r t r u 1 fflXDMKKB John McCoy, M. D. Reddish Block. Ihone 81 The Alliance Shoe Store for the best repair work. Use Peacock Lump Coal. More keat for less money. Forest Lumber enpany, phone 73. C. H. Burleigh, editor of the Hem ksgford Ledger, was an Alliance vis itor between trains Friday. Use Peacock Lump Coal. More koat for lesB money. Forest Lumber empany, phone 73. Wm. Cory, a business man of Hem taagford, returned home Monday on Mo. 43 after a brief business visit In Alliance. See our lino of Oil Sardines for 20 cento. L. II. HIGHLAND. Mrs. R. A. WestOTer and little daughter left Friday noon for their k"e at Lakeside. The little girl as operated on by Dr. Hand, Wed esday. - Ho. 1 hard wheat Floor, f 1.6ft per Macks 93.25 per 10O lbs. Standard ocery Company. Phone 41. W. B. Baker, who had been the areest of his brother-in-law, E. W. Bay, and family in this city for sev eral days, returned to hit home at Benry, Nebr., Saturday, lmer Hotchklsa who waa called to enry several days ago on account of the serious illness of his mother, passed through Alliance Sunday en reate to his home at Lincoln. 85c fancy Peaherry Coffee, 25c per pound. This coffee has made a big kit In Alliance. Try it. Standard Vorery Company. Phone 41. Mr. and Mr. Francis Caldwell and kaby, who had been the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Howe, far the past two months, departed Monday for their home in Canada. Flowers in Season Sweet Peas, Violets, Jonquils, Narcissus, Lily of thi' Valley, Raster and Callalillica, Carnations, Roses and lieauties Funeral Designs made on Short Notice Full Line of Potted Plants We pay Postage on all orders of one dollar or more Alliar ce Greenhouse w. Free inspection of any During this cold weather we aw likely In think spring will never mine ami n'ul' t to he prepared for our spring hurries, im plement., repair-. . Preparedness is now in the Air We will have in m full line of implement ami wagons ver Mton. Our harness Moek l now displayed. Come aud iniect nnl reMire in time. 'Y;' :v juKli .u in .- s" lal l).Utalii counter. Yours for Service and Fair Treatment Rhein Rousey Co. John Wiker was in Bayard on bus iness the first of this week. Nee our line of Oil Sardine 6 for 26 centa. L. II. HIGHLAND. C. R. Witham has been working up on the "high line" for the past two weeks. Use Peacock Lump Coal. More heat for less money. Forest Lumber Company, phone 73. Mrs. John Mead, of Newcastle, was operated on for appendicitis at St. Joseph's hospital, Friday. Archie Gregory was called to Mar nhalltown, la., Monday on account of the serious illness of his grandmoth er. R. G. Hartzell, of Kearney, has ar rived in Alliance to fill the position recently vacated by M. L. Maxon with the Nebraska Telephone Com pany. Hartzell was in Alliance when the new exchange was established. Miss Opal Russell, county superin tendent of schools of Box Butte coun ty, returned the first of the week from Lincoln where she had been at tending the annual convention of the county superintendents of schools of the state of Nebraska. Miss Anna Senner, who came here In 1914 from Norfolk to take a posi tion as bookkeeper and stenographer In the office of the secretary of the Commercial Club, has accepted a sim ilar position with the Yost Lumber Company at Lincoln. She leaves Monday for a two weeks' visit with relatives at Scottsbluff before going to Lincoln to take her new position. Arthur Lore, a rancher from Osh kosh, leased the Acheson Brothers ranch and farm twelve miles west of Alliance the first of the week. The lease was made for a year, and Mr. Lore expects to move onto the place March 1. Mr. and Mrs. Lore and children came to Alliance the latter part of last week and returned home Monday. Out of Sight Don't forget your storage battery be cause it's where you can't see it work. Let us take care of it and you'll never have occasion to worry about it. ALLIANCE ELECTRIC WORKS battery at any time Full line of potted plants at the Alllauce Greenhouse. Skinner's Macaroni Products, made In Nebraska. Ask your grocer. Funeral designs made on short no tice. Alliance Greenhouse. See our line of Oil Sardine for 26 cent. I If. HIGHLAND. We pay postage on all orders for flowers for one dollar or more. Alli ance Greenhouse. See our line of Oil Sardine- 6 for 20 cent. L. II. HIGHLAND. John B. Hadley, age 24, and Miss Elma Parker, age 17, were married In Alliance last week by Rev. J. L. Kendall. The Alliance Shoe Store for quick est repair work. 49-tf-6510 Miss Jennie Strickland, of Ft. Lar amie, was brought to the St. Joseph's hospital in Alliance the latter part of last week for an operation for appen dicitis. G. W. Rasch and son John, of Sar gent. Nebr., were in Alliance Monday morning, enroute to Scottsbluff where they contemplate opening or purchasing a barber shop. CATTLE FOR SALK I have 100 head of cattle for sale, mixed bunch, Including fifteen head of splendid milk cows. J. P. NIELSEN. Orlando, Nebr. 8-lt-6350$ John Havlik, director of the Alli ance Band and clerk in the Beckwith clothing store, returned Monday from a ten days trip to North Bend, Oma ha and Lincoln where he was the guest of relatives and friends. Drake and Barb, who recently pur chased the Buick garage from C. T. Pigman and who are establishing a Maxwell agency here, sold a 1916 model Maxwell car, fully equipped, Tuesday to John Pahlow, of near Al liance. Alliance friends of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Beeson, formerly of Alliance and now living at Norfolk, were pleased the first of the week to learn of the arrival on January 23 of Thomas Hicks Beeson, Jr., weighing nine and one-half pounds. Elmer Sly, a resident of Alliance several years ago but who has been living in Iowa for the past two years, arrived in Alliance the latter part of last week. He expects Mrs. Sly and son later and they will make their home in Alliance. J. N. Johnston, local secretary, an flnounces that a United States civil service examination will be held In Alliance February 24 to fill vacancies in the position of stenographer and typewriter, field service. Full Infor mation can be secured Troiii Mr. Johnston. Emil Webber, former well known citizen of Wayne, arrived here Tues day from Alliance, Nebr., where he recently sold his variety store. He will spend some time with bis broth ers, W. II. and W. R. Weber, at this place while looking for a new loca tion. Wayne, Nebr., Herald. W. L. Maulsby, traveler for the harness department of the Newberry Hardware Company, suffered a short attack of appendicitis the last of the week. He recovered quickly and Is out on his trip this week. Mrs. Mauls by, who was taken seriously ill in Denver soir.e time ago, is now better and able to be out. HAY FOR SALE I have 150 tons of hay for sale on my ranch twenty-seven miles south east of Alliance. May be fed on the place if desired. J. P. NIELSEN. Orlando, Neer. 8-lt-6350 Jim Morrison of Superior, Nebr., who purchased some Box Butte county land near Herea several years ago, will move here in February with his family. He has purchased a farm tractor and will i-ommence farming the land, which was pur chased tbrounh the Nebraska I.and Company, on a large scale. Clyde Shipler, who has been em ployed at Mount' barber shop for nearly two years, resiuned his posi tion Saturday nipht and left Sunday night for his home at Knyinond. Kan sas. Clyde has been in poor health for some time and will take a rout in the hope of benefitting himself. He has many friends here who regret to see him leave and who hope to see him back :'guln. In a recent letter received by The Herald fro-: Mrs. Amy I. Brown, who now resides at (Vies. Calif., but formerly vus a well-known resident of Alliance, she states that the gratis is very green and the flowers bloom ing on the lawns. Also, that the weather is BpritiK-Iike. and gardens are being planted for green vegeta bles In March and April. This cli mate would be especially aureeabl" to some who are suffering from the cold spell that penetrates our section of the country'- We are glad to hear that Mrs. Brown is enjoying nood health and a warm locality. , A tax of 2 per n't; or more on in terstate mail order houses, as pro posed by a concrcs.io 'il measure that has b-eii indorsed thi; week in Denver l.y more than one local and natio't;l M t?jniz ition is just and wituou r.i'v tUntional euibble. These houses pay practically 'io state or municipal taxes In any but one place out of the many in which they do bus ineas. They depend upon the feder al government now to do much of their business for them and every year the public Is called on to meet the postal deficiencies. They are In reality Interstate peddlers. In a city a peddler Is made to pay a compara tively high license to make up for the rents and taxes which be escapes. The interstate peddlers by mall should be taxed on the amount of their business and this can be done only by federal authority,--Denver News. LKARM SCIENTIFIC FARMING More money is wasted by not knowing HOW to farm than Is lost by the ravages of fires and floods. EXPERIENCE is a GOOD TEACH ER, but he charges a mighty stiff tu ition fee. If you are farming or thinking of farming, why not learn the farming game as you would any other bus iness game? If you have not the time or think you are too old to spend two or three years in an agri cultural college, take a course in the Campbell Correspondence School of Soil Culture and learn the principles and practices of SCIENTIFIC FARMING. You don't have to leave borne Just use your SPARE TIME that otherwise would be frittered away. The West Is full of opportunities for the man who knows the farming game fro ma scientific standpoint. You know all about BURBANK, and you have heard of CAMPBELL the great soil wizard. You can learn what be has learned and In much less time. Send for our CATALOG NUMBER FOUR and a copy of CAMPBELL'S SCIENTIFIC FARMER. If you are looking for AGRICULTURAL IN FORMATION you will find what you want. Address CAMPBELL CORRKSIONIKNCK SCHOOL, KILLINGS, MONTANA You May Own a llible A. A. Layton, district mislonary for the American Baptist Publication Society for western Nebraska, who is making his headquarters here for the winter, is prepared to furnish a great variety of Bibles and other books at best prices, and will furnish Bibles and Testaments free to those who are unable to pay for them. He receives no commission on any book or Bible sold by bim, his work being purely missionary. You can address him at 822 Cheyenne Ave., Alliance, or call phone 472. Helped the Hoys Out The Alliance high school second basket ball team wanted to go to Sidney for the game tonight with the first team, but were short of funds for the expenses of the trip. Wed nesday morning E. O. Lalng and W. O. Barnes, two good-hearted cltiiens, learned of this and started a contri bution between themselves to make up the deficit. It took only a few minutes for them to raise all that was necessary and the boys went to the game this afternoon. Candidate for County Clerk Robert A. Ball, a prominent farm er of Lawn precinct, has filed for the republican nomination for county clerk. Mr. Ball has been a resident of the county for a number of years and has a wide acquaintance. He will undoubtedly make the other candi dates hustle some. This makes five now in the race, the other four being George Snyder, George Fleming, John Manion and W. C. Mounts. t r t t f f r t T r r f f ? t T ? V t X f ? ? ? ? f V V ? ? ? J Y r ? t f t ? T f This is a part of a great educational plan inaugurated by the Gossard Corset Company. Every Demonstrator sent out by them must have a diploma from th Gossard Training School and be an expert in her line. This assures you getting the proper model and a perfect fit. Come in and let her show you. The Horace Bogue Store 3tH3C L Events in the ltKH lf irini Mrs. Robert Campbell entertained the Baptist Ladles' Aid Society yes terday afternoon, and the hours were enjoyed with the usual business and kenslngton, with a "spicing" of social converse. A masquerade dance was enjoyed by several couples In the Reddish hall last Thursday evening. Music was furnished by Mrs. Nation, and an enjoyable evening reported by all in attendance. Mrs. W. E. Rousey was hostess yesterday afternoon to the members of the auxiliary of the Presbyterian church. After the pleasant hours lunch was served to which all of the ladies did justice. Mrs. G. J. Deltleln entertained In compliment to her mother, Mrs. 8. C. Reck, last Thursday afternoon. Ken sington was enjoyed and at the close of the afternoon hours the hostess served a delicious luncheon. Beside the hostess, the following guests were In attendance: Mesdames M. M. and A. R. Reynolds, Fred Hill. A. B. Sturgeon. J. B. Irwin, M. E. Coleman, Jack Boyer. S. H. Cole, L. F. Smith and W. A. Wills. The formal party and dance given by the members of the Elks, In their rooms last Thursday evening, was a success, Judging from the many ap proving comments. The music fur nished for the occasion was of the right sort to. accompany the "merry gliders", and the tasteful and beau tiful gowned ladiea gave an added touch to the whole event The gen tlemen were besplendent In dress suits, and all entered heartily Into the gayety of the evening. About the first Leap Year affair which has come to our notice Is that given last Thursday evening by a group of the young ladiea of our city. They entertained at the Imperial In the early hours, and afterwards par took of a repast at the home of Miss Jeannette Haney. Beside the hostess at supper were the Misses Neva Howe, Clara Osborne, Thelma Fiti patrick, Dolly Hagaman, and Messrs. Vernon Hamilton, Chester Beck, Les ter Harvey, Otto Snyder and William Zollinger. The members of the G. I. A. ken slngton were entertained at the pleasant home of Mrs. J. L. Nlcolal Thursday afternoon of last week, and the hours were much enjoyed by all present. The list of guests Included are: Mesdames Guy Miller, A. J. Cole, Fred Allen, C. R. Witham. G. F. Wilson, C. O. Davenport, A. E. Nelson. C. R. Gibson, W. A. Bennett, John Edwards, H. A. Hamilton, II. E. Gordon, W. H. White. A. H. Rob bins and L. E. Mark. After the kenslngton, the hostess served a de licious luncheon. A BIG Demoostratioo OF Gossard Corsets aturday, February By An Expert Corsetiere UkETf Social Realm ir The girls of the Baptist chare have a very fine organized club and they have laid arrangements for en tertaining their parents at the chart tonight, one part of the program be Ing the serving of a delicious luaok. Undoubtedly all will enjoy the unaa ual happening of having the younger folks hostess to their parents. The ladles of the Epjiscopal GU4 were entertained at the parish hou yesterday afternoon, the hostess b ing Mrs. D. W. Butler. The "thimbl party" was much enjoyed by a larg attendance of the members and Um lunch was delicious and tastefullr served. The Boys' Club of the Baptist church entertained the Girls' Club f the same church last Friday evenin, at the Emerson building. The evesx Ing was pleasantly spent with game and Jollity and the luncheon proved of the best kind and heartily appreci ated by the young ladles. The P. E. O. ladles were entertain ed at the home of Mrs. W. E. Cotant Monday afternoon of this week. The leader for the afternoon was Mm. J. N. Andrews, and the subject dis cussed "The Madonnas". A deltoatv repast was served at the close of the pleasant hours. The ladles of the Christian churek enjoyed an afternoon at the churafc parlors, yesterday, and the hostess of the ocacslon were Mrs. C. R. With am. Mrs. M. M. Reynolds, Mrs. A. B. Reynolds, Mrs. Roy Gregg and Mia H. B. Alter. The elaborate banquet was a pleasing feature of the pro gram for the afternoon, which ate Included kenslngton. The Woman's Club expected to Cal low out arrangements and be entar talned at the Imperial Friday after noon of this week,. but owing to Ik fact that the recent Improvement t the theatre are not yet completed, 11 has been decided to postpone the at traction until another early date. Th study is to be one of art, Includiof some of the world's famous picture Mrs. Martha Patmore waa hosteave last Sunday to a number of kef friends, presiding at an "old faafe ioned turkey dinner with all tk trimmings", at the, noon-tide hoar. The affair was partly In commemor ation of McKinley's birthday anni versary, and was thoroughly enjoyed by all the guests.'; Those In attend ance were Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Task, Mrs. M. J. Kelley, Mrs. Martha Mil ler, Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. E. Davis, Mr, and Mrs. Jerry Rowan, Mr. and Mra. William Davidson, and Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Phelps. Mrs. Charles Mosher, of Hemlng ford, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dow in this city thU week. t r T j T T T t T T f T T T T T t r T t f f X T T r T T T f T T T 5th