILK WAISTS. T I LADIES' RBST ROOM puts you under no obligations to buy It is always opem for your convenience ""jO fl fl "fl '7 Come in and get acquainted jmmi iinr Hemingford Department Roy Armstrong journeyed to Alli ance Sat or day. Kiss Geraldine Shull was in Alli ance, Monday evening. Several auto loads from here at tended the Bevan sale Tnesday. Emmet Johnson of Siowx county interviewing our merchants this M. S. Shull is away this week, and me are informed he is looking for a location. Miss Mary Iodence from near Mar pie was doing some shopping in town Wednesday. Clark Mickey and his mother, .Mrs. John Mickey, spent a couple of Hays in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mabin were among those who took in tin- movies at Alliance Monday eveninc. Mr. Womack is unable to be at hi position in the olds Iruu Store this week on account of Ml health. Mr. and Mrs. .'. T. LutUr were among those who went to Alliance to attend the show Monday evening. The tine showers we h;ie leen get ting the last few days are getting 1 1n around in tine shape for the catly crop... .l.i Wood went down to Mitt lu ll last Saturday where l.e made final proof on his homestead, returning Wednesday. Miss Agnes Moravek returned Wednesday to her home near Canton having sp Mit the last week in town with friends. The ha by daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Hughes, who has been so dangerously ill with pneumonia, is considerably better. Jim Curry came in from his home near Curly Wednesday and a couple of days with his father and mother. Grandpa and Grandma Curry. A Mr. Sharp is jeweler at the Olds Drug store. By installing a repair shop and securing a first class jewel er Mr. Olds has filled a long-felt want. Mrs. B. K. Klsea and hod Jake El sea came in from Sioux county Mon day. Mrs. Elsea remained in town for a few days, but Jake retimed to their home Monday evesinr. Mrs. Gladys Woods, better known around here as Kidy Burleigh, and who has been very critically 111 at her borne in Montana, is some better, a fact we are pleased to state. Mrs. It. Marshall and scn Frankie who have spent the three months with relatives here left Wed nesday for San Diego, Calif., where they expect to make their home. Tiie Bevan Bros., having' docided to leave this country, sold at public !ile last Tuesday all their stock and machinery. Everyfhinir sold well. There was a lar-ec rowd in attend ance. Mr. and Mrs. I'. K 'hi istensen re turned Tuesday from a month's stay in Omaha where Mrs. Cliristeiisen un derwent an operation on the eyes, from which she lias nearly recovered, and her eyes were much improved. Mrs. Barrett and daughter left here for Omaha Wednesday. From there they will go to Council Bluffs. Iowa, to join Mr Barrett, who left a few days a no. The Barrett family leave behind a host of tnentls who wish for 'them the best of everything:. The Difference Between the Cost of Good and Cheap Printing is so slight that he who goes shopping from printer to printer to secure his printing at a few cents less than what it is really worth hardly ever makes day laborer wages at this unpleasant task. If you want good work at prices that are right, get your job printing At This Office LOOKOl T .OTKS Miss Erna Mirk el is on the sick lisi at this writing. Bud McLaughlin is isitint Mr. Male's home at present. Miss Emma Barry is visiting Fitz gerald's at this writitrc John Liggett and wife were visit ors in Alliance Saturday. Mr. Male and Alfred McLaughlin were callers at the Fitzgerald home Sunday. Mank Keneau is talking about leav ing the sandhills and going to Meek er, Colo. Miss Alice McLaughlin and mother were callers at Miss Etna Birke) s. Saturday. Lee McLaughlin and Julius Birkel are noted as famous skunk hunters in the hills. The dame at McLaughliu's was well attended and an enjoyable time is reported. The dance at Male's. Monday, was well attended, and everybody reports a tine time. We were all glad to see the siililing face of Willie Sherlock at Hale's dance Monday. The school in district ( is well at tended and the pupils are all trying to make up for lost time. Charles Soth is going to leave the hills Toj- the table land. We always hate to loose a good neighbor. Maylne Fitzgerald has fiuite a turn keeping her herd of sheep together at school. They all keep get! in i: sick. Miss Maggie Fitzgerald was get ting along nicely after her sick spell, but caught cold and is reported some worse again. Mr. and Mrs. George Stafford and sister Miss Haark departed lor Ster-j ling. Colo., where they will make their future home. Menry Smith was in town Friday, and on the way home was accompan ied by Misses Violet and Clarrissa Soth, and also by his sister. PATENT CHAFING IRON Ijim uI Bleu Orgauijinz 4 oa-span? lit Manufacture sew Puieal for mm Uttili-uad KatMMeal W. il. Wilsou. L. L Dunbar, C. L. Wilson and James Irwin are organiz ing a company for the purpose of manufacturing and selling a newly patented "chaing iron" for use on railroad engines and tenders. The patent is known aa the Wilson and Dunbar patent and is the connection between the engine and tender. The new patent takes up the slack be tween the two and tills a long-felt want, us heretofore it has been nec essary to shorten the dram bar be tween the two every few months. With the new patent installed it is not necessary to shorten the drawbar oftener than three years. The law does not allow more