The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 09, 1916, Image 3

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Of course, even heroes can be nervous
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(Continued from page 1)
ef the Alliance Club, the Lincoln
Trade Review utatiju that "No club In
th plate has a greater record of
tblnpK accomplished than the Alli
ance Commercial Club." And we be
lieve tht the members of the orgnn
iiatlon ii (1 cituenH f Alliance who
may not lie friendly toward it will
oonedr. hIIt an eaarulnat ion of Ihe
report lurnilietd. I hat the Lincoln
Trade Review id ri;ht
Secretary Fisher lian been untiring
in bis efforts to advance the Interests
of Alliance, lie haH more Ideas in a
minute for boosting our city than the
average business man could think up
In a year, and he has been extremely
Hucccstful In putting through those
of Lis plans which have the sanction
of the board of directors. Like all
aggressive and conscientious business
men he has met a fow who are un
friendly and have been using their
hammers, but, although they have ac
cused him of almost everything else,
they have not accused him of being
His report tonight shows about
saventy-flve things of material im
lortance accomplished for the city of
Alliance during the year, to say noth
ing of hundreds of little things which
it would not be necessary to embody
In a printed report.
Through the club 32,093 lines of
tree adverting for Alliance was se
cured in twenty-five publications in
various parts or the United States.
The total receipt h of the club for
the year were $9787.35, and the total
disbursements. $9277.66. The bal
ance on hand in the bank March 1
vrB $511.70, and the club haB out
Btundlng in the form of unpaid dues,
Proposed for I OKI
In addition to hla record of things
a -.omplished, and a complete list of
tli'l membership of the club showing
tKi amount paid in by each member,
lie. Fisher has outlined In his report
time of the things proposed for the
Bf w year, March 1, 191. to March 1,
IP 17. In this list were the follow
ing: Pavlnsr.
Community noon day luncheons.
Farmers' banquets.
Better roads.
Pamphlet showing distances to all
eltles In the Alliance Trade territory,
lor the bent' lit of the auto tourists.
Bandstand at the city park.
Two cars of treea to be sold at cost
Ui Alliance residents, instead of one
ar last year.
A cleaner Alliance in the business
dntrlct as well as in the residence
Oil Box Butte avenue.
another free Iahor Pay celchra
ti n.
Extension of the cluster lights.
.Support garden work for children
Offer a prize for the best five acres
f spuds grown in Box Hutte county.
Community Calendar.
Co-operate with the tanners in
helping to secure better dairy stock.
Secure at least four stale conven
tions lor 1917.
Place at Alliance the next Forest-
ration station.
Organize an automobile club. Uave
a elvic government dinner.
Another clean-irp and palnt-up
Have a v:ood roads day.
Municipal heat by fall.
Locate at least 1(10 new farmers in
Box Butte county.
Gutter Llox Hutte avenue.
Erect a community building.
Recommend to state fire loramis
sioner to get rid of some of the ol
shacks on Box Hutte avenue.
Designate a day at which time ev
try child and citireti of Alliance will
Write a letter to a friend telling them
f th opportunities ffered i Hox
Butte county.
IHeotlon mi 9irvor
The prfcaent dirtrn of the clu
r J. V. Guthrie, K. M. Hampton
C A. Vewberry. k. D. Rodgers. F. W
Harris. TJ. J. Sallow.. W. K. Sjencer
S. T. Kibble and U C. Thomas. Th
tfrms of each expire, as the directors
are elected for oalf are year, an
lne directors will be elected at th
meeting to be held tanight. The dir
Mtort chosen will Meet at an early-
date to select officers to succeed J. V
flatnrle, president; It M Hampton
vice president; F. V. Harris, treasur
er; and V. 1). Fisher, secretary, it
Is quite probable that many if not all
of the directors and officers will be
Alliance Firemen, ( liitnipioiis of Ne
braska, Lager to 1 Inter $l0,M)O
t'ontest at Omaha
The Alliance Volunteer Fire De
partment Is eager to enter the $10,
000 volunteer firemen's tournament,
to be pulled off In Omaha next July.
The Alliance team holds the Nebras
ka tournament record and the boys
plan on sending a team to Omahn
that will show up well with the
champions of five other states.
At the meeting of the department
held Wednesday evening President
Lloyd Thomas of the department ap
pointed a committee of Beven to make
plans for sending a team to Omaha.
The following article from the Oma
ha flee tells of the Omaha plans:
The first interstate firemen's tour
nament ever held will be staged in
Omaha this summer.
Kver since last November more or
less Indefinite talk of an interstate
firemen's tournament has been heard,
but yesterday the talk ceased to be
indefinite and the big event Is now a
The Iowa State Firemen's associa
tion is sponsor for the tourney. Iowa
is the hot-bed of firemen's tourna
ments. The Iowa state tournament
is the biggest of all state events. To
how the extent of the Hawkeye as
sociation, I)e Witt, la., to which city
the 1916 tourney has been awarded,
was compelled to guarantee the sum
of $3,350 to get the event.
The Iowa association appointed ;i
committee consisting of O. N. Hog-
gens of Atlantic. K. Parsons of Mar
ion. V.. K. Lambert of Pes Moines and
F. (. Hitchcock of Council Bluffs a
committee to promulgate an inter
state tourney.
Yesterday three of this committee,
Boggess, Parsons and Hitchcock
nine to Omaha to confer with olli
ials of the Omaha Auto Speedway
with regard to staging the tourney at
the Omaha speedway. The speedway
officials granted the use of the racing
bowl for the tourney and the commit
tee announces that preparations will
be made for it at once.
Nebraska. Iowa, South Dakota,
Minnesota, Kansas, Missouri and pos
sibly Colorado and Wyoming will b
invited to send teams to this tourna
ment. It will be the biggest thing of
its kind ever held. Never before has
in interstate firemen's tourney of any
kind been held.
The event will last four las. It
will be a $10.00u tourney and the
prize list will run well up Into the
hook and ladder races, relay races
and the like by volunteer depart
ments. The paid departments will
also hate races with the horses and
motor apparatus demonstrations and
contests will be carded.
Teams from over 100 towns, per
haps 200 or 300 towns, will enter.
Mr. Boggess. who is president of the
Iowa association, and Mr. Parsons,
who is secretary, both of whom have
attended wore of tournamenta. de
clare that Omaha will be startled at
the aiagnitude of the event.
"Once Oiuaua aeea this first tour
ney," id Mr. Boggeaa, "Omaha will
want it every year. And Kansas City
and St. Paul and every other city In
this territory will want it. You will
bt surprised at the contests. They
are the uiost wonderful thing in the
"As for the crowds it will draw to
Omaha." continued Mr. Boggess, "it
will not surprise me in the least in
fact. I feel confident of it that the
crowds will be even larger than came
to Omaha for the big exposition you
held here. It will vie with the fall
Ak-Sar-Bcn festivities as a magnet to
attract the people to Omaha. They
will come by the hundreds from the
Suits Made on the Premises
We also do Cleaning and Kepairingr
First Door North of Newberry's
Saturday March the 25th
Fine Rugged Toung Horses, two and three years old, especially
adapted for ranch purposes
Belgians Percherons Shires
A carload of these fine animals will be sold in Alliance
March 25th
Finch Brothers
Oscar Braman, Manager
towns whoso teams are represented I
to cheer their favorites on to victory
I figure the Interstate tourney will
prove to be one of the biggest athletic
tournaments in the ocuntry next
An Interstate association to control
and conduct the tournament will be
organized shortly with representa
tives from all of the states on the
board of directors and arrangements
will be held some time after the mid
dle of July, but will be so scheduled
that it will not conflict in any way
with the automobile or horse races to
be staged here.
Well Known Scottsb.lufl Democrat
Files for Nomination for Coni
inissloner of Public Lands
G. L. Ehumway, one of the most
widely known Democrats in western
Nebraska, is a candidate for the Dem
ocratic nomination for state commis
sioner of public lands and buildings.
Mr. Sliumway was in Alliance Tues
day on business connected with the
local government land office. Mr.
Sliumway has been interested in irri
gation in the North Platte valley for
t many years, and is one of the best
I , ,. i. .,(., tiitu irmi
1rVF0lTU ll, nil filli. .fi .... p..' ill
. S - C W. '.- 1 Ttvjtf
In an interview with The Herald
representative while in the city Tues
day Mr. Shuniway had the following
to say regarding his candidacy:
"The oUice of commissioner of pub
lic lands and buildings involves a
membership on many of the most im
portant boards of the state, including
irriratiou. highways, drainage, bridg-
.x.4 ' . ? 9
es, school lands and the Investment
of school funds. The work of much
of these is in the west part of
state, and in the range district.
'There is one point that I will em
phasize if I am elected. That Nebras
ka money shall do its duty in Nebr
aska, and in developing Nebraska's
resources, w herever It can be so safe
ly employed. You probably know
that we have many hundred thous
ands of Nebraska's public money in
vested in Idaho bonds and the bonds
of other states. You also know that
our water power resources have slept
soundly for generations, while the
power of the Platte alone is greater
than many Niagras.
"The water power of this state is
greater than the great wealth of irri
gation if we once get in action in
bringing it out of its long slumber.
Occasionally engineers give us warn
ing that it is neither practical nor
economical, but the best answer to
those warnings that I know is that
private enterprise has stood ready for
a number of years, and no less fin
ance than the Kountzes behind them,
if the state would turn them loose.
"It is important that the board of
Irrigation have a practical irrigation
man upon it for the next several
years, for suits are now in the courts
which will take the waters of Nebr
aska, for the irrigation of Wyoming
and Colorado lands unless we guard
our interests. It means the losses of
millions of dollars to Nebraska peo
ple, and great loss to the prosperity
and taxes of our state."
State of Ohio. City of Toledo.
Lucas County, as.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that
he is senior partner of the firm of F.
J. Cheney ft Co., doing bualnesa in
the City of Toledo. County and
State aforesaid, and that said firm
will pay the sum or ONE HUNDRED
DOLLARS for each and every case of
Catarrh that cannot be cured by the
Sworn to before me and subscribed
in my presence, this 6th day of De
cember A. D. 1886. A. W. ULEASON.
(Seal) Notary Public
Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken in
ternally and acta through the Blood
on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys
tem. Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. Cheney ft Co., Toledo, O
Sold by all druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills for couatipa-
Adv March
On hundred torn, of buy for u!e.
Inquire of SLMON KPKY.
Kveryone Should Write Letters
In order to more thoroughly adver
tise Alliance, Secretary Fiaher of the
Alliance Commercial Club Is asking
every citizen of the town and the
school children to write a letter to
some friend or acquaintance in the
east, telling about some advantage
ous feature of the city and county.
The school children will write letters,
sending them out together. The com
mercial club will furnish literature
free of charge to send out with tho
letters, which should be mailed with
out delay in order to help advertise
the big land opening the latter part
of this month. South Dakota is writ
ing letters as a state-wide movement
and other states are taking up the
When to Take Chnmbcrlain's Tablet
When you feel dull and stupid af
ter eating.
When constipated or bilious.
When you have a sick headache.
When you have a pour stomach.
When you belch after eating.
When you have indigestion.
When nervous or despondent.
When you have no relish for your
When your liver Is torpid.
Obtainable everywhere.
Adv March
Kinger Will SKak on 15th
Frank I. Binger, of Lincoln, sec
retary of the Nebraska Manufactur
ers Association, will speak at the
Commercial Club luncheon in the
city mission at noon March 15, on
Vi t-1 1 K I uf I "nnoo A rtuopl ioinc Pni'"
Mr. Uinger is a speaker of wide rep
utation and everyone should turn out
to hear him. He will speak in tin
evening at the city hall on the sub
ject of Efficiency."
W. W. Buchanan, of Ilyatmis, Nt
braska, who has sold a number of
stallions in Alliance during the last
i few months, will leave tomorrow for
Kimball, where he will ship his
horses. Mr. Buchanan has sold a
number of good horses in Alliance
xi:w tlldpiiom: iiki: toby
To assure the entry of your name
in the next Telephone Directory,
which will be out April 1st, you
should order a telephone not later
than March 10th. If not convenient
to come to the telephone otuce, drop
me a postal, or telephone.
Commercial Manager
Wash the poiaons and toxins from
system before putting more
food Into stomach.
Saya Inside-bathing makec any
one look and feel clean,
sweet and refreshed.
Wash yourself on the inside before
breakfast like you do on the outside.
This is vastly more important because
the skin pores do not absorb impuri
ties into the blood, causing illness,
while the bowel pores do.
For 'very ounce of food and drink
taken into the stomach, nearly an
ounce of waste material must be
carried out of the body. If this waste
material is not eliminated day by day
it quickly ferments and generates
poisons, gases and toxins which are
absorbed or sucked Into the blood
stream, through the lymph ducts which
should tuck only nourishment to sus
tain the body.
A splendid health measure is to
drink, before breakfast each day, a
glass of real hot water with a tea
spoonful of limestone phosphate in it,
which is a harmless way to wash
these poisons, gaaea and toxins from
the stomach, liver, kidneys and
bowels; thus cleansing, sweetening
and freshening the entire alimentary
rnnal before putting more food into
the stomach.
A quarter pound of limestone phoB
phate costs hut very little at the drug
utore but is sufficient to make auyono
an enthusiast on inside-bathing. Men
r.nd women who are accustomed to
wake up with a dull, aching bead or
have furred ton cue, bad taste, nasty
breath, sallow complexion, others who
have bilious macks, acid stomach or
constipation are assured of pro
nounced Improvement in both health
and appearance shortly.
Patent! Process Ix B'sNin.slble for
It.H International Popularity
Smokers so much appreciate th
Ilaor and coolness and aroma t
Prince Albert pipe and cigarette to
bacco that they often marvel that tha
one brand could be so different froia
all others.
The answer to this question La t
he found on the reverse side of every
Prince Albert package, where yoa
will read: "Process Patented July 3.
1907." That tells the whole story.
Prince Albert is made by a patented
process that cuts out the bite aa
parch, which makes the tobacco m
mighty agreeable and satisfying ta
men of every taste of every civilized
natlou on the globe.
Smokers should realize that thla
patented process cost three year'
continuous work and study and a
fortune in money to perfect. But
the result baa proven to be worth al
that was expended upon it. becaum
it has set free men who believed they
never could enjoy a pipe or a makln's
Prince Albert makes it possible for
every man to smoke a pipe or to rol
his own cigarettes. And, no matter
how tender the tongue. Prince Albeit
cannot bite or parch. That is cut oat
by the patented process, leaving for
the smoker only the joys of the frag
rant tobacco.
It is a fact that since l'rinue Al
bert "arrived." just about six years
ago, it has made three men smoke
pipes where one smoked a pipe be
fore Sigu of tiooil Digestion
When you see a cheerful and hap
py old lady you may know that Bha
has good digestion. If your diges
tion is impaired or if you do not rel
ish your meals take a dose of Cham
berlain's Tablets. They strengthen
the stomach, improve the digestloa
and cause a gentle movement of th
bowels. Obtainable everywhere.
Adv March
Pottrd Shamrock
Green carnations and potted sham
rock for St. Patrick's Day. Alliano
A. F. Baldridge, real estate man of
Scottsbluff, spent some time in oor
city today, transacting some buslnew
and visiting old friends.
Knowing? that yon are insured
in the
makes your recovery from sick
ness ami aeeiilent more iilcasant
Uepreseiitalive for western Ne
braska. All claims settled per
sonally and promptly
Got Something
Want to Sell?
Most people have a piece
of fUrniture, a form implc
mant, or something else
which they have discard
ed and which tbey no lon
f or want.
ThM thingp an put in
I that attic, or stored away
J ; ia Mm barn, or left lying
about, getting of less and
Yalu each year.
Somebody wants those
very things which have
become of no use to you.
Why not try to find that
somebody by putting a
want advertisement in