"i 1 J YOUR HAY is all figured for you; any meaHureinents; any aliape Blacks; both government and local or Western rule; endorsed and used by bankers and hay dealers wherever introduced ; as essential to the farmer as the, interest table to the hanker or the adding machine to the office. Trice of tables, 50c each; set of three, $1.00. AS GOOD AS A CHEW OF "SPEAR HEAD" That Means lhq Supreme De cree of Rich, Luscious Tobacco Flavor S Herald Publishing Co. Alliance, Nebraska ' HA El 13 ESS Hand made from best material. Outlast any factory made goods. Call and see. Harness repairing by experienc ed barneas maker. J. M. COVERT At M. D. Nichols' stand. Alliance NEBRASKA MILITARY ACADEMY .INC. The Hchool That Understands lioys The next term of the NEBRASKA MILITARY ACADEMY begins January 4th, 1916. If you want your boy to get a good stkrt in education, phone or write for reservation at once. Only a limited number can be accommodated. For Information, address Col. D. D. H ay ward. President LINCOLN, NEBJIASKA City Office 1807 N (Street, Phone B. 3560 NO OTHER CHEW EQUALS IT Nature varies, the flavor she puts into the different grades of tobacco leaf and the best of all is the flavor of choice red Burlcy that pleases you so , mightily when you chew Spear Head. The delicious fruity flavor of a chew of Spear Head is a revelation to the man who has never chewed or who has I been chewing near-good tobacco. ' For chewing is the one wav to Ket alt the wholesome, healthful, appetizing flavor of the tobacco leaf providing ou chew a high-grade plug like Spear lead. No other tobacco can compare with Spear Head in the wholesome satisfac tion it gives. You get more savory sweetness in a chew of Spear Head than in a whole plug of ordinary tobacco. And you get it in its purest form for Spear Head is made amid the most wholesome surroundings, in a great, new factory that's kept absolutely clean and sanitary. Try this rich, mellow, satisfying, pure chew. Such a chew cannot be obtained in any other tobacco than Spear Head. In 5c and 10c cuts. If! To the Public: The Burlington Hotel now server dining room meals for SG cents. W. S. Barrett, Proprietor. l-tf-6548 Coughs and Colds Are Dangerous Few of us realise the danger of coughs and colds. We consider them common and harmless ailments. However statistics tell us every third person dies of a lung ailment. Dan gerous Bronchial and Lung diseases follow a neglected cold. As your body struggles against cold germs, no better aid can be had than Dr. King's New Discovery. Its merit has been tested by old snd young. In use over 45 years. Get a bottle today. Avoid risk of serious lung ailments. At Druggists. Adr No 1 Reduced Rates to foment Ion Reduced rates have been made by all railroads to the Nineteenth Annu al convention of the American Nat ional Live Stock Association, to bo held at the Texas Grand Theatre, El Paso. Texas, January 25, 26 and 27, HI 6. The round trip fare to El Paso and return from Alliance will be 152.12. The El Paso people have provided ample entertainment, in cluding a banquet, auto rides, bull, Mexican sports, etc. Sloan's Liniment bandy. It Is the greatest pain killer ever discovered. Simply laid on the skin no rubbing required it drives the pain away. It Is really wonderful. Mervln H. Solster, Berkley, Calif., writes: "Last Saturday, after tramp ing around the Panama Exposition with wet feet, I came home with my neck so stiff that I couldn't turn. I applied Sloan's Liniment freely and went to bed. To my surprise, next morning the stiffness had almost dis appeared, four hours after tho second application I was as good as new." March, 1915. At Druggists, 25c ' Adv No 1 E DARKENS GRAY HI Brush this through faded, lifeless locks and they become dark, glossy, youthful. I.! (; Mellor Re-elected At the annual session of the Amer ican Association of Fairs and Expos-' itlons. held at Chicago, last week, W. ( K. Mellor, secretary of the Nebraska slate board of agriculture, was un animously re-elected president of the association for 1915-16. i War 1'hii Pain! Pain ls a visitor to every home and usually It comes quite unexpectedly. But you are prepared for every emer gency If you keep a small bottle of New Management i Take your numla at the Burlington Hotel dining room. New manage ment. Best of service. W. S. Bar rett, Proprietor. l-tf-6548 Hair that lose Its color and lustre, or when it fades, turns gray, dull and life less, is caused by a lock of sulphur in the hair. 0ir grandmother made up a mix ture of Sago 'lea and Sulphur to keep her lock d-.'rk rind beautiful, and thou i anb of women and men who value that vpn color, that beautiful dark shade of ... attractive, use only thr t r";'" : we ft thu famous muiii' j iisi fit a:iv drug sioro for a i... - :.l l.tilo cf ' W'yvlh a Hago tnd S:.l--lnir ll;;!r Remedy," which daiLens the '.nir sn naturally, evenly, that nobody .-in jx..