NEW TAILOR SHOP BAND CONCERT SUNDAY fafg siiife1") tenia Long hours, close and tedious work are very apt to result in Headaches or other Pains. Don't suffer. DR. MILES ANTI-PAIN PILLS will quickly drive your Pain away, and Dr. Miles' Nervine will assist you by relieving the Nerve Strain. IF FIRST BOX, OR BOTTLE, FAILS TO BENEFIT YOU, YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. DIZZY SPELLS. "My nerves become all worn out. I had bad head aches and severe dizzy spells. I could not sleep and my appetite wis poor. I bofran using Di. Miles' Antl-l'atn Pills and they always gave me Instant re lief no matter what the pain. Then I used Dr. Miles' Nervine regularly and was soon In perfect health again." MRS. S. 1 TOUNQ. 324 Pittsburg- St, Newcastle, Penn. . BEFORE COLD WEATHER LEAVES Have Your Auto Painted in a way that will make It look like new. FIRST CLASS WORK PRICES RIGHT O. W. BASYE REO GARAGE niOXE 118 THE PULLMAN HOTEL T. C. Douglas, Mgr. European Plan Everything New, Rooms with and without private bath. Rates, one dollar and up. Most convenient location for persons arriving in Omaha at Burlington and Union Stations. First building south of Burlington Station. Near to street cars to all parts of the city. When you get off the train, go to The Pullman Hotel and reg ister, leaving your grips before going down town. 1017 South Tenth St. OMAHA, NEBRASKA Dray Phone 54 DYE & OWENS Transfer Line HOUSEHOLD GOODS' moved promptly, anr v rransier won aoiicn h, ed. Residence phone 630 and Bine 674 : 3 : 3 m if---..- . MAKE YOUR HEADQUARTERS ThePalms Hotel WHEN IN DENVER 1817 G LEX ARM STREET BEDS THE BEST Quiet, Pleasant Rooms Best of Attention European Plan 91 a Day, Rooms with Hath, (1.50 . ' 2 Take 18th St. or 19th Ave. Car I from Depot tp -Z J. 8. HOLME O. II. HOLME WTSi THP P A I MC ic .1 ..-.wit THE NAME HARNES Hand made from best material. Outlast any factory made goods Call and see. Harness repairing by experienc ed harness maker. J. M. COVERT At M. D. Nichols stand. Alliance GEO. D. HARRAH Kreeder and Dealer PURE BRED BULLS Can furnish ranchmen of N.braka with either Hri tfords or Shorthorns. Address Exchange Building, outh Omaha F,xNrlencfl Tailor Will Open Shop AImii( March 1 In Watteyne Ittiililiiig on Hntto I. Heifer, an experienced men's tailor, will open a cleaning, pressing and tailoring shop at 406 Box Butte avenue, in the Watteyne building, about March 1. Mr. Heifer Is a tailor of experience and in addition to his cleaning and pressing business he will make suits to order. targe Crowd Ileum Sphndlil Free Concert. Hoy I'limnlng Nhh- lal lrograin for Man h For a Ulllous Attack When you have a severe headache. accompanied by a coated tongue, loathing of food, constipation, torpid liver, vomiting of partly digested food and then bile, you may know that you have a severe bilious attack While you may be quite sick there Is much consolation in knowing that re lief may be had by taking three of Chamberlain's Tablets. They are prompt and effectual. Obtainable everywhere. Adv Feb BUY REO GARAGE I Ulna Sturgeon and C. A. Powell Are the New Owners of Garage In the McCorkle HiiildiiiR Bliss Sturgeon and Charles A. Powell, who purchased tho U-n Cir nge last weeit from .I. I.. :" took possession of tho hupinT"j v,:,,a day. They will continin tho Vt-.-i ness In the sa ue location. In tho I office building, and will contlnuo the agency for the Ueo automobiles, al though they will probably take over the Bale of one or two other cars soon. Business will be conducted under the firm name of Sturgeon and Powell. i HEAD STUFFED FROM CATARRH OR A COLD Says Cream Applied in Nostrils ,Opens Air Passages Right Up. Instant relief no waiting. Your clogged nostrils open right up; the air panHagPS of your head clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuf fling, blowing, headache, dryness. No struggling for breath at night; your cold or catarrh disappears. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, healing cream in your nostrils. It pen etrates through every air passage of the head, soothes the inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief comes in stantly. It's just fine. Don't stay stuffed up with a cold or nasty catarrh. PRUDENCE IN ADVERTISING That the reople of Alliance and vicinity are Interested in the work done and the progress being made by their band organization Is evidenced by the large crowd that turned out Sunday afternoon to hear tho free concert given at the Imperial theatre under the direction of I'rofessor John Havllk. Tin. Land has increased wonderful ly In efllciency in the past few months and has also increased in numbers. The organization now has twenty seven pieces and twenty-two of these were present and took part in tho concert yesterday. A number of the boys are employed by the railroad company and cannot always take part in the concerts and rehearsals. The band was assisted In their con cert Sunday by Harvey Whaley, dir ector of the Imperial Orchestra of this city. ' Some time the latter part of next month the third of the series of free concerts will b given. Professor Havllk is planning a more elaborate program for this to consist of the usual band selections, Intersperse. I with Instrumental sxlra an I vo.-.r. selections with tar. 1 ::l i::: ments. '.ik v I V". r 'i ::n- VM.nxr I -,.. ' i V(tt Pff, ic Ruck '.!;!! y !i;iv a weak spot. t'i n bad back. r-'rs follow every sudden twist " I ichliK keepB up, day and night. Backache is often from weak kid neys. In such cases a kidney medicine is needed Doan's Kidney Pills are for weak kidneys. For backache and urinary His. Good proof of merit in the follow ing statement. Mrs. Thomas O'Neal, S. King St., Chadron, Nebr., says: "I had more or less trouble from my kidneys for several years. I suffered severely from an attack of lumbago. My back became very lame and painful and I felt tired and languid nearly all the time. Doan's Kidney Pills were fin ally recommended to me and I began using them. I was Boon freed from the annoyance." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. O'Neal had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props.. Buffalo, N. Y. Adv feb 3-10 sand hill imi:i:zi.s This ItusiiicN.s Man Advertises in Dull Season When II In Compe thorn Discontinue Publicity The thoughtful man thinks ahead. The prudent man profits by his abil ity to forecast the future as well as to scrutinize the present. One of the most prominent advertisers in the country says he makes It a rule to increase his advertising appropria tion whenever business slackens and he doubles and trebles it in times of severe business depression. This is htj? logical conclusion: "The new cus tomers that I get when times are hard I always keep when times be come good. They come to me large ly from those who lose them because they fail to continue their publicity compaigns. A business depression in this country never lasts long and it is always seedtime for me. The har vest follows when prosperity re turns." It is a wise man who knows his business better than the other man does. Leslie's Weekly. to hot tea FOR A BAD COLD i .i mmi'.I I'iK'knge of Hamburg (vi I To:i. r ai the German folks .i .l :t. "iiuuiiiiirger P.i ust Thee," at any pi :im.m'V. Tal.o n taMenpoonfnl of the hi. ul a cup of hoiling water upon it. ". lie t)iniM a sieve and drink a tecu; full at any time during the i!n' nr !..-:m-e retiring. It U the most clVer: e way to break a cold and cure nr. hh it ofciii. tl:e pore of the skin, reliet li!f eongeiition. Also loosens the boweU, thus driving a cold from the sytitt-in. Try it the next time you suffer from a coll or the grip. It is inexpensive ini.l entirely vegetable, therefore Bafe mil harmless. J BACKACHE AND LUMBAGO RIGHT OUT &ub Pain and Stiffness away with a (mall bottle of old honest St. Jacobs Oil When oiir hack sore and lame or lniiiliiigo, M-iiitii-a or rheumatism has you htill'eni! i . don't Miiffer! Get a 25 cent hottle of old. h. merit 'St. Jitcolm Oil" at any drug store, pour a little in (,ur hum! Mini ruh it right into the pain or aelie. and by t!io time you count fifty, ihe oreucr and lame ness is ii:e. In't tii crippled! This soothing. (.'cuing nil i.cisU to he useil only !' take the ache and Jinn l i -li i y'lir hack and ends the itii r; -. in.i''ii'al. yet absolutely harnih'-.'oe-n't hum t'ie skin. Nothing eNe htops lumbago, sciatic ud luu:' ! ink misery so promptly' Nearly new, late model, typewriter for sale cheap. On easy terms. In quire at The Herald office. Joe Covalt called at Hickory Tues day. George McNurlln Is better at this writing. A. D. Hill visited at J. B. Wade's Saturday. Samuel Hickman made a trip Alliance Tuesday. Dr. Archer visited In uur vicinity one day last week. H. W. Patton made a business trip to Alliance Thursday. Wallace Patton visited at the.H. W. Stllle home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Stllle motored to Alliance last Wednesday. Miss La Verta Patton and Ralph Wade went skating Sunday. Mrs. Herman Stille called at the A. D. Hill home last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Blalsdel called at George McNurlin's last Sunday. J. B. Wade and family called at the A. D. Hill ranch last Sunday. Harold Carson's brother from Os ceola is visiting him at this writing. H. W. Patton and family called at the George McNurlin home last Sun day. Merritt Powles made a business trip to Broadwater one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wade and son Ralph called at the H. W. Patton home Sunday. Messrs. John Scott and Victor Co valt called at the Hickman ranch Sunday. School at the Teddy district. No. 83, was postponed on account of the cold weather. Mrs. Samuel Hickman was operat ed on at the St. Joseph hospital in Alliance last Wednesday. Something (jood Those who hate nasty medicines should try Chamberlain's Tablets for constipation. They are pleasant to takp mid their effect is so agreeable and so natural that you will not real ize that it has been producea Dy a medicine. Obtainable everywhere. Adv Feb TWO ('A IIS OF l-'OIIDS Keeler and Coursey. local repre sentatives of the Ford automobile, unloaded n shipment of two carloads cf Ford cars last week. The ship trent included fourteen touring cars and two roadsters. One of the. roadsters was sold Fri day to Harvey Meyers. The I test lUcoinmeinlat ion The strongest recommendation any .. .- m.iv riMiv it h favorable word from the user. It Is the recom mendations of those who nave usea it that makes Chamberlain's Cough unniilar. Mrs. Amanda Gierhart, Waynestield, Ohio, writes: "Chamberlain a i:o'gn uemeoy n been used in my iamily oft and on for twenty years and it has never failed to cure a cough or cold." Obtainable everywhere. Adv Feb If you do not read the ads you may be overlooking a special opportunity for yourself. 3 I v. ?g ,i Xifr3rV i Our Dimension Lumber is manufactured of carefully selected stock, cut accurately to all standard sizes and seasoned thoroughly by open-air process. We carry both rough and dressed lumber in several grades-suitable for various purposes. We Assure Satisfaction to every customer, no matter what the mount of his purchase. Come and talk over your plans with us. We can show you how to save money in buying all kinds of building material. Buyers Get Quality Guaranteed on All Supplies : it; :' Dierks Lbr. & Coal Co. Phone 22 We sell Coal: Canon City Lump and Nut; Sheridan Lump and Nut; Eastern Hard Coal; Kirby Nut. Read the Ads in tne Herald We Screen Our Coal You pet the coal and we burn tho screen in in our fur naces at the plant. NO BETTER COAL FOR THE MONEY Is brought to Alliance, "We carry it in the three sizes, the PEA, the NUT and the LUMP, and one or the other will meet your needs for stove, range or furnace. Genuine KIRBY PEA (Delivered) $4.00 Genuine KIRBY NUT (Delivered) $6.50 Genuine KIRBY LUMP (Delivered) $7.50 Hundreds will use no oilier coal but Kirby. Try it and you, loo, will have found VVKL S A T I S FA CT I ( ) N. Alliance Creamery Co PHONE 545 MenandVomcnWanted-Government Positions Forest HK.siNtant, Industrial feather, Junior e :iKitirtr. I.iikI I.iw clerk, teacher, telegraph teratr. Kxatniiialioii Murili 1.1. Stenograph er ami t)ewriter February -6. (nlik preparation U neeessar) , You Can Learn by Mail ut Home, Study at Night. Wouldn't you like a job for life with a steady income of $75 to $ 100 or more every nionih with a pood chance for promotion? Then why not pet It? We guarantee to pup-ira you for uny civil service position, city, state or federal coach you free until you fcet the pos ition. Send for particulars. l ll KFJtVH'N SCHOOL Kittretlg KlUg.. Denver