The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 02, 1916, Image 5

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Aunt May shouldn't notice such trifles
. l . I v .iii. !
j I '
Mrs. M. S. Har graves was the grac
ious hostess to a number of her lady
friends on Monday evening of this
week. The Informal hours were en
joyed and a delicate lunch was a fit
ting feature of the event.
Mrs. J. G. Beck will entertain the
Degree of Honor this afternoon at
her home on West 3rd Btreet. Beside
the usual business session, a social
time will be enjoyed and refresh
ments will close the afternoon hours.
The Woman's Benefit Association
f the Maccabees will have their ken
sington at the home of Mrs. F. W.
aargarten, 908 Box Butte avenue,
Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock,
llesdames B. J. Mullane and Haar
garten will be the hostesses.
Mr. end Mrs. E. M. Martin enter
tained the Sixteen Club at their home
Wednesday evening. A large number
f the members were present and en
Joyed the games and social hours.
Delicious refreshments were served
fee company.
Mrs. Jerry Rowan entertained a
umber of friends at her home Tues
day evening. She has a large and
spacious basement and the young
folks enjoyed a Bocial dancing party,
after which the hostess served deli
'ious refreshments.
Mrs. Roy Wilson was hostess to
the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Presby
terian church Wednesday afternoon.
Dot a large attendance, but the ones
who were present truly enjoyed the
lours, and the refreshments were of
the best kind.
The Woman's Guild of the Epis
copal church met at the Parish house
Wednesday afternoon and enjoyed a
very pleasant afternoon with Mes
dames Harris and Tillett as hostess
es. Next Wednesday will be Ash
Another Testimonial
The President's
Wedding Cake
was prepared by
Mrs. Marian Cole
Fisher and Miss
Pansy Bowen, both
of whom are known
throughout the li
nked States as ex
perts in Domestic
Science work. This
Wilson-Gait Wed
ding Cake was wor
thy of the occasion
in every respect.
Calumet Baking
Powder was used in
its preparation and
both the above
named ladies heart
ily recommend Cal
umet Baking Pow
der for Its purity,
wholesomeneBs, e
conomy and never
falling results.
These ladies use
Calumet exclusively
in all their work.
Itaceived Highest Award
World's Pure Food Rxpoitioiv,
Chicago; Paris KxpoHition,
France, March, 1012.
Wednesday and a special program
has been planned for the afternoon.
The Guild will meet then as usual at
the rarish house and an urgent invi
tation is extended to all to be there.
Mrs. L. S. Smith pleasantly enter
tained a number of friends of Mrs.
Reck, who has been here for a visit
with her daughter, Mrs. Dietleln, on
Thursday afternoon of last week. A
kenslrgton was enjoyed and a deli
cate lunch was served. The list of
invited friends of the former resident
were Mesdames Renswold, Hills,
Bean, Hurst, Gambol, Keeler and
Mrs. II. W. Hull was hostess to the
Baptist ladles Wednesday afternoon
at her new home on Toluca avenue.
The beautiful new bungalow recently
built by Mr. and Mrs. Hull is now
fitted out and the owners have re
cently moved in and are enjoying the
home. Mrs. Hull thot this a suitable
occasion to entertain some of her la
dy friends, and the latter surely ap
preciated the opportunity of "house
warming" the delightful quarters.
A box social is to be held at the
Itted school house Friday evening,
March 3, to which n cordial invita
tion Ib extended by the teacher, MisB
Bye. A program has been arranged
and we are sure that the distance
will not keep a large number from
attending, as the school house is on
ly two miles east of Alliance. The
proceeds are to go towards furniture
for the school house, and a good pat
ronage should be extended.
Master Arthur Lunn entertained
about twenty of his little boy and
girl frlenda Tuesday afternoon, the
occasion being his eighth birthday,
and from reports we learn that the
young folks heartily enjoyed the an
niversary of their favorite. After
some pleasant hours at the home, all
adjourned to the parlors in Thlele's
drug store, and there were served
with appropriate and delicious re
freshments. The little friends re
membered Arthur with many useful
and beautiful gifts, to remind him of
the occasion.
The ladies of tli Kastern Star
chapter report a successful evening
Tuesday night, when they held their
"parcel post" salu of hand made ar
ticles. Over one hundred dollars
was cleared and the social time was
enjoyed. A good crowd attended,
and W. O. Barnes proved himself an
efficient auctioneer. The articles in
packages sold well and brought a
just remuneration, while the refresh
ments which could be obtained at a
fair cost went like "hot cakes" and
all heartily expressed their appreci
ation of the good time and at the
same time the ladles felt the affair
well worth their efforts.
Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Cams were
agreeably surprised at the Methodist
parsonage when a company of people
numbering about forty, consisting of
members of the Ladles' Aid society
and families, assembled and went in
for a pleasant evening with their pas
tor and wife. The self-invited guests
had laid arrangements for the enter
( tainment and were cordially welcom
j ed by the surprised ones. A -"church
trial" held the attention of those In
attendance for several hours. As
' previously arranged. Rev. Haislup
war. judge of the court, and Mrs.
Sharp, police matron, was sheriff.
Thi prosecuting attorney was Wil-
liam Lunn. and attorney for defense
wan C. A. Dow. Jury consisted of
' Rev. Cams, Mrs. Pate, Mrs. Acheson,
j Mr. Drake and Mrs. Watson. Num
erous witnesses were called and tend
ed to make the mock affair very In
I terestlng. The prisoner at the bar
I was Mrs. Gregory, who la president
of the LadleB' Aid. She was brought
Into court by Sheriff Sharp ' on a
charge of embezzlement brought
against the society, it being charged
that she or some of the other officers
had taken money under false pre
tenses. Mrs. Pate, who is an officer
of the Aid, was finaly implicated on
a charge of taking money from her
husband while he slept. After the
jury had discussed the question be
fore the house they contended that
Mrs. Pate had a right to the money,
and in no way was guilty of the ac
quisition. Mr. Cams, as foreman of
the jury, finally succeeded in clear
ing the suspect and the prisoner. The
affair surely furnished amusement,
and was the life of the evening.
The M. E. Aid were entertained at
the home of Mrs. A. P. Brown yester
day afternoon. The refreshments
were delicious and a fairly good at
tendance is reported at the meeting.
Mrs. A. Renswold w.8 hostess
number of lady friends in compli
ment to Mrs. Reck, last Friday after
noon. The hours were spent in an
informal manner, and refreshments
were served near the close. The list
of guests included Mesdames Barnes,
Fernald, Smith, Dietleln, Wills.
Saturday night the neighbors of
Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Bates In the Mc
Corkle block surprised them with an
entertainment in honor of Mrs.
Bates' mother and sister, Mrs. A. Mc
Kenna and Miss Fern McKenna, of
Boise, Idaho, who are visiting them
here. They enjoyed a pleasant even
ing. Mrs. Rowan will entertain the
Woman's Federated Club Friday af
ternoon and the subject will be
"American Travel". Roll call will be
responded to with current events.
Mrs. Slagle will give information of
"Glacier Park"; Mrs. Reed will give
a talk on "Crater Lake" and Mrs.
Rhein will give vocal selections. This
meeting wil doubtless be one of the
most Interesting as a study of the
"home country" should always
arouse more intrinsic feelings and
awaken new enthusiasm for one's
own country.
The boys belonging to the basket
ball teams of the Methodist Sunday
school, with their friends, were en
tertained last Saturday evening at
the home of Carl Thomas, the team
manager. A five-course dinner was
served at 7 o'clock, after which
games of various kinds were Indulged
In. The boys who were members of
the teams were as follows: Floyd
Lotspelch, Howard Lotspelch, How
ard Rider. Henry Rider, Ray Ed
wards, Warren Lotspelch, George
VanDervoort, William Lunn, Victor
Martin, Sam Graham, Artie Osborne,
Wade Grassman and Elmo Calder.
There will be an adjourned regular
annual meeting of the stockholders
of The Alliance Building and Loan
Association, of Alliance, Nebraska,
at the office of the secretary, in the
City of Alliance, on the 21st day of
March, 1916, at 7:30 o'clock p. ni.
Dated February 26, 1916.
R. M. HAMPTON, President
B. F. OILMAN. Secretary.
R. R. Spafford, assistant leader of
farm management survey work for
Nebraska, left Wednesday noon for
Chadron. He will then go to Tbed
ford after completing his work at
Chadron. While In Alliance Mr
Spafford assisted Mr. Seidell In plac
ing farm diaries with representative
farmers in order that more complete
records of farm management In Box
Butte county could be secured.
