The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 28, 1915, Stockmen's Edition, Image 5

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Merchants Kntrwl Into Ui HpirUof
Market Vek with Hoatitlfulty
Involuted Window
Seldom has there been an oppor
tunity, even In the larger cities, to
pee a better or more comprehensive
display of dress good and ladies'
and men's furnishing than was
shown right here in Alliance Monday
Bight In the windows of nearly all
the stores. L'very window showed
clearly that much time and thought
bad been expended by the window
trimmers In procuring displays that
were worth while. "Isn't that beau
tiful?" wan a remark heard on all
sides from the ladles, and while the
men had little to say, they showed
their Interest In all of the windows
y their "watchful waiting". All
tanners of goods were exhibited,
from hosiery and shoes to expensive
Presses for the women, and to high
priced suits and coats for both men
and women.
The sidewalk in front of the vari
ous stores was crowded so that one
In most cases had to get out In the
street to pass the throng. That peo
ple like to gaze in smartly d reused
windows was evldenord Monday
alght, and this only emphasizes the
ecesslty of preparing proper dis
plays If a store would keep to the
front. Even the grocery stores and
drug stores Joined the others Monday
night, the groceries carrying tempt
ing displays of eatables and other
table necessities. The drug stores
tarried Hallowe'en displays, toilet
articles, kodaks and many other ar
The W. It. Harper Department
Store need living model In their
windows, one window being occupied
y young ladies, another by small
girls, another by young men and the
ther by small boys. It afforded a
very pleasing contrast to walk past
the store and Beo clothing for nearly
all ages displayed to best advantage,
and with each department occupying
a window of Its own. MittHes Eva
Duncan and Mildred Campbell oocu-
pled the young ladies' window, which
was taHtlly decorated. In the back
ground was a fancy partition with a
large oval opening, arid behind this
was a large mirror, by the aid of
which the people outside could easily
see all sides of the garments being
shown. Miss Duncan wore a Rus
sian Green Pernio cloth suit trimmed
with black martin fur, and a Qage
feat, while Miss CampbeJl wore a Pal
ser novelty coat of sealRkin and bea
ver combination, a set of Cordon &
Ferguson furs, and a Gage hat.
Little Misses Ruth Hill, Iona Ash
Helen Brennan and Mary Wilson oc
pied the little glrla window, the
rst three wearing children's millin
ery and pretty little white dresses
Vise Wilson wore a child's coat and
hat '
Masters James Ponath, J a men
Banter, Frank Mounts, and Wade
Crassman occupied the little boys
section. All wore Xtragood suits
and Daddy Duke shoes.
In the young men's window Ed
ward Froeshla wore a Brandegee
Klncald made-to-measure suit; Glen
Frquhart plaid. Wm. I.aMon wore
a Brandegee-Klncaid suit and i
Steln-Bloch "Picadllly" overcoat
Lester Harvey wore a Steln-Bloch
It your Back U aching' or Bladder
bothers, drink lota of water
and eat lea meat
When your kidneys hurt and your back
feels sore, don't get scared and proceed
to load your stomach with a lot of drugs
tkat excite the kidneys and irriUte the
tire urinary tract Keep your kidneys
lean like you keep your bowels clean,
by flushing them with a mild, harmless
alts which removes the body's urinous
waste and stimulates them to their nor
xeal activity. ' The function of the kid
Beys Is to filter the blood. In 24 hours
they strain from it 600 train of acid
aad waste, so we can readily understand
the vital importance of keeping the kid
neys active.
Drink lots of water you east drink
too much ; also get from any pharmacist
about four Jounces of J ad Salts; take
a tables poonful in a glass of water
before breakfast each morning for a few
lays and your kidneys will act fine.
This famous salts is made from the
aeid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined
with lithia, and has been mod for genera
tioos to clean and stimulate clogged kid
aeyi; alo to neutralize the acids in
wins so it no longer is a source of irri
. tation, thus ending bladder weakness.
Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot in-
f' ure; makes a delightful eilervceccnt
tibia-water drink which everyone should
take now and then to keep their kid
neys than .and active. Try this, alao
keep up the water drinking, and no
oubt you will wonder what become o.'
uur kidney trouble and baokache.
ult and an overcoat of th Htnt
lake. All three young men worp
tordon hats and Florshelm shoes, i
'he backgrounds of all windows were
astily decorated with the Market
Week colors of black and orange,
nd tin glow of the electric lights on
the moving figures and on the back
ground gave a most pleasing effect.
The large Mollrlng window was
occupied by three forms, artistically
ressed In fashion's latest modes.
