The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 13, 1916, Image 10

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John McCoy, M. D.
Reddish Block. Phone 81
Fred Mollring left Monday noon
for a short trip to the sand hills.
Wm. Moravek came down fro n
Hemlngford Monday on business.
The Alliance Shoe Store for the
best repair work.
4 9-tf-6510
Wm. Moravek of Hemlngford was
In the city Monday, returning home
that noon.
Don't forget the Father and Sons'
BanqueC January 14th, Phelan Opera
Perry Malley was in the city last
Friday, coming In for supplies for
tbe ranch.
The Alliance Shoe Store for quick
est repair work.
A. Meeker, Alliance capitalist,
went to Hemlngford Monday on a
business trip. . ' .
Pete Schott. well known traveling
man, went to Guernsey Monday on a
business trip.
Florida Orange are the bent on
the market 15 cents a dozen.
Miss Ola Burmood returned Mon
day noon from a visit since Friday
with her sister at Scottsbluff.
C. J. Faught, the L. C. Smith type
writer salesman, left Monday noon
for a business trip to Scottsbluff.
Rev. Haislup, district superintend
ent for the Methodist church, return
ed Monday noon from Minatare.
Florida Oranges are the bent on
tave market 13 cents a dozen.
Leo Owens and wife left Monday
moon for Hoffland where he is em
ployed by the Potash Products Com
pany. ,
8. G. Gilman of Mondova, Wiscon
sin, arrived Sunday for a visit of a
week with his brother, Attorney B.
F. Gilman.
Number 1 hard wheat flour, $1.53
per Rack, $3.0.1 per lOO. Standard
Grocery Commny, 3rd & Iararaie.
Phone 41.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Seidell return
ed from Chadron Wednesday of last
week, where they had been visiting
with relatives over New Year's.
The Misses Marie and Helen Sei
dell of Chadron, sisters of F. M.
Seidell, arrived yesterday, and as
sumed duties at St. Agnes Academy.
Number 1 hard wheat flour, $1.55
per Hack, $.t.3 er lOO. Standard
Grocery Company, 3rd & Iaraniie.
Phone 41.
Sheriff Cox went to Hemlngford
' Monday to serve subpoenas on wit
nesses required for cases In the ad
journed term of district court which
started Tuesday.
Potatoes raised in Box Butte coun
ty and stored in the hige cellars at
Alliance and Hemlngford are now be
ing shipped at the rate of five and
six carloads a day to the eastern
The auction sale of horses and
farm Implements, held at the W. M.
Robinson farm northwest of Alliance
Monday of last week, was a success-
ful one, It being reported that every
thing was sold at fair prices.
Fresh roasted Peanuts. 10 cents
a pound.
H. F. Wllliams'arrlved yesterday
from the department of management
f the University at Lincoln, and
comes in the interest of tbe farm
survey recently taken. He will be
with Mr. Seidell for a couple of days.
Hon. W. H. Westover, district
Judge, and Court Reporter Jerry
foott arrived Monday noon for the
term of district court which began
Tmesday. Judge Westover has been
seriously ill with the grippe for sev
eral weeks.
Number 1 hard wheat flour, $1.53
per sak, $3.03 per 100. Standard
Grocery Company, 3rd & Laramie.
Phone 41.
What might have been a serious
railroad accident happened last Fri
day at Belmont when a freight car
standing on a sidetrack which did
mot clear the main line was side
swiped. One car was telescoped and
' three others derailed.
an afternoon and evening concert on
the streets the day of the show.
Subscribe for The Herald 11.50
per year.
Mrs. Corbett, of Hoffland. returned
home Saturday.
F. A. Williams of Bingham was an
Alliance visitor Friday.
George Hedgecock of Hemlngford
came down with his family Friday.
Frank Johns of Grand Island was
a business visitor In the city Friday.
K. L. Pierce, the Hemlngford
banker, was down on business Fri
day. F. L. Wright, Scottsbluff attorney,
is attending court in Alliance this
Fresh roasted Peanuts. 10 cents
a pound.
Mrs. F.-D. Mcintosh of Scottsbluff
was In the city Saturday on her way
to Hastings.
Miss Lydia Grove of Crawford ar
rived Saturday to spend a few days
visiting friends.
L. E. Johnson came in from Den
ver Tuesday noon. He made a short
business trip there.
New stock English Walnut. 20
cents a Mund.
Mrs. R. Malek went to Chicago
Saturday to the bedside of her sister
who is very sick.
H. H. Moore of Lincoln is in the
city making a few repairs to the til
ing on the Burlington depot floor.
Mrs. Frank Boone of Bonner and
Mrs. Jos. Barkhurst are in the city
for a few days for medical treatment.
Lloyd Smith has been making sev
eral business trips in and out of Al
liance, selling check protectograpbs.
J. M. Dineen of Madison, a former
Alliance real estate man, stopped ov
er the first of the week to visit rela
tives. The Girl and the Ranger, with ten
people, band and orchestra, at the
Phelan opera house, Tuesday, Janu
ary 18.
Mrs. A. Schjilze of Loveland, Colo.,
was in the city Tuesday on her way
home from a trip out west to visit
Mrs. J. A. Smith and Mrs. W. L.
Biddleton and daughter of Merna re
turned home the last of the week af
ter a visit here of two weeks with
J. M. Eaton of Belle Fourche, S.
D., visited for two weeks with his
son, Walter Eaton, and family, be
fore continuing on to Joplin, Mo.,
C. T. Bowser, whose parents live
near Hemlngford, was in the city
Saturday. He was returning from
an eastern trip for a visit with bis
parents for a while.
C. C. Joy, former western Nebras
ka ranchman who Is now located in
the Salt River valley at Phoenix, Ar
izona, is in the city attending court
and other business.
A new radiator has been placed at
the news stand In the Burlington de
pot. The recent cold weather made
it rather uncomfortable for the young
lady who has charge
Mrs. John Shay went to McCook
Saturday. Mr. Shea left a short
time before to take up his work there
with the Burlington. He had been
transferred from Alliance.
Mrs. Dick Brown came to Alliance
Saturday to accompany Mrs. F. D.
Mcintosh this far on her way to
Hastings. Mrs. Brown returned
home the same afternoon.
W. H. Roland of Hemlngford, who
had been down to eastern Kansas
and Missouri points, returned Satur
day to Hemlngford, stopping over In
Alliance half a day on bis return.
A. D. New stopped over In Alliance
Saturday on his way back to his home
at Rushvllle after a trip to Arkansas.
Mr. New went down to purchase hogs
but found them too high In price for
profitable Investment.
Col. Ethan Allan Evans, of Mars
land, the gentleman who was recent
ly too accommodating in the matter
of cashing checks for strangers, is of
the positive opinion that the great
I'rtinll) washing, si rent per imhiiuI.
Alliance Steiuii lwumdr).
war in Europe should be stopped,
Hnd has one or two solutions.
Family washing, six cent per pound.
Alliance Steam laundry.
Mrs. Ora Gilllard of Hyannls re
turned home Tuesday after a trip to
Family washing, kIx rent per oiind.
Alliance Steam laundry.
True Miller of Marsland was a bus
iness visitor in Alliance the last of
the week.
New Stork Kng1lh Walnut. 20
cent a nmuh1.
C. 11. Ritchie and son of Marsland
were down the last of the week for
medical treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shipley of
Angora are visiting In the city for a
few days with friends.
Family washing, six rent per miiihI.
' Alliance Steam Ijauudry.
The city of Beatrice Is advertising
for bids for a 15,000 motor fire truck
for the use of their fire department
The usual, morning greeting' be
tween Alliance citizens lately has
become, "Good morning, SI, have you
had the grippe?"
Family washing, six cents per pound.
' Alliance Steam laundry.
Tbe new alley lights for the down
town alleys have arrived and will be
installed by the electric light depart
ment without delay.
11. J. Wilson and wife came up
Saturday, Mrs. Wilson remaining
here for medical treatment while he
returned to the ranch at Antioch that
The city has purchased a new Pro
tectograph from Lloyd Smith, the lo
cal traveling man. The price paid
was $35, with an allowance of S8 for
an old machine.
Doe 15 rent a dozen for Bananas
look good to you? We've got 'em.
II. W. Montgomery, representing
the Bull Tractor Company, out of the
Omaha office, was in the city Tuesday
representing his firm at the council
meeting held that night.
Mrs. W. J. Abbott and Mrs. W. W.
Carpenter of Whitman returned
home Tuesday after a visit in Alli
ance with the daughter of Mrs. Ab
bott who is attending St. Agnes acad
emy. The city of Alliance will advertise
for bids for a cash lease on the city
firm for 1916, the use of water for
irrigation to go with the lease. The
water comes from the city sewage
Miss Nell Keeler was operated on
Tuesday morning at the hospital by
Dr. Copsey. At the present time she
is getting along very well and her
friends hope for a complete recovery
Family washing, six cent per jxnind.
Alliance Steam Laundry.
The sum of 137.50 was donated to
the Alliance fire department by the
city council Tuesday night for the
purpose of paying expenses of depart
ment delegates to the Crawford con
vention. C. E. Brown of Grand Island, rep
resenting the Rumley engine manu
facturing Company, out of, the Lin
coln office, was in the city Tuesday
endeavoring to sell a road engine to
the city council.
A derailment on the Great North
ern Monday caused train forty-four,
from the west, to be twelve hours
late. A stub train was run on the
regular morning time from Great
Falls, Montana.
Family washing, six cent per ftound.
Alliance Steam laundry.
Dr. C. E. Hershman, city physician,
reported at the council meeting that
there were no cases of contagious dis
ease in Alliance, the only general
sickness prevalent being the grip,
which has the entire country in its
Family washing, six cent per pound.
Alliance Steam Laundry.
The unusual amount of rainfall
during July, August and September
caused the receipts of the city water
department to fall off nearly $1,000
during the quarter, due to the fact
that It was not necessary to water
Doe 15 cents a dozen for Bananas
look good to you? We've got 'em.
According to one of The Herald's
neighboring newspapers, It Is news to
them that recent "dances" have prov
ed a great drawing card. Another
new feature Just introduced is a sur
geon for the B. V. D. Sounds like
summer wether.
Famil) washing, nix cent per xiunl.
Alliance Steam liuulr).
Roy Sktles of lakeside is spending
a few days In town with friends.
Mrs. Howard Blackledge, of Lake
side, who has been quite 111, Is Im
proved. Mrs. Harry Nelson, who was re
ported as being critically 111, Is now
Mrs. B. Ponath, who was operated
upon at the hospital Monday, Is re
ported as slowly recovering.
Famil) washing, six rent icr imiiiihI.
Alliance Steam Laundry.
J. II. Ramsey of Mo Hit t spent Mon
day and Tuesday In Alliance, visiting
friends and receiving medical advice.
Mrs. Lulu Harle of Deadwood Is
down to transact business In Alli
ance, and also for consultation with
her local doctor. .
Family washing, nIx rent er miiiiI.
Alliance Steam laundry.
Mrs. Ed Eldred Is recovering nice
ly and expects to be at home in a day
or two, after a slight operation the
first of the week.
Rev. Fred P. Fisher of Crawford
will represent the Crawford Chamber
of Commerce at the Father and Sons
banquet Friday night.
Family washing, six cents per pound.
Alliance Steam lAundry.
Mrs. Bessie - Farrer is reported
quite 111 with rheumatism. We trust
the lady will soon be relieved and
able to be about as usual.
Family wahlng, six cent per pound.
Alliance Steam Laundry.
Mrs. Emery Cornu of Crawford
sustained an operation at the local
hospital in the early part of the
month, and is doing nicely.
Family washing, six rent per pound.
Alliance Steam laundry.
Mrs. Roy Waters of Moffltt, who
has been ill for Borne time, was able
to come to Alliance this week for
medical treatment with Dr. Hand.
Family washing, six cent per tounri.
Alliance Steam Ijaundry. '
At the Churches
Methodist Episcopal Church
10 a. m. Sunday School.
11 a. m. Preaching service.
6:30 p. m. Young people's meet-
7:30 p. m. Preaching service.
Prayer meeting on Wednesday ev
ening at 7:80.
Rev. J. B. Cams, Pastor
104 Box Butte. Phone 90
Presbyterian Church
10 a. m. Sunday School.
11 a. m. Preaching service.
.2:30 p. m. Junior Endeavor.
6:30 p. m. Senior Endeavor.
7:80 p. m. Preaching service.
Prayer meeting on Wednesday ev
ening at 7:30.
ltev. Lewis Mclntyre, Pastor
705 Emerson Phone 820
Baptist Church
10:00 a. m. Sunday school.
11:00 a. m. Preaching service.
6:30 p. m. Young people's serv
ice. 7:30 p. m. Preaching service.
The Bei vice in the morning and ev
ening will be conducted by Mrs. Lay
ton. She has been a public worker
and is a very interesting speaker. She
takes charge of these services on ac
cojnt of the absence of Rev. Layton.
A. A. Iaytoii. Miulster
Immanuel's Lutheran Church
Cor. Yellowstone and 7Ui St.
10 a. m. English Sunday Schoo
and Bible class.
Services every Sunday at 10:30 a
English services every first and
third Sunday of the month at 2
o'clock p. m.
German school at 9 a. m. every
Religions instruction in Engllsl
every Saturday at 1:80 p. m.
Everyone is welcome and cordially
invited to attend all of the service
of the church.
Rev. Titus Lang, Pastor
722 Missouri Phone Black OA
St. Matthews Church
7:30 a. m. Holy Communion.
10 a. m. Sunday school.
11 a. m. Morning prayer and ser
mon. 7:80 p. m. Evening prayer ano
Rev. William Canon Shaw, Rector
Owing to the Illness of Dean Shaw
of St. Matthews Episcopal church in
Alliance, Bishop Beecher of Kearney here Sunday and conduct the
regular services. There will be ear
ly morning communion and both
morning and evening services. Dean
Shaw Is recovering from the serious
operation performed early last week.
Christian Church
10 a. m. Sunday School.
11 a. m. Preaching service.
6:30 p. m. Young people's serv
ice. 7:80 p. m. Preaching service.
Prayer meeting on every Wednes
day evening at 7:80.
Rev. II. J. Young, Pastor
$09 Box Butte Phone $44
III JJLUI --;Bl3FTr.-, ,;t-, .- p
L Events in the
t!SGir rinr
Mrs. George Davis has Invited the
Eastern Star ladle to her home for
a kenslngton this afternoon. No
doubt the time will be much enjoyed.
Mrs. Christina MacCray was host
ess at a pleasant dinner party Satur
day evening. her guests were
Rev. and Mrs. Lewis Mclntyre and
the Drs. Jeffrey.
Mrs. J. S. Corp entertained the la
dles of the Baptist Aid Society yes
terday afternoon, and a pleasant time
was spent. with a delicious lunch
served aear the close of the hours.
The Royal Highlanders gave an
other of their enjoyable dances last
Thursday evening. Altho there was
not as large as usual those present
report a pleasant time. This frater
nity are royal entertainers.
The vcti.bors of the uuxlltary .."
the First Presbyterian church, and
friends, were entertained at the home
of Mrs. J. E. Hughes yesterday after
noon. A thimble party and an elab
orate luncheon were enjoyed.
The Rebekahs are to hold their
Installation of officers tomorrow ev
ening, Friday, and besides the work
which will be put on, a delicious
spread Is being arranged for. Every
member should make an effort to be
The ladles of the Episcopal Guild
met at the parish " house ' yesterday
afternoon and were entertained at
lunch by Mrs. William Mitchell and
Mrs. Pennyculck. The afternoon was
much enjoyed by a good number of
the members.
Mrs. H. F. Thlele was hostess to
the T. O. T. club last Thursday af
ternoon. The members enjoyed a
social afternoon with kenslngton to
till in the time, and an elaborate
luncheon was served near the close
of the afternoon hours.
Miss Mildred Dole celebrated her
fifth birthday last Saturday after
noon, by entertaining a number of
her young friends. Of course they
enjoyed some hours of frolic with a
delicious lunch to close the annivers
ary. Good wishes to the young lady.
The first of a series of dancing
parties is being arranged for Thurs
day evening, January 27, given by
the Elks in their rooms. This prom
ises to be only tbe beginning of many
evenings spent in this social way, and
the committee are laying elaborate
plans for tin coming event.
i .
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Martin enter
tained tbe 1916 Club last Thursday
evening, and had some friends in ad
dition. The evening was one of en
joyment for the participants, and re
freshments added to the social good
time. Games filled the evening
hours, and the guests were loath to
On Tuesday evening of this week,
Mrs. C. E. Marks entertained at a
card party at her home. The event
was In honor of her mother, Mrs. Ad
elle Phelan of McCook, sisters Miss
Josephine Phelan of Vancouver, B.
C, and Mrs.. W. B. Gage of Worland,
Wyo., and brothers Thomas Phelan,
of Vancouver, and Bernard Phelan
of Denver, who are her guests for a
few days.
At a meeting of the Degree of Hon
or lodge Friday evening the follow
ing officers were elected for the en
suing year: Past chief of honor, Mrs.
W; W. Johnson: chief of honor, Mrs.
H. J. Kuhn; lady of honor, Mrs. John
Carlson; chief of ceremonies, Mrs.
Stella Stanton; recorder, Mrs. George
Davis; receiver, Mrs. A. Renswold;
usher, Mrs. John Beck; inside watch,
Mrs. Kate Buechsenstein; outside
watch, Mrs. George Mllliken. Follow
ing the business meeting Mrs. John
Carlson entertained the members at
luncheon at her home.
The Invitations sent out written in
German for the party given last Fri
day evening In honor of the German
beginner's class was responded to by
an enthusiastic and good company of
young folks. The games played
during the evening were those char
acteristic of the Germans, and the
entire conversation was In the same
language. The supper, which In
cluded a menu of things dear to tbe
heart of the "Dutchmen" was equally
apreclated by the two German class
es following out the ideas presented
by their teacher. A pleasant and
profitable evening was enjoyed.
Mrs. W. D. Rumer entertained in
honor of her mother, Mrs. Coffin, yes
terday afternoon. About twenty-five
ladles were present to help the hon
ored one celebrate her ninetieth
birthday, and the hours were filled
with pleasant conversation and good
cheer. An elaborate 6 o'clock din
ner was served the guests, and the
birthday cake was a pretty feature of
the affair. It was a large cake with
the figures 80 on the top and sur
mounted with ninety little pink can
dles, which were lighted. The
Social Realm
r ,
friends remembered Mrs. Coffin wit
pretty flowers and some other suita
ble gifts, and before leaving wlshe
her continued health and many more
happy birthday anniversaries M
pleasant as the passing one.
For any of the social entertain
ments of the locality, we are pleased
to announce that students In any de
partment of the School of Music ar
Mrs. Percy Cogswell entertained av
number of her lady friends last
Thursday evening. The time wm
pleasantly spent during tbe dinner
hours and for a time afterwards.
James Hewett was host to six gen
tlemen friends at a 6 o'clock dinner
Sunday evening. The abundant and
delirious repast Included a duck sap
per, and It Is enough to mention that
the guests fully enjoyed every mo
ment of tbe time.
The members of the P. E. O. met
with Mrs. W. D. Rumer Monday ev
ening or this week, and entertained
their husbands at a 7 o'clock dinner.
The color scheme was in yellow and
white and the appointments were
well arranged. About forty werw
present to enjoy the affair which in
cluded a miscellaneous program.
The Choral Club met Monday
ening, with a large attendance of tfc
members. It might be well to sug
gest that any one expecting to take
up the work should begin immediate
ly, In fact, at the next meeting of th
club, to enable them to get train!
on the music the club is already
working on.
The meeting of the woman's feder--ated
club for this week will be held
at the home of Mrs. D. J. Nelson,
624 Big Horn, Friday afternoon.
"Home Economics" will be the topi
considered, roll call being responded
to with a simple "First Aid". Mrs.
Dole will consider the subject "The
Fight against Tuberculosis", Mrs.
Pate will give a book review of "En
och Arden". A discussion will be fol
lowed with music by Miss Dorothy
Smith. Members will please take ne
lice In change of meeting place.
William Flower of Bayard and
Miss Catherine Corbett of Sundance,
Wyo., were united in marriage last
evening at the Methodist parsonage?
In Alliance, the Rev. J. B. Cams of
ficiating. Mr. Flower is a popular
oung man of many friends, and ha
arranged to operate a ranch a few
mlleB out of Bayard, In the spring;
The romance, which ended bo happily
for the couple, was started when the
bride lived with her parents at Bay
ard. The family moved to Sundance
last fall, and now the bride return
to fill her place In the new home.
Congratulations to the couple.
I HM nun fnr asl at Th tleraM
office. Five cents a bunch; six
bunches for a auarter.
Miss Nelle Keeler was operated on
at the hospital tbe first of the week
for apendlcitls. Her condition is re
j ported as being as well as could be
j expected, and the young lady wilt
i soon be about her regular duties at
Keeler-Coursey garage.
At the council meeting Tuslay
night the city attorney was Instruct
ed to draw up a contract with C. L.
Drake for tbe use of the poles on hie
land southeast of the city. These
poles carry the electric light wires to
the city sewage plant.
F. E. Reddish, Alliance business
man, left Wednesday noon for an ex
tended winter trip on the Pacific
coast. Mr. Reddish goes first to
Oregon and northwestern points and
then down the coast to California. He
will be gone about a month.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Vaughan are to
leave soon for a visit and trip te
California. The former has been suf
fering for some time with rheumatie
trouble, and hopes to find relief la
the warmer climate. We trust that
they wil lenjoy the trip and wilt
soon return improved in health.
Friends are sorry to hear that Jay
Mollring met with an accident iy
falling off a wagon while at work oav
tbe Hall ranch a short distance front
town. The fall caused a dislocate
vertabrae, but the young man is find
ing relief, and In the mean time h
enjoying a visit at the home of hl
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mollring;
"The Girl and the Ranger," whicft
comes to the Phelan opera hoase
next Tuesday, January 18, Is a higft
class western comedy drama in foar
acts, with' band and orchestra. The
cast includes Miss Lillian Lynn and
F. P. McCann in the leading rolee,
assisted by eight other well knows
artists. The company carries a com
plete production, all special scenery,
good clean specialties between e&ti&
act, and the show is guaranteed ey
both bouse and company manager
to give complete satisfaction or moa
ey refunded. Their band will give