Uby flot Say "Good-bye, Sir?" THE telephone "Hello" has fallen into dMavor because it is not only useless and meaningless, but is a rather un graceful and rude little word It is fast becoming obsolete. The telephone "Good-bye," however, is well worth preserving:, even in these days of econ omy and efficiency. It gives that personal, friendly touch to business or sociil conversa tion which makes for better relations. The cheery "Good-bye" over the telephone Is Just as potent as the cordial "Good-morning" with which you greet a friend on tlw street. Over the telephone it averts the feeling one sometimes has of being cut off abruptly. Say "Good-bye" over the telephone as if it were really a part of your conversation and not merely a regrettable habit of speech. Remember "The Voke With the Smile Wlm." CEBRASU TELEPI 01E CDMPART north near Spade and purchased a nice herd of cattle the Drat of this week. John C. Noah came In Monday from different points in Mlasouri where he haa been visiting for the past few months. F. E. Kerr came in Sunday from a few days' visit with friends at Mc Cool and Lincoln and other points. Art Halloren, manager of the Hal loren Lumber Co., made a business trip to Alliance Monday. Miss Lula Dikes and Mr. Sweete went to Whitman Saturday evening to attend the dance. W. W. McDaniel and wife left Saturday for Rock Port, Mo., where Mr. McDaniel has a position In a gen eral store for the winter. John Donnelly made a business trip to Hyannls Monday. 100 Iteward. ilOO The renders of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is nt least one drended dlaoaae that science has been able to euro In all its stag es, and that it Catarrh. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure Is the only positive euro now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a conntitutlonal dis ease, requires a roiiHtltutlomil treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Curo is taken Internally, acting dlroctly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foun dation of the dlseaso, and giving tho patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature In doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in Its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it failB to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address: F. J. Cheney & Co., To ledo, O. Sold by all drugglBts. 75c. Take Hall's Family Tills for con stipation. Adv Dec ASIIUY ITEMS Misses Carrie and Sadie Anderson, who have homesteads out on the re serve, have taken their five months off and went to Hot Springs, S. D., Friday. U. T. Joy and daughter Anna went to Broken Dow Thursday on business. L. 13. Hubbard and II. E. Morrill made business trips to Hyannls the first of the week. J. W. Barnes is building a new res idence in the west part of town on his lots. Ralph Depew came in Thursday from a few months visit In different points in Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Nlckerson went out to Survey Tuesday to see Mrs. Nickerson's sister, who Is quite Bick. Dr. W. E. Mernchew went out HAND HILL IUIKKZE8 Mr. and Mrs. Wade and son Ralph took Thanksgiving dinner at II. W. Patton's. Ivor Meeker and Oran McNarlln spent Thanksgiving eve at W. H. Patton's. The evening was spent In games and music, after which the hostess served a dainty luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. II. 8tlll have moved onto the William Hill ranch. Delbert Jaya have moved Into their new house on the Clark Cade ranch. Mr. and Mrs. H. Stllle entertained Ivor Meeker last week. The barn on the Win, Hill ranch burned, last Friday night. Sam Hickman's hired man went to Chadron to spend Thanksgiving with Miss Scott. Mrs. O. W. Carson left Saturday Nov. 19, for their home in Mlnatare. Nebr. I Miss Myers gave an entertainment at the west school district 83. J Miss Delight ITfford was on the sick list one day last week. Jim nice has Just finished the new house on the Rice ranch. I Oran McIIurlan's organ is Inhab ited with rabbits. I Ralph Roach has Just returned i home from Helena, Montana. - ! Miss Edith Moflltt has been on the sick list but Is better at this writing. John Covalt has built a new house in Broadwater. He intends moving there In the near future. I Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wade and eon Ralph called at the W. H. Patton home Monday evening. Messrs. Cage and Roy Dockerel went to Omaha Saturday, the 20th, to work. FL KAMA NT IIII.L ITEMS The Chrlstensen brothers and Hen ry Hennings left for the eastern part of the state for a few weeks visit. C. Hennings and wife were callers at the Winten home, one day last week. John Warn is loading a car of white potatoes at Hemingford. Roth Brothers and Fred Wessel were helping II. C. Hansen load a car of potatoes, which he sold to an Om aha dealer. I. E. Barrett arrived home Tues day, after spending a week at his old home in Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Green enter tained Mrs. I est, Mrs. J. Curry and son, Thanksgiving. J. P. Jensen and family were Thanksgiving guests at the M. Lar- sen home. Miss Ella Moravek spent Thanks giving with sister, Mrs. Frank Caha, at Hemingford. M. Larsen and family were Alli ance visitors Saturday. I. E. Barretts were Sunday guests at E. Addy'a. Tom Green Is laid up this week, having sprained his back some way. Martin Hansen and Mrs. Mary Ja den were callers at the P. K. Christ ensea home Sunday evening. LOST 83 yellow beads on string. Good reward will be paid for return to Herald office. 52-tf-6633 J. H. Fredinberg and Co. ASHBY, NEBRASKA (lener.nl Merchandise, Hard ware and Lumber; a Com plete Line of BuiMing Ma terial, Tanks and Windmills, Coal and Supplies. THE FREDINBERG HOTEL First Class Meals, Clean, Comfortable Rooms Modest Rates the Place Where They All Stop Will You Read This Twice? A very important question to-day which every housekeeoer must decide for herself is whether she prefers pure, cream of tartar baking powder like Dr. Price's or whether she is willing to use alum baking powder in food. One kind is easily distin guished from the other, since tho laws of various States require the ingredients to be printed upon the label. If anyone is in doubt which to use, it is worth while to ask the family doctor. Then decide. And when once a decision is reached let no advertisement, or dealer's argument, or canvasser' 3 solicitation, change the deci sion. It is not a question of a few cents or of pleasing a sales man. It is a question of health. If this appeals to you as rea sonable and sensible advioe, it is worth reading twice. And it is worth remembering. DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POTHER Uada from Cream of Tartar DON'T UK MISLED Alliance Oltlrens Should Itewd and Heed This Advice Kidney trouble Is dangnrous and often fatal. Don't experiment with something new and untried. Use a tested kidney re i edy. Begin with Jloan s Kidney Pills. Used In kidney troubles 50 years. Recommended here and every where. The following statement forms convincing proof of their merit. Mrs. Sol Willis, West Second St., Sidney, Nebr., says: "I had an attack of kidney and bladder trouble, and was caused much distress by an In tense ache In the small of my back. One box of Dean's Kidney Pills rid me of my aches and pains and alno restored my kidneys to a normal .con dition. Since then I have had niv re turn of the complaint. " Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't arm ply ask for a kidney remedy - et Doan's Kidney Pills the pame rliat Mrs. Willis had. Foster-Milburu Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. TEN YEARS AGO Karl Mallery was awarded the sil ver medal in the oratorical contest at Crawford last Friday evening. Two contestants had selected the same subject that of "Toussant L'Overture." They were Earl Mal lery, of thirt city, and Fay Blanchard, of Crawford, and between them rest ed the honor by the Judges. Thia was Earl's second victory on the plat form, he having met with the same pleasing result in the contest last year. Miss Alice Acheson took sec ond prize in the dramatic depart ment, she having rendered "The Fid dle Todd." Born, Saturday, November 27, a baby boy to Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Tra bert. Mother and baby are getting along nicely. I y t Y Y Y Y X Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y X Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ME ATURBAY 9 DECEMBER 4 At the Alliance Stock Yards (Sheep Division) 300 Head of Shoats Weighing from Sixty to One Hundred and Twenty-five Pounds. These are all clean, healthy, western hogs. If you have plenty of feed now is your opportunity to make money out of hogs. Buy Your Stock Hogs Now while they are cheap. You can't find a better way to market your soft corn and waste potatoes. They will be sold in lots all sizes and sorts. You will have a chance at just the kind you want. PUBLIC AUCTION, SATURDAY, DECEMBER Col. II- P. Coursey, Auctioneer Oscar Braman, Owner Frank Was, Clerk Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y r