LITICALAIiliOUIICEMEIITS fib W.' II. IIARPEK Candidate for nomination of REPRESENTATIVE, 73rd District Republican Primaries April 18, 1916 Tour support is respectfully solicited CALVIN M. COX J Candidate for nomination for SHERIFF OF BOX BUTTE COUNTY i 'Primaries April 18, 1916 1 respectfully solicit your support 'A J F. W. IRISH Condidate for nomination of County Treasurer N RepublicHn Primaries April 18. 1916 Tour support solicited and appreciat ed POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT I wish to that I will be Republican candidate for nomlna lion of County Clerk at the primaries April IS. 1916. Your supyort will appreciated. W. C. MOUNTS. For Representative T;inl Dlst. I hereby announce my candidacy for State Representative on the re publican ticket, from the 73 rd Dlst lict, comprising She ri dim ;ind Box Butte counties. My long residence la the District enables mo to be con versant with the needs of th people and If successful will plelae i.iost loy- . al service to my constituency. I will appreciate your support. E. C. PWIOERT. Cordon. Nebr MISS OPAL RUSSELL -Candidate for Democratic nomination for County SiKHiteident of Hoy Rutte County Primaries, April 18. 1916 I will' appreciate your support 'If "' n 1 i i,1 ! i if i i MTV- . . .,- - . . 5 ; I LLOYD V. THOMAS Candidate for Democratic nomination for state representative from the 73rd district Primaries April 18, 1916 If nominated and elected my time will be Riven to serving In the Inter est of western Nebraska. I believe that I know the needs of Box Butte and Sheridan counties and that I have the ability to serve the cit liens of these counties in an efficient man ner. Your support, at the coming primaries Is respectfuly solicited. L. A. KERRY Candidate for nomination for COUNTY JUDGE BOX BUTTE COUNTY Primaries April 18, 1916 Your support will be appreciated A x " ' FRED n; MOLLRINO Candidate for Domination for COUNTY TREASURER Democratic Primaries April 18. 1916 Your support will be appreciated For County Clerk I hereby announce that I am a can didate for the Democratic namina tlon for County Clerk of Box Butte county, subject to the will of the vot ers at the Primaries to be held Tues day, April 18, 1916. I will appreciate your vote. k GEORGE FLEMING. V. S. RIDC.KLL Slate Fire CoiiiiulsNi. titer Candidate for State Railway Commis sioner Democratle Ticket Primaries. April 18. 1916 Your support will be appreciated iKlliK K. NNYIKR Candidate for the Democratic noiu- ii'.iitlon for the oUicu of County Clerk of Box Butte County t'rimaries April is, 1916 Your fi'ipnor will he appreciated W. O. UARNKS Candidate for Notulimtlon of SHERIFF BOX BUTTE COUNTY Republican Primaries April 18. 1916 I respectfully solicit your support t t 1 " - . .. 1 ' pWWTr1S"SBWisBsWBaBWSFStB i j . : k . : "X'rz 7 rOLITICAIi ANNOUNCKMKNT ' W. L. (HUFFITH Candidate for Republican nomination for the office of Sheriff of Ilox Itutte Ciuiity Primary election, April 18, 1916 The support of the Republican voters is respectfully solicited RORKRT A. BALL I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of County Clerk, sub ject to the decision of the Republican Primaries, April 18, 1916. From a pioneer Box Butte family; feel qual ified for the position and entitled to it. I will appreciate a boost. i ROBERT A. BALL. LIVE STOCK REPORT Hiimnrary of Number and Value of Live Stock of Nebranka Farm! and Ranges, and In V. 8. Washington, February 9 A sum mary of. estimates of numbers and values of live stock on farms . and ranges on January 1, for Nebraska and for the United States, compiled by the Bureau of Crop Estimates (and transmitted through the Weath er Bureau) U. S. Department of Ag riculture, is as follows: liore STATE Number 1,030,000. com pared with 1,038,000 a year ago, and 1,038,000 five years ago. Value per head, $94, compared with $92 a year ago, and $106 five years ago. UNITED STATES Number, 21,- 200.000, compared with 21,195,000 a year ago and 20,277,000 five years ago. Value per head, $101.60, com pared with $103.33 a year ago and $111.46 five years ago. Mule STATE Number 98,000 compar ed with 85,000 a year ago and 85.- 000 five years ago. Value per head. $104, compared . with $105 a year ago and $119 five years ago. . UNITED STATES Number, 4. 560,000. compared with 4,479,000 a year ago and 4,323,000 five years ago. value per neaa, 9113.87, com pared with $112.36 a year ago and $125.92 five years ago. Milch Cows STATE: Number 650,000, com pared with 625,000 a year ago and 626.000 five years ago. Value per head, $60 compared with $62.50 a year ago and $37.50 five years ago. UNITED STATES Number, ZZ.- 000.000. compared with 21,262.000 a year ago and 20,823.000 five years ago. Value per head, $53.90, com pared with $55.33 a year ago anq $39.97 five years ago. Other Cattle STATE Number 2.240,000 com pared with 2.034,000 a year ago and 2.225.000 five years ago. value per head. $40.50, compared wltti $40.80 a year ago and $22.60 five years ago. UNITED STATES rounder, r.00.000. compared with 37.067,000 a year ago and 39,679,000 five years ago. Value per head, $33.49. com pared with $33.38 a year ago and $20.54 five years ago. Sheep - STATE Number, 374,000, com pared with 374.000 a year ago and 382.000 rtve years ago. Value per head. $5.40, compared with $4.80 a year ago and $4.07 five years ago. UNITED STATES Number, 49. 200.000, compared with 9.956.000 n year ago and 53.633.000 five years ago. Value per head. $5.17. com pared with $4.50 a year ago and $3.91 five years ago. Swine STATE Number, 4,270,000. com pared with 3.809.000 a year ago and 3,951.000 five years ago. Value per head. $9.40. compared with $10.90 a year ano and $10.90 five years ago. ITNITED STATES Number, 68. 000.000. compared with $64,618,000 year ago and 65,620,000 five years ago. Value per head. $8.40, compar M with $9.87 a year ago and $9.37 five years ago. HAVE YOU BEEN SICK? Then you realize the utter weakness that robs ambition, destroys appetite, and makes work a burden. To restore that strength and stamina that Is so essential, nothing has ever equaled or compared with Scott's Emulsion, be cause it- trcogth sustaining nourish ment invigorates the blood to distribute energy throughout the body while its tonic value sharpens the appetite and restores health in a natural, permanent way. If you are run down, tired, nervous, overworked or lack strength, get Scott's Emulsion to-day. It is free from alcohol. Scott St bowae. Bloomitld. N. J. Help Your Liver It Pays When your liver gets torpid ant: vour stomach arts queer, take Dr Kinc's New Lire Pills and you wit' 4mLyourself feeling better. They pur fy the blood, give you freedom froo. constipation, biliousness, dixtlnest nnd indigestion. You feel fine Jus' 'ike you want to feel. Clear the com plexion too. 25c at druggists. dv No 1 LAUD G0MP7 REORGANIZED Nebraska Land Company Iteorganlz ed on a Iroftt-ftharlnjr. Plan -Officers ChoM-ti The Nebraska Land Company which for the past eight years has been under the management of J. C. McCorkle. has been recently reorgan ized on a profit-sharing plan. Mr. McCorkle, who has had other Inter ests for some time, will devote his entire time In the future to the busi ness of the company. They have plans under way to as sist homeseekers who wish to take advantage of the North Platte Valley project or who are seeking home stead locations and also expect to de vote much time toward the further settling of this western Nebraska country. The officers of the company are J. C. McCorkle, manager; A. Meeker, solicitor; Oscar O'Bannon. salesman and N. A. McCorkle, secretary and treasurer. GRAY HAIR BECOMES DARK, THICK, GLOSSY Look years younger! Try Grandma's recipe of Sap.e oi'd Sulphur and nobody will know. Almost everyone knows tlmt Sage Tea and Sulphur, proper compounded, brings back the natural color and lustre to the hair when faded, streaked or gray; also ends dandruff, itching scalp and stops failing nair. Years ago the only way to get this mixture was to make it at home, which is musay and trouble some. Nowadays we simply ask at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy.1' You will get a large bottle for about 60 cents. Everybody uses this old, famous recipe, because no one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, as it docs it so naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through ycur hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair disap pears, and after another application or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, thick and giossy and you look years younger. FROM "HUn THE MUTT" Young Man Who Enlisted in English Array Writes K. Ci. lining about His KxjH-riences in France "Hutt the Mutt" who appeared at the Stockmen's Convention in Alli ance a few years ago, has written to E. O. Laing of Alliance telling of his experiences with the British army on the battle front in France. While living in Alliance he was a fireman on the Burlington railroad. Last November a number of the Alliance boys, upon learning that Hutt was serving with the British army, sent him a Christmas present of a -fine pair of slippers They reached him at the battle front In the trenches. One of the slippers had Laing's business card In the toe, and the letter follows in reply. Hutt said in his letter: "Here I write a few lines In answer to your card. I was more than surprised to receive It In my welcome Xmas pres ent. I must say with all my best wishes that I am pleased to take the pleasure of writing to my old friends after being away so long from. Alli ance. Say. George (he calls Burt "George"), I am what you., call a 'boomer', but not ho bad after all. I have been over to France and got mine, and now they are talking about giving me my discharge. You bet I am not sorry for it. . In the army they Just treat you like a d n dog. They say, 'Your king and country need you. I say now, 'To h 1 with them.' Thank God, I have both my arms and legs so I can make my liv ing any where I travel. "You know, George, Fred Hicks writes to me quite df ten and I tell you I sure do like t6 get all the news while I am so far away. I don't go anywhere in this country but what they tell me about their sons and husbands" at the front. It's heart breaking, all right, especially at this time of the year. You are not even safe here in London or any other place wh'n the Zeppelins con.e over. A Zep killed aixteen , men and fifty horses where I was stationed a short time ago. "They have been malking up for the past year here this Christmas. My friends here have done all they could to show me a good time. I can hardly write now. for they are danc ing in the next room an1 having a good time." "TirFKlG, SORE, WD FEE! Good-bye sore feet, burning feet, swol len feet, sweaty feet, smelling feet, tired feet. Good-bye corns, callouses, bunions and raw snots. Ne more shoe tight, ness, no more limp ing with pain or I face in asroar. "TIZ" is magical, acta right off "TIZ" draws out all the poisonous exudatloua whick puff tip the feet Um TIZ and for- get your, foot misery. Ah! how comfortable your feet feel. Get a 23 cent box of TIZ" bow at any druggist or department store. Don't suffer. Have good feet, glad feet, feat that never swell, never hurt, never get tired. A year's foot comfort guaraateed r mosey refunded. rjpIIE merchants who advertise in this paper will give yon best values for your money. The Imperial Orchestra MILT H. WHALEY and H. A. DUBUQUE, Managers High Class Concert and Dance Work Prices on Members of Application A. F. of M. VARfCOGELE CUREIX -fT Since 1R85 In Kansas City, I have f II' successfully treated thousands of eases of Varicocele. Hydro- fft cele, and allied troubles. The iT knotted veins, pain, enlarse- JS inent, weakness and otherT symptoms (juickly dixappear.,- jj Write for Illustrated rt1 "Without the Knife" and full particu lars free, sealed. Call or address MnglfrwfcaCDREP, Mo. .rfw(iS5IT57!Srrai.L.. - Sfyriw UlansMl U Sana. HIDES FURS Shipped to us brlna hlchest price, quickest returns. TANNING We do the world's best tannine