-- i'ulv UII i. !. is hex n applied. Bo-dc-, it t;-.kcs olT dandruff, stop scalp itching and falling hair. You just lampen a sponge or soft brush with it ind draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morn ing the gray hair disappears; but what delights the ladiea with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur is that, besides beautifully darkening the hair after a few triplica tions, it also brings back the gloss and lustre and gives it an appearance of abundance. I P IS"?'"' IMI T On account of the heavy snowstorm on Wednesday, December 29th, the date set for my Public Sale at Valley View Field Farm 18 miles southwest of Hemingford, near Canton, Nebr., the sale has been postponed until Monday, January 3rd, 1916 when it will begin at 11 o4clock a. m. I will sell 16 HEAD of HORSES 16 These horses consist of some very choice and attractive young brood Mares, good size and good bone. All but one are broke to harness. Two are bred to good Shire Horses, be lieved to be with foal. Detailed description was given in The Alliance Herald of December 16th and 23rd. Also good Milk Cow, Farm Implements, Buggy and Wagon. W. M. Robinson, Owner J. N. Adams, Superintendent Fosket & Grimes, Auct. K. L. Pierce, Clerk LIVE STCCa faiCES AT SOUTH OMAHA Beef Supply Fair 2nd Market Active and Stronger. MOST ALL KCSS ICC HIGHER. Lambs Highest Since August Ad vance of 1015c Puts Top to $9.10. Ewes In Better Demand and Fully Ten Cents Higher. Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, Neb., Dec. 28. The ho iuay weeH opened out yesterday with a very fair run of cattle, about 5,500 head arrlv In- The fat cattle market was active &iil stronger all around. Good to Loire beer went at 8.00. Move u.i.l in cows and heifers was fair.; Lrlsk and values looked steady to a shn 'e stronger than Thursday. Veal (ulvrs were in good request and ste-dy, and bulls, stags, etc., ruled sttaJy to a litt'e stronger. There w; r a fair inquiry from both yard tiai'ers and country buyers for desir aMo stockers and feeders and pnc.es rul d steady to stronger, while the met'lum and common stuff was rat.i er slow sale at unimproved figures. Cattle quotations: Choice to prime yearlings. $8 259 'ii; good to cho re bfi.es $7 508 25; fair to good beeves. $6.75t7 40; common to fair beeves $5 7506 30; goo to choice he fers. $o 5u&;6 50; good to choice rows. $5 4006 23; fair to good cows. $I515 25; canners and cutters. $3 60 :4.0; veal calves, $7 009 60; bulls. (:. :. etc., $3.7a6 2o; good to choice !ee era, $6 7507.35; fair to good feed ers $6(i0(j!60: common to fair feed ers $5.0nifr5 85; good to choice stock ers. $G7f'& 7 30; fair to good stocktrs. $5.7.6 5u, common to fair stockers. $5.0'i5 75,' stock heifers, $5 25 6. 25; stock co 'Ts $4 5005 50; stock calves. $6 00(3:7 11; good to choice grass steers $6 8007.60; fair to good grass steers, $6 4006.80; common to fair steers, $5 5006 4) Only 5.0U0 hogs sieved up yester day. The demand wns lairly active and prices for both shipping an 1 putU Ini? hos was fully lOt hiriier and In some casts 10015c up M.i'k sod at $C 2506.45 rnd tops re; h d $6 50. S'ieep and lamb rece Ms totaled 5 "f n head. I.amh "tuppMes were en eraliy of pretty tnir quality and as of fer'nT were not burdonro ; . i'tn hu k Muted moving In pool r.eyson at prices that wer1 all of I 7Sr,. hI;:l:Pr Several hunches sold nt $0 in. which Is ' c hlt'hFt rre i ild :r-e A I pri"?t Th-'e wtb a fed run of eves tr.it demand wn hcttf-r than nt inv time -ast wck. and t!:c r tro H readily at figures all of 1.1c higher :titl wer quoted as mu ii as a qurrti-r hieher in s-iiots Bii'iC o'd at lu Onlv a, few feeders are coming. One bi n' H of medium weight ld;;iio lambs bio :..ht $8 33. Quotations on sheep and lambs' Iaml'S good to choae. $9 000910; lanilis. fair to good. $8.6509 00; lambs clipped. $7250 8 10; lambs feeders $7 008 50, yearlings, pood to choice tight. $7 0007 50; yearlings fair to choice heavy. $6 500:7 00; yearlings fer-Jors $5 730 6 25; wethers lair to choice, $5 750 6 50; ewes, good to choice $5 850 6 10; ewes, fair to good, $4 2506 85; ewes, feeders, $4 0005 26 HAVE YGU WEAK LUNGS? Do colds settle on your chest or in your bronchial tubes ? Do coughs hang on, or ar: you subject to throat troubles t Such troubles should have immediate treatment with the strengthening poweri of Scott's Emulsion to guard against consumption which so easily follows. Scott's Emulsion contains pure cod liver oil which Deculiarlv strengthens the res ptratory tract and improves the quality of tne Diooa; tne glycerine in h aoouies buu heals the tender membranes of the throat. Scott's is prescribed by the best special Wta. You can get it at any drnj store. Scott & Bowoc, Bloom Bcld, H. J. !! I.??1 for S-ttloini'iil Secretary Lhiiw vpon ih. icro;i ni"!vi:-.tion of t!v.-ti,-y "r.V. 'o-i has ;tl.Pt.l viT.