The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 17, 1916, Image 6

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JOHN V. TilOMA.H, Editor
B. CATHERINE MOOKK, Editress Social Department
pie to pay for the preparedness program without levying any additional tax
whatever upon the consumer.
Then they will be doing no more than the Dritish millionaires are do-
LU)YD C. THOMAS, ltuslnesa Manager , for tuelr oountry. That method of taxation will act like soothing: syrup
C. K. MAYNAItl), City Editor to their fears of attack from abroad. You will find that their fears will
vanish in proportion as the surtax on Incomes goes up. But If you do not
apply this remedy they will be sure to go stark mad with fear as the pros
pect of gathering from the common people the half billion dollars a year
which will be necessary to maintain our national defense, practically on a
war footing, grows brighter. This method of taxation 1b certainly fair and
Just in view of the fact that the common people are now paying 2 50,000,
000 toward the common defense and will have to do the fighting in case of
The precedent ought to be established now that from this year on ev-
Published every Thursday by
t t.A n Thnmii. Prudent J. Carl Thomas, Vice Pre,
John W. Thomas, Secretary
the malls as second-class matter.
In the matter of the estate of Machlas regular and special editions is lc per
Posvar, deceased. word per insertion, six words to the
Notice is hereby given that on the line.
11th day of March, 1916, at the Advertisers so desiring may have
County Court room In the city of Al- answers to their advertisement ad-
liance, said County, at the hour of 9 dressed to a box number, care of The
o'clock, A. M., of said day, the fol- Herald.
lowing matter will be heard and con- Advertisements charged to patrons
sldered, towit: the petition of having accounts are measured by the
Charles Tosvar filed February Sth, jine( not DT the word.
1916, setting forth that Machlas Pos- N B Tne Herald cannot be re-
var departed this life October 9th, Bpongible for more than one wrong
1895, In the County of Box Butte, insertion due to typographical error,
state of Nebraska, being at the time N. tor error can be allowed af-
ery dollar of increase In cost In the national defense must be raised from In- hx& itftoto&Stl VVdJe'rUsement 'SlSS? 5 rA
comes from the surplus wealth of the nation that has already been collect- described real estate, to-wlt: The untll forbidden must be Btopped by
ea into private nanas in aonormai proportions, mere can De no excuse lor ouineasi viuarier i oi oeciiou i written order
...itMgni (Bj, lownsnip iweiuy-seven
. . .1 latino lha nonnlo r n I holr rich! t IIva whon fhara la a votla Kla si 11 rnl
Entered at the post office at Alliance. Nebrasxa. ror transmission mrougu ' ,,.. . (27), North Range Fifty-Two (52), WAimcD AGEirri
Wait nt tho fitl-th Prlnoinnl MorMian
lowering of the present exemption on Incomes until such time as the wealth hn Box Butte County, State of Nebr- SALESMEN WANTED to solicit
Pbove the present limit bears its share of the burden of government. aska. In which petitioner has an un- orders for lubricating oils, greasea
Iriivlrioii nno-nft h Inttn riant with TirAV- ailu i'olul' vi tumuiiDoivsi.
he commences to contribute to the national defense. A citizen who is not of the death of the decedent, of the I weveiana, unio,
nhle to keen himself and his family In comfort cannot have nroner rennnrt heirs of the said deceased, and the I o
tea U what we are anr'.ous to give, so aon 1 neaiia- w mm., u. -"i(or our government which proposes to tax him to pay for this preparedness degree or kinsnip ana ngnt or ae- WANTED
Qfjl&y WUVll JvU til IBB will ycB;a I a'l VR;loui uoiiuviau id iuid 11 1 11 vicn va iuu iavi iuai vuo vt itoiiu ui iAtllj
individuals in this country has been enormously enhanced as a result of this
horrible war In Europe and will be still further enhanced if this prepared
ness program is put through. I repeat, let them and those who have swol-
If your copy of The Herald does not reach you regularly or satlsfac-
...n, , .hnnid nhone S40 or droD a card to the office. The best of serv-
to the said deceased. I WANTED Position for general
Dated February 5th, 1916. housework by experienced girl. la-
L. A. BERRY, County Judge, quire room 2, Alliance Hotel
(SEAL) 10-tf-6436
More cattle are needed in this country to eat the feed already ien incomes pay for the preparedness program
. - a a m w I
Droduced. and much more feed could be produced, 11 needed, by in- 1 sincerely hope that the Ways and Means Committee will be able to
tensificd methods of farming and improved forage crops. But there report a measure along these lines that we will all be able to support.
