1 I EMPRESS Thankseivin thk photo-play that vackkd tiik strand in PKNVKK for a SOLID VVHIiK Margarita Fischer in A STORY THAT WILL TOUCH THE HEART-STRINGS of EVERY WIFE and MOTHER 99 rhe Miracle of Li AN ARGUMKNT AGAINST RACE SUICIDK PRAISKl) HY MINIS TERS of all DENOMINATIONS. A Plea for Motherhood AN APPEAL' FOR BETTER BA BIES ENDORSED BY ALL WOMEN'S CLUBS Night fe til H SATURDAY ALL COMEDY PROflRAM FIVE REELS OF COMEDY -FIVE Including a two-reel feature and three crackerjack single reel comedies. SUNDAY Brilliant Florence LaBadie, an All-Star Cast "THE PRICE OF HER SILENCE" A powerful feature a drama of sentiment, sacrifice and adventure. CLWC That Obstinate Headache so often caused by eyestrain need no longer bother you if you will come here and be fit ted with the proper glasses. Did you say they are not becoming? Now listen: some glasses are not, we will admit. With the piissing of the old style high bridge mounting, which was conspicuous ami uncomforta ble, we are now using the low hridcre eyeglass which works with the' fingers, is artistic in design and really becoming. DRAKE & DRAKE Over IxUspelrh's Variety Store COMBINATION ACCORDION PLEATED SKIRT With alttrnat groups of 4-lneh Box Pleats Croups of 16 Accordion Ploats " Above skirt should be prepared frotu straight width of goods find should not lie cut K"red at top. Allow two Inches for the hem nnd two Inches for shrinkage (n e.ich width of good used. Material should measure three yards around bot tom b fore pleating. Price $2.60 for pirating only. All wool or ail silk goods hold pleat bent. Avoid ootton mixture;. SEND YOUR GOODS. ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY. WATCH FOR OTHER MODELS. Fverytliuw li first itu', Covered Bui -tons, Hemstitching, 1'icnl Kdring. Send for free i rice list v iiiii JUL inCIl DIITTDU 9. Dl CITIUP Pfl I7.10M11 to. llth it. MIL IULHL UUIIUI1 00 I LLH I I II U UU, 0 OMAHA, NEBIASKa SI SECRET TO toior. gloss and thickness itn Grandma's recipe of Sage and Sulphur. ''''""rmn garden s:ire brewed Into ft 'li. with sulphur ami alcohol itlrl, will turn gray, streaked and I'-' h.nir beautifully dark nret limni i t ; rmnrvo every liit of ihiiHlrutl, stop Jn iu-hing nii'i falling );iir. .Mixing ,,3 Sugo Jen nii'i Sulphur rn-ipe at home, nigh, it troulilioiue. An e:t.ier w.iy i:' i get the ready-to-uste tmii-;, cutting i-"t f cent u large be'tii:, at drug .ki,ivB, known nt "Wyeth 4 Sa;.v and r.';! ur Hair Remedy, thus avo.ding a L ii mu.su. . Iiilo wispy, ray, faded hair is not ...;ul, we all dei.ire to retain our youth ."ul appearance and attractiveness. By Jarkcning your hair with Wyeth'e Rape ikI Sulphur, no one can tell, because it doe it so naturally, so evenly. You just dampen a iponge or aoft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by r nrr.inr all gray hairs have disappeared. After ranth'.;r application or two your hair licconiea 1xutifully dark, glossy, soft and luxuriant and you appear years younger. 1 m m m MM Eat lesi met if you feel Eackachy or have bladder trouble Take glass of Salts. Tli. AT THE EMPRESS rllwing Attractions Arc llook '! for tlie l'jnprt'Ns $a J3mtr (Christmas hupping (Sarlg Thanksgiving night Margarita Fischer in "The Miracle of Life". Friday night A Thanhouaer fea ture, "The Conscience of Juror No. 10," and as an added attraction, the "Country Store", in which a dozen prizes will be given away to the audi ence. Saturday night Five reels of com edy. Sunday night Florence LaBadie, in "The Trice of Her Silence," a Mu tual Master-picture. Only four weeks till Christinas. It hardly seems possible that a year has rolled around again and that the Holidays, the last of the year, are almost upon us. Everyone is now confronted with that cenlury-old question "what shall 1 give 'hint' or 'her for Christmas?" Until the last few years it has been the custom for shoppers to wait until the last minute to make their holiday purchases, but the habit of buying early is growing from year to year, and it will gain more headway with each year that passes. There isn't a whit of use waiting until the last week before Christmas before you buy your presents. If you don't feel like buying early for the clerks' sake, then you should remember that the stocks are well picked over before Christmas, and that if you don't get to the stores early you will find only the left overs. The clerks ate always in a better humor at the present time than they are a month from now, and they can materially assist you in making your selections, but with the rush of last hour shoppers they have no time to render that assistance. Now, just ponder over it a minute is there any valid reason why you cannot make your purchases now? Of course not. And if you'll think a few minutes more you'll make up your mind to not only get the pick of the stocks, which are now be ing put on display, but you'll decide to take compassion on the clerks. DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY FIBSHSSUE Come Out Today for First Time this Term Is Ably Kdlled and Well Patronized o rum ' woman who eats meat repil- .;!v rir -i , a mistake by fliialiinu the mui.i ; . j '' !-. m-iIiv, says a well known nit 'inrity. V! .it forinr. urio acid w'lieii xcitis the k 1'iiiey.i, tln-y become over worked from t. ? strain. n't sliiL'p.-h end f il to filter the waste and poisons from kiie blood, then We get sick. Nearly nil rheumatism, heiid.clief-, liver trouble. ervousneRH, dizzine, bleeplossneps and rii ary disorders oumo from slug"'-: Keys. e moment you feel .- dull ache i ...i.eys or your back huita or if i . urine is cloudy, oflens' e, full of sc !. ment, irregular of passe .-e or attended ! scns.itioo of scalding, rton eating nuv nl p't about four o.ineeb of o'--tilts from ar.y pharinry ; tik. tahlespoonful in a glass of water Ltfj!. breakfast, and in ft few devs roi'r will net line. This famo'is salts is wv from the acid of grapes '.r.u lemon ju'.'.e combined with litJua, a for generatiena to flu the kidneys also to ne in urine it no longer thus cri'lincr bladder w lad saUs ii inexp' injure: mus a deli litlna-A'attT ilrink should take nw ai' kidnevs clean and u us md 'he leod pure tlieret'V avoic . .;j wrious 1 : eouipl.ut.v.ru. f? m WE WANT YOUR HIDES -FURS PELTS We buy outright and pay Highest Prices, or we tan and make them into Garments, Robes or Leather. Our new tannery now in full operation. Added facili ties insure better work, quieker service. Ship us your hides and save the niiddleman's profit yourself. We guar antee highest prices for raw hides and furs and make lowest prices for tanning and garment making. We do taxidermy and repair work. Reference any bank in city. Come in and see us. OMAHA ROBE & TANNING CO., 405 No. 27th Street, South Omaha, Nebr. ! lias been iu-u rtnl ptimt'Iat .rsl.rf tl. sti lt iiUi ? ir. -Station, : :-rvi ct.nnof .f il e:r.n. . v.H icl everyone 'ben to f eeii the THE MIRACLE OFJUFE Silent Fle f(r Motherhood An Apieal for IW'tU-r Iliiblei A Blow to Divorce The Thanksgiving number of The Spud, the official publication of the Alliance high school, made its ap pearance today, being fresh off the Herald press. The first number of the school year is always looked up on us a criterion for the future is sues, and this one augurs well for the other numbers. The reading matter is put up in ex cellent and interesting style, and will prove of interest not only to the stud ents but to patrons as well. The is sue is well patronized by the adver tisers, and nearly all of the principal business firms in Alliance are repre sented. The Stft Editor-in-Chief, Marian Mote. Associate Editor, Lester Harvey. Business Manager, Norman Newberry. Asst. Business Manager, Huch Dav enport. Subscription Manager, Janet (Jrass man. Asst. Subscription Manager, Tressa Vandervoort. Organization Editor, Ethel Clary. Exchange Editor. Walter Williams. Athletic Editor, Howard Bennett. Staff Artist, Jeannette Haney. Tla-ss Kdltorx Senior. Mildred Campbell. Junior, Jeanette Haney. Sophomore, Ethel Nation. Freshmen, Mabel Young. The subscription price of the Spud is fifty cents for the school year, or ! fifteen cents for a single copy. Plen ty or extra copies of this issue are be ing printed, and It is thought the pu pils will have no trouble in dispos ing of them. The next Issue will be in January, and will be the mid winter number. Many centuries ago three wise men of the East followed a star Its light has led the wise men and wom en of the world ever since. Through love, self-sacrifice, Joy, pain, devo tion, it guides humanity to the shrine )ot all ages the child. That this miracle of life may be perpetually performed, the multitudes of men and women toil, striving by their la bors to make the earth a fitter place to cradle the race, and to win for future generations a fuller, freer life And yet, many a young wife, aglow with vitality, and happy in her love has recoiled bitterly from her trust at the first whisper of the voice of the Angel of Renunciation. The theme handled in the feature photo-play, "The Miracle of Life. which comeB to the Empress Thanks giving night, is one that will have a direct appeal to every wife and moth er in Alliance. The play has receiv ed the endorsement of all the lead ing women's clubs throughout the country, and that fact that it played at the Strand in Denver for a solid week Is sufficient proof of its draw ing power. W' ."V i" .'-1 pj tfStf-iiwflSijE:' For its wonderful accuracy, its safety and con venience, and its effectiveness for small game -xX$' anc target shooting, ycu should buy TTie TX.rrtn .22 D?mVB"lin;i re l.wt.T lia. mnL quirk m. Kanim and striinc. Mfplvfim. Inirtmn. Ha f -nsille. vuible hainmer. It lkf uown r.ilr. You can look through th barrel it clean from both ends. .SI CaLIBRf Repeating Rifle Model 20, as illuitrated. Z $r7?v inch octagon barrel, 1 5 aw 25 shots, $12.30. I,. KA i.IT f j CVi ;v miurytrorn drft-ctive cartridges, from ahella. powder and VSfc galea. The Sida Ejection thrnwa ahella away to the aide ne ver up acroat your line of tight. Hanrilea all .22 abort. .22 lona anJ .22 ln.ril1 r.r. ing Ilia hollow-point hunting cartridge. Accurate to 200 yarda. A perfect in iui raooua, aquirreia, nawaa, crowg, etc ZJZarfin .22 repeater alao made b kajnraarleaa and lever-action Bodek. TZo TffsnJn Afarrm9 fit s."d 3e po'amfor complete cal- a Willow St. New Haven. Conn, mg'riflee luSahotgT Mode! 29. 23-inch round barrel. 15 shots. $10.50 OUT OF PROPORflOH Fourteen Divt.rceti for Tills Term Court Separation Alxiut sut Numerous u-h Marriages of 5551 1: CHRISTMAS is COMING S3 Beware of Cheap Substltutea In these days of keen competition It Is important that the public should see that they get Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and not take substi tutes sold for the sake of extra profit Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has stood the test and been approved for more than forty yean. Obtainable everywhere. No, Alliance isn't a Reno, but just the same the number of divorce cases on the docket for this week's term of district court is rather startling. There are fourteen of them count 'em. and the reasons they are want ed, as filed in the complaints, are as numerous and varied as the colors of the rainbow. Now, for comparison, take the number of marriape licenses that have been issued. They average about two or three a week. That is possibly 150 a year, but remember that at each of the terms during the year there are nearly always several divorce cases. When these are total ed and this total is put against the number of licenses issued well, they're not getting married much faster than they are getting divorced. Marriage Licence A marriage license was issued last Thursday to Earl H. Sutherland and Nelle M. Grant, both of Madison, Ne braska, and a license was issued Monday to Robert Austin and Josey Chambers, both of Bayard. ii 2 . 7 I? It is high time to bein selecting gifts for your friends and loved ones. year we have an especial ly pleasing stock of appropri ate gifts for all the family. A nice piece of jew elry is one of the best and most lasting gifts that can be presented, and it is a constant reminder of the giver. Here are a few suggestions: Rings Necklaces Wrist Watches Bracelets Emblems Lavaliers Watches Cut Glass Vanity Cases Stickpins Clocks Mesh Bags We engrave all articles free of charge, but we would suggest that you make your selections ear ly so we can do your engraving when you want it, thus avoiding the eleventh hour rush. We guarantee every article purchased, whether it is costly or inexpensive you get the best quality just the same. t 1 it r. V .fV XT The Jeweler In Hrennan's Drii"; Stoif: 9 If 15 if 52 3ff as 1 5 - m S1 The Jeweler , r-Z-JJJ j. 26