-cxii;:ttev acren In Scccrto coun'y. New Mexico, from temporary wita ir.iw :u tor lo.esiry nurpotiii. TlU' l:iH'li r lorau. i in the Las t'rueea land district. New Mexico, and are generally rolling to stock ralslnz. They will be subject to settlement at 9 o clock a. m. r eDruary u unui anu including March 9, 1916. and there after to disposition unaer any puouc tuna law appucaDie inereio. STOP CATARRH! OPEN NOSTRILS AND HEAD Says Cream Applied in Nostrils . Relieves Head-Colds at Once. CREAM . Sixty Yoars tho Standard LESS M IF BACK Hll Take a glass of Salts to flush Kidneys if Bladder bothers you Drink lots of water. or any other narcotic. Because It is within the reach stf all. It only costs a quarter. Obtain able everywhere. Old papers for sale at The Herald efflce 5 cents a bunch. OLD-TIME COLD CURE t D2INK 1IOT TEA! J Eating meat regularly eventually pro duces kidney trouble in some form or other, says a, well-known authority, be cause the urie acid in meat excites the kidneys, they become overworked; get sluggish; clog up ani cause all sorts of distress, particularly backache and mis ery in the kidney region ; rheumatic twin ges, severe headaches, acid stomach, con stipation, torpid liver, sleeplessness, bladder and urinsry irritation. The moment your back hurts or kid neys aren't acting right, or if bladder bothers you, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good pharmacy; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and baa been used for penrrntims to flush clogped kidneys ami stimulate them to hoi uiul activity; also to neutralize the acids in the urine so it no longer irri ', thus ending bladder disorders. d Salts cannot injure anyone; kcs a delightful effervescent lithia- iter drink which millions of men and women take now and then to keep ths kHnoys and urinary organs clean, thus avoiding serious kidney disease. Wli) You Should Use Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy Hecause it has an established rep osition won by Its good works. Id-cause It is most esteemed by :fute who have used it for many . ears, as occasion required, and are -est acquainted with its good quall- '. ies. Because it loosens and relieves a cold and aids nature in restoring the ;ystem to a healthy condition. Because it does not contain opium Get a small package of Hamburg Breast Tea, or hr tne German fol., call it, "Hamburger ll-nst. Thee," at any pharmacy, lake a tallepoonfnl of tne tea, put a cap of boiling water upon it, pour through a sieve and drink a teacup full at any time during t'-e day or before retiring. It is the most effective way to break a eold and cum grip, as it opt-ns the pores of the skin, relieving congestion. Also loosens tlie bowels, thus breaking up a cold. Try it the next time you suffer from a cold or the gTip. It is inexpensive and entirely vegetable, therefore safe and harmless. RUB RHEUMATISM FP! : STIFF, ACHING JOINTS Bab Soreness from joints and muscles with a small trial bottle of old St Jacobs Oil Stop "dosing" Rheumatism. It's pain only; not one case in fifty requires internal treatment. Rub sooth ing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" right on the "tender spot," and by the time you say Jack Robinson out comes the rheumatic pain. "St. Jacob's Oil" is a harmless rheumatism cure which never Jisuppoints an. I !fnti't burn the skin. It takes puin, son-ncaa and stiffness from aching joints, muscles and bones; stops sciatica, lumbago, backache, - neuralgia. Limber up I Get a 25 cent bottle if old-time, honeht "St. Jacobs Oil" from any drug store, and in a moment j "I'll be free from pains, aches and F'iffnees. Don't suffer I Rub rheuma tism away ' T. S. Fielding The Wardrobe The only odorless cleaning in the City. We have the only power machinery in Alliance for the cleaning of clothes none of that odor found in hand cleaning. The price is no higher. Try us and be convinced. 315 Box Butte Ave. Phone 682 SJ WW m m m - . - - If your r.oMtrils are clivr-"l and your head i stuffed and you can't breatho freclv because of a oc.M or catarrh, just '. t a small bo tie of -My" 'Cream Balm lit any drug store. Apply a little ol this fragrant antiseptic, cream into .'ur nostrils and let it penetrate il rough every air passage of your head, nothing and healing the inflamed, swol len mucous membrane end you get in--tent relief. Ah!, how good it feels. our nos trils are open, your head U clear, no more hawking, sauffling, blowing; -no more headache, dryness rr struggling fr breath. Ely's Cream Palm in just what aufferera from head colds and ca tarrh need. It's a deUgbU The Alliance Herald iprinta aD the news all the time. GEO. I). HARRAM Breeder and Dealer PURE BRED BULLS Canfurnbh mi c I n 1 1 1 N 1 1 1 j r j vn il h either Hereford cr Shorthorns. Address Fxchange Uuilding, South Omaha HIGH GROUND NURSERY STOCK Cheapest to buy and best to plant. You do not go to low. lands or draws for seed corn. Why go there for trees t Our stock is not forced and will give you entire satisfaction. Our plant is located the farthest we6t of any nursery in the state, which insures prompt service. HARRISON NURSERY CO. YORK. ' NEBRASKA 1