The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 02, 1915, Firemen's Edition, Image 12

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MYI C. THOMAS, IIiinIiipm Maiiukt
K. CATIIKHINK MOO UK, Flltrvi htn inl l'wrtim'iit
I'ubllaheil every thiin.i by
Lloyd C,
Ttomft, President J. t'rl Thorn, Vice lPf.
John W. Thorn, Kvrrelary
"Entered at the pom offlci at Xlliance. Nebraska, for transmission tbroufch
cb malla as second-class matter.
If your copy of The Herald do-H not reach you regularly or satisfac
torily, you should phone 340 or drop a card to the ofTlce. The best of srv
4m Is what we are anilous to tive, so don't henltate to notify uh without
delay when you mis your paper.
The time of yrar Ian arrived njjniti wln n ihtijiIo art' in a qtiHixl
Hry, more or It, as to what to purchase for ChristtnaK presents for
Ai'r friends. To the person with a lontf purse or a Nnuj? hank ac-
Mimt it serniH to he nn easy matter to ao into well-stocked stores and
order acceptable, presents without much forcthot; but for those of
rwxlorate means it is not such an easy matter to decide upon what they
Hunk will be acceptable presents und keep the cost within the holiday
allowance. And even the lists of recipients of presents from the well
U-do will bo lenRtheued, if acceptable tfifts can be. secured at a reas-
anil)1f cost.
At this time it is well to remember that the appreciation with
rfiich a present is received does not usually depend so much upon its
. .. 1 . .! . 1 L 1a 1 1
ipenstvenesH as upon the consideration wun w men u nan oecu miei
A bv the eiver. Almost always people prize presents more because
M the spirit with which they are piven than for their intrinsic value.
Useful presents are always very acceptable by those who cannot
mffnrA nr An not wish, to spend money lavishly upon themselves. The
Uales and needs of the recipient of a present should be taken into con
deration when makine the selection. Quite often inexpensive home
jjule articles are more hiphly prized as presents than more expensive
rtdv-madc things.
It is what is back of the gift more than what is in it that makes
it a treasure to the one receiving it.
iad so much to do in helping lo frame, was overwhelmingly turned
iown by the voters of the Krimire state. It is believed bv many that
Judge Hughes has removed himself from the race for the republican
residential nomination by demanding the withdrawal of his name in
Nebraska, which had been filed by some of his enthusiastic friends,
with the secretary of state. If either Mr. Hoot or Air. Hughes receives
the republican nomination it will be because he is from New York, the
leetoral vote of which state both parlies arc anxious to secure.
.lust now it looks to us as tlio Senator Theodore Hurton of Ohio
. II' t ..'111 I I A
is the republicans mosi avauanie candinaie lor nexi year, lie LIls
the measure of a statesman and is of presidential calibre. He has a
ecoi d of long service in public life, ami so far as we know it is a pret
ty hard record to pick Haws in. He is not particularly offensive to
the conservative element in the party, and can probably come as near
as any other prominent, straight republican to polling the entire pro
gressive vote.
.Mayor William Hale Thompson of Chicago is being groomed h i
1 .1 i a I . 11 . ' a
masc me race lor me rcpumican nomination tor president, lie is im
mensely popular among republicans, particularly with the rank and
file of the party. If he ami his supporters can convince the public
that he has the qualifications necessary to properly fill the office of
president of the Cuited States, he will be an exceptionally strong con
didate, in the event of his nomination.
Hand made from best material.
Outlast any factory made goods.
Call and see.
Harness repairing by experienc
ed harness maker.
At M. D. Nichols' stand. Alliance
Breeder and Dealer
Can furnish ranchmen of Ne braska with either
Hereford's or Shorthorns.
Address Exchange Ht'ilding, South Omaha
Rvrlmnoro Cnin
L - i' ji
Kushvllle Standard. Judge W. II.
Westover left Sunday morning for
Alliance to hold court. He will have
a term of something like two weeks
at that place. From there he will go
to Chadron, no does not expect to be
home much during the next month.