at mod- T.l .Prices. Tags and prices fur nished. Reference Any Bank In Sioux City. HAWKEYE HIDE COMPANY 411 Water St. Sioux City, la. YOUR PRINTING A Valuable Asset f Your Business .5 : We Help Our Cus- &: tomers to Success : With Presentable, $ Z g Profitable g 1 PUBLICITY $ DH4fHHTHWfrHTHtH :Kn::i::tnn::n:imnHiTna I Have Stocked Up in Good Young Stallions .A prize winner from the Stock Show in Denver. I now have eight head. " Call and see them, for it is a pleas ure to show them. 1 have made arrangements to stay in Alli ance until the first of March with these stallions, which will be. sold as cheap as anyone can sell stallions, quality being taken into consideration. Term will be made to suit the purchaser. I will take stallions or full aged horses in exchange at what they are worth. Correspondence solicited. J B . 1 r . Stallions at the. Wilson Barn in Alliance . Barn one block north and two Mocks west of Burlington depot. Address me in care of the Burlington Hotel, Alliance. W. W; BUCHANAN of Hyannis, Nebraska rtHMin iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimMiiimrmtmitimmmiii mmntamtt A VOTE OF TIlAliKS Nebraska Slate HherlfTa Aaaorfatim Extends Vote of Thanks to Al liance Club and Khorlfl Sheriff Cox has received the fol lowing vote of thank from the Ne braska State Sheriff's Association passed while they were in session at North riatte of January 11th: Vote of Thanks North Tlatte. Nebr., Jan. 11, '1. The Nebraska State Sheriff' As sociation, assembled at North Platta, Nebraska, this 11th day of January, 1916, do extend to the Alliance Com merclal Club, the citizens of Alllanea. the members of the Benevolent Ol der of Elksand especially to Sheriff C. M. Cox, a hearty vote of thank for the entertainment accorded fa the members of this association vis were in attendance at the State Sher iff's Association convention, held 1st Alliance June 16, 1915. - Assuring you that each of us haws In our hearts a warm feeling for ta treatment received at your hands, ' (Signed) GUSTAVE SI E VERS. Sheriff of Hall County. FftED MINOR, Sheriff of Greeley County. W. C. CONDIT, Sheriff of Dodge County. , Sec. Nebr. Sheriff's Aaa1. Itev. Montgomery In Pennsylvania Rev. D. W. Montgomery of Graad Junction, Colo., Sunday school mis sionary of the Presbyterian church, well known in Alliance and north western Nebraska, has been raaklag one of his occasional lecture trlfa thru the east this winter. Bulletiaa . of the Pine Street Presbyterian church of Harrlsburg, Pa., recently received by The Herald, give inform ation that Rev. Montgomery preach ed at the morning service, Sunday, January 30, and gave an address at the fifty-eighth anniversary of the Sunday school of that church, held the afternoon of that day. - War ujKn Paint Fain is a visitor to every home and,, usually it comes quite unexpectedly. But you are prepared for every emer gency It you keep a small bottle f Sloan's Liniment handy. It is the greatest pain killer ever discovered. Simply laid on the skin no robbing' required It drives the pain away. It is really wonderful. Mervln H. Solster, Berkley, Calif., writes: "Last Saturday, after tramp-, Ing around the Panama Exposition with wet feet, I came home with nay neck so stiff that I couldn't turn. I applied Sloan's Liniment freely and went to bed. To my surprise, next morning the stiffness bad almost dis appeared, four hours after the second application I was as good as new." March, 1915. At Druggists, 2 So. Adv 1 THI-STATE FAIR NAMES OFFICERS FOR SEASON Crawford, Nebr., Feb. 7 OfOeeni were elected Saturday for the tri Btate fair association, embracing northwestern Nebraska, eastern Wy oming and southwestern South Dako ta. They were: W. B. Morrison, president; Dr. B. F. Richards, .rise president; Walter C- Rundin, seers-, tary; Clyde J. Hornsby, treasurer; and P. G. Cooper, L. L. Lease, F. L. Hall, C. A. Mlnick and S. M. Knapw, directors. Nearly new, late model, typewriter for sale cheap. On easy terms. In quire at The Herald office. a . w -r -"