The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 25, 1915, Thanksgiving Edition, Image 6

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Standard Grocery Co.
One Price Store
k imam M tMm ttt i i 1 1 ttt J
20 )vr cent off on all our whole
K&n roasted codecs. (J round
steel cut by our new Hoyal
Electric Mill which reinovcN
tho chaff nnd muddy effect
which is produced by tho old
methods of grinding.
123 W. THIRD
Corner of Laramie
Delicious Hot Drinks
the Cold Days and Evenings
The kind of pure food drinks that "warm you up" and make
you feci better all over. Come In after the show before you go
home and get a good, warm drink. Everything la served Drennan
tyle and that's the boot. Juwt take a look at these tempting
Chicken, Clam, Tomato, IWf
Croaro of Tomato, Vegetable
Oyster Stew
Oyster Cocktail, Chill
Hot Drinks
Chocolate, Malted Milk, lem
onade, Coffee
Any kind that you want
We use our own make of Mayonnalne drowsing on all our saladB.
Drop In the nt time you're down this way. We'll make you feel
at bom.
On Quality Corner
Carl SpHcht wan an Alllanre visit
or Sunday.
Clel and Jark AMy were Alliance
calh rn Sunday.
Mtr. John (irntnniit Ik visiting her
father, Wm. Fosket.
Simon and Andrew Iverson were
town shoppers Saturday.
Mr. Hnrrett returned today from a
vtnit to Iowa and Omaha.
1). W. Hutlff Ppent Sunday with
the home folks In Alliance.
Mr. Mutton is bark from a trip to
the eaBtern part of the state.
Mrs. Fonket spent a few days with
her dauehter Mrs. Walt Weddle of
Mr. nnd Mrs. K. L. l'lerre and Ion
ald a u toed to Alliame Sunday after
noon. K. Franxen took S. A. (Jiimes to
Sioux county Tuesday on a cattle
buylnp trip.
Mrs. I'earl Lorensen left Tuesday
for a visit at Johnstown and Alns
worth, Nebr.
Since the weather cleared up Hem
Intford Is over run with spud and
train wacons.
W. K. McClutiR left Sunday morn
ing on a business trip to Ilyannls and
Thedford, Nebr.
Flic Underwood nnd Mr. Vopel of
Snake Creek were attending the sale
In town Monday.
Mrs. Pupt. Walker was an over
Sunday visitor with Mrs. Richard
Kenner of Alliance.
The City Garage have rented the
small room to the south of their gar
age from Fred Mellck. nnd are fixing
It up for ofllce use this winter.
The Methodist Ladies' Aid met
with Mrs. Ire rhilllps this week. Last
week they met at the home of Mrs.
Kibbler, who served a delightful
Ed Mabln and bride returned the
last of the week from their trip to
Illinois. Ed is driving a new "(Hide
Six" which he purchased while away,
and drove home.
a a m
The meetings at the Methodist
church will continue through this
week. Rev. Painter Is preaching very
Interesting and forcible sermons and
the music Is especially attractive
O. A. Fendrlck has moved a small
house onto the rear of the lot he re
cently purchased of A. M. Miller and
will fix It up for a residence. Later
on he plans on building an up-to-date
a a
One of the Harris boys, accompan
ied by Mrs. HarrlB and Miss Hazel
Mickey, was in town Saturday on his
way to Alliance from Agate, Nebr.
Mr. Harris was driving the Hudson
Six. which they purchased late in the
nn i o iiirrnrrtT lit n i in
MI IN I r Hr I IN HA Pi It I
UULLU lllla.IIL.WI 111 Vnilll
A. II. t'M'y lU'tirt'H front i'nnc
IJon vtltli 1'ln.t State Kink W.
J. Hoot Taken His Place
A. M. Copsey, who since Its organ
ization has been cashier of the First
State Hank, this week disposed of
his Interests In the institution, and
V. J. Root, for the past several
months assistant cashier, has been
elected to take hlR place. This Is
the only change effected by Mr. Cop
pey's retiring, the ollicers and direct
ors remaining the same. Dr. It. A.
Copsey continues as president, and
Ceo. A. Mollring vice president.
Mr. Root, the new cashier, is n
young man of more than ordinary
ability in the banking business. II'
has had more than thirteen years of
experience, three of which were
spent In Ohio, and the past ten years
In Nt braska. From Ohio he came to
Sargent, Nebr., where he was assist
ant cashier of the First National
Itank, and later became cashier. Af
ter selling out there he ppent six
months in New Mexico, and later re
turned to Loup City and accepted a
position as assistant cashier of the
Loup City State Itank, which posi
tion he occupied until ho came to Al
liance about three montliB ago to en
ter the First State Rank.
More than one-half of the motor ears you see are Fords.
Count thorn. The facts are plain, because the Ford car has a
record for efficiency and performance which HpeakH for itself.
In city and country, through summer and winter, through serv
ice it has become the universal car. Easy to drive and easy to
care for, and economical in operation and maintenance. Mark
the universal service behind them.
Touring Car, $476.76 Roadster, $426.75
Delivered in Alliance
Why Pay More? Why Experiment?
Demonstrations Aren't Obligations
Alliance Odd 1 Vllous Attended Meet
ing of North rintto Valley As.
MK-latioit at Neighttor City
Perry Mailey, Lr. II. II. Rellwood,
F. A. Trabert. F. W. Hicks and Mr.
and Mrs. John It. Snyder attended
the meeting of the North Platte Val
ley I. O. O. F. District Association ut
Bridgeport Tuesday.
The association Is composed of
the valley lodges and the Alliance
lodge. The next meeting is to be held
at Alliance. oBth business and so
cial sessions are held and a large
number attend the sessions of the
Saturday evening at the Methodist
church occurred the wedding of Miss
Helen Huss and Charles Brott, both
of this place. The bride wore a cos
tume of white serge, and carried an
arm bouquet of yellow chrysanthe
mums. Miss Lucile Huss was maid
of honor, and Alex Olds wns best
man. Rupt. Walker and Gail Price
were ushers. Faye and Adrian Clark
were the pillow bearers. Rev. Pal
mer officiated, and Mrs. Palmer play
ed the wedding march. Following
the ceremony a reception was held in
the church parlors, and after the con
gratulations and best wishes had
been tendered the happy couple a
wedding supper was served In the
church dining rooms. About seventy-live
guests were present. The pres
ents received were numerous and
beautiful. Among the out-of-town
guests were the groom's sister and
husband, Mr. and Mrs. Hail of Alli
ance; and airs. KODert Annerson 01
Brule, Nebr.
IKiath of Mrs. Charles llrann
Friends here will be sorry to hear
of the death of Mrs. Charles Brann,
which occurred at her home In Lin
coln, 219 South 2rth street, October
31. She will be remembered as the
wife of Chas. Brann, who was at one
time in the grocery business In Alli
ance. After the funeral services, the
remains were borne to her old home
Hems of Interest from the Different
I tiiiblings Schools Dismissed
for Thanksgiving Day
The high bcliool examinations were
held Tuesday aud Wednesday and
the grade examinations Wednesday.
A recent letter from Paul Camp
bell, son of Dr. Campbell, stales tuai
he m now In China, aud that lie is
seeing luoul ol the voiivi tu uu; bciv
K't'B of the navy.
Iu a practice bas i bull fcau.L
Wednesday between iue iiiautuij
iimiti grade girls aud Ut iwgli bcnoui
girls lu tne same grade, itiv acuK-
young ladies were v.norioud i
good margin.
liie Juniors are now working ou
their clatss play, "Why Smuu Leu I
Home , wuicu will De rendered on
me evening ot December 10. "liie
play Is a comedy, wnu a li burnt
hprinkling of dramauc bUuationt,
uuu in going to be a cticieo.
The schools were tlisuusneii eii-
uesduy eveuing lor the i iutitKngi ing
holidays, wuicu m ea U.i lUtl meie vmii I
bo uu more btuool unnl ui .iouaa
morning. TUe oui-ot-iown pupns
are enjoying the respite trout mew
studies by fclieudlUK the week end
Willi home tolas.
The Senior class pins were reviv
ed tuis week, and Uiey are beauties.
They are small, and are the shape ot
a shield. At the top are the itomau
numerals "16", and the word "Alli
ance" extendi) across beneath the
numerals in a Beiul-cinle, with the
letters H. S. Just beneath. At the
bottom of the pin is the reproduction
of a miniature "spud" raised from
the background.