If people generally would give more thot to the giving of sub
eriptions to periodical publications, such as newspapers, magazines,
te.. as presents to friends and acquaintances, such gifts would be-
mo more common. There is scarcely anything that makes a better
present, in proportion to cost. Send a friend a receipt for a year's
wbscription to an acceptable publication, and he or she will not only
bo pleased at the time of receiving the lirst copy, but w ill have a con
tant and pleasing reminder during the year of the friendship of the
There are so manv publications that could be used for this pur
pme that we cannot give a list of them, but wish to suggest the two
Utat are issued from the press of the Herald I'ublishmg Company:
The Alliance Herald, published weekly at $1.50 per year, a little
lea than three, cents per copy, as a present to a friend in another
tote, or in some other part of this Btate, would be considered worth
many times that amount.
The Nebraska Stockman is a new monthly, devoted to the live
stock interest of Nebraska and the middle west. The subscription
nice is only 25 cents per year, or five subscriptions ordered at one
tine for $1.00. It is probable that during the coming year the paper
ill be changed to either semi-monthly or weekly and the subscription
price increased accordingly, but it will be sent to all persons subscrib
tnjc at the present price to the end of the time for which paid, without
sdditionul charge.
An all-wise Deity made men and monkeys, but it remained for
man to make apes of themselves. And that is what is happening in
ame places now and w ill probably continue to happen for some years
U come, much to the annoyance of Christian workers and the detri
ment of church work. This if what we mean:
Altho many good people object to expressions used by Uev. Wil
liam A. Sunday and his manner of pleaching, it is generally conceded
that he is doing an immense amount of good in his own peculiar way,
specially among that class of people whom lu terms "dow u-and-out-rra."
He succeeds with his methods of trying to do good because
they are not assumed or put on. His methods are peculiar but they
re his methods; he is peculiar in his ways, but he is himself, he is just
cling out Hilly Sunday and not trying to be someone else; and he
makes a success of it.
There arc others who wish to do good in the world, but not being
jtukj enough to use their own talents for the accomplishment of their
laudable purposes, try to UBe the llev. Mr. Sunday's peculiar talents,
with the result that they make a failure of it, as might be reasonably
expected, and tear down the work which they really wish to build up.
Down at Aurora, Nebraska, they are having what seems to be a
of this kind. An evangelist is holding a union revival meeting,
and the town is all torn up and Rplit up over the evangelist and his
-werk. Now The Herald has no objections to a union revival meeting,
nd even if it did have we would hardly consider the editorial col-
Brans of a secular newspaper the proper place to express those objec
itioru; but partly as a matter of news, and partly for the purpose of
pointing out the folly of one trying to be who he is not and never can
rt we mention this case.
It may be that the evangelist at Aurora is right, and those who
bjoct to him and his work wrong. "We do not know enough about
;fe case to pass judgment upon it; but from what we have read, it
looks at this distance as tho the principal trouble arises from the fact
iof the evangelist, whose name is Kirkland, trying to make a second
'edition of Hilly Sunday of himself and not being able to get by with
it. If he has a divine call to do evangelistic work, he ought to do that
work as Uev. Mr. Kirkland, and not try to be Rev. "Billy" Sunday or
anybody else but himself. The Lord never calls a man to be an ape
IlunbviUe Recorder. William Cy-
derman, who was confined in the
Sheridan county jail for safety, whs
brought before Judge Fisher at Val
entine last week for his preliminary
hearing, and was bound over to the
district court for the murder of Mrs.
Heelan and Mrs. Layport. Notwith
standing the feeling Hgainut the pris
oner, there has been no request for
a change of venue, and the defendant
will probably be put on trial some
time In January.
Hemlngford Ledger. Sheriff Cox
was up from Alliance the first of the
week, gathering Jurors to serve dur
ing the present term of district court.
Among those from here we noticed:
A. S. Enyeart, Robert Anderson. C.
C. Hucke, Frank Nagleschneider,
VVm. Curry and C. A. Shlndler.
G. M. Hums of Alliance whs a busi
ness visitor in this end of the county
the latter part of last week, attend
ing to some matters In connection
with his property southwest of town.
Marsland Tribune. Miss Fay Abel
and Clyde Piatt and Miss llaxel
Squibb and Edward Marshall were
married in Alliance on Wednesday,
November 24. The two couples went
down in a car, the mothers of the
brides following on the train, and
were married by the Judge. Mr. and
Mrs. Piatt returned the same day and
will go to housekeeping at once in
Marsland. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall
will remain In Alliance for a few
days. All parties concerned are well
and favorably known here, and the
Tribune Joins with their many
friends in wishing them the best
there Is in life.