are two sides to the question of invoking legal means to increase the ' Yours very truly,
number, that is, of passing laws to prevent the slaughter of calves. DAN V. Stephens, M. c,
in Argentine mere is a law muring 11 a. tvivuy w am a icmaic 3rd District. Nebraska
calf, heifer or cow under six years out. ine rcsuii is mat, Argentine
is rapidly forging to the front as one of the leading cattle producing
countries of the world and the principal competitor of the cattle men WHO WOULD PROFIT BY WAR?
TTnWn,! Qtatno W Vinvu not the flonirps At riartd tn ahow what!
ntaD-eof iiireaa in the number of cattle such a law in this coun- C. II. Tavenner of Illinois, m the House of Representatives at Letting forth that Frank Posvar de- hPr?ofrTSnf5tr
trv would Droduce but it is certain that it would be large. It seems Washington, in a speech on Wednesday, December 15, 1915, said in parted this life on or about July 1. COUnt of the death of owner, an ea
.hit it wo;5d not i. many f.r. untilthe number of e.u.e would 1 be p.rt: SV&SZ S'.tl' K'SS lL
increased from fifty to one hundred per cent, liut would such a law Although war and preparation for war mean an increased burden death a resident of said County of Nine table8 Brlck corner building.
be fair to farmers, dairymen and ranchmen 7 , ,, u Colfax, seized or the following ae- maln 8tre.t clty of 5 000 write r
If the nriee of a calf nlus the cost of keenine it until it is erown. Wi a iUl " -u.i.K v.. o.i, 8cribed real estate, to-wit: an unaiv- 8ee Mr8 M- B , Alliance, Nebr.
including the dairy value of its mother's milk, is more than the ani- Pe" stupendous proms to a very lew gentlemen, nui wnicn lew gen- a; osu. -
mal will brinar on the market when matured, should the owner be com- tlemen are so resourceful and wield so much Dower in this country v.ieht TownshiD Twenty-seven CLOVER SEED FOR SALE
peUed by law to bear tne nnanciai loss or Keeping hi ii me rcsuu that their great profit because of war becomes a menace to peace and 7 ?TZ?&ruTi6iin rect from the grower to consumer
of adopting a policy similar to that of Argentme is to be a benefit to t hcrefore to all manklnd West o, agh Prtn rea tram VeTuZi
At. . 4 ,1,1a l 4knn 4 initio man nnnht Tint a mm n 1 I m v tjuiic vwuuvj. . I . ... . . .-m
WANTED A light spring wagom
nil Hniihla sot nf rirlvlnflr htrnnoi
NOTICE OP HKAHINU h. r.nn9hi Writ, n a
In the matter of the estate of Frank Bate8f No 5 McCorkle Building, AI-
ruYr, ueccBBru. i lance Nebr.
Notice Is hereby given that on the I fi78.
11th day of March, 1916, at the 1.
County Court room in the city of Al- UVit
llance. said County, at the hour or 9 for salk nun Orpington cock
o'clock, A. M., of said day, the fol-jrels. Owen strain. Prices reasona
lowlng matter will be heard and con-lble. Mrs. J. A. Keegan, Alllanee,
Bldered, to-wlt: The petition Charles Nebr., Box 745.
Posvar filed February 5th, 1916, ll-Zt-6607
t tne rlesir New York- I will not read the full circular, but only the headlines the heirs of the said deceased, and hulled.
hat will 11 is dated Aul8t 2S 1915' I Ba8: the degre.6 vf klnB,h,P and3,Kf in U
T, that will ' descent of the real property belong- 10-lt-6421
sneral wel- Winchester arms up 1,000 points. Colt arms up 100 pomts. inK to the said deceased. Sr7rS
per cwt. ; unnuuea.
cwt. Delivered at er
10 per bushel fee
MUELLER, Worden, Moat.
the country as a whole, rather than to came men, ougni not some . . , , , ,, . . , . AA , l"v. h,Ph VOur petitioner has an seed. $16.75 pe
other means be devised for bringnig about the desired result, instead NeVrbrk Zot VlJll I ST. t t'Tv?' "Y? "SIIa I1I.TB per cw
.a ii- 1 4V: .ia ,..t I a lork stock brokerage nrm as to the extent of these Dronts. ...mUoiinn nf ih Umf Alliance. 1
it ?n l I flnaneial loa to themt I This is the stock-mai ket letter of the firm of Gilbert & Elliott Co., of time of the death of the decedent, of hulled, and 4.15 per bushel for urn-
Some other means can be devised that will bring about
ed result of increasing the number of cattle in this country
ha onuitnnle nnrl not throw the hnrden of nrnmotinir the ceneral
fare upon a part of the population. One difficulty is that at our meat Mectric boat up 100 points. Canadian explosives up 50 points. l)u Dated February 5th. 1916.
markets mere is too mucn aemana lor veai, msieaa oi oiner uieais. - .,.ww VM. r i (SEAL) " County Judge
As a nation we are too fond or fatted calf. ims is tne stocK-market report, xsow, uethiehem Steel stock at io-4t-68l-6589
And if the government undertakes, by any means, to increase the the outbreak of the war could have been bought for $40 and as low as
FOR SALE Good, paying butch
er shop. Good location and steatf
business at good prices. Address bee
6406, care Alliance Herald.
meat supply of the country by increasing the number of native cattle, $30. Yesterday Bethlehem Steel Ktock sold for $474. In other words,
it will do well at the same time to take effective steps to accomplish if you had had an investment of $40 in a share of Bethlehem Steel at 1,1
the County Court of Ilox mine
the same purpose by improving the breeds of cattle. This latter the beginning of the war, your profit because of war would have been jn tne Matter of the Estate of Mich
outrht to be done, whether the former is or not. lhe eovernnient. . ty this we may obtain some idea as to the staarBrerinir profits ael Bayer, deceased.
both state and national, is "encouraging" the improving of breeds, that accrued to the Wall Street war trust magnates who owned mil- Notice to all persons interested in
T Aiindt 4 1 An .nsino 1 nnih hnln ntrmto i if it iu niumhla OTlrl I linilu nilfl ml innc fit HnllciT-u u-mtli f mimitlAn uinnlrv I BilIU eBiait? IB uri ruj f1" u """ V .
UUUl lU UU I It VUIll tu ill li H it, ll in j'uimh, hum .iu'i " ....vm ..w.t.i v. . muiiitivu ntuinn
ful six-cylinder automobile. Will sell
cheap, or trade. Call or write Toe
Herald office.
practicable for it to do so.