Greatest Shirt Ev. nt
of ih s
Starts Sat. Morning
at len 'clock
Sweeping Pntv
69 Cents
Lively Cattle Trade and Val
ues Strong to 10c Higher.
Lambs Move at Steady Figures Good
Light' Mexicans Bring $11.10 Ewes
Are Fully Steady Toppy Fed West
erne Reach &J0O Mark.
Union Block Yards. South Omaha.
, Feb. Receipt of cattle yes
terday totaled around 6,600 head. It
did not lake dealers long to get down
to ls:ne:s and the offerings of beet
Uv.j Fo.d readiiy at prices that
were strong to a dime higher than last
week's c ose. Strictly good to choice
1,500 pound beeves sold at $8.60. There
was also a lively call for cows and
heifers and trading hegaa soon and
finished early at prices about a dime
higher than Friday all around. Veal
calves were la very active request
and Quotably stronf- There was a
vigorous buying demand for stockers
and feeders and sales looked pretty
close to a dime better than last week,
Cattle Quotations: Good to choice
beeves, $8OO8.60; fair to good
beeves, $7508.00; common to fair
beeves, $7.00 7.70; good to choice
heifers, $6.6007.50; good to choice
cows, $J.256.75; fair to good cows.
$5,600)6.25; canners and cutters, $4.60
05.60; veal calves. $7.00 9.75; bulls,
stags, etc. $5.0006 50; good to choice
stockers, $7.6008 00; good to choice
feeders. $7 5007.85; fair to good feed
ers, $7.2007.50; common to fair feed
era, $6:00fr7OO; stork heifers. $6,500
7.50; stock cows, $5.7506.75; stock
calves, $6.60 0 8.00.
Some 8,000 boro arrived yesterday.
The market was fairly active and
prices were generally 5010c higher
than last Saturday. Bulk ' sold at
$8.1508.35 and tops reached $845.
Sheen and lamb receipts amounted
to about 10.800 head. Trade was slow
In starting, but the bulk of the offer
ings were sold before noon at fully
steady prices. The $11.10 top on
Mexicans, which sellers were unwil
ling to quote at last week's close, was
established yesterday, three loads of
good light weight lamas bringing the
price. Other desirable Mexicans sold
at $11.00, while bulk of the westerns
went at $10.75010.90. Fed western
ewes reached $8.00.
Quotations on sheep aad lambs:
Lambs, good to choice, $10.90011.10;
lambs, fair to good, $10.65010 90;
lambs.clipped, $9.25010.00; yearlings.
fair to choice light. $9.2509.75; year
lings, fair to choice heavy, $8 000
9.25; wethers, fair to choice, $7,500
825; ewes, good to choice, $7,750
t.00; ewes, fair to good. $7.000775.
Help Tour liver it Pays
When your liver gets torpid and
your stomach acta Queer, take Dr.
King's New Life Pills and yon will
find yourself feeling better. They pur
ify the blood, give yon freedom from
constipation, biliousness, disilneas
and Indigestion. Ton feel lino -just
like you want to feel. Clear the com
plexion too. 26e at druggists.
dv No 1
Two shirts for the price of one.
Only 60 cents esveh. Sale starts 10
o'clock Saturday Bnoroinf at Lalng'a.
Mrs. W. D. Zediker made a trip to
Bridgeport Sunday afternoon.
F. E. Holsten and son Bernard
made a trip to Denver, leaving Sun
day afternoon.
Our "Q" brand C. A 8. coffee, was
3ftc per pound, now 80c.
Mrs. C. C. Smith was recently call
ed to Chicago owing to the Illness of
her daughter, Mrs. Ralph Darow.
Howard Raymond, of Scottsbluff.
stopped off In Alliance between trains
today enroute home from Kansas
E. P. Miller of Chicago, the potato
magnate, who Is stopping In Alliance
for the present, made a business trip
lo Hetnlngford Tuesday.
Mrs. W. D. Fisher left Wednesday
night for a trip to Atchison and To
peka, KansaB, where she will visit
for some time with relatives.
The Fashion Shop will distribute
toy balloons to the kiddles on and af
ter Saturday, March 4. Parents are
Invited to bring their children and
get them a toy balloon.
A. Q. Isaacson, proprietor of The
Fashion Shop, was called to Omaha
the first of the week o nbusiness. He
expeils to return Saturday or Sunday
to prepare for his opening next week.
Word has just been received here
that Charles Spacht, son of Mrs. D.
K. Spacht, of this city, has been elect
ed president of the Y. M. C. A. at
Peru, where he is attending the state
normal school.
John O'Keefe. popular Alliance
ranchman, was called to Omaha the
first of the week for medical treat
ment. He was taken suddenly ill
and was advised to go for treatment
and consultation.
Dr. W. J. Mahaffy expects to go to
Omaha Sunday, where he will spend
several days next week buying dental
and other equipment for his office
which he will thoroughly remodel in
grey enamel within the next few
The Chadron high school girls'
basket ball team will meet the Alli
ance girls In the local gymnasium
Saturday night thia week. The Alli
ance girls administered an over
whelming defeat to the Chadron nor
mal girls at the locul gym last Friday
Joseph Holmes, a prominent
rancher of the vicinity of Antloch,
foreman of one of the big ranches
near there, died yesterday following
a short illness with the grip. The
funeral services will be conducted at
the home tomorrow morning at 11
o'clock, Rev. J. B. Cams officiating.
Oscar Brush and wife left yester
day afternoon on delayed 44. to at
tend the funeral of his father, who
died yesterday. Mr. Brush and wife
were at Sargent only last week to at
tend the marriage of hlster, but now
go on a very different event, and the
suddenness of his father's decease is
of course saddening.
Rev. Lewis Mclntyre was absent
from town Monday to Wednesday of
this week in attendance at a meeting
of the Box Butte Presbytery at Mor
rill held for the purpose of desolvlng
the relationship of Rev. George E.
Porter of church at Morrill, and in
state him as secretary of the state so
cial organization. Rev. Mclntyre
acted as clerk of the meeting.
Bible School, 10 a. m. Chas. Ful
ler, superintendent.
Preaching Sunday morning and ev
ening by A. A. Layton. district mis
sionary for the Baptist Pub. Society.
Morning subject, "Sacrifice", baptis
mal service.
B.'Y P. U. 6:80 p. m. The busi
ness meeting of the young people
next Tuesday evening.
Eat lest meat and take Baits for Back
ache or Bladder trouble
Neutralizes acids.
Urle acid in meat exeltes the kidneys,
they become overworked; get sluggish,
ache, and feel like tamps of lead. The
urine becomes cloudy tM bladder is irri
tated, and you may be eoliped to seek re
lief two or three tunes during the night.
When the kidneys clog you must help
them flush off the body's urinous watts
or you'll be a real siek person shortly.
At first you feel a dull ntnery in the kid
ney region, you suffer from bnoksehe,
sick headache, dluinMS, stomach get
Hour, tongue coated as you feel rheu
undo twinges when the weather is bad.
Knt lcs meat Icink Vita of water;
iiiho get from any phaisissiiit four ounces
of Jad Salts; take, a tableaponnftil
in a glaas of water before breakfast
for a few day and year kidney will
then act fine. This faimms salts is mads
from the acid of grapes- sad lemon juice,
combined with lithia, sad baa been used
for generations to clean clogged kidneys
and stimulate them, to normal activity.
lno to neutralise the aeids in urine, e
it no longer is a sowrae of irritsXioq,
too ending bladder wesksesa. ,
Jad BalUsia taexptfasiveti caanot in-
Iure; makes a deligbtful effervescent
i thia-water drisk waVea everyone should
take now and then te keep tbe kidaeys
clean and active. Droggiata hers eay
they sell lots of Jad Baits to folks wh
believe in overcatniwg kidney trouble
while it Is only Uoabk
Dr. W. J. Mahaffy
Oas Administered Ixdy Asshrtanf,
Over Fust Ossse
ALLIANCE . : ... .: . NEBRASKA.'
Our Hobby
Is Good
Ask to tee
samples of
our busi
pess cards,
and other invitations, pam
phlets, folders, setter heads,
statements, shipping tags,
envelopes, etc., constantly
carried in stock for your
Get our figures on that
printing you have been
thinking of.
New Type, Latest
Style Faces
Starts Saturday
Morning at Ten
E. G. Laing
S) Each
rift 'rfftr