4: MM Always on the Job. Hasty's Mes senger Service. Harry Showalter, former Alliance traveling man, spent Christmas in tn city. . Skinner' Macaroni Product Made la Nebraska. Ask your groc' r. Al Wesley Thompson has none to Blackfoot, Idaho, where he has prop erty interests. The Alliance Shoe Store for the best repair work. 49-tf-6510 . Harry Gants expects to return to Omaha Sunday to take up his law studies at Creighton University Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Young are the proud parents of a bouncing baby boy, born Tuesday of last week. The Alliance Shoe Store for quick est repair work. 49-tf-6510 H. P. Wasmund, Jr.. county clerk of Sheridan county, was down from Rushvllle Tuesday of this week on business. Fred Horaan. an employee of the Burlington, returned Tuesday morn ing from Oklahoma, where he visited his parents over Christmas. Charley Robinson came up from Hyannis Tuesday to purchase some supplies and equipment for bis pic ture show, which he is moving to the opfera house on account of recent business changes there. A public Installation of the officers f the' I. O. O. F. Encampment will be held at the Odd Fellows hall Jan uary 7. The Installation will be op en to all Odd Fellows and their fam ilies, who are Invited. WULO'Keefe. who holds a respon sible position In the office of the sec retary of state at Lincoln, was in the 4ty visiting home folks Saturday af ternoon and Sunday morning. Will la making good In his work. At the meeting of the Box Butte County Farm Management Associa tion, to be held Friday afternoon, the officers a president, vice president and secretary of the association- will be elected for the coming year. . Mrs. George Darling left Sunday noon for Long Beach, California, with her little son, Duane. Duane's health is rather poor, and It was thought best to take him to a sunnier dime for the balance of the winter. And it still snows. Western Ne braska has been covered with a blan ket of snow since last Thursday night and more continues to come. The weather today Is quite comfortable, although snow still falls. Monday night the thermometer dropped to eight below lero, the lowest mark for the winter so far. .aVvaVa6svA. jA. -afr.a. j&m. -awrr-joj y i Y y y Y Y Y Y HEREFORD We have just received a carload of Registered Her eford Bulls and have placed them on sale at Spry s Barn, in Alliance i Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y Y Y Y Y J Y Y Y Y From twelve to thirty months old. Carefully Selected Mrs. F. M. Seidell is on a visit with relatives at Chadron for a couple of weeks. Old papers for Bale at The Herald office. Five cents a bunch; six bunches for a quarter. a Miss Minnie Mossman, clerk at the Horace Bogue store, Is visiting home '' i unaaron during the holi days. Charles E. fnrrt First National Bank, stopped over in Alliance Monday. He went to Scotts blufl at noon. F. J. Was. cashier of th Firnt Nil. lonal Bank, returned the first of the week rrom a trln.to eastern Nebraska over Christmas. The salary of Chnrles Walters, clerk at the land oilire, will be raised the first of January, according to no tice received from headquarters. The Elks annual ball will be held at the Elks club building Friday ev ening. Elaborate preparations have been made and the time of the year Is expected. Manager I. D. Uleason of the Ne braska Telephone Company will leave the first of the coming week for Totter, Nebr., on the Union Pacific, where a new exchange is to be In stalled by his company. Alliance merchants are very busy invoicing their stocks of goods this week. A number of them have to pay an Income tax, which means that they must render a statement to the government covering their profits for the year. Dave Bowden, who superintended the construction of the Box Butte county court house in Alliance, was in the city the first of the week visit ing old friends. He Is superintend ing the construction of a building in South Dakota. E. W. Ray, proprietor of the Alli ance Greenhouse, suffered a severe loss Sunday night when an automat ic thermostat, which gives warning of drop in temperature In the green house, failed to work. About $600 worth of plants were frozen. Hundreds of children attended the Christmas tree exercises at the Elks club Saturday afternoon, as well as many older people. Each child was presented with a box of candy and nuts and a whistle. Music was fur nished by the Alliance orchestra dur ing the exercises. Alliance's newest industry, the big potash plant at Hoffland, east of town, shut down at noon on Christ mas day, and served a feast to its employees, of whom there are about thirty. A Christmas present of five dollars was made to each employee who had been in the service of the company for a month by Manager Show. aWaaaaaaaaWaaaaaaAAAAAAAAA. AAAAAAAAAAaaW aa. aav aa. aaVaVa. atataalW .VaBr4wvWw-dtr-4s wwwwwwwwwrww Registered a Come early and make your selection. -v; .uv;'. y. ;y; ' ' , ; " SA Jas. Feagins & James Feagins Chase Hasty's Messenger Service. Try us. Old papers for sale at The Herald office. Five cents a bunch; six bunches for a quarter. Claims aggregating $125 were fil ed against W. 11. and Carl Zehrung by creditors of the above parties at the hearing held in the office of E. H. Bbyd Tuesday afternoon. These men were formerly In business In this city and are taking bankruptcy. One Is now at Hastings and the oth er at Crawford. There are no as sets. , Superintendent Pate of the Alli ance city schools has been appointed by the University of Nebraska as district director of the high school debating league for the northwestern district. Ninety high schools of the state are represented In twelve dist ricts. The organization Is growing nnd new applications are being re ceived. County Agent Seidell recently an nounced a Farmers' Exchange, for the benefit of the farmers who have stock, machinery or other articles to exchange, by a letter sent out to all farmers. So far the number of re plies received ' to the announcement have not warranted getting out the list. Those Interested should advise Mr. Seidell of their wants on the blanks sent out. Two well known Alliance men are "up a tree". One offers to bet the other a new suit of clothes that he can go the longest after the first of the year without smoking, but as the second man is in the cigar business and frequently has to "test" out new brands offered by cigar salesmen, he hardly knows whether or not to take up the bet. He says he would like the suit of colthes, but Since the recent heavy snows and in the absence of hills In Alliance, the youngsters of town find it neces sary to "hook on" with their sleds behind passing autos. There have been many narrow escapes from in Jury by these youngsters, who trail behind an auto thirty or forty feet. Some kind hearted autolsts can be seen going down the street at a Blow and safe gait for the kids, with six or eight yelling youngsters trailing along behind. One wealthy Alliance man spent a large portion of Tues day afternoon out with the kids In this way and he seemed to enjoy the fun as well as they. Link Lowry, the popular automo bile man. Is a good story teller, and Is perfectly at home when telling a good one to a bunch of Interested lis teners. One day this week Link was telling one about when he was a ranchman on the plains many years ago. ile was driving to Pine Ridge for fuel, and bad a big, bony mule named "Jack". , Link stopped over night at Mursland and along towards "ldnight Jack developed the stom achache. There was no drug store at Mursland so Link ran to the near est saloon and purchased a quart of good rye whiskey for him. It took a lot of work to get Jack to assimilate that quart but the next morning he was feeling fit and fine. "That mule," said Link, "got to be the most expensive mule you ever saw. For a while he had the stomachache once every month and then every week and it always took a quart of good rye to cure it. Finally I sold him to a fellow in Iowa who had a saloon and who could afford to keep him. That was a good many years ago. If he still has Jack I don't know what he will do. now that Iowa Is going dry on January first. That mule sure loved llcker." o) nil n i D) yj yyj Ha lia y y. y , tit ..' 'Jl .