' ' ' 1 1 " ' i- i saf - . i - i Tj. 1 1 1 i i ii i ' ii ' i fin ire i i'Ii mn-Ti i ' iiiinn"i n MtiT4irfi"T iiV jj' YOUK CHRISTMAS 'DINNER' II 5oot places in HUtance for IDou to JEat on Christmas S)av Menu at Alliance Cafe Eat Your Xmas Dinner at the Alliance Cafe BOUTS CLAM BOUILLON CELERY RELISHES SOUR PICKLES SWEET PICKLES QUEEN OLIVES STUFFED OLIVE8 IIOA8TS TURKEY WITH CELERY DRESSING ' CRANBERRY SAUCE DUCK WITH OYSTER DRESSING BROWNED PARSLEY SAUCE LEO OF MUTTON ' CURRANT JELLY PRIME RIB OF BEEF BROWN GRAVY VEGETABLES GLAZED SWEET POTATOES BAKED PARSNIPS PASTRY ENGLISH PLUM PUDDING SHERRY SAUCE PARKERHOU8E ROLLS FRUIT MINCE MEAT TEA SALADS PIES DRIWK8 COFFEE ASSORTED NUTS PUMPKIN MILK Special Decoration Eat Your Xmas Dinner at the Alliance Cafe MAN HATTAN C A F E Honied Cooking, Best in Town Xmas Dinner Special Menu Roast Turkey Roast Goose Roast Duck Bring the Whole Family We Are Here to Stay. You Know Us. I Manhattan Cafe f. d. Mccormick, Prop. A GOOD PLACE TO EAT ALL THE TIME Go to the H)rahe l&otei For Your Xmas Dinner All that goes to make up a first-class Xmas dinner will be there Traveling Men Always Welcome SANDHILL BREEZES Wm. Mitchell called at Hickory Saturday. ... Dclbert Jay returned Sunday from Bridgeport. To;;i MoSitt is plastering their new house at present. ... Sarauel 11 ill hits engaged Ed Xetf to planer bin house. Kalpu Wade. Hi'(-ni fciiii r:y ai tne H. W. Patton home. Deacon Conway is building a new Warn on his Klnkaid. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fulcher willed a Delbert Jaiy's, Wednesday. The sheriff of Morrill county was seen in our ieinliy Saturday. AlTin Hill and wife made a busi aesfl trip to Alliance Monday. Miss IaVerta'l'alton spent Satur day night at the J. Ii. Wade home. Don't forget the program at the Feddy school house Christmas Eve. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. McNurlln are kat1ding a new barn on their Kin k.M. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hlnnian return ed to the home near Hickory Satur day. Mrs. Emma Conway spent Satur day at Mr. Conway's father's, John Cevalt. Mr. Lorree, foreman Mr. MoGin ley, made a business trip to Hyannis Sanday. ran McNurlln called at the Sam el Hick man ranch Saturday, Dee ember 11. ' Wm. SliTl's hired man, Herman BUlle, caled at the Harrington home Saturday. 1 Ralph Wade and Miss LaVerta Patton went skating Sunday on the Wm. Archer lake. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin D. Hill and dnightor Marguerite spent Sunday at the J. B. Wade home. M:s.s LaVerta Eddis and br&lher t Delot Patton spent Friday night at ii.' Samuel Hickman ranch. Mr. und Mrs. II. W. I'aiton made a lusl.ie.-s trip to Alliance last Thurs day, returning Saturday evening. Mr. Hickman's hired man has been looking lor somebody to help him j fted the cattle on the Hickman j in nca. PERU NORMAL NOTES The kindergarten bns recently add ed to its equipn ent a complete set of thu "Sehoenhuts" kindergarten floor blocks six hundred and eighty blocks In all. These were devised by Miss Patty Hill, of Columbia Univer sity, to niewt the demands for large Material calling Into activity the child's body as whole. They are ofi ritrfttrAnf uhuru4 ttnd filzoa lha lurirAflt I one yard In length. Their appeal to young builders is very strong since they make possible the construction j of playhouses large enough to enter; and bridges strong enough for child ish feet to walk across. Quarterly reports have been mail ed to parents concerning the records of student during the first quarter. A new bulletin has been published containing descriptions of the study center work, correspondence courses nd short courses. The registrar will be glad to furnish these to any one Interested. Short courses will begin January 24 and continue for nine weeks. Special classes will be organised in manual training, do mestic science, agriculture and com mercial branches. Prof. F. C. Smith, head of the de partment of manual training, wus in Chicago several days last week when he attended the national conference of manual training supervisors. Prof. F. M. Oregg spoke before the teachers' institutes in N'ewaha and Humboldt on Friday ar.d Saturday. The Y. W. C. A. entertained Its members at a "children's party" Fri day night, December 9. in Everett and I'hilo halls. The rooms !' decorated us befits a children'; Christmas party, a Christmas tree gifts and brii-'s of candy being espec ially enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Santa C'laus were present aed took part ir the festivities of On' evening. Oatney were played ami a Fhort program was given. A note of inter"st was the costumes of the guests. Prof. W. F. Hoyt, head of the de partment of physical science, spent several days last week In Wayne and Kearney where he visited the physic al science departments of the state u rinal schools located there. It is his purpose to put into practice in his department here any suggestions which he may have been able to gath er. Pres. Hayes, Dean ouse, and Prof. Delzell attended a meeting of the Schoolmasters' Club In Lincoln Fri day evening. From Lincoln Pres. Hayes went to Cbadron to be present at a meeting of the state board of ed ucation. Miss Anna L TlbbetU and Miss Iva Dunn spent the week end In Lincoln. Arrangements are being made for a series of debates to be held in Feb ruary. At that time a squad of de baters will be chosen to represent the school in a debate with Kearney nor mal. Prof. R. D. Overholt suffered a very severe attack of asthma Friday night, which kept him confined to his room for several days. However, he Is sgain able to be out and will soon be doing his usual amount of work. tr L. At the Churches 3E 3E Methodist Episcopal Church 10 a. m. Sunday School. 