i; t y 1 v i ! ! i !.! ! j i ! ! ! i I : i Ciir Brofa Comply Of Kansas City, Mo. We sell more cattle and hogs from Northwest Nebraska than any firm on this market. Our facilities are the best for handling this business. We are live people in a live market WE IIAVIJ 4 CATTIiK HAI.KSMKN. WW IIAVli 8 IIOU HAMCNME. Wi: IIAVK STOCKKH AM) FKIIDKH HL'VKItN. vi: iiavh 10 i:xim:kt yaiidmkn. Write us, wire us; come and see us. Give us your business. "Pleased Customers " is our rlogan. THE- KANSAS CITY STOCK YARDS now awubora among the ninny buyers for Stork Cattle and Feeders, the Irm of John J. Lawler with force of about forty men. We are t he largest buyers of this class of rattle of any firm In the United States. Shippers will fiad thin the broadett and gre test market upon which to cither buy or sell. When your cominlNttloa man show your rattle to our buyers,our commission man show your cattle to our buyers, and when you are here in buy. You will serve your own best interests by seeing our Big Selection and Obtaining Our Prices KANSAS CITY The World's Largest Hay Market Carlisle Conunisslou Go. the leading dealer In the leading hay market. Last year we handled 40,000 cars of hay on this market, oyer one-half million tons of hay. We especially solicit your correspondence concern ing alfalfa and also your shipments to this market. ESTABLISHED 1880 References Southwest National Bank, Stock Yards National Bank, Commercial Agencies. 1st: Carlisle Commission Co. 736 Live Stock Exchange Kansas City, Ho. Hotel Kupper 1 At i , V it :. Kansas City, Mo. The home of Quality and refinement at reasonable prices. Located in the retail center of the city. European plan, 11.00 to 12.50 per day. Popular-price cafe In connection. Special Invitation to Nebraska stockmen to make this Hotel their headquarters when la Kansas City. On car line direct to stock yards without trans fer. Walter S. Mars, Managing Director Kupper-Benson Hotel Co. Proprietors I?i1'V, . tl';.i . -- Fi I'll ( i. . -- , .im-i - I. jr.' 5 tJ . - ...ft! 18. : . xKfih&f r tJ 31 wo. w'ssl 1 IrZU WW V ViT. TT,rrw f rerts b b I b U k i ft k-4 " w, f- . i -"i,H.-;- s.v- vjt.. - , J' KANSAS "CITY LIVE STOCK EXtJHAl A FEW FACTS ON KANSAS CITY Some Statistics Showing Wonderful Growth, Volume of Buines and Railroad Facilities "CHICAGO OF THE SOUTHWEST" Greater Kansas Clty'8 present pop ulation, according to the city direct ory, is 512,741. Kansas City stands tenth among the cities of the United States in to tal value of manufactured products. Kansas City has 126 mail dispatch es per day a mall leaves Kansas City on an average of every twenty ilnutes during the twenty-four hours of the day. ; Two thousand cars of freight are handled in and out of Kansas City every day. Forty thousand people work in the ! factories of Kansas City. Kansas City is the largest market and distributing point for hay in the world. 1 Kansas City is the second primary' grain market In the United States. 1 One hundred thousand people are supported by the factories of Kansas : City. I Kansas City is third In automobile 1 sales, which amount to 125,000.000 a year. Kansas City sells $5,000,000 worth of automobile tires a year. The last census showed the growth of this territory- in ten years 25.13 per cent. Greater Kansas City's growth during the same period was 61 per cent. Live stock marketed in Kansas City in 1913 amounted to $224,000,- 000, and average of $746,660 a day. Kansas City tas 16 trunk line railroads with 32 subordinate lines. More pieces of baggage are han dled at the Kansas City Union Depot each year than at any other station in the world. Kansas City has 260 daily passen ger trains an average of a passen ger train every six minutes during the twenty-four hours of the day. The number of miles of railroad in Kansas City territory Is 26 per cent. of the total railroad mileage of the United States. Too Many Snakes No, this is not a snake story, for real, live snakes are mighty scarce in this country Just now. But there are some ' imaginary snakes, and Johnny Boyle caught a lot of them the other day and put them in his head. Mixed with the snakes were a few alligators, eels, craw-dads and other "animals". Johnny finally saw so many of them last week that be was put in the city bastile until the effects of his "flights of fancy" could wear off. Sunday most of the snakes had crawled Into their holes and he was released, under the condition that he would abstain from the use of snake medicine for a few days. It seems strange that the distillers have not yet begun to weep over the awful Increase In the sales of vodka In Russia tinder prohibition. Kansas City Leading Western Ijii More Buyers Packer, Stocker and Feede Market Buyers for Ever; World's Greatest Stockei More Stackers and Feeders are Sold at Kansas City than at All the Other Misnoiri Bought at Kansas City and Shipped to the Country. Catth- Fe dors in All the Corn Shipped to the Country Every Year. Most competative and best market for feeders an steers highest in the west. Supply of fat Packing house capacity exce SPECIAL LIVE STOCK TRAINS VIA BURLINGTON FOR KANSAS CITY LF.lVl UNION PACIFIC GIVES DAILY SERVICE OVER THE CUT OFF VIA GIBBON, ! Increase Your Profits by Selling at "T?'ti'"rr"''' -T3 J ' """" " p ''""V 'i 1 ,. t' !- k lr a 4 f S . "Wi- -Jt w " f- L iv-f ' '" ; ' ; '; ' ,'.-. ' i .... ! - " ' - - ;- - ..: ' ' " - " ' -' iai- , ZlJLI SECTIONAL VIEW OF STOCK YARDS LOOKING N0I ! 4