J 1 f tit f. If : i. ( f i i-i h 3 STOCKER AND FEEDER MARKET (Conllnnrd from pRgft 1) ratal restricted receipts, with an Im mense demand to supply, a condition whollj In favor of the Belling aide. The following editorial from the Drovers Telegram of rerent dale glv. very Interesting data with ref erence to the September buslnesH In looker and feeder cattle, hogs and sheep at Kansas City and at the oth- IDEAL FEEDING GROUNDS FOR CATTLE AND SHEEP Are you looking for good place to feed cattle or sheep this wlnterT Lexington, Nebr., and the surrounding country Is Ideally situ ated to take care of you. Our farmers have an abundance of corn and both alfalfa and prairie hay especially suitable for feeding purposes all obtainable at moderate prices. Lexington Is especially well located for feeders. It is on the main line of the Union Taclflc and all wagon roads leading Into the city, as well aa those throughout the country, are in excellent con dition. Feeding grounds can be rented at reasonable prices and you will find the farmers and stock-raisers of our community real com munity boosters and Jolly good fellows they will make your stay among us enjoyable as well as profitable. It will pay you to Investigate.- Write to the secretary of the Lexington Commercial club or come and look the ground over personally. F. B. GILMORE, SECY Lexington Commercial Club Lexington, Nebraska er markets, also. Among the many reasons Kansas City Is drawing cattle and sheep this season from exceptionally broad areas is the rapid growth of Its stock er and feeder business. In the month of September, for example, ac cording to a compilation by the Chi cago Live Stock World, Kansas City made a highly gratifying comparison In rtocrer and feeder cattle and In feeding sheep business. Develop ment In October to date In Kansas City point to a continuance of such a showing. Here are the figures on stocker and ' feeder cattle shipments from leading markets In September and in the same month a year ago: Sept., Sept., 1915 1014 Chicago 36,144 Kansas City 133,684 113,868 South Omaha . 76,862 74.191 South St. Paul 70,107 20.858 Kant St. Louis 31,752 25,767 Sioux City 29,840 22.838 South St. Joseph .. 15,261 9,211 til was the largest on record In Kan sas City with the single exception of October, 1911, when 159,864 feeding lambs and sheep were sent out. Com parisons follow: Sept., Sept., 1915 1914 Chicago 175,417 Kansas City 130,243 43,831 South Omaha 411,204 South St. Paul 39,394 East St. Louis 20,4 21 Sioux City 24,215 South St. Joseph . . 64,230 337.907 17,391 4,384 24,422 20,054 Total 357.506 302.877 This table shows Kansas City's un questioned leadership in stocker and feeder cattle business. The big gain reported by South St. Paul, Kansas City believes, may be due In part to the routing of shipments to this mar ket through that point, for probably more cattle have come here from the Northwest this season than In any other fall In the history of the live stock Industry. ' The fact that South Omaha shows a relatively unimport ant Increase Indicates that Kansas City is so popular as a stocker and feeder market that feeder buyers who formerly patronized Chicago are turning to the local yards. That they are finding satisfactory results hero Is evidenced by the return trips some of the new buyers have already made and by the additions to the trading contingent on this market. Kansas City's receipts last month were affected adversely so far as its Immediate territory Is concerned, by wet weather, so the Increase in stock er and feeder business in comparison with other markets s gratifying in deed. In fedelng lambs and sheep, Kan sas City's September showing Is fully as favorable. Tho shipments from this market reached 130,243 head, compared with only 43,831 the same month last year. The September to- Total .679.707 623,406 Credit must be given Kansas City, in addition, for a business In stock hogs surpassing that of any other market In the country. If -Kansas City continues to grow as It did last month, this market may be able to claim leadership in feeding lambs and sheep as well as in stocker and feeder cattle and stock hogs. The In terchanging of feeders from cattle to sheep 1b becoming so common that Kansas City is bound to demonstrate to flockmasters that it will pay them to help make Kansas City the leader in all classes of unfinished stock bus iness. ' King Constantlne is accused of un hellenlc conduct. Oh, these kings. KOTICK OK IIKFKHFK'S HALK Notice Is hereby given In pursu ance