.uafr ; iiMkSEiilii Mt..,-,,,., ; BIRD'S-EYE VIEW OF HEMINQFORD BEST TOWN OF ITS SIZE IN NEBRASKA LIVE TOWN IN FINE FARMING COUNTRY k Luii ai iorev s oerore L,nnstmas J r Pearl M. Lorensen Millinery and Dress Making The Ladies of lleminjfford and vicinity arc invited to call at fiifrt door north of Shindlcr's Hardware Stoi u when wanting anything in the Millinery Line or when in need of Dross Mak ing work, I can save you money on up-to-date Millinery and will do your Dress Making promptly and in a manner that will please you. Pearl M. Lorensen Hemingford, Nebraska H. R. OLDS DRUG CO. m a mm 9Q -.-ftKSS WITH a M'rpfl t , iffy Christmas Gifts of Class jjuf for everybody, largest and m most complete Stock in the West, come in and See. Mirrors, All styles and sizes. Come in and see them. Watches, Diamonds and Jewelry. The best for the least money. Come in and look them over. H. R. OLDS DRUG CO. Hemingford, Nebr. . tXTK Music Lessons Several Ilemingford parties have spoken to me concern ing music lessons, so I have decided to organize a class here, if there are enough interested. I will be in Ilcmiogford next Tuesday, December 21st, and will meet those interested at Rev. Palmer's office, over the First State Bank, between 3:00 and 5 :00 p. m. If you are interested in music from any standpoint, or know of any one who is, I would like to talk with you. If you cannot come at the above time, write me or leave word with Rev. Palmer, and I will call on you. PAUL W. THOMAS. Mrmiiigford, "Host Town of iLs Hze in Nebmska," Doing Kill Full aud Winter lluslne FINK 1JNKK UK XMAS GOODS Hemingford, situated in the Bneat farming portion of Box Butte county, can Justly claim to be "The beat town of its alie In Nebraska." While the cltliena of the place make the claim with reference to the bualneaa trans acted there, the same claim could probably be made with reference to Its social and moral atatua. The res idents of Hemingford and surround ing country are an exceptionally good clasa of people, which fact makes it all the more a pleasure to note their prosperity in financial affairs. Probably more bushels of potatoes ire shipped from Hemingford than from any other station In Nebraska r any adjoining state. Some time later The Herald will give some in terring figures regarding the quan tity, for the present suffice it to say that the amount ia Immense, and that .luring the part of the Reason that shipping is the heaviest the town Is alive with teams from morning till night hauling in spuds. ' cBsldes the potato Industry, other firming and ranch interests of the si'rroundlng country furnish a large amount of business. Probably no other town in western Nebraska, ex cept one, ships more bushels of grain, while many car loads of hogs and cattle are loaded here for ship ment to the live stock markets. Soiuo of the business firms of this live town are taking advantage of The Herald's large circulation in the northern and western parts of Box Butte county, which are tributary to Hemingford, and are inviting trade thru its advertising columns. We wish to call particular attention to these advertisements at this time. One of the leading hardware mer chants of western Nebraska is C. A. Shindler. He carrlea a stock of goods that would do credit to a city many times the sixe of Hemingford, and has a large and commodious store room, but the thing that particularly appeals to Intelligent buyers Is the quality of the goods sold. In hard ware as well as in other lines of merchandise, the best Is the cheap est. An Institution that is doing much to bring trade to the town and Is helping greatly In developing the surrounding country is the Heming ford Co-Operatlve Creamery, of which Mr. Jens Norgaard Is the ef ficient manager. By reading the ad vertisement In this Issue of The Her ald you will get some information that may surprise you regarding the volume of business that Is already being transacted by the comparative ly new creamery. Dairying Is destin ed to become one of the leading in dustries of this part, of the west, and Hemingford is fortunate in having an enterprising creamery company operating this early In the develop ment of the Industry. We know of no other town the size of Hemingford that has a drug store that Is as well stocked as that of The H. R. Olds Drug Co. Only a brief reference is made in the advertise ment to the many things that are carried in stock. You will need to call and see for yourself in order to form a correct Idea of the