The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 06, 1916, Image 10

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    E. !G. LAING
aos nox nuTTR avb. -
allianc. .. Jan. 6th, 1916.
Dear Friends :-
I find that I still have in stock 6 Sheep lined
Moleskin COATS full 36 inches long. Now these coats
are good big sizes from 46 to 50, and are worth
$8.60, and I do not want to carry them over, and
offer them this week to anybody for the price of
$6.00 each. Now this is a bargain.
I hope that you will watch this space again .'
next Thursday, for I will have another bargain offer
to make.
Yours very truly,
Import of Treasurer of Alliance City
Mission for Month Ending
December 31, 1915
Report of treasurer of Alliance
City Mission for the month ending
December 31, 1915: '
Cash on hand Dec. 1 $30.22
United rres. Ladies' Aid .... 2.50
City of Alliance 100.00
Mrs. Hobbs 1.00
Ethel and May Graham 1.00
From Exchange 3.30
I Woman's Society Baptist ch. . . 3.00
I Ladies' Auxiliary Pres. church 2.60
Coll. at Union Aid Dec. 29 . . . 6.00
, M. E. Ladies' Aid 3.00
Christian ladies individually . 1.60
I Presbyterian ladies indiv. ... 2.20
Methodist ladies Indiv 4.10
Cash 25
Cash ." 15
i Blank books 40
Tags 20
Coal 9.00
Klectric lights 1.35
Floor oil , . 2.25
Stoves and pipe 15.00
Rent. Dec. 16 to Jan. 16 .... 40.00
Material for curtains 1.45
Balance, Dec. 31 90.27
The ladies of the mission board de
sire to express their thanks to O'Ban
non Bros, for coal donated, to R. T.
Watson for Janitor services, to the
draymen who have done hauling free
of charge, to the stores and Individu
als who have given clothing, etc., for
the Exchange to Mrs. Watson, who
had the lettering done of the win
dows, to O. D. Hobbs and Mr. Rapp
for carpenter work, to the Young
Men's Bible Club" for the use of their
piano and other furniture, and to all
who have helped get a mission thtfs
far along In our city. It has been no
small undertaking, but the ladies
have been courageous and have
worked willingly, feeling this is a
much needed institution In our midst
and that the good people of Alliance
will stand behind them in their noble
Mrs. Sharp has freely given of her
time and borne her own personal ex
pense, as well as frequently using her
private funds, for the welfare of our
city and is deserving of the gratitude
of the general "public.
Acting Treasurer.
Bud Klisley went to Alliance New
Tear's Day.
Grant Melick was in Alliance be
tween trains Saturday. .
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Potmesll were
Alliance visitors Sunday
Miss Esther Geiger was an Alliance
visitor the last of the week.
Ben Johnson and A. S. Enyeurt
were Alliance visitors Friday.
N. A. McCorkle of Alliance was a
visitor at llemlngford Tuesday.
Miss Sadie Hopkins spent Saturday
and Sundity with friends in Alliance.
Mrs. C. W. Graham and Miss Vera
returned Sunday from their visit at
George Hedgecock made a business
trip to Al'iance Saturday, returning
Mrs. W. E. McClung was the guest
of Mrs. J. M. Miller of Alliance over
New Year 'a.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Phillips enter
tained the Enyeart family at New
Year'a dinner,
Mr. Coursey, of Keeler-Coursey of
Alliance, was in Hemtngford Monday,
making the trip In a Ford roadster.
Mr. J. P. Walsh and daughter and
Mrs. W. Jones of Newcastle, Wyo.,
re visiting at the John Mabin home.
Carl Snacht went to Alliance Sat
urday to eat New Year's dinner with
the home folks. He returned Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Melick left
the last of the week for Lincoln and
vicinity for a visit with relatives and
Mr. and Mrs. John Mabin and their
guests. Mrs. J. P. Walsh and Mrs.
Jones, spent Saturday and Sunday in
Miss Katurah Shull, who spent the
week in Alliance, returned home Fri
day accompanied by her friend Miss
Grace Coleman.
Mrs. Hoack and Miss Geraldine
Shull went to Alliance Friday to at-'
tend the Elks dance. They returned
on No. 43 Saturday. ,
Our local teachers who spent the
Christmas vacation at their various
homes returned Sunday. School re
opened Monday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Miller returned
the last of the week from Upton.
Wyo. They have taken a claim near
Upton and wiil move on it in the
spring. i
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Shepherd of '
Chadron came over to spend New
Year' with their daughter, Mrs. Lor-
ensen and his brother B. U. Shepherd
and family.
weather Vlnce Murphy of Curly made
the trip by auto from Curly to Alli
ance by way of Hemingford Sunday.
He made the return trip Monday.
Russell Miller was an Alliance vis
itor between trains Saturday. MrE.
Rustin of Chadron, who has been
with her mother, Mrs. Ward, since
the death of her father, returned to
her home Sunday.
Meeting of Y. M.H. C.
A meeting of the Young Men's Bi
ble Club will be held at the home of
Frank Wolverton. 916 Box Butte
avenue, Tuesday,' January 11. All
members and young men are invited
to attend. A good time is assured.
Old papers for sale at The Herald
oBice. Five cents a bunch; six
bunches for a quarter.
Pint iw in nan JLty
f u 1 1 y trtHtd tuouMttudt orrHMMorrhroaio
nd iwt-cmllttrt) tnrurwble I EU feOlilStt
leiprinr. combined with original
laud niMHra nifihoni I nrarce com
ilt tine!, without knife or pain
W rit fur UUt d book- Kfc.iL tewltxi.
Dr. H. J. WHITTiER, Huwh Illy. Mo.
One Lot
$5.00 now $3.98
The Time to
is during the winer months. liofore the spring rush begins.
Our expert mechanics will Jo the work for you in a vay that
will please, at a reasonable charge.
We store autos and do an Auto Livery Business.
C. T. PIGMAN, Prop.
Sales Agents for Buick, Apperson and Saxon Lines
(Continued from Page One)
43. Sent a representative to the Irrigation meeting at
44. Publicity received number lines:
Alliance Timon
Alliance Herald ,354
Alliance Newg 'ilo
Trade Exhibit, Omaha - 'J
Trade Review, Lincoln :-- 5
State Journal, Lincoln o
American City, New York ..,
Omaha Bee : J-Jj
Stockmen's Journal, Omaha . -
Journal, Topeka, Kansas
Commerical Journal, St. Joseph, Mo. 30
World Herald JJH
Lincoln Star Jj'
Town Development, New York
Tradesman, Omaha 246
Price Current, Wichita, Kansas . 19
Total number of lines 10,614
45. Employment Bureau:
Number of men registering for work 9L
Positions found for men ?6
Number of women registering for work 27
Positions found. for women 19
Total number, employment secured for - 9a
Classes of people benefitted :
Railroad r- 9
Housewives 1
Business Mm. Hotels, etc 1
Farmers and Ranchers 55
46. Number of lines of news sent to various papers and
magazines, 1,376.
47. Circular letters mailed:
Crawford Fair 200
Market Week 1 2600
Good Roads : 525
County Commissioners, Clerks . 1475
T. P. A. Banquet Cards L 100
Automobile Club 200
Labor Day Committees . 1 60
Personal Letters written 1270
Notices to members 925
Average number phone calls answered each month . . 275
48. Number of organizations asking foi a letter of recom
mendation to solicit the members of our club, six. Number
given letters, one. This department alone has saved the mem
bers of the club during the last six months not less than $300.
Secured a reduction on steam coal from Kirby, Wyoming,
to Alliance of fifty cents per ton, a saving of $25 a car to the
State Conventions for Alliance for 1916
State T. P. A., April.
State P. E. O., June.
State Stockmen, June.
State Commissioners, December.
Coming Events
January 7 Smoker, City Hall.
January 14 Boys' Banquet, Opera House.
January 21-22 Moving pictures of the 1915 Stockmen's
Convention and Auto Polo at Alliance, shown at the Imperial
February 10 Clerks and Business Men's Banquet.
March 1 Annual Banquet and election of Officers.
Harpers Special
j 117
A new style from
our Fall line a
real "picture"
are buying The
Florsheim Shoe c!ai!y.
It's the rcuhrc!.o:co
of the many veil
dressed men who
make this their store.
the added style, ser
vice and comfort you
will obtain in wear
in& better shoes, then
come to us and let
us fit you in the shoe
best suited to your
taste you will et a
full measure of satis
faction at $5 the
price you ou&ht to
pay for a fcood pair
of shoes.
Seven States Closed Out Saloons and
Breweries at Midnight Last
Friday Mght
Seven states were added to the dry
list at midnight last Friday night.
This makes a total of nineteen dry
states In the United States. The new
ones added to the list are as follows:
Colorado. In Colorado 1,615 sa
loons and twelve breweries were put
out of business.
Washington. The statewide pro
hibition law, adopted at the election
in November, 1914, went into effect.
The law closed 2,612 saloons and ho
tel bars throughout the state, and
many breweries.
Iowa. The remaining 483 saloons
and sixteen breweries in the state
closed because of the repeal of the
Mulct law by the state legislature a
year ago. Breweries capitalized at
14.236,963 went out or business.
Oreron. 1844 saloon? wpre elop
ed. iUu manufacture or ii;il; ii tn
ki'.id of intoxicating liquor Is absol
utely pri'iimnd. u'lif rrorr . ni- i
purpose. I
At the Churches
Methodist Episcopal Church
10 a. m. Snnday-School.
11 a. m. Preaching service.
6:30 p. m. Young people's meet
ing. 7:30 p. m. Preaching service.
Prayer meeting on Wednesday ev
ening at 7:30.
Rev. J. B. Cams, Pastor
504 Box Butte. Phone 90-
Presbyterlan Church
10 a. m. Sunday School.
11 a. m. Preaching service.
2:30 p. m. Junior Endeavor.
6:30 p. in. Senior Endeavor.
7:30 p. m. Preaching service.
Prayer meeting on Wednesday ev
ening at 7:30.
Rev. Lewis Mclntyre, Pastor
703 Emerson Phone 820
HaptiNt Church
10:00 a. a.. Sunday school.
11:00 a. m. Preaching service.
6:30 p. m. Young neonle's serv-
7:30 p. in. Preaching service.
T!n young people's society will be
!ciii next Sun-lay evening by Mrs.
f business under the nictt Ht:i:t.i: r.i : -J'ton- a 1 proinlses to be an lnter-
. rohihition law in the Uniu-l i5ta:ee.
This law provides one yiar in ilu-
penitentiary for violation.
Idaho. 200 saloons were close I ; of tht t hurch.
n ting meeting.
The public will receive a cordial
welcome to any or all of the services
under the new prohibition law. It
.nukes the poaHeB&ion cf M.y kir.(! o:
.aali or spirituous liquor a
South Carolina. The dispensary
systcv! v.j ; put out or Dimness, i n
I'ev. Lnytoii, pastor
liiiiiiutmer Lu literati Church
Cor. Yellowstone and 7th St.
10 a. m. English Sunday Schpol
... . . I ... 1 T"l .'LI . 1
ner tins 5ycW m nrteen out of forty- ,: cihss.
four ooumio; iterate ! liouor d'.f.p n-j Services every Sunday at 10:30 a
sarios. Trivate indivilu-ils may nov ! -n
obtain a shipment .if on gahon o English services every first and'
..M4. j.ii ...wui... .third Kurwlav nt tha i.inth o. n
The oGlden ltul store has inaug
urated a bargain giving January
Clearance Sale, announcement of
which will be found In The Herald
this Issue. Mr. Barnett, the proprie
tor, is offering unusual bargains dur
ing the sale, as will be noted In the
r Since 1885 in Ksneas City. 1 have
BuictKhf ully treated ltiouanis
'if cases of Varicocele, Hydro-
anA mHoii troilhlHB. The
knotted velnii, pain, enlarge-
i mrnt. weatnon ana um,
1 avmritonis outikly disappear.
' Write for Illustrated book.
i "Without the Knife" and full partlcu
J lars free, sealed. Call or addreas
If v Wmu4 Vm
o'clock p. ni.
German school at 9 a. m. everr
lleligious Instruction in English
every Saturday at 1:30 p. m.
j uuq ia wricuiut) auu coraiall'
invited to attend all of the services
of the church.
Rev. Titus Lang, Pastor
722 Missouri Phone Black 60
St. Matthews Otiurch
7:30 a. m. Holy Communion.
10 a. m. Sunday school.
11 a. m. Morning prayer and ser
mon. 7:20 B. m. Evsntne nnn,
Rev. William Carson Shaw, Rector
Christian Church
10 a. m. Sunday School.
11 a. m. Preaching service.
6: SO p. m. Young people'! serv
ice. 7:30 p. m. Preaching service.
Prayer meeting on every Wednes
day evening at 7:30.
Rev. II. J.' Young, Pastor
809 Box Butte- Phone