- . Son and Spry. Feagins Simon Spry Mrs. Harry Netson Is quite 111 and m a critical condition. Ict Hasty run your errands Hasty's Messenger Service. norn to Doctor and Mrs. C. E Hershman, a baby boy, on Monday. S. W. King of Ellsworth was In Alliance last week for medical treat nient. The baby daughter of Dr. Claude Lrrr hns bMn quite 111 but Is now improving. a a Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mark left Friday to spend the holidays at Fort Morgan witli his mother. a Miss Ellen Dobson of HeiniiiKford was in the city last week for treat ment for her eyes. a Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Kenner return ed Tuesday noon from Gerard, where they spent Christmas with Mrs. Ken ner's parents. Miss Luclle Dickenson was o per at ed on Tuesday by Dr. Hand for trou ble of the nose and thront. She In convalescent. i The little daughter of Mr. and ' Mrs. Harry Cleveland, who was oper ated on last week for nose and throat trouble. Is Improving very nicely. a a Dr. Geo. J. Hand left last Friday for Hay Springs, to visit with rela tives. This Is the first Christmas day he spent with them for sixteen years. Ed Neff.'who had his leg broken while in the hills last week, Is Im proving. He is staying in Alliance at the home of his brother-in-law, Archie Gregory. Mrs. L. Z. Holloway left Friday night to spend Christmas with her daughter, Mrs. W. G. Niemann, and husband. Mrs. Holloway went also to Newton, Kansas, to visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David. James Donovan and son, Dewey, who have been visiting at Chadron over Christmas, returned Wednesday and left that night for Chicago, where they will visit a couple of weeks, also going to points In Michigan. The political bee still buzzes. W. R. Harper, well known Alliance busi ness man, has filed for the nomina tion for state representative for the district comprised of Box Butte and Sheridan counties, on the Republic an ticket. This Is the state office now held by F. M. Broome. Mr. Har per Is well known, having built up a big business here. He has many friends and will make a good race should he be nominated, which Is probable. a a The Alliance volunteer fire depart ment has sold a large number of tickets to the annual ball, to be held at the opera house Saturday night. This will be the event of the year and Is a public affair. The officers of the fire department and committees In charge have made elaborate prepara tions for showing a good time to their guests. Those who have failed to purchase tickets should do so, no matter whether they attend or not, for the benefit of the department. Postmaster Robert Graham has re ceived a letter from the government supervising architect, at Washington, stating that any changes desired In the plans for the new federal build ing must be suggested before the first of the year. This seems to indicate that the work will start early In the spring and by next fall Alliance can look for a fine federal building. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y : Some of the finest bulls ever : seen in Alliance. See Them sus and months of school for the county, with map showing the ditTc. ent districts. This bulletin Is full oi Interesting Information and Is belns llstrlbuted by Miss Russell to those Interested. HcAr This In Mind "1 consider Chamberlain's Cough Remedy by far the best medicine lr the market for colds and croup says Mrs. Albert Blosser, Lima, Ohio Many others aVe of the same opinion Obtainable everywhere. IIKMINUKOItlt NOT KM Mrs. Alex Mulrhead and children returned from California this mom Ing. Mr. Mulrhead met them at Denver. The many friends of W. H. Wald will be very much shocked to learn of his sudden death Tuesday evening of heart failure. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church held a very successful Christ mas sale In the parlors Saturday. They also served dinner and Bupper. Mrs. B. U. Shepherd, Mrs. Mar shall, Miss Marshall and Mrs. W. K. McClung were Alliance shoppers on Tuesday. John Mabtn was an Alliance vls- The local schools closed Wednes day of last week for the Christmas holidays, and will open again Janu ary 3. All the teachers are spend ing their holidays at their homes. The Methodist Sunday school had their Christmas entertainment and tree at the opera house Friday night. The entertainment was a Christmas cantata by the Sunday school