than one-half inch slack. A model of the new pat ent has been tried out for seventeen months on a local freight engine and has fulfilled all the claims of its in ventors. A technical description will be given in a later article in The Merald. CROWDS AT STYLE SHOW Living Models Seen at Harper I)e t.rtineiit Store This Afternoon Rare Old Bible. I. G. C.iltner, 2-4 Harris avenue, is the poFsiHsor of a Bible which he says has been in his family murn than 100 years, relates the Irelianaitolia News. This Bible was in the Hood in West Indianapolis and was rescued though in a somewhat damaged con dition. It is a folio of more than l.Onu pages and contains not only the gen erally accepted books of the Old and New Testaments, but the apocryphal books of the Old Testament. It is print ed In rare old Germau text, and the illustrations, which ar numerous, ap pear to be of a much earlier date than the book itself. The iilowing I a translation of a part of the full rage title of the book: Bihlia: That is the entire Holy Scripture of the Old and New Testaments with their trans ktfion into our Herman mother-tongue as begun by Ilerr Doctor Martin Lu ther in 1022 and completed in l,:!t, and afterward with thu summaries of Merr .lohann Sanbcrti, also with di verse instructive explanations above every chapter, by Ilerr f o tor Salo mon; now provided with entirely new and beam if u) copper pictures; wi;tt a preface by Merr Johann Michael J t 1 herrn. Published by the Johanii Andrea Tradea company, 174, Nures berg. The Harper Department store was thronged with ladies this afternoon and a few brave men scattered thru the crowd to see the showing of spring styles worn by a number of living models. The store had been prettily decorated for this festive oc casion, and six or seven hundred la dies of the city prevailed themselves of the opportunity of seeing the fit ting garments of the season displayed In a becoming manner. The spring coats in the novelties, chinchillas and coverts were certainly smart, the suits of taffeta, serge and silk pop lins showed good selections and were "classy". The (Jage hats were in pre-eminence and were popular with the ladies, as were the shoes and other garments shown. Suits for young men were displayed, and arti cles for apparel for misses, children and boys were worn. The elevated center of the store was used for the promenade, and the models could be well seen from any dace on the lower Iloor. Five hun dred carnations were given away, and music was furnished under the dii ectorship of I'aul Thomas, by Nor man McCorkle. W.-'i. Latnon. Harvey U luley. Harvey Kills, and Mr. McEl lianey. The event was a pleasant one for the onlookers, and this evening the showing will probably be wit nessed by more than double the number. ENGINEERS EMPLOYED Lincoln Finn Employe! by Council ! Draw I'Iuiih and Sjx-cifica-Hons for IJeMrvoir By unanimous vote, at a special meeting held Monday night, the city council decided to employ Crant and : Fulton, a Lincoln firm, to draw up the plana and specifications for the ; new city reservoir. By the terms of their bid, for one-eighth of the cost ; of the job, this firm will take charge ; of the preliminary plans and will fur nish a man to supervise the construc tion, guaranteeing that everything will be according to specifications and taking all responsibility in this re spect from the members f tha oaa- cll. The new reservoir will have a ca pacity several times greater than tho standpipe and will permit of direct pressure when needed, wblrh Is suf ficient grounds for a maic-ial reduc tion in insurance rW. The cost of the ir,. rur will b I SO, 000, aud with the funds bow oh hand and the income in thin depart ment it is estimated that tU oat an be cared for without iL.uw-ug th. city in debt. In the Couuty Court .r I to a Butte County, ivcinjo-lu In the Matter oi ttt EbiU wi Mict- uel Bayer, deceased. Notice to all persons interested In said estate is hereby Klven that Mary Bayer, Administratrix of said eetati, will meet the creditors of said estate at the county courtroom in the city of Alliance, said touut), uu lug 1 3 ti i day of March, 1916, and the 18th day of September, 1916, at the hour of 10 a. m. for the purpose of tho hear ing, adjustment and allow a aco of claims ugainst said estate. All per sons having cluiinb or uetuandt against said estate must hie the sam in said court on or telor - the 18th day of September, Jt.lti. or said claims wilt be f uevct bui-cl. Hated this 3 1"' day of January. 1916. L. A BERRY. (SEAL) county Judg-t. Burton & KedJl.-.h, Attorney.;. y-tU-tS0-6391 xom'KTo uitiiwTons In the Matter of the Instate of Henry C. Spauldiug, licensed. In the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. Notice to all persons interested in said estate is heresy given that the administrator with the will annexed, of said estate, will met I ihu ci editors of said estate at the county court room in the city or Alh.u . ! :,aid county, on the 19th day oi August, 1916, at the houi of 9 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of the heaving, ad justment and allowance o. claims against said estate. AM perpons hav ing claims or denr.nri? against said e8 late must file the aiu ' said court on or before the 19t day of August, 1916, or said claims w,ll bn forever barred. Dated February It, 1916. L. A. LEKUi, (SEAL) County Judg. ll-5t-684-6615 Legal Blanks for Sale at This Office -A ir