I -V i i r i- i' .5 If : ti ; If n K ! I! i !! LIVE STOCK PRICES AT SOUTH OMAHA Com Fed Beeves Steady and Western Beef Steady. GOOD WEIGHTY KCSS STEADY. Fat Lamba Generally 10 to 15c High, r and Muttona 8am Gain Top Lamba $0.00 Beat Ewea $6.10 Fair Showing of Feodera. Union Stock Tarda. Bouth Omaha, Neb., Dee. 14. Oattl receipts yeaier day totaled around 7.000 bead. The corn fed cattle market waa fully atpady with the close of last week. There waa also a rood demand for ratine beeves and park em paid fully Heady to a little atronger prices for this grade of cattle. Cowa and heifers were Id active demand, while prices hi the main were a bl lOe higher than last week's clone. Stock cattle and feeding; steers changed hands readily at prices t-enerally ail of a dime higher. Cattle quotations: Choice to prime yearlings, (9.0010.00; good to choirs beeves, $7.7008.70; fair to good, $7.00 Q7.60; common t- fair beevea, $6.00 06.75; good to choice yearlings, $8 00 8.50; fair to good, yearlings, $7.00 7.7S; common to fair fnarllnga. $6.00 07.00; good to choice grass heifers, $5.5006.60; goo to ' choice grass cows, $5.2506.25; fair 10 good cows, $4.650 5.16; cannors and cuttcra, $3.50 0)4.50; veal calves, $6.600960; bulla, stags, etc., $3.7506.25; good to choice feeders, $6.7507.26; fair to good feed ers, $6.2506.75; common to fair feed ers, $5.2606.15; good to choice stock, era, $6 7607.25: fair to good Blockers, $6.0006.50; common to fair stockers $5.0006.00; stock heifers, $5.2506.25; stock cows, $4.5005.50; atock calves, $6.00 0 7.50; good to choice grass stee.i $6.8007.60; fair to good grasa steers, $6.2506.76; common to fair steers, 152506.25. Some 8,700 hogs arrived yesterday. Good weighty hogs were Just about steady, while the mtxea and llgit hot's looked about 6910c lower than the clone of last week. Bulk of all the ales leaded at $6.15j)630, while tore reached $6.35, Just a nickel below Saturday's high price. Sheep and lamb receipts totaled 10.300 bead. Fat lambsvwere in good request and sold readily at prss that were generally 10015c higher than Thursday. A top of $9.00 was mace and the bulk sold upwards from f 87" tMMtfM'miiM!mnimiiMnmiii!ii Muttons were !n fair supply a? S ewes showed about the same ga n as was q lotort on lamba. that Is. 1 0 S 15c. flood ewes set a new top of $rt.l fV'dlnt lambs found a good outlet at figures that were a d!me or more above quotations lat Friday. Q;tla'.!oni on aheep and lambs: Uml.i. good to choice. $8.75fi9 0O; lambs, fair to rood, $8.6003 75; lambs, fiTir'.ers. 17 0008 40; yearlings, fair to choice, $6 25715; yearlings, feeders, $3 7506.23; wethen, fair to cholc, $5.7506.25; owes, good to choice. $5.7506.10; ewes, fair to good, $5.0005.75; ewea. feedeis, $4 0005.00. PLEASANT HILL NOTES J. Warn and family upent Sunday at Mrs. Spmcklln's. Our county agent, Seidell, was in this part of the county one latter part of the week. Dr. McEuen was called out to E. Addy'a Thursday, Mrs. Addy having a finger lanced. Mrs. A. Thompson left for Council Bluffs, Iowa, where her little daugh ter Is attending school. The Johnson Bros., from east of Ileraingford, spent Sunday with their sister Mrs. N. M. Petersen. Mr. Majors of Peru, Nebr., Is here looking after his Interests, as he owns the old Elmore farm. K. M. Chrlatensen and wife, P. K. Chrlstensen and wife, were Sunday guests at the Jespersen home. Dick Freese is the champion corn shucker in the Pleasant neighbor hood. Who can beat sixty bushels? John Hennlngs came up from the sand. hills Saturday, and will go with the Fincher machine till the thresh ing is finished. II. C. HanBen and sisters and Mrs. Spracklln autoed to Alliance Friday, having some dental work done and doing some Xmaa shopping. A pleasant surprise was given at John Warn's, Wednesday evening, when a number of friends and neigh bors came with wel filled baskets. A delicious supper was served, and the evening waa spent in playing games. On account of the show being here Saturday night, the regular weekly dance by the Alliance orchestra will be given Friday night. A good pro gram has been prepared and thlf promises to be one of the most en joyable dances yet held. imiiiiniiiiiiiimiiiimr tiiiinminiimniiniiiiiiimnitmtniminininn mill'IIIIHimiHH1t1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIHH'IIIHM Just One More Week Till Christmas Look in our window the next time you pass you'll see an array of toys that will make your heart glad. And they'll not only please you grownups, but they are a veritable paradise for the little folks. There are the trains, the dolls, the automobiles, the games, the little sets of dishes, books, and dozens "ot stuffed and performing animals. What child wouldn't find a mecca of happiness in such a place T GIFTS FOB ALL MEMBERS OF THE FAMILY But our assortment doesn't stop at toys. It keeps right on going into the more useful and higher priced presents. What makes a more useful present than a piece of high-grade furniture, a rug, or a beautiful set of dishes T While we can furnish with complete sets of furniture or dishes, at the same time you can find almost any kind of an individual piece something to go by it self, or to match your present furniture. A SUGGESTIVE LIST: Books Piece of China Red Cedar Chest An Easy Chair Card Table And a Hundred Other Useful and Appropriate Articles We'll be glad to have a visit from you, whether you make a purchase or not. All our Holiday Goods are displayed prom inently, and you can look over the line with little trouble. MILLER BROTHERS Western Nebraska's Housefurnishers A Friend In Nhh1 Two boys, one the possessor of a permit, were fishing on a certain es tate when a gamekeeper suddenly darted from a thicket. The lad with the permit uttered a cry of fright, dropped his rod and ran off at top speed. The gamekeeper was led a swift chase. Then, worn out, the boy halted. The man seised him by the arm and said, between pants: "Have you a permit to fish on this estate?" "Yea, to be sure," said the boy, qu!tly. "You have? Then show it to me." The boy drew the permit from his pocket. The man examined it, and frowned in perplexity and anger. "Why did you run when you had this permit?" he asked. "To let the other boy get away," was the reply. "He didn't have any." There's a IleaRon Young Adolphua de Milyuns was out driving his own car. He was a scorcher and believed in going straight ahead. It was In the heart of the Berkshires. Suddenly a terrific clucking under the wheels told him some accident had happened. He pulled up and glanced back. Two fowls lay dead In his tracks, while another two were fleeing, screeching, back to home and safety. "That'll be $12, please," remarked a burly man in corduroys, who ap peared on the scene promptly; "that Is $3 apiece for the four." "Four!" gasped Adolphus. "But I only killed two." "That's right," agreed the fowls' owner; "but them other two will nev er lay a blessed egg after this." "I'm sorry," said the motorist, as he handed over the money. "Due to fright, I suppose?" The countryman shook his head as he pushed the bills into his pocket. "Partly fright," he agreed, slowly, "but mainly it's because they ain't hens!" Specialist from Denver Dr. J. W. Amesse, a Denver spec ialist, was called by telegraph Mon lay for the baby of Mr. and Mrs. Art C. Peterson, which was very ill with whooping cough. Hope of saving Its life had practically been given up The baby la still living and there are hopes for its recovery. Herman Peters was over from Hay Springs Tuesday looking after busi ness matters and visiting with friends. Dolls Set of China Collar Box Davenport Portieres f y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y One-third 21S Box Butte Avenue. Games Piece of Cut Glass Kodak Album Library Table Brass Bedstead SOME TIMELY SUGGESTIONS FOR THE HOLIDAYS FROM JOE'S off on all Boxed and Bulk O'Brien's or Woodward's High Grade Boxed Candiesall sizes and flavors. Bulk Christmas Candies. Fine line of Christmas Cigars and Tobaccos Genuine Briar Pipes. All shapes and prices. 'ii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;iiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)iiiiinii!iiiiiiiii!rmgq DELICIOUS LUNCHES Served at All Times THEY PLEASE PARTICULAR PEOPLE iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiii8iiiiuniiiiKnnnHiniimHnnnmn t- ALWAYS READY TO SERVE Ice Cream, Brick Ice Cream and Ices. . . FRUIT PUNCH A SPECIALTY. &&&& Fresh Shipment of English Walnut Meats Just Received. 60 Cents a Pound JOE'S CONFECTIONERY AND LUNCHES "''IMIIIIHIIIITrTTTTIIIIIIIIIII)ij))in Toys of All Kinds Handkerchief Box Linen Chest Rug Buffets i Candies. X t y y y y y y y y y y x y y y x x y y y y y y y f y Phone 172 IUUJ y y y y y y y X y y y y y y y y t y y y t- y y V V