This week the pupils In the grade
schools brought their annual Thanks
giving offering. Kacta year at this
time the pupils each bring some ar
ticle of food or clothing, and on
Thanksgiving day these articles are
delivered to tke needy over town. Tl.e
plan is one that meets with greater
approval as each year passes, and of
late the offerings collectively repre
sent a wagon load or more of useful
articles which never fail to bring
happiness to nil who are in the re
ceiving line.
Hough Dry, 0 rrnt. a mhiihI-
Alliaute Steam laundry.
a a
Among ttie Alliance students who
are attending school elsewhere, and
who will be here to enjoy Thanksgiv
ing festivities with home folks are
Michael, Martin and Frances Nolan,
at Weeping Water, this state. andjf Omaha, Bernard Holsten, from
How ! (Jive me the address of your old friends back East that
you believe would profit by becoming a land owner in your neighbor
hood. I will do my part to locate them in the West. Farmers of the
Middle States have had good crops for the past two seasons and with
their surplus money are in good position to either homestead or buy
outright low priced lands in Western Nebraska, Eastern Colorado,
Wyoming, South Dakot a and Montana. The coming season is our
best chance in years to locate Eastern people on Western lands. Let
u tell them of our big crops and the splendid chance the West offers
them for a home and increased land value. Do you want them or
ball some other locality secure them 7
This is, also, an appeal to commercial clubs and countv onraniza-
tions along the Burlington to secure for me acceptable Bample yields
oi your laio products lor exhibit in our Exhibit Koom in Chicago
It is a tine chance to advertise your locality. 1
will take care of these after they have been de
live red at the Burlington Station prepared for
1004 Farnara Street, Omaha, Neb.
there Interred near other family
friends. Mrs. Brann was known here
and elsewhere as being a faithful and
loving wife, and also a woman of
wide public Interests. She made
many friends here while a resident
and they will regret to learn of her
decease. The husband and a son,
Arthur, are left to mourn the loss of
a companion and mother, and the
sympathy of Alliance friends is ex
tended to them In their bereavement.
ill i
Lincoln, and Kiting Bennett, of Lin
coln, who will be accompanied by a
friend, Mr. Hagar.
Fined for Fighting
Ray Tompkins and Arthur Wood
ard each drew a tine of 25 and costs
before Judge Roberts Wednesday
morning on a charge of fighting. It
seems that the altercation started
Tuesday afternoon when Woodard
and Charles Wykoff were playing
"dollar" pool. Tompkins appeared
and proceeded to "break" the balls
with a handy cue. Woodard took the
matter up, and a fight was proposed.
but he remarked that he didn't want
to fight in a man'a place of business.
Accordingly the principals hied them
selves to the Vaughan & Son coal
yard where the Bcrap was pulled off,
ratch-as-catch-can. Both the princi
pals showed signs of wear when they
were balled Into court, and specta
tors declared that from the marks It
must have been a "draw." Wykoff
was brought before the Judge on the
charge of playing pool for stakes, but
the case was dismissed on account of
Insufficient evidence. In the mean
time Tompklna and Woodard are
settling their dispute in the city jail.
Oil - AX t MUTUAL HUltHnovnb
9 mak r iumivitll
To the People of Alliance and Vicinity
We wish to call your attention to the Opening of the NEW
will always find the very best of groceries at the lowest prices.
Here you will find prices th:it will appeal to your pocket-book
you will be treated with all courtesy.
We are at your service ;il all times, to fill your grocery
wiuils, and a trial order will convince you that our prices aro
rigid and you will save money.
Order now for Thanksgiving. We have the necessaries.
Telephone us, and we will lake care of you.
It Standard Grocery Co.
Corner Third and Laramie
Headquarters for Farmers Telephone 41
For Your Baby.
The Signature of
r0 C WS -
is the only guarantee that you have ths
prepared by him for over 30 years.
YOU'LL give YOUR baby the BEST
Your Physician Knows Fletcher's Castoria.
Sold only in one size bottle, never in bulk
or otherwise; to protect the
The Centaur Company,
Always the Best Work
Estimate gtaitly furnihel Work, guaranteed to please
POR Christmas
your photograph.
It carries the per
sonal thought ot the giv
er, is simple, appropriate
and creates no greater
obligation than the kind
ly thought it bears.
Make the appointment early.
" riffle