Holiday Openin
Saturday, Dec. 4th
Next Saturday we open our 1915 line of Holiday goods. We consider this an extraordinary
line, and it is the largest and best that we have ever carried. It consists of
Dolls, Games, Toys and Novelties
in every sense of the word. Our counters and tables and
This is the "Christmas Store"
shelves are literally packed with
Christmas Presents for Old and Young
To go into details and mention all the different lines would require a space several times the
size of this, but suffice to say, there is nothing that would make desirable gifts that cannot be found
Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock we are going to give a Santa Claus party
at the Empress for the children. And there will be a RKAL LIVE SANTA
CLAUS who will amuse the kiddies for a short time. Every child in and around
Alliance 'is invited to witness the entertainment FREE OK COST. This is for
their benefit.
111 ' I
iilHw in
Back of
The Builder
there must be good lumber, or
work won't amount to much.
Early Shopping Pays
ll is now only a little more than three weeks until Christmas. While our lines are now full,
immediately aft: r the opening they will go fast, so we would advise you to come early and make
your selections. In this way you will not only assist us by lessening the last hour rush, but we will
be better enabled to assist you in making your selections.
Visit the Big Gift Store Where You Can
Get Presents for the Entire Family
"The Christmas Store"
The builder who buys his stock
here has no complaints to make. The'
which we sell are of the "all right"
While it is universally conceded that President Woodrow Wilson
will be renominated by the democratic national convention next Bum
tner, there is much speculation as to who will be the republican nom
inee for president. Hence, the discussion of presidential possibilities
confined almost entirely to republicans, with an occasional refer
fnc to probable bull moose candidates, and now and then a mention
f Eugene V. Debs' statement that he will not again be the socialist
One of the first names to be mentioned prominently in Nebraska
in connection with the republican nomination for president next year
is that of a Mr. Eastabrook, financier of New York City, formerly of
Omaha, Nebraska. He is a very plain illustration of the fact that
omc times a man who is wise m business, shrewcl ana successful, is
quite the contrary when it comes to political matters. Mr. Eastabrook
was recently banqueted in Omaha and made a speech. Unfortunate
ly for him he departed from the subject of business and tried to talk
on the subject of statecraft. In a nutshell, as we have him Bized up,
he is a success as a business man, but as a statesman and politician a
rreat big horselaff. The Herald is not worrying about who will re
.reive the republican nomination for president next year, but we would
hate to see the preferential vote of the republicans of Nebraska go to
the Hon. Mr. Eastabrook ; it would be such a slam on the state.
Ex-Senator Hoot and Chief Justice Hughes, both from the state
of New York, have strong follow ings. They are both able men. In
affairs of government, each tills the measure of a statesman; but in
polities they are given a bit to "playing to the grandstand," which is
vonsidered by a considerable number of voters to be a serious offense
'Senator Root's popularity received a severe jolt at the recent New
York state election, when the propesrd new constitution, which he
And our prices will give him
larger margin on his contract,
sell at very close figures.
Dierks Lumber Co.
T.l.. Am.
Funny How Many Are Talking About
Out- wMm mi
J fit. -eiaig
Beautiful Victrola In oak. and 8 Ana aeko
toon, including band and orrhcatramui r,
popular aonra. aarrvd muaic, violin and
whiatlinff aolua, danca muiic, cotnie aont .
and ollwr wonderful avlortion complt?tt
tn cry detail. Cannot be boucht encaptr
anywht-r in lha United Statr.
Sand today fur our tla- Chriatmaa BuTk
tin, drarnbintr aiz Victmla outfit, Afty
wprcially fina reirda. and avar 200 apactal
baraaina in Piano. Playaf Ptanoa, Oraan, Man
aim, Guitasa, Violin and Horn.
K night-Campbell Mutlc Cm., Denver.
Sfttd me, prerild. your big Ulualralcd
Chrlttmai Bargain Bulletin.
Name .
Town State...
lately something they haven't got and can't get
Why Didn't They Do It Years Ago?
Why Are They Doing It Now?
It Is to HA! HA!
Ask the "kleankoalphokes," your new friend
The Genuine and Original HOT STUPH," from the Acme Coal Co.
He's at his exclusive retail agents, the office of