child ren and was much enjoyed by the large crowd that attended. Christmas night the "Longs" and the "Shorts" played basket ball, the "Shorts" winning. This was follow ed by a dance, which was one of the nicest dances we have had this sea son. The boys met at the opera house Monday night and organised a bask et ball association. Their plans are to play two games every Saturday night from January 1 until March 15. A small admission will be charged to pay running expenses, and it is hop ed that everyone will attend and help the boys out. The W. 11. Ward funeral was held Thursday afternoon. Those from out of town attending the funeral were his daughter and granddaughter, Mrs. Rustln and Mrs. Watson of Chadron; Mr. and Mrs. Welsner of Sheridan; his brother-in-law, Arnot McCandless of Schuyler; Mr. and Mrs. MrOorkle of Alliance. Carl Spacht spent Christmas with the home folks at Alliance. B. U. Shepherd made a buHlnis) trip to Alliance Monday. Miss Katurah Shull Is spending the week with friends at Alliance. D. W. Butler spent Christmas with the home folks. Miss Sadie Hopkins Is confined to her home with an attack of la grippe. Mr. Copeland left the last of the week to spend Christmas with his daughter Mrs. Rolla Johnson. John Kinsley has been confined to his home for the last ten days with a severe attack of grippe and rheuma tism, and la no better at present. John Edward Kuhn of Jlreh, Wyo., is spending the holidays with bis parents. Miss Delia Brown of Gordon spent Christmas with her mother, Mrs. Brown, as did Mr. and Mrs. Art Don ovan and children of Alliance. PLKA8ANT HILL 1TKMS A happy and prosperous New Year to all. M. Nelson and Henry Michelsen were Sunday visitors at the Jensen home. Roth Bros, and Ejner Chrlstensen attended the dance In Hemlngford Christmas day. Carl llennlngs and Ejner Chrlsten- sen were Sunday guests at ATscha cher's. ' , K. E. Addy and family, Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Jensen took Christmas dinner .t L. Prlce'B. J. P. Jensen, Tborwald Lund and M. Nelsen autoed to Alliance Thurs day. Alfred Nelsen cf Blair, Nebr.. came Tuesday to spend the holidays at the Hansen home. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Warn left for the eastern nart of the utate. wherr they will spend two weeks visiting relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Richmond en tertained the following at Christmas dinner; Misses Nora and Grace Han sen, Eva Barritt, Emma Jensen; Messrs. Albert and George Roth, El liot and Harold Warn, Thorwalr Lund, Alfred Nelsen and H. C. Han sen, and all reported an enjoyable time. Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Christensen were visiting their daughter, Mrs. Hughes, at Alliance, during the holi days. NO DIFFERENCE The Proof Is Here the Same ma Ev erywhere For those who seek relief from kidney backache, weak kidneys, blad der Ills, Doan's Kidney Pills offer hope of relief and the proof Is here In Alliance, the same as everywhere, Alliance people have used Doan's and Alliance people recommend Doan's, the kidney remedy used in America for fifty years. Why suffer, why run the risk of dangerous kidney ills fatal Brlgbt's disease. Here's Alliance proof. Investigate it. Mrs. Robert Bicknell. 604 Big Horn Ave., Alliance, says: "I have known of the merit of Doan's Kidney Pills for over three years. I first usea mem in I'leasanton, Iowa. Tor years I had kidney complaint and was unable to find permanent bene fit until I began using Doan's Kidney Pills, procured at Hoisten's Drug Store. They removed the pain In my loins and also strengthened my back Since then I have felt like a different person." Price BOc. at all dealer. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Bicknell had. Foster-Milburn Co.. Props., Buffalo. N. Y. AdvD CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT: RATBta The char for both - r and apaclal ditlons Is le par wore tar Inaartlan, sis words to tba 11b. . Advartlaara ao daalrlns; may atav wars to thalr advartlaaraant ddr d to a boa Bum bar, ear of Tha Ha . vld. Advartlaamenta eharrad to patrosw. taring accounts era maasured by tar-: lea, not by tha word. N.B. Tha Marald cannot ba raapoav Ibla for mora than ona wrong; laaaw . ton due to typographical arror. ! i lalm for arror can b allowed after ha 10th of the following month. Amf . tdvartlaament loaertad to run niiUf t 'orblddan must b stopped by wrltte ; rdar. t rOR SALB MISCKLLAIVBOUa FOR SALE One buerv in Ura class condition, one set single batv ness, one blue mare 4 years olv Phone 649. 