FAMOU LARGEST STORE TOR MEN AND BOYS IN WESTERN NEBRASKA LARGEST STORE TOR MEN AND BOYS IN WESTERN NEBRASKA 1 A Splendid Showing of Winter Wear for Mem and Boys THE MAN WHO IS HARD TO FIT IS ALWAYS WELCOME AT THE FAMOUS Our Mammoth Stock will satisfy all preferences. More nationally advertised lines than any other store in Northwest Nebraska. This is a guarantee to you against cheap shoddy merchandise. A Bargain can always be had at the FAMOUS. EVERY DESIRABLE FABRIO AND PATTERN IS OFFERED TO PLEASE THE TASTES OF ALL MEN The Supremacy of the Famous has never been more fully emphasized than this season You will have to examine the hundreds and hundreds of new Suits and Overcoats to appreciate our emphasis on the statements of larger and better buying facilities and consequent value giving. Here Are a Few Evidences of Our Buying Power Vellastic Ribbed Fleece-lined Union Suits, $1.25 values, specially priced, at $1.00 Our 7.50 line of Hand-Made Sweater Coats, this week $5.00 Munsing's heavy winter weight Union Suits $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 $2.50, $3.50, $4.00 Special Boys' Shirts, 35c val ue, for this week 19c Boys' Shirt Waists, 35c values, this week 19c The biggest lino of Men's Outin? Gowns 75c, 85c, $1 $125, $1.50 Big, full made, 60 inches long A $3.50 guaranteed Corduroy Pants for Men brown and greys, all sires, special at $2.50 For the social season wc have selected a line of Dress Suits of the HART, SCHAFFNEK & MARX make the one standard at really sensible prices. AND UP TO HART, SCHAITNKH & MARX great est Suit, "Varsity Fifty-Five" the greatest Suit for Style, Fit and Appearance that was ever designed for Young Men nil grades ,0 $25 S30 $35 We were particularly fortunate this year in the selection of Overcoats, and an investigation will prove this to you. HART, SCHAFFXER & MARX predominates. TO Extra OvercoatSpecial 50 Balmaroon fine snappy all wool Coats, worth $20; on sale this week at 11 Gives you your choice of cassi meres, cheviots and worsteds in Suits that would readily be considered bargains in Rome stores at $18.00. THE FAMOUS Uf Line Men's Suits arc really wonderful all the fine hand tailoring that is shown in the high grades is in this line. We are especially strong in sizes 38 to 48 Regulars and Stouts. In the selection of your purchases you will be assisted by either Marcus F rankle, Percy Cogswell, David Kauffman, Frank Rumer, all men of long experience and experts in their line. 100 Boys' Suits, double-breasted, and knickerbocker pants, values up to $6.00 mstly large sizes, 11 to 16.- Your free choice $2.98 200 pairs Boys' Knickerbocker Pants, values 59c, 69c and 75c. This week special at, pair 39c 120 pairs Little (Jents' Shoes sizes 9 tc 13, all leather-oak soles, wax calf bluchers, worth $1.50. This week only 98c To Buy Right is to Sell Right Springtex Union Suits, adver tised Lu Saturday Evening Post for $1.00. Our special price this week 79c 50 dozen Boys' Hose sizes G to 10, regular lUc values, this week, pair 6c Boys' waicrprool iicavy Mack inaws, sizes 6 to 16 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 $6.50 Boys' 75c Union Suit sizes 4 to 16. this week 48c Boys' Winter Caps, regular 39c alue, this week 25c One lot of Men's Wool Under- bhirts, regular $1.25 valuef 69c Men's $1.25 fine Dress Shirts, colors absolutely guaranteed against the laundry, special 98c You Will See it First,if its Right at The Famous 1 Die Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits and Overcoats, Walkover Shoes, Holeproof Hose, Munsing Wear, Stetson Hats, Manhattan Shirts Member of United National Clothiers, Largest Buying Syndicate In America of Our Lines Remember, if its Good The Famous Sells it for Less