fine line that may be found In this large store. The stock of goods for the holiday trade Is exceptionally fine. We can't say much as a matter of news regarding the Forest Lumber Co., as the yards of this concern are too well known tbruout Nebraska for us to say much that is not already generaly known. To say that it is a Forest Lumber Company yard means that a large stock of dependable lum ber and building material is carried. The yards in this part of the west are making a speciality of coal this sea son, as will be seen by their adver tisements. Mr. P. J. Michael, a courteous and gentlemanly young man, Is the able manager of the Hem ingford yard. Readers of The Her aid who trade there wll find that our commendation of him Is none too strong. t For either millinery or dress mak- r t v r r Y t X ? ? r t r y V t Jewelry China Manicure Sets 3 Toilet Sets CHILDREN'S STORY BOOKS FOR CHRISTMAS Fine Display of Christmas Candies and Nut. A Good Place to stock up for Christmas Treats Remember Our Soda Fountain for Soft Drinks W..M. COREY, Prop. Hemingford, Nebraska X I' Good Coal Gives Christmas Cheer We Sell The Best If the coal you are using docs not pive perfect satisfaction, both in quality and price, try us for your next order. Make your wife happy the next time you buy coal by getting a load of shiny PINNACLE COAL. It w sure to please her, and will help to give the whole family a Merry Christmas. LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIAL When you are ready to order that bill of lumber, let us figure with you. You can get what you want from our largo - Rtock without bothersome delays. Forest Lumber Company , ., . . .. . P. J. Michael, Local-Mgr., Hemingford, Nebraska I'M V y t Y ? ? t V f r t t v ? ? ? ? t ? ? ? ? ? ? ? : NOTICE To Patrons and Stockholders in the Hemingford Co-OperativeCreamery GENTLEMEN We want to call your attention to the fact that a co-operative plant needs patronizing in every detail. It is, all over the United States, where farmers patronize their own organization, the bout products are turned out and the biggest profits coming in. Why should we not show the same g09d-judgmcntt We have from June to November, this year, bought 62,000 pounds of butter fat, made and sold 76,000 pounds of butter, with a net gain of $750.00. Winter is coming and cream is falling off, but anyway we can make a good profit if you deliver every drop of cream you produce to the Cream ery. More cream means bigger dividends to the cream producers and bigger interest to the stockholders. FAITHFULLY, Hemingford Co-Operative Cr'y Co. Hemingford, Nebraska av Afc. aa. aa. aa. aa. aa. ASAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAASVAAAAAAAAA .fc. aa. aa. aa. aa. Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y X t f T Y Y Y Y r Y Y r Y Y ing, The Herald believes that the la dies of Hemingford and the sur rounding country will do well to call on Pearl M. Lorensen, first door north of Shindler's hardware store. No doubt they can save money In or dering their millinery from her, and get prompt and satisfactory service by having her do their dress making. Everybody in and around the town knows W. M. Corey. By industry and honest enterprising effort he has built up a fine business from a small beginning, and now has a store of which he may well be proud. He has a line of goods suitable for presents that will Interest Christmas shoppers. By reading his advertisement you will have a suggestion of what be carries In stock. ' While not a resident of Heming ford, Paul W. Thomas of Alliance has recently taken a part In the activities of the town, as musical director at a revival meeting of several weeks which was largely attended. He has been requested to visit Hemingford regularly for the purpose of giving Instruction in music, and, as will be seen by his announcement on this page, he is planning to do so. Misses Goldle Bennett and Ethel Arbutbnot were here from Marsland the first of this week visiting with friends. A baby boy was born to Mr. ani Mrs. E. C. Young Saturday. Mrs. O. A. Gardner returned Sun day to her home at Republic, Waslu. after a short visit here with Mrs. Id Ross. Miss Mabel Carey arrived the first of this week from Crawford to tak the place In the Burlington store bouse of Miss Vivian Holloway, who Is soon to be married. Mrs. Edith Rowe, who has bex visiting with her mother, Mrs. J. W. Reed, and family for the past several weeks, expects to leave tonight tor her home at Detroit, Mich.