The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 02, 1916, Image 4

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is all figured for you; any measurements; any shape stacks;
both government and local or Western rule; endorsed and used
by bankers and hay dealers wherever introduced; as essential
to the farmer as the interest table to the banker or the adding
machine to the office.
Price of tables, 60c each; set of three, $1.00.
Alliance, Nebraska
I mOTiHrwunwii tminmmjiiu n n :,i
16th and Iloward Streets OMAHA, NEBIt.
All Stockmen know this Hotel Most of them stop with us
Well Located Always Comfortable
South Omaha Cars Pass Our Door
BATES: $1.00 to $2.00 Single; 75 cts. to $1.60 Double
Try us once under the new management
You will come again
Harry Ryan still in charge of the Bar
Popular Priced Cafe P. W. MiKESELL, Prop.
A half dozen fine Bone Tipped Corn Cob Pipes, symbols of the
comfort we furnish, mailed to you FREE OF ALL CHARGE,
if you send us this add with your address
Cheapest to buy and best to plant. You do not go to low
lands or draws for seed corn. Why go there for trees? Our
stock is not forced and will give you entire satisfaction. Our
plant is located the farthest west of any nurserv in thp star
which insures prompt service. (
Young man, if you
are not going to
wear a full beard
Russian style
then for the sake of your appearance keep
neatly shaved. Neither your sweetheart nor
your employer prefers to see you with a
mess of sprouts cn your chin half the time.
Self-respect begets the respect of others.
Shave Every Day
,ji.,..i.t- it t . aamnaBn mxrrMmmmm
We sell a complete guaranteed line of tonsorial articles :
Razors, Streps
Styptic Pencils
Sootliin Ointments
Safety Razors
New Blades
Talcum Powder
Ai-Rtt Crowd Patronize SupN-r Coii
diirlt'il at MIhmIoh h) l,nlim of
lotnl W. C. T. I'.
Ninety dollars in real rant) was
aclpJ to the Alliance City Mission
und Thursday evening when one of
he best suppers of the kind ever
Berved In Alliance was jiatronized by
one of the largest crowds that ever
attended an affair of the kind.
Another one of these suppers will
be put on In a short time. When the
W. C. T. U. decided to have this sup
per they chose up sides and drew
lots to see which side should put on
he first supper. This was the one
ut on Thursday night, and members
of the other side state that after the
uccess of this event they hardly dare
to anticipate any greater success.
Supper was served from 5 to 8
o'clock, and the tables were full most
of the time during the three hours.
Nearly everything was donated so
that after all bills were paid there
was $90 left to add to the Alliance
City Mission fund. The ladies had
everything well in hand. They had
supplies enough to have handled
twenty-five or thirty more and there
was no delay in the service. An ef
fort will be made to net $100 on the
next supper.
Fifteen Hundred Dollar for Fifty
Send your boy to an agricultural
college if you can, but if you find that
impossible get him a scholarship in
the Campbell Correspondence School
of Soil Culture. It will cost you fif
teen hundred dollars to Bend him to
an agricultural college for three
years. You can buy a scholarship in
the Campbell Correspondence School
for fifty dollars and educate your boy
at home. If he applies his spare
time to study and takes pains with
his work on the farm, he will know
as much about scientific farming at
the end of three years as he would if
he spent that time and that fifteen
hundred dollars at an agricultural
college. lie does not have to pass an
examination and can begin at any
time and go as fast as he pleases.
Of course you are too old to go to
college, but you are not too old to
study at home. We have students
all the way from 19 years old to 84
years young. Write for a catalog
and Bave $1450. You can't make
that much money as easy in any oth
er way.
Campbell orreHjxtndence School,
Hillings, Montana
Mil lteideiit of Itox liutie County
Filed L&Mt Saturday for Demo
cratic Nomination for Office
Hot and Cold Drinks, Lunches Served
at Our Sanitary fountain.
