Live Salesmen of Live Stock Page & Woodford. - 4Hk 4. i ft. . . 1 n . r i Live Stock Commission Co. ,,.,.,,..1 ; i rw m- r i, wiu,!!,, -t. -vr.rrsc-; .'.? W. 0s y -t.. w A ' ' EXCHANGE I iVSOEC-T IN T HE WORLD Stock Yards i lj,ive Stock Market feeder Buyers Eastern Orders. Every. Kind and Grade. A Big cker and Feeder Market Misno' iri River Markets Combiner. In September this year 133,684 cattle were the Vorn Orowin States Buy at Kansas City Three-fourths of a Million Cattle ;rs and stock cattle. Winter market for beef of fat lambs always short of demand, y exceeds supply of hogs. - CY LF.1VE LINCOLN SUNDAY, MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY GIBBON, STRAIGHT LINE TO KANSAS CITY. lg at the Kansas City Stock Yards DOING AN IM MENSE BUSINESS i: r - r . . i imii fin m .'J. w mm ,wm im I'll i hi I 1 1 1 miw II H ' I f ! i : ,j 1 t , " r-' ,: s A?"-W- V. IYiibablj Lju-geHt Btocker aud Feeder Rayers in the World Now at Kansas City Market The lire Btock business at the Kan sas City Stock Yards has recently been greatly benefitted by the firm of John J. Lawler locating, with all their force, upon that market. They have been in the stocker and feeder business at the Stock Yards, Chicago, for the past twenty years, and for many years have been the largest dealers in stock cattle and feeders in the United States. They have a tremendous large following in all the territory adjacent to the Chi cago market and their customers are numbered by the thousands in all the eastern states, as well as Illinois and Iowa. I This firm is welL established and holds a large prestige among all cat tle feeders and grazers, and has earn ed a most enviable reputation by many years of conscientious and 'square dealing with the public. The name of this firm is almost a house hold word in all sections where cat tle are fed and graxed. I I Their sales and shipments during the year total any place from 160,000 to 200,000 head. j J As the Chicago market has been quarantined against the shipment of stockers and feeders, they decided to locate at the Kansas City Stock Yards, and have large and commodi ous offices on the fourth floor of the Exchange Building. They are buying and selling a larg er number of cattle in the Kansas City market than they even did in Chicago. In fact, their purchases, during recent weeks, have been equal to from one-tenth to one-eighth of the total receipts of cattle at the Kan sas City Stock Yards, which very likely makes them the largest buyers in that market. i A large number of cattle are now being shipped to the Kansas City market by shlpeprs from tlie north ern states who have formerly sold the big bulk of their cattle to John J. Lawler at the Chicago market, and the very large number of cattle that they are selling to their customers from the eastern states has given a much broader outlet for all of these cattle at Kansas City. Many shippers from all over the western country have expressed their satisfaction of the much better out let and larger volume of purchases made at Kansas City since this firm has entered that market. They are a great benefit to the market and should b given generous support, both by shippers and buyers who do business In Kansas City. KING NORTH FROM NEW EXCHANGE BUILDING There Is a place in Peru far back In the fastnesses of the Andes moun tains where the inhabitants do not know yet that there is a war In Eur ope. It Is also feared that these un fortunate wretches bae never heard any Ford stories. We give particular attention to the selling of Ranch Cattle and buying of Stockers and Feeders. Write or Wire us for Information KANSAS CITY, MO. Established 1888 Old -Tried True A PEERLESS HOUSE OF HUSTLERS For Unlvorsal Good Prices, Good Fills and Courteous Treatment consign to National Live Stock Commission Co. Cattle Kansas City Stock Yards Sellers ot Hogs Sheep The Best Known Host Widely Patronized Its Reputation Is Your Protection, Its Experience Your Guarantee Six expert cattle salesmen with but a single thought 'GIVINQ SATISFACTION" Write Us Wire Us Ship Us No Shipment too Small for Our Atten tion Nor too Lare for Our Capacity ...We Sell... CATTLE HOGS SHEEP Stockers and feeders Bought on Orders Expense haa not been spared to obtain the most talented and efficient saleemeu for each department. Oar assertion that we can sell your live stock to your entire Mtiaftu'tion meHu. nothing to you unless you make up your mind to find out If It's so. Until you do try us you cannot know what complete Hhlpping tcurUv mean. CASSIDY SOUTHWESTERN COMMISSION CO. KANSAS CITY And All Other Market Quotations and Market Reports furnished Free on application Coop an LIVE STOCK COMMISSION COMPANY -We Sell- CATTLE, HOGS AND SHEEP A. Efficient saelsmen for each department, Stockers and Feeders Bought On Orders Satisfaction Cuaranteed. Business eatabllahed In 1881 Kef Teases: Auy busioeea bank la Kamsaa City KANSAS CITY, MO.