- . . . . . . . . iaaa The American Telephone Th United States has less than 6 of the world's population, yet it has more than 64 of all the world's telephones. The five states of Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota and the Dakotas have more telephones than all Great Britain. The City of New York has more telephones than all of France and Spain combined. Chicago has more telephones than all of Austria. The Cost of OpcrsFng The telephone companies in this country pay double the wages for the same kind of work that is paid in Europe, and telephone equipment costs a great deal more here. Fully half of the European telephone exchinqfes are closed at night and on Sundays and holidays. It is the general rule in this country to give all night and all-day Sunday telephone service. When the efficiency of the service and the cost of producing it is considered, American local and long distance telephone rates are by far the low est in the world. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY OLIVER OLSON BACK Convicted In 1900 of Murder of Mkh el Slrck At Ills llotne 14 Mllee West of Alliance Oliver Oleson returned to Alliance last Saturday after thirteen years In the state penitentiary at Lancaster, for the murder of Michael Slrck in 1902. Ilia sentence wan for twenty years, but he was released Just seven years before it had expired. The real murderer, according to the evidence, was August Jahnke, who was first tried for the crime and was sentenced to prison for life by Judge Westover. Oleson made a confension shortly after the rrlme was committed, giving the details of , thereon. rave Jahnke a new trial, which was held at Rushvllle. The crime for which Jahnke was convicted was the shooting of Slrcks. County Attorney Mitchell handled the case for the state throughout, as sisted by Attorney General F. N. rrout and Deputy Attorney General Norrls Drown. R. C. Noleman, 0. F. Oilman and Hamer A llamer for the plaintiff in error Jahnke. The special motive for the rrlme v.iia found in the fact that there were two Insurance policies on the life of Sink, amounting on their face to f4.(00. The Insurance was payable to August Jahnke and there v:ia evl d Mice that Juhnke had persisted in pri.i'uririR lhe Insurance and had made some payments to the company This Insurance, however, the horrible tragedy. From this con fession Jahnke was convicted and sent to the penitentiary. Several months afterward, Oleson stated that he had made his confession under the "third degree", and then proceed ed to retract his statements. This Darnell & Shelton Bonded City Scavengers Disposal at City Dump Grounds PRICES: Hauling Garbage, per load . Taking care of Residences, per month Taking Care of Business Places, per month 75c 50c $1.00 An other hauling is specified in City Ordinance No Exorbitant Charges Efficient Service Save Time, Trouble and Worry PHONE 575 T. S. Fielding The Wardrobe The only odorless cleaning in the City. We have the only power machinery in Alliance for the cleaning of clothes none' of that odor found in hand cleaning. The price is no higher. Try us and be convinced. 315 Box Butte Ave. Phone 682 That Obstinate Headache so often caused by eyestrain need no longer bother you if you will come here and be fit ted with the proper glasses. Did you say they are not becoming f Now listen ; some glasses are not, we will admit. With the passing of the old style high- briusre mounting, which was conspicuous and uncomforta ble, we are now using the low- bridge eyeglass which works with the fingers, is artistic in design and really becoming. - DRAKE & DRAKE Ilegistered Optometrists Over Lntspelch'a Variety Store A i i . . tHL 11 II III II I III ft mmm li. n" " V it DYE & OWENS Transfer Lin Dray Phone 54 HOUSEHOLD GOODS moved promptly, and Transfer Work solicited. Residence phone 636 and Blue 674 Hand made from beat material. Outlaat any factory made goods. Call and see. Harness repairing by experienc ed barneaa maker. JT. M. COVERT At M. D. Nichols' stand. Alliance Make Your Home Safe by Using Safe Home Matches They are the strongest, sturdiest, safest matches in the world. They light almost anywhere. These are real safety matches. They don't spark. They don't sputter. The heads don't fall off. The sticks are unusually strong. They are non-poisonous and conform in every respect with the new Fed eral law. 5c. All grocers. Ask for them by name. The Diamond Match Company SHiil wan In a local rum puny which had been In business only a few months. It was a mutual benefit association. Evidence, was offered that there had bee nbut one death in the member ship since its organization, that upon his life there was a policy of 12,000, and that there was only $600 In the treasury for its settlement. Jahnke, the defendant, and Oleson, who at the time was the witness for the state, lived In Alliance. Oleson tcHtlfled that he and Jahnke went to the home of Slrck on March 4, 1902, "to get a pump out of the well". The well was about 110 feet deep, and on the suggestion of Jahnke they decid ed to let Slrck down by a rope to re cover a certain piece of pipe. When they started to draw him up Jahnke got his team and hitched It to the rope, telling Oleaon to cut the rope when they, had Slrck nearly to the top. Oleson objected to this, and It was agreed that Jahnke would cut the rope while he was driving the team. Oleson giving him a signal when Sirck was nearly to the top. Jahnke cut two or three times before the rope parted, and Slrck went to the bottom of the well. Feeling sure the fall was fatal, but wanting to make sure of It, Jahnke went to the edge of the well and called. He was immediately answered by Slrck, who said he was not hurt. He was then hauled to the surface. Oleson testified that he and Jahnke had had a talk, at which time Jahnke told him of being the beneficiary of Sirok's will and life insurance policy, and told Oleson that if he would as sist him in killing Slrck. he would give half of the amount of the will and Insurance, deducting doctor and funeral expenses. That same night another attempt was made on the life of Slrck. Jahnke told Oleson to point a revolver at Slrck's back while they were in the house and let It accidentally go off and kill him. Oleson made the at tempt, but Slrck said he was not hit, although he was but two feet from Oleson when the gun was fired. Three days later, according to the testimony of Oleson, Jahnke returned to Slrck's home to make sure whether or not he had died after they left. The two plotters thought It possible that Slrck had been hit In the stomach, and had afterward died. However, Jahnke found him In a healthy con dition, and later reported to Oleson that he whs "not hurt a particle". Oleson then procured some enrnw Ive sublimate. This plan was ii tri ed to by Jahnke when they had decided that "a bullet would not kill Slrck". According to the testimony, a 'tea spoonful of the HUhllmiite was pt t In Slrck's sugar that he used in his cof fee. Slrck drank the cup of coffee, but said it tasted bad. He then pro ceeded to make himself some fresh coffee, using the same poisoned sug ar in it. This had no visible effect, and the next morning the same plan was followed, Slrck using two tea spoonfuls of the sublimate and sug ar. According to the testimony, this also had no effect on him Experts who were present at the trial testi fied that a tablespoonful of corrosive sublimate contains 400 to. 480 grains, and that 3 to 5 grains would cause death. Oleson snld he put a full tablespoonful of the poison In the sugar, and that he thought most of It was used by Slrck. The fourth attempt at the life of Slrck was successful. Jahnke sug gested that they again try Oleson's revolver. Oleson said his revolver was not effective and told Jahnke to get his shotgun. A few days later they again went to the Slrck place and stayed all night. The next morning-Oleson stepped out of the bedroom into the room where Slrck was sitting, and as he passed through the door he discharged the shotgun. The load took effect in Slrck's back, and death resulted almost Instantly. Oleson is a large man, being six feet four inches tall. His ignorance of the consequences and his weak mind were the cause of his downfall, for which he paid the penalty, while the instigator escaped punishment. l m HI e3 m m Oae-Man Mohair Top The new Maxwell is equipped wiiii a one man real mohair lop. It can be raised or low ered almost in an instant, by one person. There are no top bows near the driver's seat. This gives the driver and passenger beside him an unobstructed view on both sides of the car. The storm curtains are quick-adjustable. We are waiting to take you for a test ride in the car that has broken all low "First-Cost" records, and is breaking all low "After-Cost" records. "OneMan'Mohairlop Demountable Jsirn Jfain Vision Windshield P.l MM m b I II I m I f.O e. DETROIT A ElectricSiarter Bectric Lights iSlaqncfo lynition I - "fveryLdisaAbxivellfyad GEO. F. HEDQECOCK Hemingford, Nebr. JV 1 W M I Vi SIDNEY HERE FRIDAY Will CTUfllk With AlllAtice High Foot 1111 fkpmd on the IjocaI Plel4 Alliance Confident The Sidney football squad will be here Friday "forty strong", or at least nearly that strong. Anyway, they are coming here with their minds net on making Alliance sit up and take aotlce. Scottsbluff beat Sidney, but the local team Is taking no chances, and are spending their evenings practicing and getting la shape for Friday's game. The Sid ney boys have a reputation for play Ins clean football, ss have (lie Al!t nnce boys, and this game promises to be a good one from start to finish. Touch Crawford says the Alliance team In almost in the pink of condi tion, and that they will be able to put up a stiff game. The "rooters" were out in u goodly number last Friday when Alliance played Chad roil and all teemed Interested In ta home team, and it Is expected that there will be an even better repre sentation at tomorrow's game. Tb game starts at 3:30 prompt. Fire In Essay's Store A conflagration that would have proved serious had It not been for the quick discovery and the timely arrival of the fire , department occur red at the rear of E. Essay's store, four doors from the Herald ofllce, Friday. In Borne unknown manner a twenty-five gallon can of gasoline at the rear of the building became Ignited, and in a few seconds the blase was leaping thirty feet Into the air. The gasoline can was oniy par tially filled, and this fact probably prevented more damage than was done. The rear end of the building is constructed of brick, and while it was not damaged, the flames . went through the window, burning the sill and catching the wall paper on the ceiling inside. The damage was about 25. llornee Burn at Ashby The Wolf-Freymuth livery barn at Ashby burned to' the ground Monday, and with it four head of fine horses and a considerable amount of hay. No one knows how the fire started, but It had gained Such headway be fore It was discovered that the efforts of the Ashby bucket brigade proved fruitless. Every effort was made to rescue the horse, but only one ani mal wan loosed. This was one of the best hornea In Ashby, and when It was finally, brought out from the barn its ears were burned off and Its nose and line wore burned crisp. Sev eral men elmsed it for a mile or bo before thVy finally succeeded in shooting It. A pitiful sight was an old man, a homesteader In the ABh hy neighborhood, who lost a fine team of druft horses In the flames. He had brought a load of potatoes to town and had barely put his team Into the stable when the fire broke out. The team was valued at about $400, and represented all the old man's earthly possession beside his homestead and his little sod house. The Only Linens GUARANTEED lJerryvale 1iuro irjsn -mens DAMASKS, CRASHES. ART LINENS HUCKABACKS Wt- f f The Horace IWxrue Store HOIOIOIOIll DeafiMwe Otuuiot Itc Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach tbo dweased portion ol tne ear. There Is only one way to cure deaf ness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lin ing of the Ifluslachlan Tube. Whoa this tube la Inflamed you have a rum bling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It is entirely closed, deaf ness Is the result, and unless the In flammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condition, bearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an In flamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any cose of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for cir culars, free. . F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. O Sold by druggists, 7 6c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. Will OpMi New Tailor Shop 1 John Bennett has leased the build ing on West Third street formerly occupied' by the Pryor Grocery com pany, and next to the Alliance Auto supply company, and will open there in an up-to-date cleaning, pressing: and repairing slioj) this week. Mr. Dennett in here with bis family, and they will Btart housekeeping as soon as they can find a house. Mr. Den nett comes to Alliance from Chadron. where he has been in the tailoring business for a number of years, and will no doubt be successful. There should be a law to protect hard-working telephone poles from I drunken Joyriders. Help Me Tell Eastern People About Your Wonderful Crops HowT Give me the address of your old friends back East that you believe would profit by becoming a land owner in your neighborhood. I will do my part to locate them in the West. Farmers of the Middle States have had good crops for the pant two KeasoiiH and with their surplus money are in good position to either homestead or buy out right low priced lands in Western Nebraska, Eastern Colorado, Wy oming, South Dakota and Montana. The coming season is our best chance in years to locate Eastern people on Western lands. Let us tell them of our big crops and the splendid chanee the West offers them for a home and increased land value. Do you want them or 6hall some other locality secure themf This is, also, an appeal to commercial clubs and county organiza tions along the Burlington to secure for me aceeptible sample yields of your 1915 products for exhibit in our Exhibit Room in Chicago. It is a line chance to advertise your locality. 1 will take care of these after they have been de livered at the Burlington Station prepared for shipment. S. B. HOWARD, IMMIGRATION AGENT, 1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.