KMAV.V.V.V.WAV.V.V.V.V.V.VA8 PO I A SHURIED tUfl i By SARAH WHITING. ... ...... " ' Jack Mannart "I'd rather ball "Hang prudence! rrl1 Immilalvnlv atari un fcUI than re Ml without ber." "How about whols itarvlng?' Louise, hla cousin, asked prorokln 1. "Sure it may not come to that?' "Which means, being Interpreted, you bate Elsie Denton," Jack retorted, hla mouth settling doggedly. Lou I Be looked at him reproachfully "I deserve that for the folly of think Ins you would not misunderstand me," she raid. "I have nothing against your sweetheart except that I have nothing for ber. Like ail the Denton girls, she baa been brought up with nn eye single to hunhand catching rather than bUBband-BervIng " "Good afternoon! I won't stay to hear her slanderously dissected!" Jack burst out. "Not even by the woman to whom I owe my education Don't be uneasy I'll pay you every dollar. Elsie will help me. 8he Is already planning how we shall save and thrive" "You owe me no money, but I think courtesy la due the blood our blood," ah Interrupted. "You have been like my brother my dear younger brother for whom I had auch hopes," rhe went on, steadily. "Be halfway sen alble. Jack for the blood's sake. Walt until you have your profession, at least." "I shall get It. never fear," Jack eald hotly, "but not at your expense I'm deep enough In your debt al ready " "Let that pass, please," Louise said. her eyes growing steely. Tell me exactly what your plans are "I'm going Into Blaney's office to study," he replied defiantly. With this, Jack rushed away to Elsie. Sore and bruised from the con fllct with his cousin, he sought com fort and reassurance. It hurt him to find her on the verge of tears, sur Teylng bis ring with a petulant frown It had been his mother's engagement ring and was set with a small dia mond of fine luster. He prlzd It so dearly he had thought she: trust do likewise. "May Cutter ran In to show me her ling," Elsie said petulantly. "Such beauty a blue-white solitaire. She says It cost a thousand and Job Means is going to give her a string of pearls when they marry. It made ni so ashamed I hid my ring-hand first but she saw It. So I had to tell her I was wearing this Just until you had time to run up to the city and get me a real ring set In a special design." "What an unprincipled little fib ber!" Jack said fondly. with, yet an unaccountable sinking of the heart "Don't you think, Jack, It would be better If you got me the real rtngT 1 know your cousin has a charge ac count at Letfleld's. "But I'd starve before I added any thing to It," Jack burst out At this she tossed her head, saying with a pout, "Why, she's bound to give us a handsome present for her own credit's sake! Juat do as I say and tell her that settles It I simply wont let May Cutter put It all over me as she does. "Let me tell you a few things," Jack said, paling to the lips. As briefly and as baldly as possible he told her of his cousin's attitude, of his own hopes, plans, even fears. "I know It's going to be hard an awful pull, girlie," he wound up: "but we'll face it to gether. Isn't that better than being apart?" Elsie was sobbing. She had never dreamed of a situation like' this. Her plan had been to marry - and go straight home to the Manners house, the handsomest in town. Jack was the heir presumptive he had grown up there. Miss Louise was so fond Of him she could never do without him. "You say she'll do something for usT How much do you suppose ? We could manage fairly on $3,000 a year besides what you make," she ventured 'doubtfully. Jack laughed contemptuously. "I suppote she will furnish the kitchen for us and give ua half a dozen tea spoons," he said. "But $3,000 a year! Why, I couldn't bring myself to take it It she offered it. I owe ber too much already." "You are wickedly foolish." Elsie sobbed. . "And unkind, too. If you had told ,me In time I shouldn't be In this awful hole. Of course I can't marry you as things are. I have no taste or talent for starvation. Suppose we wait a year or two. Maybe 1 can bring her around. If that turns out to be Impossible; well, we shall see. I simply can't stay here forever. Mother has three other girls younger than I am, remember; and father will never be anything but a salaried man." "Suppose I'm never anything' but that?" Jack asked abruptly, something dogged creeping into bis face. Elsie flushed and returned sharply "It you are going to let yourself be so why, the sooner I get rid of this trumpery the better! With that she dropped the ring at his feet. He picked It up and left ber without a word. He thought bis heart was broken Time healed It and his fortunes mended. He did not marry for ten years. Klinor More, the girl ot his mature choice, was worth the long waiting J HUG ioux City Stock Yard "Home Market of the Great Northwest" Our Feeder Market for Nebraska Ranch Cattle Will be Exceptionally Strong this Year There will be a greater demand for Feeder Cattle and Sheep at the SIOUX CIT7 Market than ever before because many eastern buyers will refuse to buy their Stock at the Markets where there have been outbreaks of Foot and Mouth disease, and will instead go to the Missouri River markets for their Supplies. This demand with the demand from Feeders in territory tributary to SIOUX CITY will afford a splendid outlet for all feeders that come here. Packers will want more Fat Stock than ever because of the increased capacity of their plants. It will pay you to ship to SIOUX CITY, a market that has been kept clean Sioux City Stock Yards Fitzsimmons- Peirce - Frick Live Stock Commission Company ioo PER CENT SERVICE Send for Our Weekly narket Bulletin THE LIVE WIRE Sioux City, Iowa Cattle Salesmen: E. L. FITZSIMMONS FRANK FRICK R. E. BERN Ilog and Sheep Salesmen : HOWARD Q. PEIRCE II. J. CHITTENDEN If you want the very best results when you have cattle, hogs or sheep to market just consign them to RICE BROS. at- Sloux City Chicago Kansas City The Home of "Service That Serves'' Every Shipper knows the importance of a light shrink The Iowa Commission Company Live Stock Commission Merchants y 227-229 Exchange Building, Sioux City, Iowa have their Yard Location right at the Scale Gate, and are in a position to weigh whenever the cattle are ready, and as they go direct front the yards to the scales there are no long waits and heavy shrinks in the alleys. OUR SALESMEN ARE COMPETENT AND EXPERIENCED Our Yard help is extra good, as we employ no "cheap" help nor young, inexperienced boys, and there is some one ALWAYS here to look after your consignment on SUNDAY as well as week days. Market Reports that are Reliable Our Hotto: Results, Not Explanations Cattle Salesmen: GEO. W. WAITT HARRISON WAITT Hog and Sheep Salesmen: FRANK LAKE DAN LAKE WAITT & LAKE uiiimi-i-hv: .ww U llal l V OVER A QUARTER OF A CENTURY in the LIVE STOCK COMMISSION BUSINESS on the SIOUX CITY MARKET MANY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN HANDLING RANGE CATTLE All Cattle will be sorted for Ownership and sold on their MERITS BRANDS WEIGHED SEPARATE GIVING EVERYONE INTEREST- ED A SQUARE DEAL Our Specialty: BIG FILLS TOP PRICES STEELE, SIMAN &CO. m if Responsibility Over $100,000.00 TOM STEELE, Mgr. LIVESTOCK COMMISSION Cattle, Hogs and Sheep A GROWING BUSINESS BUILT ON A REPUTATION A GUARANTEE OF SATISFACTION A record of growth that appeals to the business man and ranchman. 1907 (first year in business) we handled Live Stock worth $330,411.53. 1914 we handled Live Stock worth $4,713,387.25. Strictly on commission by young workers with judg ment under management of one of the pioneer ranch men, cattle feeders and commission merchants of the Northwest. FREE MARKET REPORTS FURNISHED. WRITE US Our Work Will Please You SIOUX CITY, IOWA Satisfaction! Explanation! Which? If You Prefer the Former Let the "NEW FIRM" Handle Your Next Shipment Wagner, Garrison Abbott LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS Sioux City, Iowa Experienced Handlers of Cattle, Hogs and Sheep 7 At A. (Copyright. 1915. by the McClure Nwp pmt Hyaaioai.! 4