of an order of the Hon. E. E. Good, Judge of the District Court of j Butler county, Nebraska, made and i entered the 25th day of October, 1915, In an action wherein Edwin S. Wunderllch. Ora E. Wunderlich, George A. Wunderllch, Ida L. Wun derlich, Joslah M. Carlisle, Clara Carlisle, John H. Knowles and Mar garet n. Knowles are plaintiffs, and Paul Carlisle and Gertrude Carlisle are defendants, directing the under signed referee to sell the real estate I herein described, therefore the un dersigned as such referee will offer t for sale and sell at the west front j door of the Court House In Alliance, j Box Butte County, Nebraska, on the ; 30th day of November, 1915, at 2 o'clock P. M. at public sale to the j highest bidder for cash the follow ing described real estate, to-wit: The North-east Quarter ( ) of Section Thirty-four (34), Township Twenty-eight (28), Range Fifty-one (51), West of the 6th P. M., in Box Butte County, Nebraska, said sale to remain open one hour. Dated this 26th day of October, 19 1 5. . JOSEPH C. HAVEL, 47-5t-6f)8-6464 Referee. A military authority says the Ita V ian and Austrian troops cannot s.a " in the Alps this winter. But it al depends on who is on the moun'ain nd who Is In the valley. Hotel Victoria 9th & McCce St. Kansas Pity, Mo. ?:,, v.-wjum'" jp EUROPEAN In the Heart of the shopping district Telephone and running water in all room. Popular priced cafe in connection. RATES One Person Rooms with Bath Privilege $i.oo-$i.is Room with Private Bath fi.as-li.so Two Persons Rooms with Bath Privilege $1.50-1.00 Rooms with Private Bath $a.oo-$.so L. V. E. MOORE, Proprietor ntttztmtnttmtumtm tmmimnnmmm 3389S J. J G r 350 GAT 1L J I will offer at Public Sale at the Stock Yards in Ilyannix, Nebraska, on Wednesday, Nov, 3 The following described cattle: 125 Weaned Calves. 100 Head of Wet Cows. 50 Head of Yearling Heifers. 25 Head of Cows and Calves. 25 Head of Yearling Steers. 25 Head of Two-year-old Steers. 3 Head of Registered Bulls. Sale begins at 2 :15 p. m., sharp These cattle are all young; stuff and good colors. Short Horns and Herefords aWMHBBHBHMMHMaVaWHHMa TERMS: Six months time on bankable paper, interest at 8 per cent, or cash. FLOYD MORAIN, Owner COL. JOE TEW, of Whitman, COL. H. P. COURSEY, of Alliance, Auctioneers. CHAS. FINEGAN, Clerk VJ'uV i; . r .", 'f - i .. v ;' ESTHER'S HOSPITAL Fitted for the care of nirfffral and M'lwtd maternity u.. t . tknnietent corw of -sistrtiits and nnrfteH Lincoln, Nebraska i.T tkrrjw ' r -t sua r 1 9 mm tt w-t ' " m 1 c k t aZir i i a UMCiiccnHiaiai tSTABLlSHni 1889 Miude Muller on a summer day. Watching her meadows rank with hay. Thought she'd sell a car or two. To buy herself some "fixinV new. The day was hot, the fields were gay. The judge come riding down that way. "I'll ask the judge," said the maiden fair, "Where to find a commission firm that' square. With modest mien the maiden stood Just where the stream came from the wood, And proffered to the thirsty man. Refreshing drink and palm leaf fan. When thirst was quenched and cooling breeze Had made the traveler more at ease, He noted the maid who stood near by. With crimson cheek, and rparkling eye. "A boon, fair maid." the judge opined, "I must confer on one so kind. Name now your wish, and if it be Within my possibility. Right glad am I to grant your prayer. It will be naught unwise, I swear." The maid looked up with 'witching re. "If you'll but tell me some good place Where I may ship a car of hay. And get GOOD returns at an early day. Your debt will be most amply paid. "Why. that is easy," the good judge said, "Allay your doubts, and calm your fears. Ship where I've shipped for twenty years. They treated me square, they'll treat you the same. Just wait one moment, I'll give you the name." And forth from his pocket this card he took: none PHonn it a 147 main sr.11 tit? maim tsiasniNto tut Carlisle Commission Co. WHOLESALE HAY A GRAIN 73S-7S8-74S Livi Stock Excm. Blo. Kansas City. Mo. The maid accepted with grateful look. And touching the spur to his dappled gray. The benevolent jurist rode away. Maud took his advice and shipped her hay To the good firm mentioned, and truih to say. Shipped not only one car, but all the year through, And bought from her neighbors and wealthy grew. And blessed the day when the judge came down. Where she stood by the brook in her last year's gown. That glorious, sunny, summer day. When she didn't know what to do vita her hay. eTl" ro IcAtuiui iLOnrmMOal connwiY t H(na flw Q v f, i 1 3 V V J