V iYou Owners E. CATHERINE MOORE Phone 340 of Lars Mrs. J. D. Cirni entertained the Methodist Ladles' Aid at her home yesterday afternoon, and all enjoyed a pleasant afternoon. Invitations have been Issued by Mra. W. 8. Shaw to an "at home", to a given In honor of her daughter, Miss Margaret Bbaw, next Tuesday afternoon, December ?1. Announcements were issued yes terday for the marriage of Miss Viv ian Zelma Holloway to William Oro ver Niemann to take place Wednes day evening, December 22. Mr. and Mra. Ttfl R. Reddish en tertained large company of young people at their ranch home, Sunday last. An elaborate dinner waa serv ed the guests, to which all did Justice and enjoyed, The ladies of the Episcopal Ouild were entertained at the parish house Wednesday afternoon, and a very In teresting meeting is reported. Mrs. Holsten and Mrs. Beck with were hostesses for the company, and a barrel of fruit, Jellies and different kinds of preserves waa securely pack ed and sent off to St. Luke'a hospital at Kearney. Mrs. D. W. Kenner is to entertain the 1914 Club at her home this evening. Seventeen boys, belonging to the football squad, were agreeably en tertained at a turkey dinner, given lu their honor Tuesday evening of this week. The event was arranged by E. O. Laing and held at his home. Besides the athletes, he had for his guests Prof. Crawford and Mr. Glad son. The Misses Dorothy Smith, Ed na Bowman, and Mrs. Vermillion as sisted Mr. Lalng in serving the din ner. On last Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mollrlng entertained some of their old friends, at a 6 o'clock dinner party. They had for their guests Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rowan, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Norton, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. James Hunter, and Mr. and Mrs. M. E. JohtiRon. The evening was enjoyed by all the company. Mr. and Mrs. John Snyder enter tained a company of friends at their home last Friday evening. The hours were enjoyed with cards, and at the dose of the evening light refresh ments were served. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Trabert were fcoats to a Jolly party who went out to their ranch home last evening. The company were transferred to the home In a hay rack, and games and refreshments helped to make the ev eping a pleasant one. Mrs. Ada Spencer, secretary of the Woman's Federated club. Is to enter tain the members of that organiza tion tomorrow afternoon at her home, at 1004 Cheyenne avenue. The ses sion will be one for Boclal enjoyment and a Christmas "grab bag" will be an Interesting feature of this Import ant function. "A good deed Is never lost. He who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kind ness gathers love." On Saturday last Alliance was treated to a "tag day", when several of the energetic people of the city went about selling Red Cross seals. Misses Grace Carlson, Edith Reddish, Thelma Fitzpatrlck, Helen Rice and Dorothy Bicknell, attired in Red Cross costumes, made every effort to sell the supply of seals on hand. The funds showed good success, and as the cause is a worthy one, it is hoped that the pretty little seals will be used on all packages. On Tuesday evening of last week, Mra. Mary Vermillion pleasantly en tertained at a 6 o'clock dinner. She had for her guesta Mr. and Mrs. Cheater Aldrich of Lincoln, Misses Haset Bowman, Dorothy Smith, and Sfr. Chester Rosa, and Mr. and Mra. 4S. C. Smith. large company of the friends of 4TUs Virginia Broome responded to her Invitation to attend the bazaar And dinner given at her home laat Taarsday evening. The event was ucceasful and her guests seemed gr to purchase the many pretty things on sale. Ou Wednesday afternoon, Decem ber 15, at the Methodist parsonage In Alliance, occurred the marriage of Miss Maude Newton of Missouri Val ley, Iowa, and Archibald Dalley, of Torrlngton, Wyo., the Rev. J. B. Cams officiating. The bride la a for mer hotel mistress, but gave up her business to become a home-keeper The groom la a wealthy rancher, and has prepared comfortable and pleas ant surroundings for their future. The happy couple are spending a few days hereabouts, and later will leave for Torrlngton, where they will be happily located. And now on come rushing the young people from the Bchools and colleges home for the great festiv ities of the Christmas season, and the one day for home coming in the year. The books have been thrown aside and forgotten for the time, needed articles have been tousled in to bags, and away they go for a hap py holiday. Parents stand with open arms to greet them as they ascend the old home steps, and then begins the greatest Jollity of the whole year. How mysteriously crnel the fate for some who cannot see the home folks, and fortunate are those who can gather around the Yule log! Attend the chicken pie dinner and hataar and oyster supper given In the id Empress building, West 3rd atreet. The patronesses of this af fair are the ladles of the Christian church and a social time 1b assured as well as the splendid repast of good things which are to be served. The date is Saturday, December 18. E. G. Laing bad for his guest at dinner last evening Mr. Logan, who haa taken up a residence in our city The two men served three years In the Philippines, and were together Ifke pala for a good share of the time, The hours were undoubtedly passed avieaiy aa iney enumerated some thrilling adventures of the life to tether, and Mrs. Lalng served a de licious dinner. Mlsa Vivian Holloway was guest of honor; at a party given by Mra. Lloyd C. Thomas Tuesday evening of this reek. The rooms were tastefully decorated In red and white, one room VHMng festooned with rei streamers and bells, and the other done In "hearts and cuplds". After the guests had assembled, Miss Holloway was phoned for, apd when she entered the room waa surprised to find such a company. However, all Joined In the social activities of the evening Miss Leone Mallery and Miss Blanche Kibble gave readings, and Miss Ruth lonara aengntea tne party with a wejl rendered instrumental solo. "The HlBtory of Their Engagement" waa composed by each one In attend ance, previous to the serving of the delicious three course luncheon. Ap pointments were laid at two large ta pies, piace caras Deing nearts, ana a profusion or red carnations added to the brightness of the occasion. Mrs. Thomas was assisted by Mrs. L. I. Smith, Mrs. D. W. Kenner and Mrs. u. It. Highland, while the guests were seated, a miniature Christmas tree was arranged in another room, and on it placed small favors for each one, also the gifts which the friends had prepared for the bride-to-be. A great deal of merriment was enjoyed as she opened her packages and gra ciously thanked each one who had re membered her. Mrs. Thomas had for her list of guests: Misses Hazel Bennett, Cynthia Davenport, Nelle Tash, Nell Keeler, Ruth Leonard. Av is Joder, Florence Aiken, Leone Mai lery. Hannah Kniest, Kate Knlest. Blanche Kibble, IVvlan Holloway, Teresa O'Donnell, Hanah Keane, Margaret Shaw, Edna Bulolck; and Meadames Pennycuick, Besse Pick tt. L. II. Highland, G. A. Rendle, L. A. Suprise, George Read, D. W. Ken- aer. L. L, Smith. L. Z. Holloway. The students' recital, under the direction of the Alliance School of Music, given In the Reddish Hall, on Tuesday evening, waa well attended by an appreciative audience. Every iv.c v.no took rart In tne on-rms aiertainment showed great skill in i he art which they aro st.iiylnt,. Tin vocal soloists of the evening were Mrs. W. D. Fisher, Miss Mabel Sward and Mrs. A. F. Bundy, pupils of Miss Burnett. Students under the InHtru. - lon of Mrs. Zedlker who gave pleas Inp telectlons were: Mildred Pate Margaret Zehrung, Phyllis Thouip son, Kugenia iaing ana miss iiattie Renswold. Miss Blanche Kibble de lighted her audience with two read tags, and Madeline Zedlker, Tressa Vandervoort and Mrs. M. M. Hey nolds gave readlnga which won cred It for their endeavors and the efforts of Miss Gtfford, teacher of dramatic art. One of the most delightful func tions of the season was held at the home of Miss Hazel Bennett, when she entertained a company of lady friends In honor of Miss Vivian Hol loway. The rooms were prettily dec orated in pink and white, and the same color scheme was carried out In the three course luncheon. The Miss es Helen Rice, Edith Reddish and Grace Carlson assisted Miss Bennett Kensington was enjoyed and the ex pectant bride was showered with many beautiful gifts In linen. Miss Bennett's list of guests Included the Misses Irene Rice, Mildred Campbell, Eunice Eldred, Leone Mallery, Ruth Leonard. Charlotte Molrlng, Dorothy Smith, liable Mosher, Florence Aik en, Hannah Keane, Teressa O'Don nell, Nelle Tash, Nell Keeler, Avis Joder, Cynthia Davenport, Blanche Kibble, Miss Holloway and her moth er, Mrs. L. Z. Holloway. V 9 Y Y t y y y t t f X x x X x x X x X I x X V X X V x y X x X x I X 1 X X X Your overhauling bill year didn't it? came due all at once last MIsb Evelyn M. Ross, of this place, and Chester H. Aldrich, of 'Lincoln. were united in marriage at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Ida Road Wednesday evening. December 8. The Impressive ring service was used Rev. Lewis Mclntyre being the of ficiating clergyman. Mlsa Edna Bow man played the wedding march, and Miss Katheryn Knlest sang "O, Promise Me". After the ceremony, which occurred at 8 o'clock, the friends who witnessed the marriage, and the newly wedded couple, were seated to a delicious six course din ner. the latter being In charge of Miss Hazel Bowman, assisted by Mrs. 0. D. Gaddls, and the Misses Edna Bowman and Dorothy Smith. The rooms were prettily decorated with ferns, palms, roses and carnations. The bride was charming In her dress of white georgette, trimmed with Spanish lace and fur, and she carried a bouquet of white roses and lilies of the valley. Amid the congratula tions and good wishes from their friends they departed that evening for their future home in Lincoln, where the groom has fitted out a bun galow, ready for occupancy. The bride grew to womanhood In Alliance and while attending the city schools of this place she became a favorite with a wide circle of friends. She afterward attended Carroll college in Wisconsin, and also attended the Ne braska State University, In Lincoln, where she first met her husband. Among the young people of Alliance she was popular and well liked, and she is capable of making the new home what It should be. The guests from out of town who were present at the wedding were: Mrs. J. A. Gardener of Republic, Wash., Miss Hazel Bowman of Hay Springs, and Mrs. Geo. Hicks of Ravenna, Nebr. Wa spend too much time wonder ing what the naw y tar will bring us. It is batter to ask ourselves what wa are going to make of it. Life doaa not coma in aaaled packages, ready for use whan opened. Time ia only its raw material, and from itwa can make vary much what wa choose. Instead of waiting for soma prize to drop into our hands, 1st us aeiza tha days as they pass and mold thm into forms of usefulnets and baauty AN EXPENSIVE INSTITUTION Avoid This SUPPOSE THIS WINTER YOU HAVE A LITTLE OV ERHAULING DONE EACH MONTH, THEN YOUR BILL WILL NOT BE SO MUCH EACH TIME. WE WANT TO KEEP AN EFFICIENT FORCE THE YEAR AROUND, AND TO DO THIS WE MUST KEEP THEM BUSY. PROBABLY YOU LIKE TO HAVE ONE MAN WORK ON YOUR CAR WHENEVER YOU BRING IT IN. TO KEEP THIS MAN WE MUST KEEP HIM BUSY. WE WANT TO KEEP OUR SERVICE FIRST-CLASS, AND ASK YOUR CO-OPERATION IN DOING THIS. Bring in Your Fords and Let Us Overhaul Thenr Have Your Overhauling Done During the Winter months Keeler-Coursey Company The Ford Garage Ktnnni;nmimiimiwjmurm mmnrinro8S tut Cost of Chrlstmaa Pays Bia Re turns In Joy and Happiness of Children. Christmas ia a very costly InBtltu tlon. It makes deep holes in million ot well-filled peckets. Father'a hand reaches into his pocket more often in the few weeks before Christmas than during ary other period of equal extent In the whole year. And lota ol mcney goea for presents that, in th hands of happy children, last a very short time. Nightfall of Christmai day sees many toys ia mangled lieapi that bright and shining and new greet ed the little folka as they hopped out of bed Chrlstmaa morning. And mil Bona and millions of things are bought that never would be, if it were not foi Christmas. But does all tbia mean thai Christmas ia not worth the money It costs, that it would be better If tb world did not observe the anniversary of Christ's birth in the way it does'. Nobody In the whole wide Christian part ot tha world will say that Christ mas does not pay for itself, that It It not worth all It costs, and that it li not a bargain at any price. Where can be found a father and mother - who feel that they have been cheated by Chrlstmaa. after they hear tha gur gllng laughter of their children, in ecstaay among their new toya, even It there had to be skimping and saving of pennies to buy tha little presents T Savannah News. Heating Stove 165. Eagles Hall. 2-6203-tf for aale. Phone CAR OF OREGON APPLES WE UNLOADED, THIS WEEK, A CAR OF THE FINEST APPLES PRODUCED IN THE NORTH WEST. THEY ARE PACKED IN BOXES AND INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING VARIETIES : RED CHEEK PIPPIN, ARKANSAS BLACK, BLACK TWIG, ROME BEAUTY, WINESAP, BEN DAVIS, PERM AIM,. GANO. AMONG THEM ARE ABOUT 200 BOXES OF WINESAPS AND ARKANSAS BLACK WHICH WE OFFER FOR' $1.40 and $1.50 per box PRICES RANGE UP TO $2.25 FOR EXTRA FAN CY. THE APPLES AT $1.40 ARE EQUAL TO WHAT YOU USUALLY PAY $2.00 FOR. Christmas Trees and Christmas Decorations. AS WELL AS EVERYTHING FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS DINNER, FROM SOUP TO NUTS, AND INCLUDING TURKEY. Mallery Gro. Co. Quality Grocers Y V T t T y v V y y y y y y t r y y y y f r r T y y T y y f y y f y y r I f y y t t y y y JIMIIIII I MM I Ill I wmiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiag