GEO. D. HARRAH Breeder and Dealer PURE BRED BULLS Canfurnish ranchmen of Nebroka with either Herefords or Shorthorns. Address Exchange Building:, South Omaha Good Coal at Prices That Fit Your Pocketbook Instead of carrying one or two lines of coal, with only one or two prices to choose from, we have seven grades at a range of prices. Peacock Lump, $8.50 Monarch Lump, $6.00 Pinnacle Nut, $8.00 Pennsylvania Chestnut ' Bighorn Lump, $7.50 Pennsylvania Pea Bighorn Nut, $6.50 "Why not buy your coal where you can get a grade and a price to fit your pocketbook ? And everyone listed here is tho lest coal that can be bought at the price. "Good Service" is our watchword. 2,000 POUNDS TO THE TON ALWAYS! Phone 73 D Geo. A. Heilman, Manager "OLD KENTUCKY" IS RICH AND FRUITY rhis Delicious Chew Has thr Wonderful Flavor of Choic est Burley Leaf MADE BY MODERN METHODS If you don't chew tobacco you sim ply cannot get the full measure of en joyment out of it A good chew, with its juicy richness and appetizing flavor, is an aid to di gestion. That means it's beneficial tt the whole system. And the best chev is plug tobacco, the closest-to-natun form into which tobacco leaf can b made. Nature's own sweetness is in verj juicy chew of Old Kentucky. Yot never before tasted such mellow rich ness you can't get so much deliciouslj sweet flavor out of any other chew. The rich leaf for Old Kentucky i selected, re-selected, picked over b; hand, stemmed by hand, pressed int pure, luscious, golden-brown plugs b the most wholesome modern methods. Try a 10-cent plug of Old Kentucky You'll find h wonderfully tasty, whob some and appetizing a rich, mello chew that exactly suits your taste. Old Kentucky No. 1. INVEST $10.00 801 Guaranteed INVEST 510,00 THK KARNINO POSSIBILITIKS OF A TEN-DOLLAR BILL In The Ford "Motor Car Company It has returned $25,000.00 Bell Telephone Company " 10,000.00 Welsbach Mantle Company " 5,000.00 National Cash Reniatpr Co. " . 4.287.00 Diamond Rubber Company " 1,472.00 Flak Rubber Company " 1,240. 00 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. " 1,290.00 The stock in the above companies went begging when It was first offered Investors could not believe the profits the management predict ed. The above enormous profits made by the shrewd investors with the courage to back a young business are a matter of record and fact, and are being duplicated by present Btock offerings. You have such an OPPORTUNITY In this offering. THE WEALTH we offer is a real and an accomplished fact our Company. If we did not Increase our manufacturing facilities and work ing capital one cent, still rould pay 80 per cent on the Investment offered In this advertisement. This we are now earning -this is an accom plished fact. The proceeds from the sale of our stock will enable us to increase our output at least fourfold and with the economies this increased pro duction will effect, we will then be earning about 300 per cent on this investment. THIS IS Til K SMALL INVESTORS' OPPORTUNITY . By a special arrangement, we are enabled to offer one thousand in vestors this EXTRAORDINARY proposition: Mail us ten dollars ($10.00), no more and no less, and we will mail you a Certificate for Forty (4 0) shares of the Treasury Stock of our Company, Fully Paid and Forever Non-Assessable, and descriptive liter ature of our Company and its business. This offer is made only to the first one thousand investors who an swer this advertisement. "First come, first served." If you are too late or if you send any more or lesp than ten dollars, your money will be returned by the next mail. This offer is made to secure the co-operation of one thousand small stockholders in boosting the sale of Double Service Tlreii and to prevent large financial interests from securing control. The Double Service Tire and Rubber Company is incorporated under the stringent laws of the State of Ohio at $250,000.00, divided int" 250,000 shares of a par value of $1.00 per share. all common, Fully Paid and Non-Assessable. Every share of stock and every stot-khohler being absolutely on an equal and even basis, all shurinK alike in all earnings of the Company. This la an established and going butine und one which in at pres ent earning iH-t dividends equal to i!0 per cent on its entire capitaliza tion, and with future dividend possibilities so bijs and so alluring that they rcem almost unbrlitwablt-. The hlstoiy f practically any one of Akron's famous rubber tire companies reads more like a fairy tale than business fact. Early in vestors have made fortunes almost unbelieveable and are still making them. The growth and success of the Double Service Tire and Rubbe Company but adds another chapter to this never-ending story of the for tunes made through the popularity of the automobile. i OUR GUARANTEE YOl It PROTECTION The fact that this Company is no warning at the rate of 20 per cent on its entire capitalization, with lens than one-third issued, is a positive guarantee of your SO r cent and proof of the still larp-r earniiiKS you will receive when their production facilities have been increased. Your protection is made still more secure by the fact that after you have received our literature and your stock, you may return ihe same any time within ten days of its receipt by you and receive your money back in full if you are not entirely satisfied with your Investment. This gives you ten days !n which to Investigate and to assure yourself that this is not a chance, but the best and biggest little investment you ever made Could anything be more fair and square? Was ever an invest ment offered so attractive and so sure? Just tear off and fill out this coupon aiid attach a ten-dollar bill to it, or a check, or a Money Order, and mail it today. REMEMBER, this offer Is made only to the first one thousand who answer this advertisement. THE DOUBLE SERVICE TIRE & RUBBER CO., Akron, Ohio. I hereby accept your rffer as made In the above advertisement. and am enclosing ten dollars, for which please send me Stock Certificate for Forty (40) shares of Stock of your Company, Fully Paid and Nonas sessable, with descriptive literature regarding the same, with the under standing that if I am not entirely satisfied with my investment, you wilt return my money in full any time within ten days of my receipt of my Stock Certificate and literature. PERU NORMAL NOTES The state board of education, at its recent .meeting In Chadron, an j proved the plan submitted by the students to provide for a school nurse. The plan stipulates that each student shall pay a fifty-cent fee each semester for the maintenance of a nurse. The Board of Education will provide the cottage for her oc cupancy. It Is the present intention for this plan to go into effect next semester. The holiday vacation begins De cember 23 and closeB January 3. On Thursday evening holders of budget tickets were privileged to en Joy another splendid lecture course number. Everett Kemp, in his inter pretation of J. G. Holland's delight ful New England Btory, Sevenoakes, proved to be a master entertainer and impersonator. Students and faculty were guests of the high school students Saturday evening at their Christmas celebra tion, which was of an unusual na ture, but which proved to be very en tertaining. Miss Tibbetts, the high school supervisor, gave a splendid talk on the Passion Play, which is given In Oberammergau every ten years and which Miss Tibbetts saw in 1910. The talk was illustrated by stereoptiCon slides made from ac tual photographs taken by Prof. Lees of the Nebraska University. The firfi8tft Inter-class Raines in basket ball were played Saturday af ternoon. Considerable enthusiasm is always manifested at these events, and many get an opportunity to pla who are not strong enough to win places on the varsity team. On these preliminary games the Seniors won from the Sophomores, and the Jun iors from the Freshmen On Monday evening the Seniors and Jnuiors con tested for the cl ampionship, and the former team war. victorious. Miss Cleland and Dean Mattie C. Ellis went to Omaha Friday after noon and returned Saturday evening. A much larger seating capacity has long been needed in the gymnasium, and this situation has been relieved at last. Temporary seats to accom modate about seven hundred specta tors have been put Into place. Any of these can be removed at will, bin a large part of them will he left in place except upon rare occasions. Do You Know That Red feathers are used as a substi tute for coin by some of the South Sea Islanders? Every Italian who is fit Is liable to nineteen years military service, from his nineteenth birthday? When tobacco was first Introduced Into England the people used to pay to be taught the art of smoking? Benjamin Franklin wrote from Pussy, in 1871, a letter to M. Dumas, In which he suld: "I have Just receiv ed a 14. 5. 3, 10, 28, 2. 76. 20.1. 6ti, 11. 12, 273. 50, 14. Joining 76, 5. 42. 45. 16. 15. 424, 235, 19. 20,69. 580, 11, 150. 27. 56. 35. 104. 652. 20. 675. 85, 79, 50, 63, 44, 22.219. 17, 60, 29. 147, 136, 41, hut this Is not likely to afford 202, 55, 580. 10. 227, 613, 176, 373, 309. 4, 108, 40. 19, 97. 309, 17. 35. 90. 201. 100, 677." This puzzle has never been deciphered. General Tom Thum was twenty five Inches tall? Man-eating tigers are the exception rather than the rule? Surnames were not used In Eng land before the conquest? It Is stated that laughter is a great aid to digestion, and that the medi eval custom of exciting laughter at the table by the Jokes and Jesters and buffoons was founded on true medical principles. Walt Whitman. Bret Harte and Mark Twain all began their careers as compositors. Isaac Newton when at school was a notorious dunce and nearly always found himself at the bottom of his class. In time of peace Switzerland Is the country best supplied with hos pitals, having nearly 18,000 beds, or about six to every 1000 of popula tion. Physical activity In England la at its greatest when the average tem perature Is about 60 degrees; mental activity, when the average tempera ture Is a little below 40. Baby's Ski a Troubles Pimples - Eruptions Eczema quickly yield to the soothing and healing qualities of Dr. Hobson's Ec zema Ointment. No matter where located, how bad or long standing, Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment will remove every trace of the ailment. It will restore the skin to Its natural softness and purity. Don't let your child suffer don't be embarrassed by having your child's face disfigur ed with blemishes or ugly scars. Use Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment. It's guaranteed. No cure, no pay, 50c at your druggist. Adv No 2 Rix Is Sorry for Preacher A preacher at Hastings recently ran afoul of the Mann white slave law, when he left his own wife and children and took up his residence there with the wife and children of another man, the last wife and child ren coming from Kansas. Our friend "Bix", in the State Journal, had the following to say regarding the Inci dent: I'm sorry for the poor galoot. Whoever he may be. Who reaches out to gather fruit From the forbidden tree; Who gratifies a present whim His future Joys to rob. And thenceforth finds h has to Jim Around without a Job. It pays to bear the stress and strife With conscience square and true; It pays to lead a decent life. From every point of view. I'm sorry that the preacher fell. Who should have been more brave. I'm sure he knows there is a hell This side the silent grave. I'm sure that he is sick and sore. And he shall have no kicks From me If he will sin no more, That is sufficient. BIX. Had llahitH . Those who breakfast at 8 o'clock or later, lunch at 12 and have dinner at 6 are almost certain to be troubled with Indigestion. They do not allow time for one mol to digest before taking another. Not less than five hours should elapse between meals. If you are troubled with indigestion correct your habits and take Cham berlain's Tablets, and you may reas onably hope for a quick recovery. These tablets strengthen the stomach and enable it to perform its functions naturally. Obtainable everywhere. Adv Jan Ml TEA PUIS LIFE Name. Address. Stats, on't stay gray! Sage Tea and Sul phur darkens hair so naturally that nobody can tell. You can turn gray, faded hair beau 'ully dark and lustrous almost ove 'lt If you'll get a 60 cent bottle o. V'yeth's fage and Sulphur Hair Remedy' any drug store. Millions of bottles of Isold, famous Sage 'lea Recipe are sol.. . dually, says a well-known druggist te, because it darkens the hair n turally and evenly that no one can I it has been applied, lliose whose hair is turning gray, be ning faded, dry, suraggly and thin ve a surprise awaiting them, because er one or two applications the gray r vanishes and your locks become uriantly dark and beautiful all dan- u!f goes, scalp itching and falling hair . pa- i his is the age of youth. Gray-haired, ttractive folks aren't wanted around, i yrt busy with Wyeth's Sage snd Kid ilmr to-night and you'll be delighted ith your dark, handsome iiair and youi xitfciul appearance within a few days. Let Hasty run your errands. Hasty's Messenger Service. The Wcues of Silence Two U'rie i.i-'i'! v -re bachelor:. Each was the oth'T's cbu" Sail on: of tb"i: "T:iM sitnrle life la growinu stale and bum. I wish to CHM'li'ity ami ii"'U emphatically state that . I shrill n-lvertise the fact that I desire a !;i::te." The other saiJ: "I would not have yoiPthink my feet are cold, but I should never advertise, for that is coaree and bold." The wise one opened wide and deep his highly gifted throat, and sang with ardor and technique his amatory note. The maiden birds from far and near flocked in to hear him sing, and signified their willing ness to wear his wedding ring; and very Boon the anthem which he war bled from bis breast had won a high ly skillful wife to supervise his nest. The one who wouldn't advertise still sits upon a limb, but lonely lady birds will never pause to look at him. He has some lovely qualities pecul iarly his own. but Just because he doesn't fill his lungs and make them known, his atmosphere is darkened by a cold and dismal blight, and neighbors have the notion that he isn't very bright. Printers Ink. OLDER BUT STRONGER To be healthy at seventy, prepare at forty, it sound advice, because in the strength of middle life we too often forget that neglected colds, or careless treat ment of alight aches and pains, simply undermine strength and bring chronic weakness for later years. To be stronger when older, keep your blood pure and rich and active with the strength-building and blood-nourishing properties of Scott's Kmulaion which is a food, tonic and a medicine to keep your blood rich, alleviate rheumatism and void sickness. No alcohol in bcott' j. Scott ft Bow, BkmmacM, V. J. " r .. ... I W. liT II can. joW ctd. 2v. J vuur - 6 47 l(OVA Yes. Girls or women, boys or men can join our Christmas Banking Club. The plan is this : Deposit 5 or 10 cents or 1 or 2 cents for the first week. Then increase your deposit the same amount each week. IN 50 WKKKS: 1- ceut CMJI1 PAYS tia.70 2-cent CLUI1 PAYS 25.00 .B-cent CLUII PAYS 3.75 10-cent CLUB PAYS 127.00 WE ADD 4 PER CENT INTEREST. YOU CAN DEPOSIT 25 Oil 50 CENTS, Oil fl.00 Oil MORE EACH WEEK. COME IN WE WILL TELL YOU ALL ABOUT IT. COME IN AND GET A CHRISTMAS BANK! NO ROOK FREE. FIRST STATE BANK, ALLIANCE, NEB. THE PULLMAN HOTEL r. C. Douglas, Mgr. European Plan Everything New Rooms with and without private bath. HateB, one dollar and up. Most convenient location for persons arriving in Omaha at Burlington and Union Stations. First building south of Burlington Station. Near to street cars to all parts of the city. When you get off the train, go to The Pullman Hotel and reg ister, leaving your gripB before going down town. 07 South Tenth St. OMAHA, NEBRASKA HIGH GROUND NURSERY STOCK Cheapest to buy and best to plant. You do not go to low lands or draws for seed com. Why go there for trees! Our stock is not forced and will give yon entire satisfaction. Our plant is located the farthest west of any nursery in the state, which insures prompt service. HARRISON NURSERY CO. YORK, NEBRASKA DON'T FORGET That you were once a boy and enjoyed a good time. Don't make the excuse that you are too busy to give some boy a good time. The tickets are going fast so if you have not purchased yours, better do it NOW. Every boy in town wants to go to that boys' banquet so if you haven't a boy phone 74 and we will put you in touch with as many as you want to make happy that night. W. D. F1S1IKR, SeVy.