43 Farms, 80 to 160 Acres Each
ten miles North of C. H. & Q. II. 11., nearest Bayard and Minatare
Neb., m the North ITatte. Valley. They are well adapted for al
ialfa, small grain, corn, sugar beets, live stock and dairying.
TERMS: Land w free, remanent (lovernnient water right costs
$55 per acre, 20 years' time, payable $2.75 per acre down, no fur
ther payments for hve years, no interest charged.
HOW TO OBTAIN A FARM: If you are interested in the method o
opening thone farms between March 19 and 24, or the location o
41 additional Government-irrigated farms now open to entry
write nie at once. There is no time to lose, if you would become
the owner of one of these very valuable farms.
fZ " Our publication, "The North Platte Valley,'
nhlirfTfilfinn! rco ou re,uost, will give one an excellent idea
lil-'IllliJlUIII thi8 desirable locality.
C 1. & i). H. U. Co.
10O4 Partuun Stwt, thnah. .N'.
Anton Unrig, who Bettled in Box
Butte county at its beginning and
who homesteaded JUBt eaBt of Hem-
ngford in 1885, on Saturday tiled
for the Democratic nomination for,
county commissioner from the First
District of Box Butte county.
Mr. Uhrlg came from Missouri
thirty-one years ago. lie still lives
on the old homestead which adjoins
the town of Heiqingford. He was in
business for twenty-five years at that
city and brought in the tirst Hard
ware, furniture ana saaaiery biock
n 1886. He was the first mayor of
Hemingford and has always been a
staunch Democrat. His long resi
dence in the county is believed by
himself and friends to fit him well
for the office. He helped dig the
first well in Hemingford and built the
first schoolhouse there.
It's (he Only Way That Real Tobacci
Hunger Can Be Entirely
Since tobacco wan first introduced to
civilization, nr1oly has ever discovered
so supremely satisfactory a way to Ret
fall the flavor and enjoyment out of it
as chewing it. And no other form of
chew can give you the hearty, whole
some, juicy flavor that you get
from a delicious high-grade plutj tobac
co like Old Kentucky.
The secret of the greatest chewing
satisfaction lies in the selection of your
chew. Among plug tobaccos the brand
that gets the most enthusiastic en
dorsement is undoubtedly Old Ken
tucky. The reason for this is not hard
to find.
Oici Kentucky is made exclusively of
ripe Kentucky Burley the most richly
flavored chewing tobacco that grows.
Still more, only the very choicest of
all the Burley leaf is used for Old
This choice leaf is selected with the
most painstaking care, is stemmed by
hand, is thoroughly washed free of all
foreign matter and is pressed into
plugs so slowly that not a drop of
juice or an atom of flavor escapes.
Moreover, Old Kentucky is made under
the most rigid, cleanly and sanitary
The result is a sweet, mellow, lus
cious, satisfying chew that cannot be
obtained in any other tobacco than Old
Try a 10c pocket plug to-day.
Old Kentucky No. 3
Appreciate the Compliment
The Nebraska Printer for Febru
ary contained the following regard
ing the Agricultural Edition of The
Herald whlrh was Issued February 3:
"The Alliance Herald recently is
sued a 16-page Agricultural edition
which showed enterprise from every
standpoint.. The excellent work on
the half tones Is especially worthy of
der said: "I willingly confirm my
former endorsement of Doan's Kid
ney Pills. The cure they made has
been permanent."
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy
get Doan's Kidney Pills the same
that Mrs. Schroeder has twice pub
licly recommended. Foster-Milburn
Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
Adv Mar 2-9
.May Make Home In Alliance
H. H. Seymour, of Nebraska City,
state agent for the Omaha Health &
Accident Insurance Company, has
been In Alliance for the last few days
on business. Mr. Seymour is well
pleased with the elty and plans to
move his family here soon and make
his home here permanently.
