The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 11, 1915, Image 9

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    1 ,
s Co??
if ustzr
and hs Po$
7b ihz store of
w ill vniissrz0.k irs
All Day Wednesday, November 17
Grand Free
Everybody Invited! An Entertainment that Will
Amuse and Interest Both Young and Old.
Reception will be held in front of the store on platform at 4:00 p. m. If bad weather, it will be
held at the New Empress
Free Souvenir to Every Boy and Girl
e BATES The charg-a for both reg-n
tar nd special edition la le per wort
per insertion, alx word to the line.
Advertlaera ao dealrlnf mar nave aa
nren to their adTertiaement addreaa
d to a box number, care of The Bar
drertlaemenU charred to patron
having- account are measured by tht
Itae, not by tb word.
N.B. The Herald cannot be respo
aJfcle for more than one wrong laser
tton due to typographical error. N.
alaim for error can be allowed aftei
Me ISth of the following month. Anr
vertlsement Inserted to run antl
iiarblddea must be stopped by writu
FOR RENT Several suite of
atoms for light housekeeping, mod
era. Mrs. Michael Bayer, 219 Yel
sewstone. Phone 621.
at 21-tf-6U7
rnn hat.e REASONABLE See-
oatd-hand Ford touring car in good
running condition.
FOR RENT Modernly furnished
front room, close In. Phone 151.
Money to loan on real estate.
Railroad men can secure a very tisa
ftsl book at The Herald office. It la
dally time book for trainmen and en
Ilnemen. The price la reasonable.
MONEY TO LOAN on your land
Write the First Mortgage Loan & Se
ourlty Co., Council Bluffs. Iowa.
We hare equipped our dray wag'
as and auto truck with the latest
appliances for moving furniture
without marring or scratching or
damage. Up-to-date wagon pad-
will be used by us on all moving Jobs
JOHN R. SNYDER, Phone 15.
Buy your receipt books, legal
blanks, blank notes, all kinds of
blanks at The Herald office. Price
easonable. A bin assortment.
Office blanks and blank loose-leaf
books for sale at The Herald office
nose 140 and a representative will
TENANT WANTED for two sec
tions of land. Improved, eight miles
from Alliance. Write J. F. Dlneen.
Columbus, Nebr.
Old papers for sale at The Herald
fflee 5 cents a bunon.
Subscribe for The Herald 11.10
per year.
thinner's Macaroni Prod nets.
ssade In Nebraska, Ask yonr groe-
r. Adv.
Delicious Hot Drinks
the Cold Days and Evenings
The kind of pure food drinks that "warm you up" and make
you feel better all over. Come In after the show before you go
home and get a good, warm drink. Everything Is served Brennan
styleand that's the best Just take a look at these tempting
Chicken, Clam, Tomato, Beef
Cream of Tomato, Vegetable
Oyster Stew
Oyster Cocktail, Chili
Hot Drinks
Chocolate, Malted Milk, Lem
onade, Coffee
Sandwiches '
Any kind that you want
We use our own make of Mayonnaise dressing on all our salads.
Drop In the next time you're down this way. We'll make you feel
at home.
On Quality Corner
City t'ouiiril iNf-ldee to Draw New
Ordinance KlimlnAtin Objec
the tloiutblc Km turf
The city council chamber was
packed to overflowing Tuesday even
ing at the regular council meeting
for this month. There were a num
ber of the local dairymen and sever
al farmers present, they being there
at the invitation of Mayor Itomlg to
discuss ordinance number 214, which
pisnod first, second and third read
ing at the October meeting and w hich
was published in The Herold follow
ing. L. II. Highland, president of the
Retail Merchants Association, was
present and presented a remon
strance against the ordinance, signed
by local business men and citizens.
Mr. Highland stated that he had had
conversations with consumers who
were of the opinion that the ordin
ance would Increase the price of
dairy products, as they were of the
opinion that the producers would
have to Increase the price to the con
sumer. He stated that no two per
sons seemed to understand the ordin
ance In the same light and that a
number seemed to think that It was
class legislation in favor of the Alli
ance Creamery an erroneous idea.
He believed that it would be wise to
not adopt the present ordinance.
Enoch Boyer, dairyman, stated
that he had not paid much attention
to the ordinance but that he was of
the opinion that the state laws cover
ed the matter.
L. M. Beal, dairyman, stated that
he thought it the duty of the state to
look after the inspection of cattle and
dairies. He stated that his dairy
had never been inspected, that a state
olllcer had stopped there last Bum
mer but that he dl dnot inspect the.
cattle, and that he did not know that
the state hud ever Inspected the cat
tle In the county. He believed the
license to be out of place and that it
was the main objection against the
The clerk read the ordlnanco sec
tion by section and It was discussed
in this way.
W. E. Spencer, manager of the
Alliance Creamery, stated that the
creamery had approximately 1.000
patrons and that if the ordinance was
allowed to go Into effect In Its pres
ent form, It would require the pat
rons to have all cows Inspected and
take out licenses. He thought that
certain things about the ordinance
were very good and that the state
law covered things very well.
Mrs. Ole Davlg asked regarding
the butter proposition and stated that
she had read In the Alliance TlmeB
that butter could not be Bold In town
unless a license was secured. Mr.
Sallows, editor of the Times, stated
that he had been misinformed and
that the article was Incorrect.
The mayor stated that Lincoln and
Omaha have butter ordinances but
the ordinance under discussion did
not effect butter. He read from the
state laws, showing that the lnspec-
The well known anil strictly hlKh-grade If. L. Phillips Upright
Grand for which we challinKe comparison with any ZioO instru
ment sold by any other dealer. Beautifully proportioned colfnial
case, lull aize: lull Irnitth muaic dealt: button roll fall board-
grand empire top; tuning pins bushed in liurd rook maple; acale
is lull aeven and one-third ortavea, with triple unisons and
extra heavy overatrunK coppered bans; action is quick double re-
ueatinit. Very reapofimve and siiecially built lor this piano; genu
ine ivory keys: hammers of extra tine uualily and extra heavr.
The acale haa been pronounced by fine critics to be auHolutely and
musically accurate and the tune beautiful, full value allowed
for second-hand piunos in exchange. rJasy payments.
This is just one of over 200 record-breakinir, muney-aavlnir
specials in i-ianua. flayer i'lanoa, Oruana. victrola Outhta and
other instrument dexenbed and illuatrated in our big Holiday
ouiieun ju issued, w rue lor iree copy ub coupon below.
Knight-Campbell Music Co., Denver. Send me, prepaid, your
viy uuuuiini unrisunas Bargain ouueun.
Get Rid of Those Poisons In Your
System I
You will find Dr. King's New Life
Pills a most satisfactory laxative In
releasing the poisons from your sys
tem. Accumulated waste and pois
ons cause manifold ailments unless
released. Dizziness, spots before the
eyes, blackness and a miserable feel
ing generally are Indications that you
need Dr. King's New Life Pills. Take
a dose tonight and you will experi
ence grateful relief by morning. 25c
There Is more Catarrh In this sec
tion of the country than all other
diseases put together, and until the
last few years was supposed to be In
curable. For a great many years
doctors pronounced It a local disease
and prescribed local remedies, and
by constantly failing to cure with lo
cal treatment, pronounced It Incurs
ble. Science has proven Catarrh to
be a constitutional disease, and there
fore requires constitutional treat
ment Hall's Catarrh Cure, manu
factured by F. J. Cheney ft Co., To
ledo, Ohio, Is the only Constitutional
cure on the market. It is taken In
ternally. It acts directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. They offer one hundred
dollars for any case it falls to cure.
8end for circulars and testimonials
Address: F. J. Cheney ft Co., To
ledo, o.
Bold by Druggists, 7 So.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
tlon proposition Is optional with the
state officials. The mayor further
stated that It was not Intended that
a hardship should be worked on any
one but that the proposition of prop
er sanitary conditions was in view.
Before the present ordinance was
drawn up he had secured copies of
the ordinances covering the proposi
tion from Chadron. North Matte,
Norfolk, Hastings, Nebraska City and
Lincoln, and that the Alliance ordin
ance was mild compared with some
of them. While the Box Dutte coun
ty cattle were not liable to tubercu
losis there was danger of cattle which
were shipped In having It, and an
ordinance requiring inspection
should be In effect for the protection
of Infants. He stated that he had
been "bothered almost to death" by
people who secured a wrong Idea of
tho ordinance, one lady calling him
up from thirty miles out to let him
know that she "didn't have to sell
her eggs in Alliance" and that a
farmer nearly threatened to assassin
ate him because he "couldn't sell his
spnds" In this city.
L. S. Campbell, well known veter
inarian, stated that he wanted to see
the ordinance passed, that tubercular
cows have been sold here and are
still here, that manure has been tak
en from Alliance, fed to cows and
the milk sold here, that In the past
cows had been watered from the
sewer1 overflow. Mr. Campbell stat
ed that he had lived In Alliance for
eleven years and had no protection,
and that the town people want pro
tection against unhealthy cows, that
the tuberculin test was ninety-five
per cent accurate and that tubercu
losis can be communicated from cat
tle to human beings.
Jack Rlordan, well known saloon
man, stated that be bad signed the
remonstrance because be was told
that the ordinance prohibited the
selling of "butter, eggs, potatoes and
grain," that he knew there were tu
bercular cows and that he believed
they should be compelled to undergo
an Inspection.
Councilman Was stated that the
Intended purpose of the council was
to see that the cows were put to the
test for tuberculosis and to prevent
the spread of contagious diseases,
that the license proposition was not
given serious consideration, that the
dairy business was an important one
to nox nutte county and that It
should be given every encourage
ment. He moved that the proposed
ordinance be not given final approv
al, that a new ordinance be drawn up
requiring all cows to be given the tu
berculosis test and that all milk re
ceptacles be under the supervision of
the city henlth department. The mo
tion vis carried.
Councllmnn Pavls stated that he
wanted a new ordinance thnt would
be fair to all and that would require
Inspection. E. O. Lnlng stated that
inspection was necessary and that he
was In favor of It. Former Mayor
Ttodgers stated that he believed all
of the business men to be in favor of
Inspection but that the new ordinance
should bo modified.
Before the new ordinance is pass
ed by the council It will be given by
the mayor to the newspapers so that
all concerned may have an opportun
ity to see it and enter their objec
tions, If any.
Two choice lots, Toluca avenue;
side walk, sewer, east front, choice
location. Terms reasonable. En
quire of W. V. Beal. Telephone 782.
nov 4-2t-6484
oDusty's Dabblingslf
There are 2,764 languages la tra
istence, but there are some peofw
that can't even talk one of there a-lelllgently.
last Saturday 250 chickens
shipped from Lincoln to San Fr
Cisco for the exposition. These w
supposed to be the pick of the
of Nebraska, and will probably
ceed In taking many prises. WbatT
No it wasn't that kind of chlckeem
We mean hens and roosters.
You can always find plenty of mtm
bragging about their honesty, bat It
has been our observation that'
banker demands first-class securttr
from them, as well as from otaer
The trouble with those fellows wfce
claim they can take a drink or leave
it alone Is that they take a drink se
prove it.
There are times when a reporter
gets a cold stare from people wheat
he asks them where they are golnc.
and Interpreted that said stare meaasv
"Is it any of your business T" Hov
ever, most of these kind of people
don't know a reporter from a physi
cian, and they probably think be as
some "strange man" trying to
Into their secrets.
Pet Idea
Smashed !
Of course you know
our dear old friend, the
ichthyosaurus, is as dead
as a doornail.
He's about as out of
date as the idea that
newspaper advertising
doesn't pay.
Newspaper advertis
ing absolutely pays under
two ccnJitions: When
the newspaper is a gcoJ
medium and when the
advertising is properly
displayed and truthful.
U pays the merchant
arid it pays the buyer.
Experience has proved
this a million times.
This paper is a good
Spread It on Thick
Split a hot biscuit and spread it thick with "Diamond A". Taste the fine flavor
of this appetizing dainty. Eat "Diamond A" aplenty, because it's wholesome, nour
ishing, and a fine food of rare quality.
Use It on your table at every meal. Use It for your cooking, your baking, your
candy making. "Diamond A" Is GOOD and it cuts down the cost of the table, too.
"Diamond A" is made in pin-neat surroundings. It's made right here In Alli
ance, and we Invite you to come and witness the butter-making process. It comes
to you as sweet as a nut and as inviting as the morning. Everything that touches ft
Is thoroughly sterilized, and It is not touched by human hands.
The cream that goes into "Diamond A" is thoroughly pasteurised, and come
from contented cows that are fed on ensilage In winter and luscious grass in summer.
The cream Is separated by modern cream separators, which Insures Its being clean as
now. Buy It and try it and you'll be back for more.
Sold by All Alliance Grocer and fas
Sturouitdlng Towns
Alliance Creamery Company