6547-tf-l FOR SALE OR TRADE Power ful six-cylinder automobile. Will sen cheap, or trade. Call or write Th Herald office. l-tf-6568 relinquhjhIIhsntoXsaiIb 320 acre relinquishment, four mile from town east of Alliance. Will sell cheap. Address Box 6186, car Alli ance Herald, Alliance, Nebr. Bl-tr-6166 HIICBLLAKBOtr Railroad man can aacura a vary oa dl book at The Harald offlca. It Is tally tint hook for trainman and rlnaman. The prle la rasonabl. t-tf-1711 MOVE FUnNTTrnRlFELT,W" We bar equipped our dray war ms and auto truck with the latest sppllances for moving furniture- vlthout marring or scratching or damage. Up-to-date wagon pad vlll be used by us on all moving Job, JOHN R. 8NTDER, Phone II. 17-tf-660 Office blanks and blank loose-leaf ook for sal at The Herald offleex fhon S40 and a representative will calL Buy yourecelpt books. Ural Manks, blank notes, all kind f blanks at The Herald office. Prle reasonable. A big assortment lfonay to loaa en rail aatata. f r. B. RGDDin. MONEY TO LOAN On Box Butt county land and ranches in the san4 hills. No delay In making the loaa; we inspect our lands and furnish tb money at once. J. C. McCorkle, 1I Corkle Building, Alliance, Nebr. l-tf-8654 rOR REST HOUSE FOR RENT Small modern hous furnished for light housekeeping, at 219 Yellowstone avenue. Phone 629 Mrs. M. Bayer. FOR RENT Two furnished rootu for lirht housekeeDlnBT. 110 ntr month. 324 Sweetwater avenue, Al liance. 4-tf-6240 " "" mm aSBBSSBBasBsassBB-si k"kaM Help Tour Liver It Pays When your liver gets torpid aa4 your stomach acts queer, take Dr. tung' New Life Pills and you win find yourself feeling better. They 'par' . ry tne blood, give you freedom from constipation, biliousness, dlzzlnea -and Indigestion. You feel fine Just lite you want to feel. Clear the com plexion too. 26c at druggists. Wv No 1 Post M, T. P. A., co-operating wltlk ' 'he Elks, made a number of Door families happy on Christmas day wltftV' presents of well-filled, baskets. Ther are not many needy families In Alli ance, but those who were in ne4 were made glad by the kindness of these organisations. laughter Aid Digestion Laughter Is one of the most health ful exertions: It Is of great hilo to digestion. A still more 'eilectual help Is a dose of ("ha pi Ix-ri.iiii .Tab lets. If you should b Uuublud witb indigestion give them a trial. They only cost a quarter. Obtainable ev rywhere. Adv Dec . Former postmaster I. E. Tash mar nter the race for county judge of Uox Butte county, at the primaries n April, and if nominated, at the Teneral election In Novenrber. Judg U A. Berry holds the office at thl line. Mr. Tash has been mentioned 'or the office of county treasurer also. Many Children Have Worms Worms are a common childhood! ailment. They make children irrita ble, nervous and restless, besides rob bing the body and mind of proper nourishment. Watch your child. Ex amine the stools and at first signs of worms give your child a treatment of Kickapoo Worm Killer. They kiU the worms, act as a laxative and ex pel the worms and poisonous wast. Tone the system and help restor your child's health and happy dispos ition. Only 2 5c at your druggist. Adv No 1 HAND 11 ILL IlItKEZES The program at the Peddy school house was a howling success. H. W. Patton and family spent Christmas at J. B. Wade's. J. B. Wade called in Alliance th 21st. Mrs. G. S. McNurlin and son Orea called at Mr. Wade's. Mrs. Ufford called at Mr. Patton' home the 21st. Ed Neff had the misfortune of hav ing one of his limbs broken. Miss Delight Ufford and mother visited at the 11. W. Patton horn th 21st. Mr. and Mrs. H. Still went to AJ Utnce Wednesday. Mrs. HirrrnjUon left Wed&esdtf for a visit with her eon Claud at Havelock. Cbas. Ewlng Is going to mov to Brosdwater In the near future. Mrs. O. H. Moon left Friday for ft visit with her parents. H. W. Patton called at Mr. Wade's December 20th.