New Store at Hemingford
B. E. Johnson, of Fairmont, Nebr.,
is opening a general Btore- in Hem
ingford. He was in Hemingford
some time ago making arrangements
for the location and returned ' to
Hemingford last week to await the
arrival of a stock of goods he bad
shipped from Fairmont.
Rank Foolishness
You occasionally see It stated that
colds do not result from cold weath
er. That is rank foolishness. Were
it true colds would be as prevalent in
midsummer as in midwinter. The
microbe that causes colds flourishes
in damp, cold weather. To get rid
of a cold take Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. It is effectual and is high
ly recommended by people who have
used it for many years as occasion
required, and know its real value.
Obtainable everywhere.
Adv March
Want !VMt Changed
Citizens of Hemingford will ask
the Burlington Railroad Company to
move the Hemingford depot over to
the south side of the tracks. A peti
tion asking for this change is now
being circulated among the residents.
This would certainly be a good
change and in keeping with the com
pany's policy of "Safety First." The
depot is now located on the opposite
side of the tracks from the town and
anybody going to or from the depot
Is compelled to cross the tracks.
There u re hundreds of reason why
yon should use Herald Waul Ads;
there are hundreds who read tliem
Conchs ami Colds Are Dangerous
Few of us realize the danger of
coughs and colds. We consider them
common and harmless ailments. How
ever statistics tell us every third
person dies of a lung ailment. Dan
gerous Bronchial and Lung diseases
follow a neglected cold. As your
body struggles against cold germs,
no better aid can be had than Dr.
King's New Discovery. Its merit
has been tested by old and young. In
use over 4 5 years. Get a bottle to
day. Avoid the risk of serious lung
ailments. Drugigsts.
Adv 1
A. M. Redpath, by his attorneys
Burton and Reddish, filed a foreclos
ure suit in district court Saturday
against Robt. Clark, his wife. Clara
Clark, and others to recover the
amount due on a $1100 note given
October 23, 1912. Land involved in
the case is described as the eaBt' half
of the northwest quarter and lots one
and two, section 31, township 24,
north of range 48, containing 162.45
When to Take Chamberlain's Tablet
When you feel dull and stupid af
ter eating.
When constipated or bilious.
When you have a sick headache.
When you have a cour stomach.
When you belch after eattng.
When you have IndigeBtion.
When nervous or despondent.
When you have no relish for your
When your liver is torpid.
Obtainable everywhere.
Adv March
Owing to the absence of the pastor.
Rev. H. J. Young, who missed his
railroad connections In returning
from Hastings where he attended the
School of Methods last week, J. u.
Bennett occupied the pulpit at the
Christian church Sunday morning.
He gave a splendid talk that was
much appreciated by the audience.
An especially fine sermon was giv
en Sunday night by the pastor.
There are hundreds of reasons why
you should use Herald Want Ads;
there hiv hundreds who rend them
Full line of potted plants at the
Alliance Greenhouse.
For Women
Who Think!
You are interested, almost
as much as we are, in ex
tending the use of the Safe
Home Match.
It is the most reliable, the
most efficient and the
safest match that can be
made. It is absolutely
non-poisonous. It is made
under conditions that for
ever do away with one of
the worst of occupational
diseases. It removes a
poison from the reach of
children in American
We ask you to use this new non
poisonous match and to urge
others to do likewise.
Sc. All grocers.
Ask for them by name.
The Diamond Match
Always Jet a Receipt
An Oklahoma editor tells of aa
old. Indian that came to his otfloe t
subscribe for his paper. The editor
took the Indian's money, then the In
dian wanted a receipt. The editor
tried to talk him out of it. tt Mr.
Indian wanted a receipt. After writ
ing it, the editor asked him why tm
was so persistent in wanting a re
ceipt, lie said: "Me die some time.
Go to gate and St. Peter ask me If I
been good Indian. I say yea. B
say did you pay your debts T I nr
yes. He say did you pay editor of
Chiefton for paper? I say yea 19b
say, where is receipt? I don't bar
it. I have to run all over hell to
find you and get receipt." Hk-change.