The background was draped with the
black and orange Market Week col
ors represented by wide silk ribbons
tastily arranged. The center form
wore a lady's party gown of black
velvet and chiffon, de collctte; the
bodice was of black velvet, and the
klrt of Imported satin stripe chiffon,
overdraped; in the hand was a gold
and black mesh bag. The form on
the right wore a dress of yellow Im
ported chiffon with poppy figure;
black velvet poppy centering waist
line in front; and wearing a beautl-
ii t black neck scarf. The dress on
the left side form was of Nile chiffon,
bodice trimmed with six-Inch black
embroidery on chiffon, and the skirt
carrying a plain black overdrape of
bobblnetfe. The figure held a beau
tiful white steel mesh bag, trimmed
in plain white tortoise shell.
The back center of the window
showed a beautiful two-tone figured
chiffon; the sides of back center two
draped forms of two-tonea char-
meuse, peach and yellow, and each
form carrying a showing of the cele
brated J. ,& K. party slippers to
match the colors. In the foreground
were two forms draped with crepe de
chine and crepe meteor, each carry
ing sllper to match. In each corner
the forms wore black and whlto chif
fon and lace waists. The floor of
the window showed a pretty and var
ied collection of ostrich feather boas
and street and party bags of all
Klzen, descriptions and combinations.
The lights were decorated with black
and orange shades, giving a most
pleasing effect to the tasty arrange
ments of the expert blending of col
ors In this window. The decoration
is the work of an artist In window
dressing, and would attract much at
tention oven In a large city.
The four large display windows of
The Fatuous clothing Btore were oc
cupied by every kind of clothing and
wearables for men and boys. There
were suits, overcoats, hats, shoes,
ties, caps, sweaters and sweater
coats, canes, and almost everything
else that a well-dressed man or boy
wears on all occasions. In addition,
there was a comprehensive display of
trunks and suit cases. The suits and
overcoats were the celebrated Hart
Schaffner & Marx and Alco, two of
the best lines bandied anywhere, and
the array was diversified with plaids,
stripes and solid colors. The win
dows were all decorated with Market
Week colors.
The displays in the windows of the
Alliance Shoe stores were strong on
account of their simplicity. Only a
few pairs of shoes were displayed on
each side, but each model stood out
prominently. The entire background
of one window was the Market Week
colors, black and orange, the edges
of the colors being placed together
and alternating entirely across the
background. In the other window
the strips of coloring were wider, but
were also alternated. The back
ground on this side extended about
half way to the top of the window.
One window was occupied entirely by
the different models of the Reed
Cushion Sole shoe, which Mr. Miller
started handling recently.
In the window of the Commercial
Club office the display was very sug
gestive and was devoted entirely to
Box ,Butte county. A large bed of
shelled corn was occupied In the cen
ter by a small toy train consisting of
an engine and two flat cars, and on
each was placed one large potato
which, by the way, made a big load
for the train. Proportionately, there
are few real railroads that would
want to carry such a load. Secretary
Fisher evidently wanted to impress
on the minds of the people the enor
mity of Box Butte county's potato
crop this year, and his effort met
with success. In the background
was a single row of ears of corn
placed perpendicularly and extending
across the window. Several of the
signs "Welcome to Our City" were
prominently dlsp layed behind the
corn, and Market Week colors were
used in profusion. In the foreground
to one side, were the stiver cups and
the bronze medal to be given to the
prize winning baby In the Better Ba
bles contest. Just behind the corn
display were three extra large pump
kins raised by G. W. Nation.
The large show window of Miller
Bros., houBefurnlshers, was comfort
ably filled with a display of Buck's
stoves. In the foreground were dox
ens of small artificial birds of all
kinds, constructed from light mater
ial and very naturally colored, and
suspended from the celling by indi
vldual strings and spring, and when
an oscillating electric fan was turned
on them they performed In the same
manner as birds Cylng thru the air.
Thin display was a very unique one,
and caused murh comment from the
bystanders, moHt of whom did not
notice the electric fun, which wai
I i I 1 1.. Vu.)..
E. CI. lifting,
who sells "Modern
Clothes for Men", showed a very nice
line of these modern clothes in the
form of suits and overcoats, sweaters
and sweater coats, macklnaws, and
toques of all colors and combinations.
0ne window was occupied entirely by
the sweaters, sweater coats and
toques, and the suits and overcoats
were displayed on the other side. The
sweaters were especially pleasing to
the eye, as the different colors were
arranged to show off to best advan
tage. In the background of both
windows waB lattice work, covered
with autnmn leaves, and with the
Market Week colors In evidence.
The windowsof the Horace Bogue
store were effectively arranged with
showings of the new silk striped
dress goods, Dorothy Dodd shoes,
Wooltex suits and coats, Albrecht
furs, and millinery, the suits and
coats being displayed on forms. The
large new show windows, which
were recently Installed, showed up
to excellent advantage on this oc
casion. The backgrounds for the
displays were beautiful, consisting of
grape arbors covered with vines, and
here and there, a bunch of artificial
grapes that looked almost good
enough to eat. A basket filled with
hanging Tines was suspended from
the top of the east window.
Complexion Blemish?
Yes, that sluggish liver often caus
es It Dr. King's New Life Pills
clears the complexion, throws off lm
purities and releases bile naturally
and easily. Unless the bowels move
freely and regularly all the powder In
the world will not permanently cover
'that muddy complexion." This laxa
tlve Is mild yet effective. It does not
gripe or sicken In Us effects. You
will not dispute the merits of Dr.
King's New Life Pills. Start a treat
ment today. 25c.
Adv No 3
Mrs. Mary Tiernan Demi
Mrs. Mary Tiernan, for the past
twenty-seven years a resident of this
section, died at her ranch home
twenty-two miles west of Alliance
Saturday, at the age of 86. She had
been falling in health for some time,
and it was seen several weeks ago
hat she could not live more than
few months. However, the blow was
a sad one, and her death leaves much
grief to her many friends who extend
their sincere sympathy to the bercav-
d relatives.
' Mary Kelley was born in County
Sligo, Ireland, October 25, 1829,
coming to America In 1853 and settl
ing at LaSalle, 111., at which place
she was united In marriage to John
Tiernan in 1855. The family came
A Nervous Wcman Finds
Relief From Suffering.
Women who sufTer from extremi
nervousness, often endure nnrcl
suffering before finding any relief
Mrs. Joseph Snyder, of Tiffin, C).
had uch an experience, regardir.i
which she says:
"Six months :
was bedfast wltl
nervous p rostra
tlon. I had sink
luff spells, a cold
clammy feeling.
could not Btam'
the slightest
nolne. At tlme
I would - almosi
fly to pieces.
Hlumach, very
weak. My hus
band Insisted oi
my taking; Dr
Miles' Nervine, and I bejan to improv
before I had finished the first bottle
until I was entirely cured."
l Hudson St., Timn. Ohio
Many remedies are recommended
for diseases of the nervous system
that fail to produce results because
they do not reach the seat of the
trouble. Dr. Miles Nervine has
proven its value in such cases so
many times that it is unnecessary
to make claims for it. You can
prove its merits foi yourself by
getting a bottle of your druggist,
who will return the price if you
receive no benefit t
MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
iSays Cream Applied in Nostrils
Relieves Uead-Colds at Once. I
If your mwtrils are clnj;l and your
head is stuffed and you can't breathe
freely becauoe of a cold or catarrh, just
get a small bottle of Kly's Cream Iiaiin
at any drug store. Apply a little oi
this fragrant; antiseptic cream into
our nobtriU aud lit it penetrate
t'lnxigh every air passage of your head
MMithing and healing the iuiluined, sw. 1
'ii mucous membrane and you get in
i-tant relief.
Ah! how gooj it feels. Your no-
una are open, your neaa m clear, no
more hawking, ttuuflling, Mowing: no
more headache, drvnesa or strum.'! tv:
for breath. Ely's Cream Palm is just
what sufferer from bead eolJs and ca
tarrh need. It's a delight.
to Box Butte county in 1888, settling ' r
ust west of Alliance. The deceased H
I -i survived by six children: Mrs.
Margaret Murphy, of Lakeside. Mrs. '
Ella Brnbaker, of Bridgeport, Mrs.
(Jeorgo J. Burke, Mrs. Jack Bums,
Alice Tiernan and Charles Tit-man,
all of whom live In and near Alliance.
There are eighteen grandchildren
and two great-grandchildren.
Solemn requiem mass was held at
10 o'clock Monday morning at Holy
Rosary church. Father Kelser, of
Hemlngford, was celebrant, Father
Donnelly, deacon, and Father Mc
Laughlin, sub-deacon. The funeral
sermon was preached by Father Don
nelly, and burial was made In the
Catholic cemetery.
For Indigestion
Never take pepsin and prepara
tions containing pepsin or other di
gestive ferments for Indigestion, as
the more you take the more you will
have to take. What Is needed Is s
tonic like Chamberlain's Tablets thai
will enable the stomach to perform
Its functions naturally. Obtainable
District Court Friday
Judge Westover will be here to
morrow to hold a special term of the
district court. At this time will be
heard the final adjustment of the
Wlltson estate and the confirmation
of the sale of the property. The case
of the Manewal and Dunbar boys,
who broke into Newberry's ware
house several weeks ago and took a
quantity of shot gun shells, will
probably be heard at this time. A
number of minor cases will also be
disposed of.
