r WW. R. HARPER D EPARTMEN x- rrr irk tr xwwwu 4 u m 10 1 (ill i kin I Our Holiday stocks are ready for your inspection and selection. Never have we been more bountifully supplied with such desirable gift things. Inspect our stocks at every opportunity. The better acquainted you become with the Christmas store the easier your Christmas shopping will be. JOff on Millinery Wc feature Gage Brothers Millin ery and a practical irift at any time, but especially so with these reduced prices. The showing includes the pick of eastern style centers with many of the late ones just received. $15 Hats .... $12 HaU ... $10 Hats .... $9 Hats $7 Hats ... $5 Hats $7.60 .. 6.00 .. 6.00 .. 4.60 3.60 2.60 Men's Suits and Over-1 mats at January Prirps Men's Suits and Overcoats at Jan uary prices: $30.00 Suits and Overcoats $20.00 $25.00 Suits and Overcoats 18.00 $20.00 Suits and Overcoats 16.00 $15.00 Suits and Overcoats 9.98 In all the well-known makes, Bran- degec-Kineaid, Stein-Bloch. Santa Claus will arrive on train No. 43 from Lincon, Nebraska Saturday, December 18th. Be on hand and bring the. little folks to meet him at the depot. Perfumes for Xmas in very pretty individual bottles An ideal gift 10c 25c $1.00 10c 50c $1.50 See the wonderful selection Fancy Xmas Ribbons 18c This is a 35c value White Coney Furs WHITE CONEY FURS Ladies Purses $2.50, now r. $1.98 $2.00, now 1.48 $1.50, now 98 Ladies Waists 3.45 Georgette Crepe in pink, white an Mack House Slippers If Merry Christmas! - 65c For the Children All kinds of Slippers Men's Union Suits 35c A regular $1.25 value Florsheim Shoes For the man who cares Gordon Ferguson Furs $45 Mink sets, collar and muff - ..- $29.00 $35 Mink sets, collar and muff 25.00 $15 Coney sets, collar and muff 9.98 5000 Ties For new, snappy Neckwear we have the stock and selection 50c Just drop in and see for yourself Mens Mufflers $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 Just received from New York Wonderful Values Ladies Kid Gloves $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 The best gloves on the market Boys Mackmaws I, lit L! iff a 1000 Toys Free to the children Saturday, Dec, 18th bring the children. Santa Claus will arrive at the store about one o'clock. Meet him at the de pot at 12:30. Mens Bath Robes These are regular $6.00 values Angora Toques and Caps 2.98 All wool. Ideal gifts Harmot Muffs 50 All wool Gordon & Ferguson make $7 regular $15 value Boys Suits 4.98 Two pairs kiu-e pants Monarch Shirts 1.00 250 new patterns just received fo) ill. DEPT. 3 ill TORE MM Ladies coats and suits at 5 price Combine economy and useful giving in a purchase of one of our Ladies Suits and Coats. it $30.00 Suit or Coat $15.00 $27.50 Suit or Coat - 13.75 $25.00 Suit or Coat . 12.50 $15.00 Suit or Coat 7.50 A Suit Case or traveling bag will make a fine and inexpensive gift, one that will be ap preciated for years to come. We art; showing them at 98c to $15,00 House Slippers MEN'S HOUSE SLIPPERS 11.49 A wonderful selection to choose from Brown Coney Furs S6.00 A very pretty style Ladies Silk Hose 98c ' .lust the present for a friend. Ladies, Mens and Childrens Handkerchiefs 5c, 10, 15, 20, 25c