L.. ." --. . - ..iKr-i " -ir i We wish to announce to the people of Alliance and vicinity that we have purchased the interest of E. I. Gregg in the firm of Gregg & O'Bannon and that the firm name will hereafter be O'Bannon Brothers. Mr. Gregg will retire from the business in which he has been interested for a number of years and the firm will be composed of Dick O'Bannon, who purchased an interest some time ago, and Oscar O'Bannon. who is well known to many. We will buy and sell. This announcement gives the lines which will be handled by us. We feel that our extended experience in buying and selling these lines of produce, etc., willbe of value to our customers. We have one of the best and most com pletely equipped plants in the city and begin business knowing that we will receive our share. Our motto will be "satisfied customers." Our large buying and selling facilities will benefit those who trade with us. If you are not now a cnstomer we invite you to call and get acquainted. Alliance people are invited to phone us a trial order, phone 155. We wish to thank those who have already extended their best wishes and patronage to the new firm. Very respectfully, OSCAR AND DICK O'BANNON E CD). ohL1 Y POTATOES We represent the largest Potato Commission Firm in the country Albert Miller & Company of Chicago. Large cellars for storing. Bring your spuds to us. GRAIN GRAIN Bring us your grain. Special attention will be given to the handling of all kinds of grain. Glad to furnish quotations. Potatoes, Grain, Hides and Furs wi be handled in any amounts. We wi do a general commission business. CUSTOM GRINDING ides and Furs We can handle hides and furs in large quan tities. The highest market price will be paid. Ask for quotations at any time. We are al ways here ami ready to handle your business and look out for your interests. BRING US YOUR HIDES A7 VAill Pay the Highest " rT.VV,. 1111 111,1 !;-""" ! wiimii iMiMi mm mmm miw iirtiiH fti ir ul iiniMnmr namhn i rwni im 11 "tnrx 1 Market Prices ail t-m't M 1 WE w COAL Coal of all kinds for heating stoves, cooking stoves and furnaee use. We sell both COLORADO COAL from the Owl Creek mines. Best qual ity. Burns well. SHERIDAN COAL We sell the best grades of Sheridan Coal. JW,,I5'"-'.,'-,.vr' jjit ''!' Irfi'i' 1 V K';H r c ft w of all kinds for Horses and Cattle Hay and Grain, Wheat, Oats, Corn, Chops, Shorts and Bran mm iiAiin wrsnmm V IJIIV Will III I LL I 111 IBM nil I 1 1 1 1 1 n rrrii mint! O'BANNON BROS. PROMPT CITY DELIVERY FLOUR Housewives know that our brands of hiph patent flour from the well known CKKTK and CURTIS Mills are the Best. Graham and Corn Meal. SALT in any quanties. Ask for prices. Guaranteed the best. By handling large quantities we can sell you at cheaper prices. r v DJ CD)(rs DICK O'BANNON 212 LARAMIE AVENUE Successors to Oregg & O'Bannon PHONE 155 OSCAR O'BANNON ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA