The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 10, 1916, Image 2

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    V O U R
ig H figured for 70a ; any measurements; any shape stacks;
both government and local or Western rule; endorsed and used
by bankers and hay dealcn wherever introduced; aa essential
to the farmer as the Interest table to the banker or the adding
machine to the office.
Price of tables, 60c each; set of three, $1.00.
Publishing Co.
Alliance, Nebraska'
16th and Howard Streets OMAHA, NEBR.
All Stockmen know this Hotel Most of them stop with us
Well Located Always Comfortable
South Omaha Cars Pass Our Door
BATES : $1.00 to $2.00 Single ; 75 cti. to $1.50 Double
Try us once under the new management
You will come again
' Harry Ryan still in charge of the Bar
Popular Priced Cafe . P. W. MiKESELL, Prop.
A half dozen fine Bone Tipped Corn Cob Pipes, symbols of the
comfort we furnish, mailed to you FREE OF ALL CHARGE,
If you send us this add with your address
Cheapest to buy and best to plant. You do not go to low
lands or draws for seed corn. Why go there for trees! Our
stock is not forced and will give you entire satisfaction. Our
plant is located the farthest west of any nursery in the state,
which insures prompt service.
with us either, bat we didn't drop
I you from our subscription list on that
account. Boston Transcript.
That Cheerful Friend
When all the world seems kind o'
And thlnxs ain't Kotn' right,
And when you've got the blues so Bad
You'd moat aire up the fight,
Your cheerful friend cornea down the
Ilia features seem to shine;
He greets you with these words: "By
Old chap, you're lookin' fine!"
You've simply got to tone up then,
No matter how you feel;
The world takes on a different look;
A smile begins to steal
Across your beaming countenance;
The very air Is wine;
You pass on with the knowledge that
"By George, you're lookin' one:"
You soon forget your aches an'
It puts you back In tune;
If there's any better tonic,
It would be earth's greatest boon
The friend who Slaps you on the back
With gusto half divine,
And says to you, "By George, old
You're lookin simply fine!"
Cause for Dislike
"I don't iike that man."
"Don't like him? Why. my
fellow, you don't know him!"
"That's why I don't like him.
refuses to meet me."
You Cau Find Modern Accommoda
tions, at Moderate Price Hotel,
Conveniently Located
v tfortii a Discount
At a certain church It was the cus
tom for the clergyman to kiss me
bride after the marriage ceremony. A
young lady who was about to be mar
ried in the churcn am not rensn me
prospect, and Instructed her pros
pective husband, when making ar
rangements, to tell the clergyman
she did not wish him to kiss her. The
young bridegroom did as directed.
"Well, George," Bat atne young ia
dy, when he appeared, "did you tell
the clergyman that I did not wish
him to kiss, me?"
"And what did he say?" . "
"He said that In that case he
would charge only half the . usual
In visiting a city of hotels, such as
Denver is, one is sometimes at a loss
to know where to put up. Few peo
ple care to stop at some of the bum
places that have out a hotel sign, and
yet most of us prefer to not pay ex
travagant prices for hotel accommo
To those who wish to find a mod
erate price hotel, with modern con
veniences, well located, Hotel Mid
land, at Seventeenth and Arapahoe
streets, will be quite acceptable. It
Is only a few blocks up Seventeenth
street from Union Station, and yet It
is near the business center of the
city. '
Hotel Midland is conducted on the
European plan, guests pay for their
rooms only, getting their meals else
where. There are good restaurants
and cafes nearby. The rates at the
Midland are low, considering the fine
location and good accommodations.
Well famished, steam heated rooms.
with clean, comfortable beds, and
privilege of bath, may be had at 75
cents and one dollar per day; room
with private bath, $1.60 per day.
You should use the Coal that gives the most heat for the money
expended. Try this:
per ton
We also sellKooi, Kirby and. Colorado Nut and Lump. Call
phone 5 for quick delivery
Feed, Ice, Kerosene, Qasoline and Lubricating Oil
r!iimniimmimiiimmmmirmrmtttmttttnimi HMIHIHillllllHttTt
v A S
You Muft Be Careful
Accidents will occur. When they do, you must
be sure to dress the wounds carefully. Not to do
, so may mean blood poison and death. We carry
a full. line of first-aid supplies such as ' ' '
Bondages Adhesive Plaster Liniments
Disinfectants Medicated Cotton
All of- them simple, effective helps which you
should J'eep on hand for emergencies in your home.
Hot and Cold Drinks, Lunches Served
at Our Sanitary Fountain.
Up to Them
Little James. aged six, had been
taught to pray each night for all his
relatives and friends, , ana conse
quently the list had grown quite
large. So one night when it came
time for the customary prayers he
refused to say them.
"Well, well. James!" saw Ji
mother. "Why won't you say tuein?
All good little boys Bay their pray
"Yes, but I'm too tired."
"Oh, my, that's no excuse. Come
now, mat s a gooa ooy.
"Well." relented James, "i guess
I'll have to. But, ar.ybow, I'm not
solng to pray for everybody, l m go
ing to cut a lot of em out. home or
'em will have to save tnemseives.
Harper's Magazine.
F.vadiiiK the linsket
Oh, Editor! with yawning basket,
Thta little favor, let me asu it.
Consider, if 'twould be the thing
To take this' little gem I bring
One that's quite worthy of a casket'
And throw It In that selfsame Basnet.
I've heard of throwing pearis 10
swine. '
And offering Willie Bryan wine:
But if you do that basket stunt.
My feelings you will much affront.
- - r . . s3. i.
Ask I'm a Hard One
A Sunday school teacher had been
telling her class of little boys about
crowns 01 giory ana nenu in
wards for good people.
'Now, tell me," sne saia, at me
close of the lesson, "who will get tne
biggest crown?' '
There was Bllence lor a minute or
two, then a Drignt nine cuup imri
out: ....
"Hlm'wat's got th biggest eaa..
Jut the Difference
Th manager of a great Bhop was
showing his admiring friend around.
'How can your assistants ten wnen
a woman is really a purchaser or on
ly BhopplngT" asked the latter.
"That s simple, repneu u mu-
ager. 11 tney iur ouiucmiue
cheaper, they want. to buy; when
they're shopping they usually say:
'Haven t you tniB in a otuwr iiu"
tyT' "
run rtiwr
T jot uiimmnr a smart innkeeper re
turned a number of broken beer bot
tles to his brewery, and asKea to De
allowed for them, as tney nau u-ru
burst by the sun.'
The manager examined the corks,
and thta is a copy of his reply:
'Dear Sir: We'll stana tne io u
you'll tell us who lent uia soi
Just the Thing
"t.n't that a nouguereauT" asked
Mrs. Malaprop as they stopped for a
moment to look at the new pictures.
"Oh. my. no." repueu ner iioir.
.! T Vi ii li An
"it'B'a lion. Hut l toia jwhiuu
he brought It home mat u
good , deal more Jise one 01
things you mention.
An Iii-I11.ii lobbyist
"That man must be an Insidious
lobbyist." doclarol Congressman
"What has he doner" inquireu
rvineressman Way back.
"He invited me to share a nottie 01
er luice with him." Pittsburgh
Xothlntr Worth While
"Did vdu find anything in that
T" asked the footpad.
"Nothing: worth, while." answered
the burglar.' "But I t's bad luck to
kattiu av emnty-handed. so I
brought along the watchdog and
lot of burglar-alarm aparatus.
Washington Star.
A Helper
siiih--Gold more is a very gener
n... nA follow. Do you know. he'B
in.iivii ticir,inif Homebody out.
- inn fHadlv) Yes. I know. I
,ont in KAfi his daughter the other
night and he helped me out, too!
Corn Varieties in Western Nebraska
Preliminary results from variety
tests of corn conducted at the North
Platte and Mitchell as well as other
experimental stations seem to Indi
cate that U. S. Selection 133, a yellow
dent corn; Marten's white dent; and
White Australian are varieties which
are well adapted to this part of the
Great Plains area and good varieties
for western Nebraska conditions. The
White Australian variety, which Is a
flint corn, la pointed out as being de
serving of further trials, especially
where corn for hogging off is desired.
Of the varieties tested, the medium
early seems superior to the very ear
ly or to the late ones.
Mimv Alliance People-Have a Weak
Part Too Often It's the Hack
Many people have a weak spot. ,
Too often it's a bad back.
" winges follow every sudden twist
Dull achin-; keeps up, day . and
Backache is often from weak "kid
In such cases a kidney medlc'ne 's
Doan's Kidney Pills are for weak
kidneys. ,
For backache and urinary Ills.
Good proof of merit in the follow
ing statement. . .
Mrs., Thomas O'Neal, S.. King St.,
Chadron. Nebr.. says: "I had more
or lesB trouble from my kidneys tar
several years. I suffered severely
from an attack of lumbago. My back
became very lame and painful and I
felt tired and languid nearly nil the
time. Doan's Kidney Pills were fin
ally recommended to-me and I b'igan
using them. I was -soon freed from
the annoyance."
Price 50c, at all. dealers. Don't
Bimply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mrs. O'Neal had. Foster-Milburn
Co., ProfSs., Buffalo, N. Y. 1
Adv feb 3-10 .
Tha second semester began Mon
day, January 24, the work continu
ing without any interruption between
semesters. Registration had been al
most completed one week in advance.
About thirty-five new students have
enrolled this semester.
A normal bulletin has Just come
from the press which Is given over to
some outline courses In botany by
Professor Jean and some suggested
nature Study material and its treat
ment by Professor B. C. Hendricks.
This bulletin will be mailed to any
school expressing a wish for same if
the request is accompanied by post
Two more basket ball games are
scheduled for this week: Grand Is
land, February 2, and York, Febru
ary 3. botu of which promise to be
Interesting games.
Dean Mattie C. Ellis was called to
Florida last Thursday by the, serious
illness of her mother.
The young men of the Men's Glee
Club returned Saturday morning
from their annual concert tour. They
gave five concerts ana report a very
enjoyable week with good audiences
and successful concerts. They were
accompanied by Miss Meyer of the
voice department, who contributed
some solos, and Miss Grace Telch
who is their accompanist. The pro
gram includes the usual quota of
lighter melodies and c liege songs
but lays stress upon music that is
really good. We are glad to note
that we are to hear this Glee Club on
Monday evening in their annuol at-
home concert.
Pres. Hayes attended a meeting of
the county superintendents and oth
er educators of the 'state in Lincoln
last week. The meeting was called
by State Superintendent Thomas for
the purpose of discussing the needs
of the country schools and means of
meeting these needs
On registering this semester stud
ents were charged a fifty-cent hosplt
al fee, which is to be used in paying
the wages of the school nurse. The
board of education has rented a fur
nished cottage for her occupancy.
The nurse will visit students and
wait upon them in their rooms, and
when circumstances warrant it pa
tients will be removed to the Infirm
ary. Miss Barclay began her duties
in this capacity January 24 and at the
present time there are two patients
In the hospital who are suffering
from tonsilitls.
Prof. S. C. Smith, head of the de
partment of manual training, was
called away Wednesday to attend
the funeral of a brother.
Dean E. L. Rouse was In Kearney
last week, where he addressed
city teachers' Institute.
The people of Peru toad tne pnvn-
More money Is wasted by not
knowing HOW to farm man is km
by the ravages or Ores ana nooai.
ER, but be charges a mighty stiff tu
ition fee.
ir Ton are farming or thinking 01
farming, why not learn the farming
game as you would any otner Dul
lness game? If yotJ-have not : th
tim or think you are too old f
spend two or three years In an agri
cultural college, take a course In the
Campbell Correspondence School i of
Holl uuiture.
and learn the principles and practices
don't have to leave home just us
your SPARE TIME that otherwise
would be frittered away.
The WeBt is full of opportunities
for the man who knows the farming
game fro ma scientific standpoint.
You know all about BURBANK,
and you have heard of CAMPBELL
the great soil wisard. You ca
learn what he has learned and is
much less time.
FOUR and a copy of CAMPBELL'!
FORMATION you will find what yom
Mrs. I. E. Barritt has been on the
sick list the last week.
E. Abley and son Dale were callers
at C. Hansen's, Sunday.
Winnie Warn spent Sunday and
Monday with home folks.
P. K. Christenaen and wife.
home from Alliance Saturday.
J. P. and P. K. Christensen and J.
Jaspersen were in Hemingford Tues
day on business.
Hans Hansen left Saturday for
Blair, Nebr., where he will visit rel
atives and friends.
Clara Christensen, who has beem
working for T. A. Green's the past
month, returned home Sunday.
Bryan Christensen is spending a
few days at the home of his sister,
Mrs. K. M. Christensen, this week.
Mrs. Jim Best and son Hugh, Mrs.
Curry and son, and Miss Bessie Coa-
the i nors spent Sunday at T. A. Green s.
Albert and George Roth. Dick
eae of listening Monda7 evening to 1 Freese. Ejner Christensen, Ella Mor-
D Sfdw!-8tS2r Wotf.SSSS In J -kanc. Car. "enningsattded the
one of his stirring patriotic address
es. Dr. Steiner is the greatest auth
ority on immigration in America and
Is the author of "The Trail of the
Iniuigrant". "The Spirit of Ameri
canism", ana otner line doohs.
: iilss Susan Harmon of
lish department has been granted a
leave of absence for the current se-
raet ter and left Saturday for Lincoln
Alliance People Get Instant AcUon
Those who have used it In Alliance
! are astonisnea at me inBiawt -
the Eng-:tion 6f simple buckthorn bark, glyc-
erine, eic, uiueu m iuicn-.
Because it acts on BOTH lower and
upper bowel, ONE SPOONFUL Adler-
wh re she will enter the University ' ika relieves almost ANY CASE con
and do some advanced work In Eng- . stipation, sour stomach or gas. It re
lish. . t moves such surprising foul matter
, rr 1 that a few doses often relieve or pre-
Something Good ! vent appendicitis. A short treatment
inose wno nate nasiy iueuu.-im- ...1. ,lnn1l,h trouble. Har-
should try Chamberlain's Tablets for
constipation. They are pleasant to
take and their effect is so agreeable
and bo natural that you will not real
ize that it has been produced by a
meuicine. . Obtainable everywhere.
Adv Feb
ry Thlele, Druggist.
A Tv G-2
I Nearly new, late model, typewriter
, for sale cheap. On easy terms. In
! quire at The Herald office.
" Old papers for sale at The Herald
(lowers for St. Valentine's Day at office. Five cents a bunch; six
the Alliance Greenhouse. bunches for a quarter.
iuiu'hii FiifixN
A rountrv editor. arote: "Brother,
don't stop your paper Just because
you don't agree with the editor. The
last cabbage you sent us didn't agree
The Bell Engineering Staff
. Working out complex scientific and engineering problems,
the Bell Telephone Sstem 1m a ceneral ttlt of more than 500
technical, electrical and mechanical experts.
Most, if not all, the telephone instrumentalities that have
led to improvement in telephone service in the world were either
evolved by, or adopted and developed by. this staff.
The Bell System's general engineering staff includes a
greater nvmber of scientiite, technical and meshmical experts
of a higher grade than can be found in all the other government
or private telephone administrations in the world combined.
v 1
By means of this centralized general stiff the Bell System is
able to keep in advance of the trleph-,n art, avoid repetition
cud duplication of work, and ?;ive each Associated Company in
tne System expert advice and expert assistance.
The cost of this work is large, but it is spread over a Vast
system and the,co?t to each cvTimxiity is very smill. The
expense has been warranted a hundred fold by results. It has
enabled the Bell S.vstetn to give the best r.nd the cheapest tele
phone service in the world. -