11 a. m. Preaching service. 6:30 p. m. Young people's meet ing. 7:30 p. ni. Preaching service. Prayer meeting on Wednesday ev ening at 7:30. tin Sunday :..ot tiiug at the Meth odist church there will be s"rvice:i pproprtate to the Sur.day preceding Christinas at the uhi;-! luttir or wor- . Uip. In the evening will he held u Christmas concert, given by the i hoir, which ia Mine to entertain and Tdease. The public is cordially in iitfl to iM'eii'i both :( these g.'rvic lie v. 4. Ii. 504 liox Butte. Cum, Putor Phone 00 Presbyterian Church 10 a. m. Sunday School. 11 a. m. Preaching service. 2: SO p. m. Junior Endeavor. 6:30 p. m. Senior Endeavor. 7: SO p. m. Preaching service. Prayer meeting on Wednesday ev ening at 7:10. Iler. Lewis Ms La tyre. Pastor 705 Rmersoo Phone 820 Baptist Church 11 a. n. Morning service. 10 a. at. Sunday School. 6: SO p. in. Young People' meet ing. 7:30 p. ui. Evening service. Prayer meeting on Wednesday at 7:30, and choir rehearsal after this service. Rev. Laymon, who is field secre tary tor the Baptist denomination, and known to be an Interesting speaker, will be in Alliance on next Sunday and will preach at the Bap tist church in the morning and even ing at the regular boor for service. ImsnsnueTs Lutheran Church Cor. Yellowstone and 7th SC. 10 a. m. English Sunday School and Bible class. Services every Sunday at 10: SO a m. English services every first and third Sunday of the month at 2 o'clock p. in. German school at 9 a. m. even Saturday. Religious instruction In Englisl every Saturday at 1:30 p. m. Everyone is welcome and cordlallj Invited to attend all of the service of the church. Kev. Titus Iang, Pastor 72'.! Missouri l'lioue 1 thick OO; St. Matthews Church 7:30 a. m. Holy Communion 10 a. ru. Sunday school. 11 a. m. Morning prayer and set mon. 7:30 p. in. Evening prayer am srmon. Ilev. Willliuu t 'arson Shaw. lUcior Christian Church 10 a. m. Sunday School. 11a. rn. Preaching service. 6:30 p. m. Young people's eer ice. 7:30 p. in. Preaching servlre Prayer meeting on every Wedne day evening at 7:30. Itev. If. J. Young, Pastor MM liox llutte Phone 81 cusslon arose, at the close of the first half over the faet that the last basket for the Ioa!s -wan thrown after time was called by the timekeeper but be fore the referWs whistle blew. The' point was disiutueed, however, la view of the faot that the score did not change the result of th pamo. The second i;anie, that between the Junior, was no lefsa Interesting, and even col r than the first. At the end of the tirnt half the score s;ood 8 to 12 lb f jvor of Hemingford but the Iim1 Jjys ame back strong er in the sovond half with the Gual result of, 16 to a J in their favor. Both f nms were hurd fought from start to finish and the local boys feel much eluted over tlneir victory. Hetulng ford won to MiUies from the local Christian tf,UM hint week. KtAiMftfff o Uh TeiuiiH INTsYftMKDIATE P W L Pet. Alliance Uaptk 2 2 0 1000 500 ALLIANCE TAKES TWO Alliance. MethtMiUU Win Two Fut (ituiien from HenilnBfortI Metti xlist I.Hst Saturday The two games played in the County aBsket Ball league last Sat urday night were the closest games played on the local floor this season. In each game the local teams nosed out a victory In the last half, nl the first game, between the Intermediate teams, the Alliance tossers started out ahead but soon lost their bead and It was an even break at the end of the first the score standing 11 to 11. During the second half the locals managed to hold their opponents more effectively with the result that they made only four score while Al liance made ten. Final score. IS to 21 in favor of Alliance. Some dis- Mliauce Chridtii 2 Alliance MetnftfbH 3 Hcmingfortl ftfth. 3 LMllanre Baptia) 2 Alliance MMhodtot 3 Hemingford Meih. 3 Alliance Christtai 2 1 1 1 2 333 1 2 333 2 0 1000 2 1 666 1 2 333 0 2 000 Misses Mara and Theresa O'Don nell returned hvrt week from Helena to spend the hosMays with home folks. J. J. MacLeay ttaaue in the first of the week for a lew days' visit with friends, and to look after business matters. Mrs. L. I. Clarnm and children de parted Wednesday for Lynn Grove, la., to spend the Christmas holidays with relative and friends. Miss Josephlae lloag returned to her home at Bridgeport Tuesday af ter a few days' visit hers with her sister. Mrs. C. R. Herahman. i