- mmm ilia i n f ' ,'' . . I 5 i? V. ... niEMEN'S ASSOCIATION, HELD AT CRAWFORD, NEBRASKA, JANUARY 18TH, 19TH AND 20TH, 1916. IN THE BACKGROUND lS TAKEN AT NOON JANUARY 20TH BY KERN, THE CRAWFORD . PHOTOGRAPHER. AT THE READER'S RIGHT CAN BE SEEN THE I :. A . . .. r . . i Jut fre ht the v hll iously o ttUs every lildiag Jusjy ys in m for ce for icil to maoy d.-ys REV. WALTEK O. RUNDIN OF CRAATORD brr of wfotd and A the tment 1916 jCd Is unnecessary for us to tell "Preacher Rundln" 1b because the bovs all know him. Ha la an honor- ary member of the state association and has promised to be at Auburn next year with the Crawford boys. Alliance, Nebraska, Mar. 2, 1916 :lothing and furnishings where you can get satisfaction for the least money. That's advantage of this invitation, msider this letter a personal invitation ee the unusual values we are now offering risons with the best you can get elsewhere. is shrewd enough to investigate and corn want and are going to get. If you are such before you will find out the many exclu- e, Quality, Service and Price to be gained l at ths store and belong to the Alliance w the kind of clothes a fireman wants from form. We always keep the best interests at heart. Glad to have you come in. lues will win you for a permanent patron e quicker you investigate and find out, the our pocketbook. wej expect you to buy 'something because lqome lookers, because a man must first be bef a buyer. i JLooker when you want something to wear. dJe of whether or not it is to your best ifl you call soon? Yours truly, 5 also the Alliance Commercial Club for permitting their efficient secre tary, W. D. Fisher, to come to Craw ford to aid us in making the event a glorious achievement for our city. Arah L. Hungerford, Mayor. C. J. Hornsby, Pres. Fire Dept. L. M. Davis, Sec. Fire Dept. E. Fritts, Pres. Cham, of Com. W. C. Rundin, Sec. Cham. Com. APPRECIATION FROM BROKEN BOW Broken Bow, Nebraska. Editor Alliance Herald, Alliance, Nebr. My Dear Sir: The members of the Broken Bow Fire Department wish to express to the Alliance Fire Depart ment and to the citizens of your city their appreciation of the treatment accorded them while your guests a short time since. Trusting this will reach the afore mentioned parties through the news columns of your paper, I am, Yours very respectfully, L. E. TANNER, Secretary. who 1 Y ... ': . Cj MAYOR 1. K. HOMKJ Of A1JJANCK Mr. Romig is vice president of the Alliance fire department and took an active part in the convention pro ceedings and at Alliance. : The NEWi HATS ARE DISTINCTIVE. No man will want to wear his old one any longer when he sees these attractive new styles. Stiff Hats $3.03 4 Soft Hats $150 to $5.00 New Caps , 50c to $1.50 We won't let you buy anything but becoming headgear here. .If You Need New Shirts, Neckwear, Hosiery, Under wear you are quite sure to find just what you want here, because we show all the new Ideas as well as those staple always-good things that men want. Quality is always the main con sideration here, but the prices are unusually low. E. G. LAING "Modern Clothes for Men" GOTIIKMtt lUi WVX-T. NOTKS l-nM lloa of Officers IleM Ft'lil-unry O Other Interesting Newt Ileum At the election of officers of the Gothenburg Fire Department, Febru ary 9, the following were elected: G. II. Wilklns, chief; E. E. Tope, asH't chief; F. M. Anderson, president; It. F. Weathers, secretary; C. F. Wil liams, treasurer; J. II. O'Neil, city flre inspector. Hose Company No. 1: Uichy Jansen. Toreman; Arthur Fred ling, ass't foreman. Hose No. 2: Fred Alexander, foreman; Dr. Ilou lier, ass't foreman. Hook and Lad der: Carl Quist, foreman; Earnest Duis, ass't foreman. Trustees: Carl Quist. Kay Gingrich, C. It. Frazier. The department is one of the lead ing societies of the city, and works hand in hand with the city. Thus the citizens are loyal to any under taking that the department attempts to manage. The annual home talent play is uhvays patronized by a full house. These plays net the department about $150 clear. Lat fall was the first attempt at pitting on firemen's carnival, and It provec' successful, considering the wet weather. "ihey also have the agency for the Pyrene, which nets a nice margin. The department has now been in existence seven years, and has be longed to the state association that long, always sends delegates, to the number of each company, and chief. Gothenburg has a population of 1800. situated in the western part of Dawson ounty, and the surrounding country tributary to the city is one of the richest soils in the state. The city has two (louring mills, which ev idently shows that the main cereal grown Is wheat. They have a munic ipal band, and a community club, which betters the relation between farmer and merchant. In conclusion, it is one of the thriv ing, growing towns of Nebraska, with a slogan, Nebraska for Nebras ka, and a boost for the home city all the time. ANNOI XCKMKNT II Y AI I1UHN To the Volunteer Firemen of Nebras ka: In behalf of the citizens and of the entire city of Auburn we take this means of thanking you for the con sideration shown us at the conven tion at Crawford, in accepting our invitation to convene in our city next year. We were indeed glad to know that you were unanimous in so doing and realize that we are more than obligated. It was also gratifying to us to know that the fact that the town is dry "cuts no ice" and we are going to prove to the few who might think to the contrary that we can and will Bhow you as good a time and per haps better than you have had in the past. Our business men are "on their toes" about the convention and you can expect something new when here. Plan now on coming ana neip make this next convention a record breaker in every respect. Fratrnally, C. 11. MASTERS, Secretary Fire Dept. 916 Fourteenth street. Auburn. Nebraska. MILFOKIt WANTS IXI-'OKMATION A. H. Schultz. chief of the Milford lire department, writes us thai the Milford department will soon erect a new tire bell tower. Brother Schultz would like to have the experiences of th departments oer the state with steel towers. Write either direct to Brother Schultz or to this paper. LlXJkD t MOM AS Of AL.IUAMI14 Lloyd. was re-elected state publicity chairman, and his paper, The Alii ance Herald, designated as the of flclal organ of the state association. JiOKTII I'LATTK IIANOLUT North Plntto Volunteer Have a IUff in iNinqiiei January 20 (Dy G. It. Tighe. Secretary The North Platte Volunteer Fire oepartment held a banquet at the Vienna Cafe Wednesday evening, January 26. Included in the guests were the members of the department, veteran firemen, city and county of ficials and other Invited guests. A delicious seven-course lunch was served. J. T. Keefe acted as toastmaster and filled the place with honor. First on the program was rtmd the night letter from Lloyd Thomas, state pub licity chairman, as follows: "It is with utmost regret lhat I ad vise you it will be Impossible to be with your department at banquet Tuesday night. Am giving full ac count of state convention at Craw ford In this week's edition of Herald for delegates to use In giving reports to home departments over state, and It is absolutely necessary for me to be here. But my heart is with you, boys, and I trust that some one will eat my portion and remember that I am a heavy eater. I will be with you at your next banquet. Large portion of my time this year will be spent in rurtbering the Interests of the volun teer firemen of Nebraska and their state association. The volunteer Bre men of Nebraska deserve the best there Is, for they risk their limbs and lives in saving property without rec ompense and nothing should be too good for them. If the boys over the state will work together and organ ize properly they will be recognized properly by their home towns and by the Btate with proper legislation. Help our state flre commissioner, Kidgell, keep up the good work he has started. See that your depart ment officials attend strictly to their duties as I know they' have in the past, for the North Platte department ranks high. Your boys made a fine showing at Crawford and should be given credit by you for ably repre sentation. Plan to send a large dele gation to Auburn next January. Keep your official state paper. The Alliance Herald, supplied with news about your department. Regretting that I cannot be with you and trusting that you have a big time at your banquet and looking forward to being with you at the next one, I am, fraternally yours, LLOYD C. THOMAS." Tfie touBtmaster called on the fol lowing, who gave toasts as follows: "For the Good of the Department." Mayor E. H. Evans; "Just a Few Ite marks," George