tMi;nii:iiiiiin:iimiii!iii:n!iiiiii;iiiiiiirtTtmmmnm:iii:ii:!;i:i:i! : f t t v v T ? V V y y y The Nebraska Holstein Breeds I A L TW ffl E 0) u U U Zb3 Union Stock Yards Sale Pavilion, South Omaha, Neb. Wednesday, February 23, 1916 Promptly 10:30 O'clock 100 HOMEBRED REGISTERED I10LSTEIN-FRIESIAN CATTLE Here arc the consignors : Leroy IU11, Albion. Badger & Frost, Central City. Dr. W. M. Condon, Humphrey. Dr. U. U. Davis, Omaha. W. J. Jenklnaoii, Monroe. Cameron J. Furry, Franklin. Kelson Bros., 8trooubnrg. Alex Ilerggren, Wahoo. O. G. Sparks, Westboro. I. S. Indian Hohool, Genoa. This offering is made up of the best record cattle in the finest condition ever sold in a midwest sale. All the big gest and best herds in the state have entered cattle. Each consignor has outdone himself to make a good representative showing-that-will do justice to his breeding herd. Positive ly there are no culls in the entire list. A NUMBER OF SHOW RING WINNERS, INCLUDING PRINCE KA1Y And Eight of His Perfect Daughters Heavy Milking A. R. 0. Cows and Heifers A Number of Splendidly Bred Bulls and Bull Calves. Cows and Heifers Bred to Such Bulls as: Colonel Beets Segis, one of the best sons of King Segis. Pontiac Segis Colantha, 3 nearest dams a vera ere 32.44 lbs. King Segis Pontiac Plus, 3l-lb. son of King Segis Pontine. Rag Apple Eorndyke Boon, best son of the $25,000 bull. Prince Katy, thrice grand champion. Write for Catalogue now ' Z. S. BUANSOX, ' X, 11. M. AD KINS; " . K. M. LITThK, Sales Mgr. ;.BKN LACY, Auctioneers. CLARES, NEB. y : f For furtherinformation see your County Agent atiiuinnnii)iiiMi!'''''''''i'''''''''''"''"'"'"'''"'""'"'''""""'''''M''tmTm :im:wmwmtw:nnmmmmmt ) I Have Stocked Up in Good Young Stallions A prize winner from the Stock Show in Denver: I now have eight head. Call and see them, for it is a pleas ure to show them. I have made arrangements to stay in Alli ance until the first of March with these stallions, which will be sold as cheap as anyone ran sell stallions, quality being taken into consideration. Terms will be made to suit the purehaser. 1 will take stallions or full aged horses in exchange at what they are worth. Correspondence solicited. Stallions at the Wilson Barn in Y Alliance Barn one block north and two blocks west of Burlington, depot. . ' Address me in care of the Burlington Hotel, Alliance. W. W. BUCHANAN of Hyannis, Nebraska gjfflHttttt iiiiumimiimmumtmmnmtiiiMHiii 'Htllllllllllllirfmffl Val Fetty. from Scottsbluff county,, was here the first of the week the guest of his sister. Mrs. W. K.Hagan. ' Mrs". F. M. Broome returned the latter part of last week from a short vUit with friends In Denver. Special Candy Sale. Chocolates i- t, nmr-ihient rancher nMlal lniy Bale. Chocolates X r AKMi ? nd 25c candy JVV,,,) from a business trip to Kansas Per pound. Saturday, at the Tj ., tjw'tty. Lotspeich Variety Store. K. M. SKIDKI.Ii Farm IhtnoiiNtrator for lkx llutte Count), whose rcitort for the year 1915 Is given In full In this issue of the Alliance Herald. Mr. Kel dell is a young nuui who is making; good from the. start, as the report will show. LIVE STOCK PRICES AT SOUTH OMAHA Very Slow Sheep and Lamb Trad. Good Lambs Are Nearly steady. Common Kinds Are Cull and Urv - evenly Lower. I'n on Stock Yards. South Omaha, Neb., teb. 1. A rather moderate run of cattle showed up yesterday, about 5.0111) head. The fat cattle market was very active from start to finish and prices were strong to a big dime higher than the close of last week. Cows and heifers showed even more advance than beef steers, dealers generally quoting vaVues all of 10 15c higher than Friday and business was active at the advance. Veal calves were active and quotably strong, and bulls, stags, etc., met with a broader demand than last week at stronger figures. There was also a vigorous demand for stockers and feeders and the market was act ive, and quite a little stronger than last week as far as it went. Cattle que: a. o :s: Good to choice choi .0 beeves. $7 7."'S 8.50; fair to poo l beeves. $7.25( 7.73; common to fair foeeven. $i.2ffi 7.15; good to choice h iters. 'J.f; fi.75; good to choice '0VS. $;.tMi1 H ."O; fill!' tO good COWS. $0 t'V 5.S5; f anners and cutters. $4 00 "fin.tiii; veal culVes, $7.1)11559.50; bulls, stoga. etc.. S 4. 75? 6 25; good to choice feeders, $6 S"fi 7 .63; fair to good feed ers $':.4'lf? C.S0; common to fair feed ers $"..10?i HO; sooil to choice otock es. 7 .'Kf 7 r; fair to good stockers, $K 33 ti fi.S5; common to fair stockers. ' 11.23; stock heifers $3. 75ft 0,75; stocK rovss $4.75fgfi. 25;' stock calves, $(.5;i(: 7-5(1. ' . ' Some S.tin.) hogs arrived yesterday. Movement was fairly active and prices were larjrely a dime better than the close of last week. Bulk sold at $7.6007.75 and tops reached $7.S0. .1. K. HI (iHKS Mr. llughea is superintendent of the Alliunce municipal electric light and power plant and water and sew er department, lie is a capable young man and under his manage ment the plants are. making excellent showings. y y y y y y y y y x I X y y y f y y f y y y y 4- f T Box Butte tfcunty is today the richest body of farming land in the west. The report of our county farm demonstrator in this issue of The Herald shows what is being and can be done by progressive farmers. We have farm lands and ranch lands in the county for sale at prices ranging from $10 to $70 per acre. You can purchase an improved farm or a raw piece of land on easy terms. If you are a renter in eastern Nebraska or adjoining territory it will pay yuo well to consider locating in this county. We are farmers ourselves and can supply you with what you want. It does not take a large amount of capital to purchase a Box Butte county farm. Easy terms can be arranged for you. First crop of potatoes will al ways pay double the cost of the land. After that you are on the road to inde pendence with a farm of your own and money in the bank. We refer you to dozens of men, formerly located in the high priced land section of the east, who now live in this healthful climate, farming land that is leyel and easy to handle, who would not return to their high priced, hard-to-fann land if it were sold at the same prices as Box Butte County land. Write us for full information, or better still, come and see us. J3D K li) 1 211 Box Butte Avenue 4 Alliance Nebraska X niiMiiiiiiniiii;;!iii:tiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!iiiiiiiiiiinnii:i;iiinui)iiitiiniiriiiiiiiniiiiiinii;ii:iiitg BUY CRESCENT RANCH Itice and Itoyd Kaucli of 6.4MO Acre from Ankeny Heirs 4'oii sideratlon l(cHr(el ifoo.OOO One of the liirgeot real estate deals ever made in this section wns closed last week when Attorney K. H. Boyd snd .1. JO. Itk-e pu" base i tie Crescent ihitIi from the heirs of the lale r-wner. Frank Ankeny, who died in September. 1011. TLe conslderai io.i was close to the $100,000 mark and the ranch in question Included 4 $80 acres of deed ed land and 1600 acres of school land, all of which is good hay land and cuts about 3,000 tons of hay. All of the personal property now on the premises was included in the deal. The ranch is located about forty miles southeast of . Alliance and the new owners will take possession May 1. Mr. Itice and Mr. Doyd returned the latter part of last week from t'llnton. Ia.. where nrruatt-ments were completed for the deal with the Ankeny heirs. uiiifiiii 0 Right Under Your Nose Are Some of the Best Investments to be Had in Farms and Ranches You can buy them at surprisingly low prices and on exceptionally easy terms I HAVE FARM AND RANCH PROPERTY IN BOX BUTTE AND ADJOINING COUNIISS, IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED, FOR SALE OR LEASE. I MAY HAVE uUST THE KIND OF A DEAL YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR. IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING TO FIND OUT. 16,000 Acre Ranch 4 80 acres for sale, the balance for lease. Reasonable terms. Well watered. One mile from railroad. C40 Acres, y4 in cultivation (ood level land, well located, fenced and cross-fenced, house, stables, well, mill and tank. Good terms. Fine proposition for the right man. Quarter Section Alfalfa Land close to town. Fenced. A bargain, at $37.50 per acre. 3 Sections 2 sets improvements All fenced and crots-fenced; 75 acres in cultivation; 12 acres in alfalfa. No sund hills. Offered at $7.50 per acre, on gooO termr. 3,000 Acres close in Good Improvements on this ranch. Cuts 500 tons hay. For sale at a surprisingly low figure on good terms. A Good Dairy Proposition 144Q acre combination farm and ranch. Well located, good house, wells, mills and tanks. 25 acres alfalfa; 250 acres in culti vation. At a price that will interest you. r These Are Real Opportunities Don't Let Them Pa$s Call on me today or writ i for reliable information about these and other good propositions I have to offer W. S. ACHES ON Office: Second Floor, Norton Bldg. Alliance, Nebr. iMMiiMiniMiitmrmmtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttMiiiiiiiitiii i.mmi Illlllimillmilliiiiiiii pon't forget the big candy sale, Saturday, at the Lotspeich Variety Store. Miaa Stanze Stoltz. of ScottsblufT. has been the guest of friends in Alli ance for several days. Mrs. J. T. Wlker was confined to her home a couple of days this week on account of illness. . .es Flowers for St. Valentine's Day at the Alliance Greenhouse. Special Candy Sale. 10c a pound, Saturday. Lotspeich Variety Store. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bennett left Tuesday night on a week's trip Omaha. Rev. A. R. Haislup. district super intendent of the Methodist shore. Is spending a few days at the sani tarium In Edgemont. 8. D.