The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 20, 1916, Image 6

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Serial No 013484.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
November SO, 1915.
Notice la hereby given that Loretta
Collins, of Alliance, Nebraska, who,
on May 16, 1911, made Homestead
Kntry, Serial No. Oil 4 8 4, for 8tt
JMWtt, SHNKU. Section 32; and on
May 27, 1911, filed application to
mend (now pending) to Include EH
fiJSA and EttSE of Section 81,
ad the SH of Section 82, Township
2S North, Range 46 West of the Sixth
Frinetpal Meridian, haa filed notice
of Intention to make Final Three
Tear Troof, to establish claim to the
land abore described, before Regis
ter and Receiver U. S. Land Office, at
Alliance, Nebraska, on the 20th day
of Jannary, 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses:
F. D. Moffltt, of Moffitt, Nebraska;
Thomas Squlbbs, of Moffltt, Nebras
ka: Clarence E. Morgan, of Alliance,
Nebraska; Perce P. Beagle, of Alii
nce, Nebraska.'
T. J. O'KEEFE, Register.
Serial No. 015176.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
December 30, 1915.
Notice Is hereby given that Charles
K. Wilkinson, of Lakeside, Nebraska,
who, on August 31, 1912, made
Homestead Entry, Serial No. 016176,
for EH Section 13 and the EH of
Section 24, Township 26 North,
Range 44 West of the Sixth Principal
Meridian, has filed notice of intention
to make Final Three Year Proof, to
establish claim to the land above de
crlbed, before Register and Receiv
er U. S. Land Oflice.,'at Alliance, Ne-
braska, on the 11th day of February
1916. ?
Claimant names as witnesses: Ora
O. Johnson. Harry Nye. Earl Walts
and Roy Stoop, all of Lakeside, Ne
T. J. O'KEEFE, Register,
S-6t-674-6246 -
To AH Persons Interested In the Es
tate of Michael Bayer, late of said
County, Deceased: ;
You are hereby notified that on
the 4th day of January, 1916, Mary
Bayer filed her Petition In the Coun
ty Court of said Box Butto County,
for her appointment as Administra
trix of the estate of Michael Bayer,
late of said county, deceased, and
that the same will be heard at the
County Court room In the city of Al
liance, in said county, on the 31st
day of January, 1916, at the hour of
10 o'clock A. M.
It is further ordered that Notice of
aid hearing be given all parties In
created In said estate by the publl
ation of this notice for three succes
dve weeks in the Alliance Herald, a
newspaper printed and published and
4nntatri In aald countv.
Dated this 4th day of January,
(SEAL) County Judge,
Barton and Reddish, Attorneys,
f -41-67 5-6 2 57
of the
. Odd Fellows Uuildlng Association of
SENTS: That we, A. D. Rodgers, Lloyd C
Thomas, John Snyder, T. M. Lawler,
C. W. Jeffers. H. H. Brandt and W.
S. Toung. cltixenB of the United
flutes, and residing in the State of
.Nebraska, do hereby associate our
selves together for the purposes of
forming and becoming a corporation
la the State of Nebraska, for the
purposes of the transacting of the
business hereinafter described.
, Article, I
The name of this corporation shall
Article II
The principal place of transacting
Its business shall be at Alliance, Box
Butte County, Nebraska, where
meetings of incorporators, stockhold
ers and directors shall be held and
all business transacted.
Article III
The purposes for which said cor
poration is to be formed are as fol
lows: (a) To provide and own a home
for the Odd Fellows lodges, includ
ing the subordinate. Rebekab, En
campment and Canton, of Alliance,
Nebraska, and for such other lodges
as may be desired.
(b) To take, lease, purchase, hire
r otherwise acquire and to bold, use,
ell. lease, exchange, mortgage, im
prove and develop real estate, real
property and any Interest or right
therein, and to construct or have con
structed such houses and buildings
s Is necessary, and to buy, sell, own,
use. manage, operate and lease the
tame or similar structures.
tc To borrow money, with or
without security, and for the repay
ment of the same, to give the obliga
tions of this corporation with any
necessary or required security, and
to iena money, wun or witnout se
curity, and to do anything whatso
ever necessary, useful, desirable, con
venient, or auxiliary to any of the
purposes of this corporation.
Article IV
(a) The authorized capital stock
-f this corporation shall be Ten
Tn'sand Dollars (810,000.00), di
vided into one thousand (1,000)
.shares of the par value of ten dol
lars (810.00) each.
(b) The amount of capital stock
with which said corporation will be
gin business is one thousand dollars
(c) At such time as the Board of
Directors may by resolution direct,
aid capital stock shall be paid Into
this corporation, either In cash or by
the sale and transfer to it of real or
personal property, contracts, serv
kea, or any other valuable right or
thing for the use and purposes of
.aid corporation, in payment for
which shares of the capital stock of
aald corporation may be Issued and
the capital stock so issued . shall
thereupon and thereby become and
be fully paid up the same as though
paid tor in cash at par, and shall be
non-assessable forever, and the judg
ment of the directors as to the value
of any property, right or thing ac
quired In exchange for capital stock
shall be conclusive.
Article V
The existence of this corporation
shall commence on the twenty-first
day of December, 1915, and continue
for a period of fifty (60) years there
after, unless sooner dissolved by a
vote of two-thirds of the stock there
of. Article VI
The highest amount of Indebted
ness to which said corporation may
at any time subject Itself shall not
exceed two-thirds of the capital
Article VII
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of this corporation shall be
held on the first Tuesday In January
of each year, beginning with the year
1917, at which meeting the Directors
of the company shall be elected, and
such other lawful business done as
the stockholders shall deem neces
sary and proper.
Article VIII
(a) The officers of said corpora
tion shall be a President, Vlce-Pres
iflent, Secretary, and Treasurer. The
officers shall be chosen by the Board
of Directors, and shall hold their of
fice Tor the period of one year and
until their successors are elected and
qualified. The business of said cor
poration shall be conducted by a
Board of Directors, of whom there
shall be seven. At the annual meet
ing to be held In January, 1917, four
nireeiors snail be elected for a term
oi one year and three for a term of
two years. At the annual meetings
held thereafter directors shall be
elected for terms of two years, the
necessary number being elected to
1)11 the expiring terms. Directors
shall be elected from among the
(b) The Directors until th h nil
al meeting In January, 1917, or until
their successors nre choson, shall be
A. i). Rodgers. Lloyd C. Thomas,
jonn snyoer. r. jvi. Lawler, C. W
JefTers. II, H. Brandt and W. B
Article IX
These articles of Incorporation mnv
be amended at anv remilar mniini
of the stockholders or at any special
meeting or me stock Holders, called
for that purpose, unon due written
notice having been given to all stock-
noiaers or record.
nereumo set our hands and seals
tnts ziBt day of December. 1915.
(Signed) A. D. RODGERS
County of Box Butte, as.
Before me, F. E. Reddish, a No
tary Public in and for said County,
and State, on this day personally ap
peared A. D. Rodgers, Lloyd C.
Thomas. John Snyder, T. M. Lawler.
C. W. JefTers, H. H. Brandt and W.
B. Toung, to tne known to be the per
sona who subscribed to the foregoing
Instrument and acknowledged to me
that they executed the same for the
purposes and consideration.
Given under my hand and seal of
omce, this 21st day of December
My commission expires July 2
F. E. REDDISH, Notary Public
In the County Court of Box Butte
County. Nebraska.
In the Matter of the Estate of Goldie
Minor, Deceased.
Now on this 10th day of January.
1916. upon reading the Petition of
James O. Minor filed-on the 10th day
of January. 1916, it Is ordered
that the 4 th day of February,
1916, at 10 o'clock, A. . M.,
be assigned for hearing said Pe
tition, when all persons Interested in
said matter may appear at said Coun
ty Court and show cause why the
prayer of said Petition should not be
granted, and that notice of the pend
ency of said Petition and the hearing
thereon be given to the following
named persons: To all persons inter
ested in the estate of Goldie Minor,
late of Box Butte county, Nebraska,
by publishing this order for three
consevwvive weeks in the Alliance
Herald prior to said day of hearing.
(SEAL) County Judge.
Lee Basye, attorney.
In District Court of Sixteenth Judi
cial District of Nebraska, llox
Butte County.
Orange Bowser, Plaintiff,
George SchuIteT signing as
Geo. Schulte, Defendant. .
To George Schulte, Defendant:
You are hereby notified that the
plaintiff herein obtained an order di
recting that service of summons be
had upon you by publication, which
order was duly made and entered on
the 14th day of June, 1915.
You are hereby notified that the
plaintiff in the above entitled cause
has filed his petition In said Court
against George Schulte.
The object and purpose of which
action is to foreclose a certain mort
gage made March 1st, 1912, by you
to Orange Bowser to secure the pay
ment of 81.000.00, which mortgage
is recorded in Book 25 of mortgages,
on page 4 58 thereof, of the records
of Box Butte County, Nebraska, said
mortgage conveyed the real estate de
signated as the North Half ot the
Southwest Quarter of Section 32, of
Township 27 North, of Range 49
West 6th P. M., Box Butte County,
Nebraska; That default has been
made in the conditions of said mort-
gage and the same has become ab
solute. Plaintiff prays that said
mortgage be foreclosed and said real
estate sold according to law, and the
proceeds be applied to liquidate said
claim, and that you be barred from
any right, title or Interest therein.
and for costs of suit.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 28th day of
February, 1916.
First publication Jan. IS. 1916.
It's the Only Way That Real Tobacco
Hunger Can Be Entirely
bince toliacco was first introduced to
civilization, nobody has ever discovered
so supremely satisfactory a way to get
all the llavor and enjoyment out of it
as chewing it. And no other form of
chew can give you the hearty, whole
some, juicy llavor that you gc;
from a delicious high-grade plug tohac
Co like Old Kentucky.
The secret of the greatest clicwiiii
satisiactmn lies in the selection ot your
chew. Among jiluy tobaccos the branM
mat gets i:ie mo?t enthusiastic en
dorsement is undoubtedly Obi Ken
tticky. The reason for this is not hur l
to find.
Old Kentucky is made exclusively o'
ripe Kentucky Hurley the most
tlavorcd chewing tobacco that crow
still more, only the very choicest oi
all the Hurley leaf is used for OI
This choice leaf is selected villi tl;:
most painstaking care, is stemmed t
band, is thoroughly washed free of a!
foreign matter and is pressed in'.i
plugs so slowly that not a drop c
juice or an atom ct flavor escapes
Moreover, Old Kentucky is made under
the most rigid, cleanly and sanitary
The result is a sweet, mellow, !
nous, satisfying chew that cannot be
obtained in any other tobacco than Old
Try a 10c pocket plug to-day.
Old Kentucky No. 3
Chicago. 111. H. J. Callahan tea
titled in court that dead cockroaches
had been used as a meal ticket in
various first-class restaurants during
the last seven months. "I carry
supply with me," said Callahan
"When I finished eating, I would
throw one on the plate, call the pro
prletor, look at him disgustedly and
walk out. without settling the bill
1 . .never failed."
raris, France. A young woman
of Paris recently married a dead
Man. Since the war, marriage by
proxy has become the custom. On
November 17 the young woman was
married by proxy to Sergeant Joseph
Conduche. On December 1, she was
informed officially that Sergeant Con
duche had been killed at Souchez on
September 28. The woman will get
a widow's pension.
Portland, Ore. Albert Hailien, 85
willed the disposition of 8250 and
died. Only 8240 could be found, un
til it was discovered he had swallow
ed a ten dollar gold piece while de
lirious. The money was taken from
his stomach and disposed of accord
Ing to his will.
Kansas City, Mo. Have scientist
succeeded in prolonging the span of
human life? Dr. Cirgll A. Davis,
wno has been investigating, says that
T6 Btates contain 672 persons over
90 years old. Of these 135 have
reached or passed the century mark.
One, Mrs. L. E. KUlcrease of Pine
Hills, Tex., Is 138 years old. Her
daughter is nearly 100 years old.
Toronto. Can. A private who re
turned invalided from the French
front underwent a novel operation
which, it is believed, will prove suc
cessful. Part of his Jaw' had been
shot away, and surgeons replaced
the Jaw bone with a portion of the
man's own rib.
If jour Back is aching or Bladder
bothers, drink lots of water
and eat leu meat
When your kidneys hurt and your back
feels sore, don't get scared and proceed
to load your stomach with a lot of drugs
that excite the kidneys and irritate the
entire urinary tract Keep your kidneys
clean like you keep your bowels clean,
by flushing them with a mild, harmless
salts which removes the body's urinous
waste and stimulates them to their nor
mal activity. The function of the kid
neys is to filter the blood. In 24 hours
they strain from it 600 grains of acid
and waste, so we can readily understand
the vital importance of keeping the kid
neys active.
Drink lots of water you can't drink
too much; also get from any pharmacist
about four ounces of J ad Salts; take
a tables poonful in glass of water
before breakfast each morning for a few
days and your kidneys will act fine.
This famous salts is made from tha
acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined
with lithia, and has been used for genera
tions to clean and stimulate clogged kid
neys; also to neutralize the acids in
urine so it no longer is a source of irri
tation, thus ending bladder weakness.
Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot in
jure; makes a delightful effervescent
litUia-water drink which everyone should
take now and then to keep' their kid
neys clean and active. Try this, also
keep up the water drinking, and no
doubt you will wonder what became of
-our kidney trouble an backache.
Registration for the secondsemcs
ter began Friday. By Saturday ev-
nlng all seniors had been realstered.
Some changes In the plan of reglster-
ng have great ft- facilitated matters.
I tinted programs have been placed
in the hands of theT students, and the
registration of the different classes Is
being handled 'for the first time by
lermanent committees of the faculty.
Ihe remaining classes will be regis
tered next Friday and Saturday. The
second semester opens January 24.
A fifty-cent registration fee Is re
quired ot Cach Normal student to be
used for the support of a school
nurse. Faculty members and high
schoo students who wish to take ad
vantage of this plan must pay the
fifty cents at the beginning of the se
mester. The Shaw cottage has been
secured by the state board for the
hospital and occupancy of the nurse.
A permanent committee has been ap
pointed to have charge of the financ
es ana management ot tne neaitn
hall. The committee consists of Miss
Rose Clarke, chairman; Prof. Beck,
secretary-trearurer; Dean Mattie
Cook Ellis, and Miss Frances Tuthlll,
all from the faculty; Joshua Adee,
of the post graduate class, and Miss
Telva Dressier, of the senior class.
Miss Mattie Cook Ellis, dean of
women and head of the department
of history, rpoke before the Fairbury
Peru Club Saturday evening.
The second semester sees a nam
ber of changefe of a permanent char
acter in the program. The chapel
hour which has heretofore, except
during summer schools, been at 8:40,
will hereafter come at 11:35. Each
science subject is scheduled for a
double tierlod which is supposed to
take rare of both the class work and
the laboratory work In that line.
Pres. Hayes has received word
from Washington, D. C, that Peru
may soon expect a visit from Harold
W. Foght, national specialist in rur
al school practice. 'He will hold con
ferences with school board officials
county superintendents, and rural
school teachers with a view to more
efficient rural school administration
in southeastern Nebraska. The date
of his arrival will be announced lat
The Y. M. C. A. Gospel team from
the Normal this year was composed
of Louis Cbard, of Brock; Harry
Amende, of Syracuse: Roy Hull, of
Murray; Harry Pitman, of Dunbar;
Fred Jedermun. of Bertrand; an
Russell Darling, of Lyons. The boyi
held their meetings this year at Un
ion, being there from December 29 to
January 3. Their enleavor was to
get among the young fellows of the
town and Influence them to hlchrr
Ideals of living. They played basket
ball, gave programs, and carried on
meetings at which they each gave
short talks on the Christian life and
its appeal to men. The boys .report
a very fine time, and say that their
entertainment at the hands of the
Union people could not have been
better. The people of the town ex
pressed themselves as well pleased
with the results of the meetings. It
Is such enterprises as this that make
the T. M. C. A. a living force.
Chamberlain's Oougn Remedy Most
"I have taken a great many bottles
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and
every time it has cured me. I have
found it most effectual for a hacking
cough and for colds. After taking it
a cough always disappears." writes
J. R. Moore. Lost Valley, Ga. Obtain
able everywhere.
Adv Jan
' Lloyd May Be a Candidate
Lloyd Thomas, business manager
of The Herald, is being strongly urr
ed by many of his friends to file foi
the Der ocratic nomination for statf
representative from the district con -rlsed
of Box Rut and She-lhn-counties.
Lloyd ha a wide acquaint
ance In the two counties and it is ex
pected that ho will file for the ofliec
very soon. He is attending the state
firemen' convention nt Crawford this
week and Is expected back the last of
the week.
How Appendicitis Can He Prevented
Alliance people should know that
a few doses or. simple oucaiuom
bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Ad-ler-l-ka,
often relieve or prevent ap
pendicitis. This simple mixture re
moves such surprising foul matter
that ONE SPOONFUL relieves almost
ANY CASE constipation, sour stom
ach or gas. A short treatment helps
chronic stomach trouble. Adler-i-ka
has easiest and most thorough action
of anything we ever sold. Harry
Thiele, druggist.
Adv G-5
Candidate for County Attorney
Joe L. Westover, Alliance attor
ney, who has practiced law In this
city for six years and who has a
wide acquaintance in the county, is
earnestly considering the proposition
ot becoming a candidate for county
attorney on the Democratic ticket at
the next election, as be has been sol
icited to file by a large number of
rominent Democrats in the county.
He was assistant prosecuting attor
ney for three years under Eugene
Burton, was city attorney for a term,
and has had considerable experience
in handling criminal cases. He is a
son of District Judge W. H. Westov
er, who has been on the bench in
this district for more than twenty
years. Joe has an office in the Rum
en block in Alliance and, has handled
a large number ot cases' in the courts
of Box Butte and Sheridan counties
Stenographers Get
$100.00 Per Month
75 per cent pet $75; 40 per cent get $40. Loam Snell Ex
pert Shorthand and be 100 per cent efficient get $100 a month.
Wc absolutely guarantee to make you a thoroughly com
petent stenographer in 6 to 12 weeks perBonal instruction,
regular daily study.
You Can Learn at Home by Mail
and advance just as rapidly as your time will permit. A won
derful shorthand, simple as A B C, readable as longhand.
You are Guaranteed a $75 to
$100 Position when Competent
But send for sample lesson and full particulars?
SNELL Shorthand College
Kittredge Building
Denver, Colorado
tiiimini;miii!!iimiii!iiiiiiii!!i!!ii!iiiii!iiiiiiiiii;iiimiin Mllllllllllllt
Theo. Neeland spent most of this
.veek In Hemlngford.
Simon Iversen and wife were shop
nlng In Hemlngford Monday.
Dutch John Tschacher was visiting
n this vicinity the first of the week.
John Gasseling, wife and baby
vere visiting at the Iversen home
Jim Blundell and family were call
t rs at the Schumacher home last
Mrs. Christine Iversen and daugh
ter Regina are visiting at the Blun
dell home.
Jim Blundell, Katen Bros, and
Charlie Miller were callers at Dun
lap Wednesday.
Jim Blundell did some horse
shoeing Thursday for Will Annen and
Henry Gasseling.
Andrew Iversen left Monday for
Valentine. Nebr., to visit with the C.
A. Ruby family.
The past week has been zero
weather nearly all week, 30 below
xero being reported.
Grandma Murphy died Wednesday
after an illness of nearly two weeks,
being burled Friday in the Hemlng
ford cemetery.
There is no
When you blow out a
Safe Home match, it is
OUT. Anditstayout.
Every Safe Homematch
is chemically treated to
prevent after-glow.
Safe Home matches
are extra long and extra
The extra length means
extra service.
non -poisonous. They
are safe to have in the
home. '
All grocers.
Sc a box.
The Diamond Match
The attention of the citizens of Alli
ance is called to city ordinance No.
38, an ordinance to prevent the ac
cumulation of snow, slush and ice on
the sidewalks and to provide a penal
ty for the violation of the same:
Be it ordained by the mayor and
council of the city of Alliance:
Sec. 1. That it shall be unlawful
for owners or lesses of lots, within
the corporate limits of Alliance, Ne-:
braska, to allow any snow, slush or
ice to accumulate or remain on the
sidewalks adjacent to said lots for
more than twenty-four hours after
such accumulation.
Sec. 2. If any person or persona
fail to remove such snow, slush or
Ice, for a period of twenty-four hours,
the city marshal shall remove the
same and report cost of such removal
to the city council, and such costs
shall be assessed against said prop
erty as a special tax.
- P. E. ROMIG, Mayor.
Forming Building Association
The Eagles of Alliance are form
ing a building association with tha
view of ultimately erecting a fine
building on the lots owned by the lo
cal lodge on Box Butte avenue.,
across from the Elks building. Dir
ectors of the new company are F. B.
Holsten, Wm. Bignell, Carter Calder.
T. M. Lawler, Lloyd Thomas, Jerry
Icowan and Al Renswold.
To half pint of water add 1 ox. Bap
Rum, a small box of Barbo Compound,
and ' oa. of glycerine. Apply to tha hair
twice a week until it becomes the deaire.1
shude. Any druggist can put thla up or
, you can mix It ut home at very little coat.
, Full direction for making and use com
in earn box uf Itarho Compound. It will
gradually darken streaked, faded gray
hair, and removes dandruff. It is excel
lent for falling- hair and will make harah
hair soft and kIofh.v. It will not color the.
vatp, i-not sticky or greasy, and does not
-uh off
S;ved over a Mile M Hay
Tit-? rcarrs'nsvenient of the barns
uh' yr.-ln on one Nebraska farm has.
been able to save the operator 1.75
.''If i walk between the house and
!)- each day without increasing the
labr of doing other work about the
yerd and without bringing the barn
too close to the house. The Agricul
u.'.u Engineering department of the
College of Agriculture which sug
gested the rearrangements has made
similar savings on other farms in
Nebraska, plans of which are on file
In the office of that department. A
list of these plans, together with a
brief description, may be obtained
upon request.
Improving Vegetable Flavor
The flavor of canned vegetables
will be considerably Improved, the
College of Agriculture says, if they
are emptied fro:u the container as
soon as opened and let stand exposed
to air an hour before cooking.
Many Children Have Worms
Worms are a common childhood
ailment. They make children irrita
ble, nervous and restless, besides rob
bing the body and mind of proper
nourishment Watch your child. Ex
amine the stools and at first signs of
worms give your child a treatment of
Kickapoo Worm Killer. They kill
the worms, act as a laxative and ex
pel the worms and poisonous waste.
Tone the system and help restore
your child's health and happy dispos
ition. Only 25c at your druggist.
Adv No 1