N. Gibbs; "Some Things I learned at the Convention," Chief Russell; "Jokes Heard at the Convention," Joe Uasklns; "Sugges tions to and Criticisms of the De partment," members of the city council. Impromptu toasts were made by Ira L. Bare, Win. J. Land graf, P. J. Norton, Ex-chief Leo Hart of Maxwell, Thomas Jeffers. A. J. Salisbury. A reading was given by P. H. Sullivan. The toasts were all fitting and en joyed. The most important thinu for the firemen which was discussed was relative to the city hall of w hh li we are assured. Everyone Imd a nn- time and pronounced the affair tln finest of its kind ever given. UESOIJ-TIOX WHKKKAS. The Norf"'': del.-ciitcv to the :ltli anniml convention of tli" N. S. V. F. A. held at Crawford. N braska, January 18-1U-20. !lt. U.wi reported that they received a roya' welcome during their visit in tha city, and enjoyed themselves vir highly, and WHEUEAS, It seems fitting to u that the Crawford Volunteer Fir." Department should be complimented and thanked for the excellent ma li ner in which they handled the con vention crowds, and for the enter tainment and banquet furnished the delegates, THEREFORE. Be it resolved by the Norfolk Volunteer Flre Depart ment in regular meeting assembled, That this department extend a vote of appreciation and thanks to the members of th eCrawford olun teer Fire Department for their kind ness to our delegates during the con vention, also to the Crawford Com mercial Club, the management of the Gate City Hotel, where we roomed and fed in the best possible manner, to the Rev. Mr. Rundln for his very excellent entertainment during the banquet and at other times, to the Colonel, band master and band boys at Fort Robinson, who did them selves proud to furnish the delegates with amusement and music, and to the citizens of Crawford in general, BE IT RESOLVED: That this de partment extend to all of the above mentioned persons a hearty Invita tion to visit us and give us an oppor tunity of reciprocating their kind ness at any time when they may be In our vicinity, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That a copy of this resolution be spread upon the minutes of this meeting, and that copies be sent to A. J. PASEWALK. Secretary Norfolk Y. F, Dept. If. A. WFIUimT (W UtfitrVL-w- - - - -I'm imiMaittl S'J Harry Webebrt was re-elected treas urer of the state association wlthomf Competition. Iln In nn - ua Bit in irra , and la one of those who do thlngr wiiuu ui muen noise out who always gets there. the Crawford Volunteer Flre Depart ment, and to the Crawford, Alliance and Chadron papers for publication. Atiopieu, mis atn day of February. 1916. MATT. SHAFFER, JR., President Norfolk V. F. Dept. 1 "t,- 9 v v ' i ' T GKOIUIH Clin of riiAwixmn Mr. Uhl Is Crawford's oldest fireman. He made an Impromptu speech th first evenine nnd Icent thn hnnaa iv . lng. Although old in years he Is young in spirit. IlKSOI.l TIONS HY HA ITLi: CltEKK Battle Creek, Nebr., Feb. 8, 1916. . BE IT RESOLVED that the Battli Creea Volunteer Flre Department ex tend a unanimous vote of thanks to the Crawford Fire Department for the way they entertained the firemen at Crawford, on January J8, 19 and 20. 1916. and that this resolution be . published In The Alliance Herald, of ficial state organ. G. C. ARMSTRONG. Secretary. (Seal of Department) CLYDE HOIINSIIY Of ( ItAWI'OHD Clyde Hornsby Is city clerk of Craw ford and president of the Crawford departiiynt. A quiet, unassuming young man who always puts bis shoulder to the wheel nd to whom much of the eredit should go for a successful convention. I IKE HOYS KX.IOY ONVENTION About a dozen eT tli Iocs I firemen attended the convention at Crawford, most of them also taklnu In the pro gram at Alliance Friday, when the Alliance depsitnient royaly enter tained a large number of delegates from all over the state, who stopped on o i ) .(- i" t f'tvn ( tMwford. All '! s ! ! sr-'endid time, both nt (' '" ; !!' I!'-1 nee, and all say !?;' v. Ml ;.-o n- : y :r to Au burn, w;- h cC'V'-ntion will 'Ira held ia lu'iT. lluL.i..i,i'ji'u Ledger. W.M. MOK1SOX OF CltAWFOUD Billy Morison was chairman of th convention finance committee, taa man who raised the money for ex penses and who disbursed the gam. He donated the use of bis fin trie "six" auto, and is th kind of maa who makes a success of everytbiac he undertakes. 4