The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 13, 1916, Image 6

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    leg sores m Ulcers WHAT CATARRH IS in
MlnMim la tMH CTlT. 1 IRTfl
fnlly trdtMl ihnwwn1 of rnmmmrtt rbroate
n4 (mwallmn Inrornl.lf. I KU MBK
f fXTpnrs lomMtnl with orlcliinl
and nimiern mnnoflu iimtninin-
rlrt auormi. without kniro or pin.
Writ for lllrt d boot-1 bilk- hhim.
In. i uMMTTirn K itaMri
I uii n. j, 11 nil k
Old papers for sale at The Herald
office. Five cents a bunch; six
bunches for a quarter.
nuu 1IIF. Mo.
It has been said that every third
person has catarrh in some form.
Science has shown that nasal catarrh
often indicates a general weakness
of the body; and local treatments in
the form of snuffs and vapors do little,
if any good. '
To correct catarrh you should treat its
cause by enriching your blood with the
oil-food In Scott's Emulsion which Is a
medicinal fowl and a building-tonic, free
from alcohol or any harmful drugs. Try it.
Scott & Bowne. Bloomfield. N. J.
Good Coal at Prices That
Fit Your Pocketbook
Instead of carrying one or two linos of coal, with only one
or two prices to choose from, wo have seven grades at a range
of prices.
Peacock Lump, $8 50 Monarch Lump, $6.00
Pinnacle Nut, $8 00 Pennsylvania Chestnut
Bighorn Lump, $7.50 Pennsylvania Pea
Bighorn Nut, $6.50
Why not buy your conl where you can get a grade and a
price to fit your pocketbook? And everyone listed here is the
best coal that can be bought at the price. "Good Service" is
our watchword.
Phone 73
Geo. A. Heilman,
a Lloyd's Column g
31 G3l- IE ESIadU
Vve r ""v f '
II III llll lOMIllmilll I III IIM I.W
his adjacent town helps hlni; it addn
to the value of his own holding.
The tdwn merchants should make
the farmer welcome. Keep the
things he wants to buy and sell them
at n price which he is willing to pay.
Make your town so live that peo
ple will want to come there to spend
the week end. People avoid the
dead town.
lon't let people tell you that a
live town is "hell bent for perdition."
Prosperity depends on I he attractive
ness of the town.
Let the farmer know that you are
trying to help him as well as to help
The town merchant should adver
tise so that the farmer may know
where he can buy his goods and come
for them.
The farmer says to the local mer
chant, "Show me." Show him by ad
vertising what you have to sell.
Get together!
He IfcK'sit't Like Our Ways
The Herald in a recent Issue print
ed an article telling of a dinner en
joyed by members of the force at an
Alliance cafe. A newspaper publish
ed not more than a thousand miles
away took occasion to remark as fol
lows regarding the write-up above
referred to:
"A local newspaper makes a head
jed article out of the fact that "the
force eats". When it gets down to
j where an editor figures it worthy of
mention in a headline stofy when the
'force eats' It's high time the force
took up another field of endeavor
j We .have no intention of quitting
, business at this time In order to
I please the newspaper which printed
the above. When we do, we will un
Idoubtedly take up the promotion of
fake wrestling matches or manage a
summer resort hotel at Hot Springs.
801 Guaranteed
In The Ford Motor Car Company-It has returned $2 5,000.00
Bell Telephone Company " 10,000.00
Welsbach Mantle Company " 5.000.00
National Cash Reeister Co. " 4.287.00
Diamond Rubber Company " . 1.472.00
Fisk Rubber Company " 1.240.00
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. " 1.290.00
The stock in the above companies went begging when it was first
offered Investors could not believe the profits the management predict
ed. The above enormous profits made by the shrewd Investors with the
courage to back a young business are a matter of record, and fact, and
are being duplicated by present stock offerings. You have such an
OPPORTUNITY in this offering.
THE WEALTH we offer is a real and an accomplished fact our
Company, if we did imt Increase our manufacturing facilities and work
ing capital one cent, still could pay 80 per cent on the Investment offered
In this advertisement. This we are now earning this is an accom
plished fact.
The proceeds from the sale of our stock will enable us to increase
our output at least fourfold and with the economies this Increased pro
duction will effect, we will then be earning about 300 per cent on this
By a special arrangement, we are enabled to offer one thousand in
vestors this EXTRAORDINARY proposition:
Mail us ten dollars ($10.00), no more and no .less, and we will mail
you a Certificate for Forty (40) sh-ires of the Treasury Stock of our
Company, Fully Paid and Forever Non-Assessable, and descriptive liter
ature of our Company and its business.
This offer is made only to the first one thousand investors who an
swer this advertisement. "First come, first served." If you are too
late or if you send any more or le3s than ten dollars, your money will
be returned by the next mail.
This offer Is made to secure the co-operation of one thousand small
stockholders in boosting the Bale of Double Service Tires and to prevent
large financial interests from securing control.
The Double Service Tire and Rubber Company is incorporated under
the stringent laws of the State of Ohio at $250,000.00, divided into
250,000 shares of a par value of $1.00 per share, all common. Fully
Paid and Non-Assessable. Every share of stock and every stockholder
being absolutely on an equal and even basis, all sharing alike in all
earnings of the Company.
This is an established and going; business and one which is at pres
ent earning net dividends equal to 2U per cent on its entire capitaliza
tion, and with future dividend possibilities so big and so alluring that
they seem almost unbelieveable.
The history of practically any one of Akron's famous rubber tire
companies reads more like a fairy tale than business facts. Early in
vestors have made fortunes almost unbelieveable and are still making
them. The growth and success of the Double Service Tire and Rubber
Company but adds another chapter to this never-ending story of the for
tunes made through the popularity of the automobile.
The fact that this Company is no wearnlng at the rate of 20 per cent
on it entire capitalization, with less than one-third Issued, Is a positive
guarantee of your 80 per cent and proof of the still larger earnings you
will receive when their production facilities have been increased.
Your protection Is made still more secure by the fact that after you
have received our literature and your stock, you may return the same
any time within ten days of its receipt by yoi. and receive your money
back in full If you are not entirely satisfied with your Investment. This
gives you ten days In which to investigate and to assure yourself that
this Is not a chance, but the best and biggest little investment you ever
made. Could anything be more fair and square? Was ever an invest
ment offered bo attractive and bo sure?
Just tear off and fill out this coupon and attach a ten-dollar bill to
it, or a check, or a Money Order, and mail it today. REMEMBER,
this offer Is made only to the first one thousand who answer this adver
tisement. '
Akron, Ohio.
I hereby accept your offer as made In the above advertisement, and
am enclosing ten dollars, for which please send me Stock Certificate for
Forty (40) shares of Stock of your Company, Fully Paid and Non-Assessable,
with descriptive literature regarding the same, with the under
standing that if I am not entirely satisfied with my investment, you will
return my money In full any time within ten days of my receipt of m
Stock Certificate and literature.
Our Scoop
When the Ford peace ship, Oscar
II. landed at Christina, there were
rumors of dissension on board and
the newsnaner men were said to bo
"in Dutch," as Tennyson Bays. Mr.
Ford would not give an interview, as
he was indisposed because of an at
tack of influenza. Knowing that our
readers would be yearning for first
hand news of the conditions, we call
ed up Henry on the wireless tele
phone and he granted and authorized
the following interview:
"Please say for be that the dews
paper bed are dot flghtig with by
frledd Jedkid Lloyd Jodes. or ady
other of the peace delegates. The
renort is a cadard. We are livig id
perfect harboddy. There Is dot
cloud od the horizod. 'If we do dot
have the bed out of the tredches by
'the edd of Jaduary, I will biss by
guess. Of course we ebbarked id
such a hurry that we did dot have
tibe to perfect our plads add these
we discussed od board ship. Datur
ally there were sub differedces o
opidlod, but these have all beed ad
Justed abically add we are dow
nidit. All od board are well save
that the nhvsiclad says I have idflu
edza. Back id Bichigad I would say
that I have a cold Id by head."
That ought to settle it.
Mistake Is M ule by Many
ante Citizens
Look "w the cause .if. brckache.
To be cured you must know the
If It's weak kidneys
ou must set the kidneys working
A resident of this vicinity shows
you how.
Eugene K. Fisher, Cbndron. Nenr.,
says: "For twenty years kidney trou
ble kept me in misery, being caused
by heavy lifting. My back was ex
tremely painful, especially when I
stooped or lifted and in the morninw
when I got up, I was lame and sore.
I often had headaches and dizzy
spells and I was always languid and
tired. At night I had to get up to
pass the kidney secretions and this
weakness convinced me that some
thing was wrong with my kidneys
Two boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills
cvred me and during the paBt three
tears. I haven't had a sign of luo
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don t
simply ask for a kidney remedy ge t
Doan's Kidney Tills the same that
cured Mr. Fisher. Foster-Milburn
Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
adv Jan 6-13
The attention of the citizens of All!
ance is called to city ordinance No
38. an ordinance to prevent the ac
cumulation of biiow, slusn ana ice on
the sidewalks and to provide a penal
tv for the violation of the same:
He it ordainod by the mayor and
council of the city of Alliance:
Sec. 1. That it shall be unlawful
fnr owners or lesses of lots, within
the cornorate limits of Alliance, Ne
braska to allow any snow, slush or
ice to accumulate or remain on the
sidewalks adjacent to said lots for
morn than twenty-four hours after
such accumulation.
Sec. 2. If any person or persons
ru tn remove Biuh snow, slush or
ire. for a noriod of twenty-four hours
the rttv marshal shall remove the
same and report cost of such remova
in the eliv council. -and such costs
shall be assessed against Bald prop
erty as a special tax.
P. E. ROMIG, Mayor
On His Way
It used to be that dear old dad
Drove Dobbin into town.
It was a rough and rocky road.
First up a hill, then down.
He used to pull way out thejoad
When he would meet a man.
Sez he: "Th roads is heavy, an'
I'll give him all I can."
Now dad has got a red machine.
He wh'rls along In style. 1
He leuve3 behind a string of dust
That Btretches half a mile.
And when he meets hit neighbors,
He hurls his flying wedge
He scatters them to right and left
And makes 'em hujit th' hedge.
Hot Water, for
Sick Headaches
Tells why everyone should drink
hot water with phosphate
In It before breakfast.
"IDODQI SQQtffel? tf(?Quu-
' -1 .... 7 I 1 l k
When travel-
Inrr "1 ff rr rrrm
a Theatre or U f '-iMfr
some Social 0kMB f
Function, or TtfaMf Ml
if Shopping, 'AfJim
don't forget to have ftiVkli
, -Anti-
with you. They are in
valuable for Headache
and all other Pains.
t'f ...
25 Doses, 25 Cents.
'I have used Dr. Mills' AntJ-rain
Tills for noma tints and And them
an lnvnhinhlo remedy for lieiidache.
I have ntways taken great plcmura
In reronrnirnillng ihrm to " my
frlonds, bring ronfldont that they
will lirlnn the desired relief. 1 am
never without them and uxe them
for all attnrka of pnln. knowing
that they will not disappoint me."
. ., West Haven, t'onn.
Mrs. Jay spent Friday
Charles Kwing is going to have a
sale the 6th.
The Moffltt post office was discon
tinued January 1.
Frank Carson returned from Pueb
lo one day last week.
Mrs. II. W. Stille has been on the
sick list the past week.
II. W. Stille called at the Archer
ranch Tuesday evening.
Ward Johnson made a business
trip to Alliance Monday.
Hugh Patton made a business trip
to Sam Hickman's, Friday.
Jas. Myers called at the Hickman
ranch Sunday, January 2.
11. W. Stille called Monday January
3 at the H. W. Patton home.
Miss Delight I'fford and mother de
parted Saturday for Chicago.
Oren McNurlin killed the last of
his pet rabbits New Year'B day.
Mr. aud Mrs. McNurlin and son
t T-.. 1 KIkt .. , II,IAf,
wieu Birui i utroiia uiui a i jiugu
Miss Madge Myers' school com
menced Monday, after a two-weeks
John Ufford returned from Iowa
Thursday where he was visiting
friends and relatives.
. Mr. and .Mrs. Wade and sons Ray
arid Ralph spent one evening last
week at the Moftltt home.
Mr. and Mrs. Hickman went Fri
day to Minatare to spend New Year's
with their daughter Mrs. Alva Lot
Clarence Morgan had the mlsfor
tune of breaking his auto one day
last week. Robert Graham assisted
htm on In to Alliance.
II. W. Patton and family spent
Saturday evening at O. 8. McNurlln'a.
Mr. and Mrs. Wade and sons spent
Saturday evening at O. S. McNur-lln's.
Tells IIow To Get Quick Relief
from Head-Colda. It's Splendid!
In one minute your rlojrgI nostrils
will open, the nir pHM-agen of your head
will clear and you can breathe freely.
No more hawking, snuffling, blowing,
headache, dryness. No struggling for
breath at night; your cold or catarrh
will be gone.
Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream
Balm from your drugist now. Apply
a little of this fragrant, antiwptin,
healing cream in your i.ontrilft. It n
etrate throuph every nir pannage of thn
head, soothes the inflame or swollen
mucous membrane mil relief comes in-
Alvia Hill made a business trip to.stantly
the Ward Johnson ranch one day
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wade and sons, Ray
and Ralph, spent New Year's at H.
W. Patton'B.
It's just fine. Don't stay tuffd-up
with a cold or canty catarrh Relief
comes bo quickly.
Old papers for sale at The Herald
office. Five cents a bunch; six
I bunches for a quarter.
The efit-together Spirit
Every town that IS a town has the
get-together spirit. Merchant and
farmer and the people generally work
together for a better town, better liv
ing conditions, better amusements
and more personal freedom. Here
are some rules for the get-togethers:
The town and the farming com
munity cannot succeed without co
operation and mutual assistance.
Farmers should forget the wild
charges of the demagogues and con
sider their own Interests in relation
to the railroads and better railroad
facilities. Legislation against busi
ness Interests simply because they
are business interests Is not always
best for the farmer. ,
Help the people of adjacent towns
to make the towns "alive". Don't
have the nearest town to you a dead
Rural prosperity depends upon the
ease with which shipments are made.
Railroads don't like the dead towns.
Don't back legislation that will kill
the town.
Farmers should buy from home
dealers. Keep your money In the
community where it,adds to the com
mercial life of everyone in the town.
Every dollar the farmer puts into
Headache of any kind, is caused by-
auto intoxication which means self
poisoning. Lives and bowel poisons
called toxins, sucaed Into the blood,
through the lymph ducts, excite the
heart which pumps- the blood so fast
that It congests in the smaller arteries
and veins of the head producing vio
lent, throbbing pain and distress, called
headache. You become nervouB, de-
i spondent, Blck, feverish and miserable,
j your meals sour and almost nauseate
: you. Then you resort to acetanmae,
j aspirin or the bromides which tempor
j arily relieve but do not rid the blood of
these irritating toxins.
I A glass of hot water with a teaspoon
I ful of limestone phosphate In it. drank
! before breakfast for awhile, will not
only wash these poisons from your sys
tem and cure you of headache but will
cleanse, purify and freshen the entire
alimentary canal.
Ask your pharmacist for a quarter
pound of limestone phosphate. It Is In
expensive, harmless as sugar, and al
most tasteless, except for a sourish
twinge which is not unpleasant.
If you aren't feeling your best, If
tongue is coated or you wake up with
bad taste, foul breath or have colds.
Indigestion, biliousness, constipation
or sour, acid stomach, begin the phos
phated hot water cure to rid your
system of toxins and poisons.
Results are quick and it Is claimed
that those who continue to flush out
the stomach, liver and bowels every
morning never have any headache or
know a miserable moment,
How' nil?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Hall's Catarrh Cure has been tak
en by catarrh sufferers for the past
thirty-five years, aud has become
known as the most reliable remedy
for Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
acta thru the Wood on the Mucous
surfaces, expelling the Poison fro)"
the Blood and healing the diseased
After ycu have taken Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure for a short time you will
see a great improvement In your gen
eral health. Start taking Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure at once and get rid of ca
tarrh. Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. Cheney, Toledo, Ohio.
8old by all Druggists, 75c.
T. C. Douglas, Mr.
European Plan Everything Hew
Rooms with and without private bath. Rates, one dollar and
up. Most convenient location for persons arriving in Omaha al
Burlington and Union Stations. First building south of Burllr
Station. Near to street cars to all parts of the city.
When you get off the train, go to The Pullman Hotel and reg
ister, leaving youi grips before going down town.
iha at.
1017 South Tenth St. OMAHA, NEBRASKA
The Time to
is during the winter months. Before the spring rush begins.
Our expert mechanics will do the work for you in a way that
will please, at a reasonable charge.
We More autos and do an Auto Livery Business.
C. T. PIGMAN, Prop.
Cales Agenti for Buick, Apperson and Saxon lines