The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 02, 1915, Firemen's Edition, Image 3

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Tho 19It Annual Convention of County Commissioner, Clerks and Treasurers will be held at Columbus, Nebr
aska, on Itanomher 14, 15 and 16. The Box Butte County officials will attend and will help boost for Alli&nee for the
1916 con reii lion. Secretary Fisher of the Alliance Commercial Club has been working on the proposition for some
time and fmds that many people over the state are favorable to the selection of Alliance for 1916.
As an indication of what people over the state think of Alliance as a convention city, the following letters are
Dawson County
Mr. W. 1). I'whcr, Seo'y,
Alliance, Nebraska.
Dear Sir:
I tan heartily endorse Alliance as a convention city.
people and accommodations are of the best.
Lexington, Nebr., Nov. 11, 1915.
Your facilities are as good as any in the state and your
I have attended several conventions over the state and also in Alliance
a - 1 1 1 , llt 1 a A 1
ana l can trvimuuy say i enjoyou myseii ana me convention ncia mere Deuer man any one i nave attended any
where clue. If there is anything I can do or say to help the cause along, don't fail to let me know.
u - - - Yours truly, FRED Q. BENTON, Sheriff.
Sheriff Pawnee County
Pawnee City, Ncbr Nor. 20, 1915.
Mr. W. D. Fisher,
Alliance, Nebraska.
Dear Sir:
As I was In your city during the Stockmen's Convention and the Sheriff's convention at the same time I sen
say that Alliance is capable of entertaining any convention. I think I never was entertained as loyally as I was in
your eikj, something going on all the time, and I never struck a bunch of men like the business men of Alliance, and
if 1 can get away to go to tho T. P. A. Convention at Alliance will sure do so.
JOHN C. McCLUNG, Sheriff.
Office Secretary-Treasurer
Ellsworth. Nebr., July 1, 1915.
W. D. Fkkcr, Ifrq., Secretary,
Alliance Commercial Club,
Alliance, Nebraska.
Dear Sir.
1 take this occasion to write you and express onr great approval of the accommodations as well as the enter
tainment which you were so active in having for us at our lato couvention. I heard it estimated that Alliance had
taken oaro of almost twelve thousand visitors during the week. I know of no city in our section of the country ex
cepting Alliance that could do this.
AsHuring you that the Nebraska Stock Growers appreciate your efforts in our behalf, I remain,
Yours truly, CILAS. C. JAMESON, Sec'y-Treas.
JOHN A. JONES, Sheriff
Nuckolls County
Nelson, Nebr., Nov. 15, 1915.
To the County Commissioners and Clerks of Nebraska:
Gentlemen : I have just learned that the Commercial Club of the city of Alliance is extending to you an invita
tion to hold your next annual convention in their city, and because of the splendid treatment accorded to the Nebras-.
ka Sheriffs Convention by the Commercial Club and the entire population of Alliance and vicinity last June, I feel it
a duty, arid it is certainly a pleasure, to tell you that the city of Alliance has ample facilities to accommodate your
convention, and its Commercial Club and people generally have and manifest an extraordinary measure of that gen
erous hospitality, public spirit and good fellowship that makes such a convention a success and attendance thereat a
They certainly treated the Nebraska Sheriffs royally, not only making sure that we had the best of accommo
dations, but furnishing us with abundance of entertainment and amusements ranging from auto trips to places of in
terest, through wild west fete days, street carnivals, polo games and band concerts.
Our convention was never more cordially received nor better entertained and taken care of, and I can assure
you that Alliance iB a wide awake, up to date town, and a mighty good place for holding your convention.
Sincerely yours, JOHN A. JONES, President,
' Nebraska State Sheriffs' Assn.
SumU) Closing (Vun to Hj9
Miss Helen Hood, president of Illi
nois W. C. T. U.. sent a tnlnmin tn
the- Chicago Herald from the national
W. C. T. U. convention (In session at
8eattle on Chiraao'a flrat drr Sun.
day) asking for the result of Mayor
inompsons order. The editor, Mr.
Jamea Keeley. recited aa follows:
"Only six saloons open in Chicago
yesieraay. tds 7,116 others locked
and barred, curtains rained, screens
removed, interiors la plain view.
Twenty thousand saloon employee
naa aay with families. Pnrtr-aTAn
.arrested for drunkenness Saturday
and sixteen Sunday; usual number
tor same two days 24 3. No suicides:
usual number two to three. Kvery
down town 'heatrn nnrknH UnHa
theatres filled to eaoaeity. Church
attendance considerably Increased.
Cafes practically deserted. Reported
saioons on outskirts of city did In
creasing business. Hotels and clubs
not centers of law violation. Hotel
owners said exceedingly small num.
ber of guests stored liquor in rooms.
rnvate lockers In clubs suffered lit-
tie invasion. No arrests ordered dur
ing the day for keeping open. Vio
lators' names taken and evidence se
cured to be presented to mayor. Po
lice captains all over city reported
quietest day in years almost no dis
order. Sunday closing looks like big
success. Large employers reported
ftionoay mat working forces display
ed highly increased efficiency as com
pared with other Mondays. Chief of
Police Healey predicts there will h
little or no difficulty in enforcing law
ana taai aunaay closing in Chicago
nas come to stay."