Bayer, Administratrix of said estate, RELINQUISHMENT FOR SALE
It is not to the nnanciai interest of these men that the Luronean will meet the creditors of said estate I 320 acre relinaulshment. four miles
war Khflll he lifOllO-rit tn A ktipixIv elrtuo lint that it wlinll nnt h.. nt the county courtroom in the City lfrnm Invn cnt nt AlllnnrA Will Mil
brought to a tpeedy close. It in 'not to their financial interest that ' A1"a"w'' HWr!ut' the isthS cheap' Adre88 Box 6166 care Am
the United States of America shall not become involved in the Eur- "rDtember 1916. at the hour of jrr. f,' lor-
lllll'HIl VI. U I' I1I1I II HI II KI1H I I IHH'fllllfl 1 1 1 V' f 1 1 7 Hi I 111 H1IO fT T rnUt WlTArtlJ I a A VA mifntUA rT I flM 11 H 1 -
Altho not direclly a constituent of Hon. Dan V. Stephens, mem- ,,10PL-0t lnttor it vin Btotol tlmt u.mii-1 iw. TTi.;.i a iu,n,.i., ;.. in arHntment and allowance of
nf ennirroKS from the Third district of Nebraska. The Herald has ....i i :.. u.. ..,a 1,1 i. .i. fiainm aeainst said estate. All per
" . .. . t... ...... i i. . . ... wvu ui m uiFu un uiu ue wwui even uuuuie ---.., demands
lici.wie. v.. " - 1 i..i
eainst said eBtate must file tne same "'''
n said court on or before the 18th
nTintinir iu thflt the linvArnmrnt tnlre nrivnte nrnnt. mit. nf war onHliliv nf Senteinber. 1916. or saia
had occasion at different times to commend him for the stand he has ita preseut value and it held out ht, nope that thon. was a 1rett or
taken on public issues. He was first elected to his present posuton g0od chance of the United States becoming involved. What I am ad- ?n
when the slogan, "Let the people rule, was popular and used extens- vov.tinB. ;s that the Government take m-ivate nrofit out of war and da
ivelv bv candidates. That sloiran is just as popular with the rank and manoatinn fn wot t !, ...... ;n i. i.i 1 i riaims will be forever barred
file nf the neonle as it ever was. but is not beinir used as much as for- 1 i m,. i .i,.. .1 :....... Dated this 31st day or januarj.
, ' lun muiu oiiu atu v, n nnr i. 1 . .uui ann anil hut uiiu-i 1111 xiui b
merly m campaigning for oftice. , ,. . . of the war trafficking firms, than it is to the rest of mankind. I as-
The funny part of it down in lhe Third Nebraska district was that w,rt that war is altogether too profitable to these few men to be
lion. ian . riepnens reany meant 11, so 11 seems, juukuik irum ,Bn ealthy for the rest of us
actions since being elected to office and we know of no better way of Wi .
.... ..: ..:.. .1 4 ..n 4 u: I vneietntit are nug
MONEY TO LOAN on real estate.
to II. M. Bullock, Room 4,
Reddish Block, Alliance.
...?...... .....
iiwln-im, u man 'u uinnunitl' ll.illltv a . Ii.lll fn la t it tfill tn hlU Int tn .c. 1
! . .. . . . . . : . t i: i:i tl I viijic uii mc uum, an 111 linn ;a, iiuiaic iiuuis 111, 111 iiiuni cosrR,
recommend persons for appointmciit a pos masters m his d sir ct. He tae thc .ece(Unce- ,f U)e peopie. to insure themselves against
uM-u ui uu- ....tie 7lu."Kyi e .u . .,lBr . r - aU form nf K0Venimcnt by annor plat, caiui0ll, &ud ,itions inak-V: meVlcal examiner, for the without marring or scratching, or
ecuons at pmcrenuai eiecuons oi xne pairons 01 uie unices, i ne sr.- . . y . -. . , . . , t!.Vlt,r nrivote n..7J ii ... rivii Service Commis- damage. Up-to-date wagon pads
ections were not always just what they would have been if let! to us, 'flt . f . ' jLtion fo war bv havinthe e-overnment slon who are willing to execute the will be used i by ' on all moving Jobs
but haPDilv thev were not left to "us". To mention one instance, ,r , u . mpriirai certificates In connection l yutiw k. smiujsr, rnone 16.
Burton i
L. A
County Judpe. alnemen.
r. . r i: .k itin.iiavs i
Railroad men can iccurt a very
ful book at The Herald offlea. It U a
i&lljr time book for trainmen and en-
The price la reasonable.
Vnilm to IMi vuirlmiH
. . . . . ir " ........ I.. ,1
Physicians desiring to be designat- viu
We hare equipped our dray wag
ons and autc truck with the lateai
for moving furnltar
The Herald hoped to see the talented editor of The Norfolk Tress,
Mrs. Marie O'Uonnell Wcekcs, receive the appointment at that place;
but the decision of the matter was put up to the patrons of the oftice,
and they chose some one else. We did not permit our disappoint
ment to somther our patriotism in this case or in any other.