Pure Sweetness
You get a double sat
isfaction out of your
chew of Spear Head
the delicious fruity
sweet flavor and the
absolute assurance that
it's supremely pure.
pear Head
is made in one of the
most up-to-date plug
factories spotlessly
clean and rigidly sani
That luscious, gold-brorTi
plug of Spear Head from
which you bite the tastiest,
wholesomest of chews, rep
resents the highest form of
plug tobacco production.
the very best chew
that money can buy.
Cure That Window Pane
Wo have a complete stock of all sizes, but If you have an odd
lsed frame to fit we'll be glad to cut a glass any slse or shape. We
have the equipment and can do it satisfactorily. The glass we carry
la the best we can obtain.
There's no better paint made than Hughe' Crescent Cottage
Paint, It lasts longest and goes farthest, and there's satisfaction In
every can, whether it Is a large or small one. Onr customers bare
learned that we carry none but the best of materials and can rely on
our statements. Let us give you an estimate on yonr painting bill.
f"A riiX -i rM
Phone 73
Everyone Should
Drink Hot. Water
in the Morning
Wash awsy all the stomach, liver,
and bowel poisons before
To feel your best day In and day out,
to feel clean Inside; no sour bile to
coat your tongue and sicken your
breath or null your head, no constipa
tion, bilious attacks, sick headache,
colds, rheumatism or gassy, acid stom
ach, you must bathe on the inside like
you bathe outside. This Is vastly more
Important, because the skin pores do
not absorb Impurities Into the blood,
while the bowel pores do, says a well
known physician
To keep these poisons and toxins
well flushed from the stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels, drink before break
fast each day, a glass of hot water
with a teaspoonful of limestone phos
phate In it This will cleanse, purify
and freshen the entire alimentary tract,
before putting more food Into the
Get a quarter pound of limestone
phosphate from your pharmacist. It
Is Inexpensive and almost tasteless,
except a sourish twinge which Is not
unpleasant. Drink phosphated hot
water every morning to rid your sys
tern of these vile poisons and toxins;
also to prevent their formation.
To feel like young folks feel; Ilk'
you felt before your blood, nerves am
muscles became saturated with an ;i
cumulation of body poisons, begin
treatment and above all, keen It
As simp and hot water act on the f'
cl'Vitiflng. sweetening and purlfylr
ltme- tone nhdspbnte and hot wate
fon rrnkfast. net on tve stom:
liver, Mdueys and bowels.
and Oils
, J lmmm.,,
Geo. A. Heilman, Mgr.
Iu what country a living
pa bs-pott is needed by every
What the population of the
Sahara Desert is?
Where grasshoppers are
erred hot to traveling epi
cures T
What becomes of the wife of
the Greek Priest who is raised
to the rank of Bishop?
In what year occurred the
fall of Pompeii?
Where "Cleopatra's Needle"
Is located and what has been its
Where is a professed bache
lor not regarded as a man,
though he live a hundred
The above as well as many
hsndreds of other interesting
Questions are answered in the
The delightful library of world
Real Estate in a nge
is the best advertising medians
for the real estate dealer. Cir
culation covers the United
States, and directly to interest
ed people. Results are certain.
Write us today for special se
duced rate advertising proposi
tion. Subecription $1.00 per Year
lacluding a one time 50 word
ad, and set seven commercial
maps of Illinois, Missouri, Io
wa, Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkan
sas, and Texas. Maps alone
worth double the subscription
cost. If you are not on our
list, send your subscription to
day while this special offer is
Belle, Mo.
and Feed
We carry a clean line of
We invite yon to call at
in town for a good meal or
dean, fresh bed.
freh groceries, flour and
feed. All kinds of overalls,
shirts and shoes, etc. If
your goods come from this
store you are assured that
they are good, fresh, purs
and clean.
A New Roof
most be put on the boose or ban
this spring. Tko old shingle .
not withstand the sail aud atorm an
other eeaoon.
If this Job la not to be done ever
again for at let ten yean you bet.
ter Dae OUR
They are good for that length at
Ume, anyway, and perhaps longer.
At a lower price we ran sell roa
shingles not quite so good.
Lumber, too, for repair about the
Dierks Lumber Co.
A number of Chicago saloons nay
go out of business because of the
drastlo effects of the Sunday closing
law. The Toung China Buffet was
the first to quit, thus naturally giving
the t ue.