An ad in the Herald Helps. Try
"Father of Electricity"
On January 17th, 1916, the world will commemorate the 210th anniver
sary of the birth of Ben Franklin, the man who originated the theory that
lightning and thunder are electrical manifestations. Farthermore he proved
it with his kite, key and Leyden jar.
We can prove to you that electricity is the
only kind of light for Home, Store or Farm
Try some of our new Irons, Toasters, Washing Machines, Farm or
Ranch Lighting outfits, Vacuum Cleaners, or if you CwantUyour house
wired; or wiring repaired, phone 25 and get quick service.
Many people suffer the tortures of
lame muscles and stiffened joints because
of impurities in the blood, and each suc
ceeding attack seems more acate tsntil
rheumatism has i n vaded the whole system.
To arrest rheumatism it is quite aa im
portant to improve your general health as
to purify your blood, and the cod liver oil
in Scott's Emulsion is nature'sgr eat blood
maker, while its medicinal nourishment
strengthens the organs to erpel the
impurities and upbuild your strength.
Scott's Emulsion is helping thousands
every day who could not find other relief.
Bifuae the alcoholic substitutes.
Uniform Valuation
Secretary Bernecker of the state
board of equalization is conducting a
campaign for uniformity of voca
tions by county assessors. He has
compiled a table showing the varla-j
tlons In valuing automobiles. live
stock, farm lands and other ltema of
property In Nebraska. He will at
tempt to secure more uniformity In
fixing values In 1916.
Irritable Children Often Need Klcka- 1
poo Worm Killer
There Is a reason for the disagree-1
able and fretful nature of many
children. Think of the unrest when
the child's body is possessed by tiny
worms sapping Its vitality and clog
Ring Its functions. Whatever may be
the cause "that children hare
worms Is a fact." Your child's peev
ishness and Irritability has a cause.
Give Kickapoo Worm Killer a chance
and If worms are there this humanly
harmless remedy wll lellmlnate the
annoying parasites. 2 Go a box.
Adv No S
coot -j
& '-.irr, 0001
D05T;.';r . . ,..KXX!
DOM rr5",u,KX)a
RR8 885a
rjryryt met m im woria s cest sr. jrjr j
KXX Bakine Powder-h'l mod- LfWJ
HOsrsfj erate in Drice wire in the DOxj
mtetal ta kanain so ni
? :fQ4 HickMt Award QQ ,
1 jfV Htm Cmt gmt Frm
sk rn Cmm (Vx)
Get a small package of Hamburg
Breast Tea, or as the German folks
call it, "Hamburger Brust Thee," at any
pharmacy. Take a tablespoonful of the
tea, put a cup of boiling water upon
it, pour through a sieve and drink
teacup full at any time during the
day or before retiring. It is the moat
effective way to break a cold and care
grip, as it opens the pores of the akla,
relieving congestion. Also loosens the
bowels, thus driving a cold from the
Try it the nxt time you suffer from
a culil or the grip. It is inexpensive
snd entirely vegetable, therefore safe
nd harmless.
Cheap and big canBaldnjjPowders do not
3a vo you money. Cslntnet does it's PptqI
anJ far superior to sour milk and soda.
Pain and 8tifihess away with
a small bottle of old honest
8t. Jacobs Oil
When your bark is sore and lame
or lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism haa
you stiffened up, don't suffer I Get a
2fi cent bottle of old, honest "St
Jacobs Oil" at any drug store, pour a
little in your hand and rub it right
into the pain or ache, and by the time
you count fifty, the soreness and lame
ness is gone.
Don't stay crippled I This soothing,
penetrating oil needs to be nsed only
nee. It takes the ache and pain right
ut of your back and ends the misery,
.t is magical, yet absolutely harmless
and doesn't burn the skin.
Nothing else stops lumbago, sciatica
and lame back misery so promptly I
1 "Here is the Answerfin
The McraiAai Websto,
Every day In ycrar talk and readm. at
home, on the street car. In tlie office, ho
a :id school you likely question the nmu
liif of soma mew word. A friend asks
Wbat makes mortar l:arden?" Yoa cck
the location o f Lock Kc trimmot the pronun
ciation of JujHttm. What Is mhlf coatt
This New Creation annrers all kinds of
questions In LAncniMre.Uiatory.BiosTaphy.
f iction, Forrlrn Won. Trades, Aria aiui
sciences, mtt mi auimanis.
400A00 Words.
6000 Illustration.
SSSi'?00- Air?
The only dictionary with t
acterlxed as "Abtraks 4
On thin, opnque, stronc,
India paper. Wlut a salw
faction to own f.Mtmriam
Webster in a form so liciit
ana so convenient to use I
One li.ilf the thk knrM nnd!
wci.htof Result lull t tun.
Regular EJob:
On stron.: hook paper. WL
1: 41ns. L.uuxwx
Writ tor mha 14,
a&. s
1" , Lit 1 "lsK
2Unmlr .i in i. J
ta Light, Airy Rooms)
steam Heat
Bloc trie Lights
Free Baths
RATES: 00c and TBc per Dtw
18-815 Fifth Street
Subscribe for The Herald 9 l.M
per year.
Garland's Cab Service
SaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasBaaaaaaaaaaaa SsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasB) saassawBasMSsBBBssssBSf
All calls promptly attended to
day or night.
Leave orders at Alliance Hotel
or Phone Day, Red 72. Night, Black 388
W. C. Garland,