Row To Get Relief When Head
and Nose are Stuffed Up.
Count fifty! Your oold in bead r
catarrh disappears. Your clogged nos
trils will open, the air passages of your
head will clear and you can breathe
freely. No more snuffling, hawking;
mucous discharge, dryness or Vadaoho;
no struggling for breath at nighi
Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream
Balm from your druggist and apply a
little of this fragrant antiseptic cream
in your nostrils. It penetrates through
every air passage of the head, Boothiag
and healing the swollen or inflame1
mucous membrane, giving yon instant
relief. Head col.Is aud catarrh yield
like magic. Don't stay stuffed-ap and
miserable. Relief is sure.
Alliance Citizens Cannot Doubt It
Doan's Kidney Pills were (used
They brought benefit.
The story was told to Alliance res
Time has strengthened the evl
Has proven the result lasting.
The testimony is from this locality.
The proof convincing.
Mrs. Herman Schroeder, Washing
ton Ave., Sidney, Nebr., Bays: "I was
in a bad way as the result of kidney
trouble. I suffered from pains in
the small of my back, dizzy spells and
I was unable to stoop. On a physi
cian's advice, I put a plaster on my
back, but this did not relieve me. I
also tried many kidney remedies, but
to no avail until I began using Doan's
Kidney Pills. One box stopped the
pain in my back, and I continued us
ing this medicine until the trouble
Shakes Dust from His Feet
L. L. Klsh. formerly night marshal
of the city of Alliance, who recently
was suspended permanently by the
city council, has wiped the dust .of
the city from his feet and gone to
3ther partB It Is rumored that Lin
coln is his abode now. Just who
will pay the unpaid bills around town
is still a question and from the pres
ent outlook will continue to be an
unknown quantity, "Anthony Coin-
stock" to the contrary.
State of Ohio. City of Toledo.
Lucas County, ss.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that
he Is senior partner of the firm of F.
J. Cheney & Co., doing business in
the City of Toldo. County and
State aforesaid, and that said firm
will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED
DOLLARS for each and every case of
Catarrh that cannot be cured by the
Sworn to before roe and subscribed
in my presence, this 6th day of De
cember A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON,
(Seal) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally and acts through the Dlood
on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys
tem. Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by all druggists, 7 fie.
Hall's Family Pills for constipa
Adv March
Funeral designs made on short no
tic. Alllanc Greenhouse.
Puff your way into the
joys of Prince Albert!
Go ahead, quick as you lay in a stock
of the national joy smoke I Fire up a
pipe or a makin's cigarette as though
you never did know what tobacco
bite and parch meant!
For Prince Albert is freed from bite
and parch by a patented process
controlled exclusively by us. You
can smoke it without a comeback
of any kind because P. A. is real
tobacco delight.
Con-right r A XS
the national Joy. moke Ax flMl
mm Wmmm
will do for you what it
has done for thousands
of men, not only in the
States but all over the
world ! It will give you
a correct idea of what a
pipe smoke or a home
rolled cigarette should be.
Oa tfca rmcM lid of thi tidy
r tin you will rad "I'locc
PateirtMl July 30th, 1907." which
h mmim Ar mmm aaaoh
pip whw .mok.d beior. I
Get this Prince Albert pipe-peace and makin's-peace message,
you men who have "retired" from pipe and rigarette-makin's pleasure; you men
who have never known its solace I Because you have a lot of smoke pleasure due
you quick as you pack-your-pipe or roll-a-cigaretti with P. A.
Buv Prinem Albert momrvwhrnwrn
N i wMi in loppy red kfi, 6c I
tidy rmd tin: lOei kaitdmomm peon J
mnd half-pound tin HumiJori im
that c'vr pomnd tal httmi-a-r
r - I -: