PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY One inch cards, 50 Rates: II. A. COPSEY lhyslclan and Surgeo OBee Fhono, 360 Res. Phone, 342 Calla answered promptly day and lght from office. Offices: Alliance National Bank building, over the Poat Office. C. E. SLAGLE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon OBee phone. 65 Re Phone, 62 ALLIANCE NEBRASKA Orl Coppernoll laa. Phone 20 F. J. Peteraen Rea. Phone 43 Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen Osteopatha OOM 6. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK II. M. BULLOCK Attorney-at-Lw 4 i.t.i ANTE : : NEBRASKA L. W. BOWMAN Plijalclaa and Burgeon nrwiric. First National Bank Bldg. FQONES: Office, 362; Residence, 16 DR. D. E. TYLER Dentist PHONE 362 OVER FIRST NATIONAL BANK ..f.T.tiVPH : : NEBRASKA PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER AT THE HERALD OFFICE SEASONABLE RATES PROMPT SERVICE J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstracter J hare the only set of abstract booka In Box Butte county. OFFICE: Rm. 7. Opera House Block J. F. YANDERS TAILOR and HATTER URST NATIONAL BANK BLDQ. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA "LET ME CRY FOR YOU" HARRY P. COURSEY LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL SALES SPECIALIST AND AUCTIONEER Farm Sales a Specialty TERMS REASONABLE PHONE: 664 ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA LEG SORES M ULCERS 3 Sinrf 1-S iff liiliy in -a feiTH, I. WKiTTIES K 1 a M.t.i-o . uliKua It r. lo. BURTON & REDDISH Attornc)K-ut-lnw I .and Attorneys TFICE: First National Bank Bldg. PHONE 180 ALLIANCE NEBRASKA "PHONE: 233. CLARE A. DOW Electrician House Wiring Mtotor and Auto-starter Repairing ALLIANCE NEBRASKA GEO. G. GADSBY Licensed Embalnier PHONE: Day. 498: Night. 510 ALLIANCE : NEBRASKA PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER kind of Photos. Interior and exterior views QUALITY PORTRAITS Alliance Art Studio M. K. Grebe, Prop. U4 East 4th. Phone Black 111 9AM EM M. KENNEDY, DENTIST First National Hank Building, Alli ance, Nebr. Phones: Office, 23; Itea Idence, Black 10. Nitrous Oxide ad ministered. i Knnma City. lhuTHuror- fmt 1 1 ti.tiiHi.inU if fHMif of ronic r JK . Ti l !(., IIi-iO t'H'iiniilM I t.U soiir.s I Jjiii"! V.VKIIOSI; I Mills. Myl.mif Hi'ir me .uinitiiii.1 wall oriel'"" ? V Ulill in.t'-r'll IIHMIiimIh InMlirt'Nfnra. 7 tK- it I ' ti n'li n . w li Imiil kiiif" or imlii. C . ,.i Vr.l" f'ir ili-t it l"ok Y ht.E. M-ultril. ZA y cents; two inch cards, $1.00 J. .Jeffrey, PC. rh.C. A. a. .lofTrey, DC. CHIROPRACTORS 3U.lij Hox Butte Ave., liooius 3 and 4 Office Hours, 10 a. m. to 8 p. m . I AMES OSBORN Contractor and Builder Estimates Furnished Free ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA THOMAS LYNCH Att'y-at-Iaw 1519-1621 City National Bank Building OMAHA Special Attention to IJv Stock Claims AUTO LIVERY - - PHONE 573 - - C. E. Morgan take with you a boi ot good CIG-AES and a late Get them at up-town news stand or at depot FULLER BROTHERS RED PEP'S PHILOSOPHY lies Many a true morJ comes from the chest." WE ARE HEADQUARTERS For Auto Supplies and Oil and Gasoline FREE AIR ON THE CURB Alliance Auto Supply Co. I'boae 25 Geo. J. Hand,n.D. Asthma and Hay Fever Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat PHONE 251 Calle answered from office day ot night. Wm. Ritchie, Jr. C. S. Perry RITCHIE & PERR7 Attorneyi-at-Law BRIDGEPORT, NEBRASKA Office in Lincoln, 1411 O St., first Wednesday of Each Month WHEN IN OMAHA VISIT THE Br.nd Now Show J",,,., Dnai rernr EVERY W2E'.; fi CUun, t;a:t Eftti'rni. twrvt-irCon. Aik tnybadj irCr'T GO MOMS 3AYIN"! I DIDN'T VI?-! I" THE CAYETY RAISE BETTER PIGS Seidell Seiwlinii Out Illustrated li. ers to All fount) Si liooN to In terest Hos In 1 1 m i -i t i i I'i'is "Raise Keller Pus' is the tilli of !Hl illustrated poster bcifv.: sent to nil the country school of Box Butte county hy County Aucnt F. M. Sol ilell. Thcfo posters are for the pur pose of Interest inu hoys in the ii raising project of the Nebraska hoys' and girls' clubs. Any hoy in the county over ten j ears old and under eighteen may en roll for the contest. Each hoy will feed one or more spring pics for at least four months beginning at wean ing time. His work will he directed and supervised hy the Agricultural Extension Service of the State Uni versity. When the contest ends, each boy will have to show what his pips have cost him, how fast they have pained, and how he fed them. Record blanks and reports will he furnished to each hoy. As an example of what was ac complished hy some of the hoys who tried this work last son son, may hi mentioned .lonas .lohnson of Dawes county. Jonas raised one grade Dur-oo-.Tcrsey pur which made an averapo daily pain of 1.5 pounds for 121 days. The average cost of feed for each pound of pain was P.. 3 cents. At market price for his pip, .lonas flcur ed that ho made a clear profit of $5.82. Chester Woodman, a Scotts HI u IT county hoy livinp near Morrill, went into the pure-bred swine business and raised two pure-bred Duroc-Jer-sey pips. These pips pained at the rate of 1.2 pounds a piece per day and made their pain at u cost of 4.5 cents per pound. Valuing his pips at what they are worth as breeding ani mals, Chester finds that after sub tracting the original cost of pips and the cost of feed fed to thein that he made a profit of $40.10. Attractive county prizes will be of fered this year in Box Butte county for boys making the best records. Be sides this, a certificate of achieve ment will be given by the Agricultur al Extension Service of the University of Nebraska to every boy who satis factorily completes the season's work. These prizes together with the profit on the pips will make the work very interesting to every boy who enters it. Boys who wish to enter this con- teat should secure enrollment cards from their teachers or from Mr. Sei dell. Enrollment closes May 1 altho feeding the pigs may begin at any time before July 1. QUIT MEAT IF YOUR KIDNEYS ACT BADLY Take tablespoon fol of Salta if Back hurta or Bladder bothers Drink lots of water. We ar a nation of meat eaters nnd our Mood is filled with uric acid, Bays a well-known authority, who warn us to be constantly on guard against kidney trouble. 'Hie kidneys do their utmost to fri'O the blood of this irritating acid, but Income weak from the overwork; they get sluggish ; the eliminative tissues clo;j nnd thus tli wuste is retained in the blood to noi.son tlie entire system. Whoa jour kidneys uche and feel like lumps of lead, nnd you have etinging pains in the back or the urine is cloudy, full of sediment, or the bladder is irri table, obliging you to seek relief during the night; when you have severe head aches, nervous and di. y spells, sleepless ness, acid stomach or rheumatism in bad weather, get from your pharmacist about four -unces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoon ful in a glass of water before breakfast each morning and in a few days your kidneys will act fine. Yhi famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys, to neutralize the ncids in urine bo it is no longer a source of irritation, tbua ending urinary and bladder disorders. Jad Salts is inexpensive and cannot injure; makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink, and nobody can make a mistake by taking a little occasionally to keep the kidneys clean ana active. NOV HANK AT HIUIMiKPOIlT Lincoln, Nebr., March 4 The Ne braska State Bank of Bridgeport was this afternoon granted a charter by the State Banking board. Capital or the bank is $25,000 and its claims for recognition were repre sented before the meeting of the board by William Itlchie, jr.. who is one of the board of directors. T. B. Estill will be cashier. L. B. Howey, a Lincoln banker, and W. II. Fergu son, a Lincoln businessman, are in terested In the bank. A PERMANENT CURE ON A LATER DATE Mrs. Schroe der said: "I willingly confirm my former endorsement of Doan's Kid ney Pills. The cure they made has been permanent. Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy - get uoan s money nils the same that Mrs. Schroeder has twice pub licly recommended. Foster-Milburn Co., Props.. Buffalo, N. Y. Adv Mar 2-9 LIVE STOCK PRICES AT SOUTH OMAHA C2l!!3 Are Fully Steady and Fairly Active HOGS ACTIVE; HIGHER PRICES Early Lambs Sales Steady to Strong Weaker Tendency to Late Trade. Best Western Lambs, $11.10 Ewes Are Mainly Steady. Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, Nbr , March 7, l'.Uo. A cry fair run of cattle arrivcH yetderdHy. about S.CUu head. Demand was good from all classes of buyers for fat cnttb' nnd prici s bid hiuI paid were little ditlerent from last week's at rung dose. Strictly good to ehoicti 1.2UO to l.DOOpound beeves sold at $S.?r, (i U was a good steady market for practically evcrylbltis tlie way of cows and heifers and tho 1 Inquiry was very brisk. Veal calves j were quotably lirm at $8.0010.00,' and bulls, stags, etc., found a broad outlet at strong figures;. Trado la! stoikers and feeders was quite active , with prkes fully ptt-ady for all useful ofiVringR, j Cattle quotations: Hood to choice' beevis, $S.fi0!i 9.10; fair to good beeves, $S 2v Tf ,S.f0 ; common to fair beeves. $7.20j 8.25; good to choice heifeis, $0.7of(r 7.75; good to choice cows, $t.f0(g;7.G0; fair to good cows, $(.00J 6.1.0; canners and cutters, $4.50ti5.75; veal calves, $7.00(10.00; bulls, stag", etc , $5.2." 'ii fi.75; good to choice stockers, $7.75'8 20; Rood to choice feeders, $7.fi5ffi 8.10; fair to good feeders, $7..'loffl7.C0; common to fair feeders, $fi.00(ft 7.00; stock belfera, $C.7:fi 7.75; stock cows, $fi.00ii)7.25; Btuck calves, $7.00 ft 8. CO. Hog receipts yesterday totaled about 9,000 head. The general market was fairly active with values fully pteady to in many cases a big Ove higher. Bulk moved at $8.60 8.8Q and the top reached $8.95, the high est price paid since August, 1914, aud with that one exception as high es anything has nold since July, 1913. Sheep and lamb receipts amounted to 8.000 head. Early sales of lambs wt re made at steady to stronger prices and in some cases a little high er, but the late trading was very Flow with a weaker tendency to prices. Some good Mexican lambs brought $11.15, while fed Westerns moved at $11.10. A bunch of feed ing lambs brought ,$10.80. Only a lew ewes were here and trado was In the main fully steady. The $8.00 quotation on choice fed Westerns: which was in force all last week was ci, allied up again yesterday. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Junius, good to choice, $HMiO'7ipll.l5; lambs, Tair to good, $10.60010.90; lambs, fall clipped, $!).2.r. 10.00; lambs, fresh clipped, $8.7." f; 9.25; ylgs., fair to choice light, $9.25119.85; ylgs., fair to choice heavy, $8.009.25. wethers, fair to choice, $7.50 W 8.25; eves, good to choice $7.75f8.00; ewes, fair to good, ?7.(KK7.75. fifteen Hundred Dollars for l'il'iy Send your boy to an agricultural college if you can, but if you Dnd thai impossible get him a scholarship In til" Campbell Correspondence School of Soil Culture. It will cost you fif teen hundred dollars to send him to an agricultural college for three BESBSC3GE3 Get Away USE KOBE The Coal that is used in practically every block in the City of Alliance Users of Kirby Coal will gladly recommend it to you for Furnace, Heater or Ilange. GENUINE KIRBY COAL LUMP Alliance Creamery Co. ears You can buy a scholarship In ho Campbell Correspondence School or fifty doltars and educate your boy t home. If bo iippliis his ppare imp to study and paltw .th lis work on Hip f.irm. be wir know s much about scientific fan; . '. at be end of three ye,i i s a- lie wi r,M If ic spent that time and that i lleen Kindred dollars at an ae.rh ''final ollcee. He does not have to ; n amiuatioii aud tan begin at any ilue and f.o as fast as he pleases, of course you are too old to co to ollei'e. but you are not too old to ludy nt home. We have students II the way from 19 jears old to 81 ears yotinir. Write for a catalog nd save $1150. You can't make bat much money as easy in any oth r way. Campbell Correspondence School, Hilling, Montann 1 i:.t Hi lts' i:.mi NATION The regular state teachers' exam nation will be held Friday nnd Sat trday, March 17 and IS. In my office n the court bouse. OPAL Ul'SSKLL, County Superintendent of Schools, t 1-1-6708 NOSE CLOGGED FROM A COLD OR CATARRH Apply Crenm in Nostrils Open lip Air Passages. To All! Wlmf relief! Your cluiu'cd iii triln ihii right, up, the air paaj'es of eur dead lire clear a-nl yen call hrcatlie freely. No inure hawking, HiuiMliii, I'lUei'US (I li'lia rge,, drvnes no st riigglinif for breath at night., vour cold or catarrh is gone. IVm't, stay slutTiil up' (;( imiall bottle of l'.ly's (.'rc.un liabu from veitr ilrugv'i't nw. AppK a little of this fragnint, sntisiptle crenm in your tins trils. let it. penetrate t'irni!'h everv air piiHsige of the lieinl ; Hint he iiTnl lieal the swollen, iutlaiuiil iihi.oii-i nn mlirane, "iviie; vim instnnt rein f l'lv's CreTin ''elm 1 hist what evcrv coll nnd r fu 'i sulTcrer hait Ihvh becking. li f'lellilid. OIL MI'.N I.KASIXJ LAM) IN I'llONTILH COl!Nn' Stockville. Neb., March 4 J. N. Scott of Pittsburg. Pa., and Mr. Den nison of New York have been here for nearly a week securing oil nnd gas leases from the farmers up and down the Medicine. Considerable in teresl Is being taken in this new move, which started at the same time that the machinery arrived to put down a test well on the Medicine near the south line of the county Some twenty-three lenses for oil wells were filed last week and a con siderable number have been obtained since. Till. IlKST PKOOK Alliance Citizens Cannot Doubt It I loan's Kidney Pills were used They brought benetit. The story was told to Alliance res idents. Time has strengthened the evi dence. lias proven the result lasting. The testimony is from this locality. The proof convincing. Mrs. Herman Schroeder, Washing ton Ave., Sidney, Nebr., says: "I was in a bad way as the result of kidney trouble. I suffered from pains in '.lie small of my back, dizzy spells and f was unable to stoop. On a pfTV-i-cian's advice, I put a plaster on my back, but this did not relieve me. I also tried many kidney remedies, but to no avail until I using Doan's Ki Iney Pills. One box (Stopped the pain in my back, and I continued us ing this medicine until the trouble disappeared." Full line of potted Alliance Creenhouse. plants at the Fro m Fuel Worries KIRBY COAL BUST AT THE PRICE XO MATT EH WHAT THE PKICE $7.60 NUT $6.50 Delivered PEA ORDER BY PHONE. CALL HIDE5 FURS Mhlpprd to us brine hlfbt prlc, qutf koRt rturna. TANNINO W do the world Tt tnnln at mod rnt prices. ika and prlcoa fur- nUtied. lf"rer. iicP Ai, i.mik In Rlon City. HAWXEYL K1D COMPANY III Water st. Slom City. la. Dr. W. j. Mahaffy MvVITST ins Administered Lady Assistant Over Post Olllco ALLtANCK NKIMIASKA A VARIETY OF THE NEW STYLE MOUNTINGS FOR PHOTOGRAPHS We want ntt opportunity to show you Hie class of work wo are pullitijr out. (iooil vvotkmiinsliip in photo fyrnphy is worlli much more to you than inferior work. Hut wo Runinntoe il. to you at no higher cost. Ten years' experience. VICTOR SIIULKU Rumer Block Keeps Lit in a Stiff Wind The flame course, but "flickers," of it does not go out. The stick is absolutely dry that is one reason for the superiority of Safe Home Matches. Safe Home Matches are absolutely non-poisonous. For that reason alone they should be in every home in America. Sc. A II grocers. Ask for tlu-in by name. The Diamond Match Company $4.00 545 I