There is another matter before the people, as well as before the
manufacture its own material for the army and navy
The profits of the munitions trade are greatest in war, and there
with civil service examinations for a'i'"5'
fee of $1 may have their names regis-
fore it is to their interest to have nations at war. The more war, the tered for the Information of appll- books for sale at The Herald office
more profits. cant8 requiring examination by fll- phone S40 an(i representative win
i , u,. Hon nntipp not later than .
Behind the war trust is the most powerful tri-oun of men in the Umrrh i. showing name, office ad-
United States, if not in the world. Its control is in the hands of the dress, length of practice, and medic- Buy your receipt books, legal
them in a brief note.
We give the letter below. Needless to say that we endorse it.
We are delighted with it, ami hope that every one of the thousands
of readers of this paper w ill take time to peruse it :
Open Letter
To Honorable Claude Kitchin. Chairman of the Committee on Ways and
Means, giving views of Congressman Dan V. Stephens regarding the
proposed revenue measure.
.. House of Representatives, Washington, D. C, January 29, 1916.
Hon. Claude Kitchin, Chairman,
Ways and Means Committee,
House of Representatives.
My dear Mr. Kitchin: Knowing that lhe democratic majority upoi.
which you will have to depend to enact a revenue measure to cover th
test of the pivpurednesB program is extremely small and that your commit
tee will have to depend practically upon every democratic vote to support
the measure ycu report in order to pass it I desire to avoid embarrassment
both to myself and your committee by informing you in advance that I will
liot vote for any measure that does not provide: first, for the repeal of th
present stamp tax measure; and, second, for the raising of all needed reve
nue for the payment of such Increase as may be ordtred by Congress foi
carrying out lhe preparedness program for armament from incomes, inher
itances and munitions of war from any or all of these sources.
The people of the United States are now paying annually $250,000,000
for the national defense. I think this is sufficient but If it is not, let tin
turpi us wealth that is claiming additional protection pay for it. Let thi
millionaires and multi-millionaires whose incomes are beyond lhe dreamt
of Croesus chip iu half of their annual incomes for this protection they art
demanding against an imaginary enemy, which in connection with a slmila
tribute by the munition factories, some of which Hiram Maxim, the gun li.
ventor, claims are making as much as a million dollars a day, will be tin
coming immensely rich.
Nationalization of the manufacture of munitions would undoubt
edly have prevented the present strained relations with (Jet-many.
The cause of the strained relations is that Germany is sinking ships.
(Jet-many has been sinking ships principally to prevent American
made ammunition from reaching her enemies. Thus, in order that a
comparative few may make private profit, the peace of 100,000,000 is
placed in jeopardy.
It is to lhe interest of only the few to leave profit in war and
preparation for war, while it is to the interest of the entire earth's
population to take it out.
J. N. JOHNSTON, uocal sec.. reasonable. A big assortment.
U. S. Civil Service Commission. I ''"STC'tiC'r'Cr"
Alliance, Nebraska. I tf 7 reddim
congress of the United States, that is of more importance just now same group of money kings that rule the insurance companies, the U? Institution from which a graduate, blanks. blank tes, "oor
tnan tne selection or postmasters, it is the question oi "prepared- sri-ai, eip.css cum i mines, h-ivk. ai-n cuuijiamra,
ness." as it is called. On this issue Congressman Stephens has ex- steamship lines. To realize thc colossal power of the capitalists be
presscd himself in an open letter to the chairman of the ways and hind the steel, armor, ammunition, and shipbuilding companies and
means committee of congress. We have written to thc two United recall the desperate ends to which more than one investigation has
States senators from Nebraska and the congressman from the Sixth revealed they will go to satisfy their sordid greed for gold, and then
district, expressing our opinion that all expense incurred by the Unit- to contemplate that the United States in war means more in dollars
ed States for munitions of war and armament should be paid by tax to this group than the United States in peace, is enough to justify the
on large incomes, not incomes of a few thousands of dollars annually, most optimistic man to tremble for the peace of this patriotic and
which usually are a help to the development of the latent resources Christian people.
of the country, but fabulous incomes that are so great that they give And if war should come, what a monstrous proposition it woul
to a few men a power in polities and the business world that is dan- be which would require one group of citizens to go to war and sacri
gerous to the common welfare. Mr. Stephens has expressed our sen- fice their lives for the state while another and smaller group the war
timents in his open letter much better than We could possibly express I traffickers principally responsible for the war remained at home be-
HAVE appendicitis county land and ranches in the aand
hills. No delay In making the loan.
Surgeons state men are slightly we inspect our lands and furnish the
more subject to appendicitis than money at once j c McCorkle, Mc-
women. Alliance people should Corkle Building, Alliance, Nebr.
know that a few doses of simple
buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as
mixed in Adler-l-ka. often relieve or JS5L5S3355SI!5?
prevent appendicitis. This mixture FOR RENT Two furnished room
removes such surprising foul matter f0r ngt housekeeping, $10 per
that ONE SPOONFUL relieves almost month. 324 Sweetwater avenue. Al-
ANY UAsrJ conBiipaiion. sour nance.
ach or gas. The INSTANT, easy ac- 5-tf-626S
tlon of Adler-l-ka Is surprising.
H. THIELE. druggist.
Adv G-3
No. S can Sweet Ptattes, IRc
em li; li for iiTx . L. II. HIGHLAND.
I hereby announce my candidate
for sheriff of Box Butte county on
the Republican ticket at the primar
ies on April 18. 1916. My long res-
m. . A- 11 1 . a ., m t' 1. ttv
aiwnip iiniiiiiHii 1 nnrri 11 1 1 .
Norbert Frohnapfel, of Hemlng- J J"
ford, has filed for the Republican lSti plott You voti is aonreol
nomination for sheriff at the primar- f PeI"e- our vote is apprecl-
See The Point?
. . 4, r ... ir: 11 .
nC PlggCSl 1 gluuirill gn mriM44 mm-
C tery Service is the fact that it saves a lot
" f oi repairs tnar wouia oe necewary uwi -wise.
Let us show you.
IMione ."H Alliance, Nebraska
Free inspection of any battery at any time
les. Mr. Frohnapfel is well known
and has lived for twenty-four years
in Box Butte county.
For Rheumatism
Aa soon as an attack- of Rheuma-
I Ham KiiO'lna a vtnlw CIamw. 1 u 1 a
Pimples Eruptions Eciema " ----- ,, " J "7
.1.14 . . V. .nnkn. onll"" aiivi 1UUC1 UUUBCBJ-
II 11 1 1 K 1 T J1C1H IV VUC Wl.M4e "
Baby's Skin Troubles
healing Qualities of Hobson'. Ec- Benton theecteTparU Ta'a,
you need. The pain goes at once.
A grateful sufferer wrltea: "I
. f It.. llmnt Tt cuuciiuB iwr uirw wenns WHS
cema Ointment. No matter where
located, bow bad or long standing,
Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment will
win reVoVe'the" Vk o lt."ura iTrT "fV"
rfnl.- .net niiritT Don't let your -,,ftSh- I tr'ed many medicines they
child" BedS?UifblSa?a Fortunately I heard of Sloan'.
by hang VTuVchll?; face dtaK 1 and er using it three or
ed with blemishes or ugly acara. Use 'ouf well. I am em-
Dr. Hobson'a Ecaema Ointment. IfB " wiggew aepanmeni
auaranteed. No cure, no pay. 50e " V "u'. l"V empioy
at your druggist.
AdT No I
from alx to eight hundred hands, and
they surely will hear all about Sloana
Liniment. II. B. Smith. San Fran-
1 os. can Solder's Tomato Soup, Cisco, Cat. Jan., 1915. 25s at all
14. 12 for 91.10. I druggists.