M. J. FELT, Manager and Cattle Salesman MATT FA1IEY, Cattle and Sheep Salesman BOOQE COE, Ilog Salesman HARRY R. L1GIITENBERQ, Office HEALTHIEST FEED FOR HOGS Rosenbaum Bros. & Co. (Incorporated) Live Stock Commission Merchants ROOM 209 EXCHANGE BUILDING, SIOUX CITY, IOWA E. B. BABCOCK, S. E. BABCOCK, Cattle Salesmen W. II. TIMMEL ' Sheep and Hog Salesman Babcock & Son Live Stock Commission Herchants Sioux City, Iowa Room 217 Exchange Building, Sioux City Stock Yards E. B. Babcock has been selling cattle for the past twenty-five years on the Sioux City market, and respectfully refers to the following Cherry county men: Z. T. Davis, Shadbolt & Fleishman, Metzger Bros., L. B. Lessert, and many others in Northwestern Nebraska. REFERENCE: Live Stock National Bank, Sioux City, Iowa Be Absolutely Safe Ship your western cattle to a live market and deposit the proceeds with us to be credited to your home banker for your use, and the money will be awaiting you when you reach home. Ask Your Banker The Live Stock National Bank Located at Stock Yards SIOUX CITY, IOWA GEO. S. PARKER, President F. L. EATON, Vice President C. D. VAN DYKE, Cashier A. W. SMITIT, Asst. Cashier We are now in our new quarters and want you to call and see a banking room that Sioux City is proud of. Today - Tomorrow Every Day Consignments to Us Have the Personal Attention of a Member of the Firm and Your Business is Solicited With the Working Theory on Our Part That When We Do Our Best for You We Are Doing the Best Thing We Could Possibly Do for Ourselves DROP A POSTAL TODAY FOR OUR MARKET LETTERS. WIRE FOR QUICK ADVICE Frank E. Scott Commission Company STOCK YARDS, SIOUX CITY, IOWA FRANK E. SCOTT H. WARD JONES ROY C. McC ULLOUGH Manager Hog Salesman Cattle Salesman Sheep Salesman ; V p ANNOUNCEMENT OUR FALL CAMPAIGN WILL H. BECK COMPANY The Sioux City Jewelers Have for months been busy in the selection of nice goods for the com ing season. No effort spared to get the best, newest and cheapest for the money in all lines. Our DIAMOND assortment is stronger than ever with a host of popular price pieces. Very Desirable DIAMOND RINGS at $15, $25, $40, $50, $75 and $100. adapted for engagement and anniversaries. Our WATCH stock is stronger than ever, for both adults and the younger ones. MEN'S and BOYS' STANDARD Gold Filled WATCHES, all makes $10, $15, $20, and the "BECK SPECIAL" at $25. 2 FOR THE LADIES POPULAR BRACELET WATCHES $10 up. STERLING SILVER Twenty patterns. SILVER PLATE, CUT GLASS, JEWELRY, RINGS, LEATHER GOODS, STATIONERY and NOVELTIES ALL NEW. The well known "BECK" WEDDING RINGS in 14, 18 and 22 karat gold, all stamped with the "BECK" trademark. Our new Fall Catalog will be ready about November 1, upon ap plication. "WE WANT TO SEE YOU" WILL H. BECK COMPANY THE OLD TIME JEWELERS Fourth and Pierce Streets, Sioux City, Iowa ntnmmiimmimmnm HOTEL MARTIN FIREPROOF ABSOLUTELY GOOD E10UGH FOR EVERYBODY NOT TOO GOOD FOR ANYBODY lL Ji lift Room With Tlnth 60 Rooms Without Bath. 30 Sample Rooms. IUtes fl.OO and up NATION & MILLER Haiiaget-N at Fourth and Pierre Streets SIOUX CITY. IOWA Clover and Grata, With Slightly Far merited Mlllfeed la Favored Kesp the Troughs Clean. The cheapest and the healthiest fed for hogs Is clover and grass. Ith slightly fermented mlllfeed and bran slop. One half bush;! of mlllfeed and the same auuntity of bran mixed with 30 gallons of water, will make a thick slop. Have two barrela of slop If you have a herd of 15 to SO. They should have Juat what they can eat up clean at each meal feeding twice a day. Have two troughs, one for slop and one for water. Give them all the water. they need every day. Give char coal or wood ashes, sulphur- and a little salt well mtied together. Keep the pens and troughs clean- wash them ont at least once a week with crude carbolic acid and water to kill disease germs. Wash the pig one a month with soap anda, mix some wood alcohol tn the water, rub dry, then spray with coal ' o!t Thia washing aid greasing will kill the lie and cleanse the skin a clean animal properly fed will keep In health and grow rapidly. ' Have shade of some kind In pasture; hogs suffer from heat and must have hade during tha days and a clean, dry pen to sleep In at night Spring plga Intended for the winter market must be well fed. Clover Is the cheap est food. Kor late summer and fall cut up corn and feed the entire stalk. Corn haa the most food value when the eara on the atalk are Just past tha milk stage. Hogs should not be kept tn small pena; they need exercise, a change ol food and a plentiful aupply of fresh grass and clover. If kept in small pea keep pen and yard clean and dry. HOG IS MOST VALJABLE AID Animal Assists In Fertilizing Land and Paya Good Return on Amount of Feed Ha Consumes. The hog la a valuable aid to fertilis ing land, and paya a good return oa the crops he consumes. He will de 4 " iV :".'..'i.v. ' if . u 1 A.4 av , . .Mev ;,av(ft A Sure Money Maker. vour large quantltlea of inferior fruit or waate grain and vegetables which are not otherwise marketable. II will thus yield a profit on what might otherwise be wasted. The yearly In crease In young plga keepa the sup, rapidly Increasing from a 'small . be ginning. He Is a lucrative Invest inent. , ny The secret of success In farming, aa In other Industries, lies in finding a use for everything. There Is no rea aon why such products aa waate of the orchard should be thrown away, There Is a use for everything on tha farm, If. the farmer will but seek until he finds It, and the hog la a great help in putting all aorta of feed to a profitable uae. A certain modest roan of our ac quaintance will not pass a lumber yard in broad daylight for fear he may see the undressed lumber. Northwestern Robe and Tannins Company Tanners and Manufacturers of CATTLE AND HORSE HIDES INTO COATS, ROBES AND RUGS Fur Coats and Robes relined and repaired at Reasonable Prices. We Guarantee our work. Write for Price List and Shipping Tags. G. B. LEWIS, Proprietor. Leeds, Sioux City, Iowa it::niti:itxiiii:itiii:ii:::ti!i:nnfiii!:iiitiit:i!iiiiitn:!x::iiini:i!n:iii!itm:t Bierman Engraving Company Artists Designers Engravers Perfect Plates for Printing in One or More Colors Snennl Atfpntinn ft tWY to L,ve Stoc vyj v vius ana Ranch Views Office and Factory 5th and Virginia Sts.. Sioux City, Iowa XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX liimiiium