The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 28, 1915, Stockmen's Edition, Image 11

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    -4. W
. J .. . . . . .
ants, is taking moving pictures of dif- honey. 120 lbs. net per case, deliver A
ferent scenes of Interest over this freight paid to points In Net-
. ... , . . . . aska. Dakota or Iowa, at $10 per
part of the state. While here he is , casP Cash with order
IiIA)VU U. THOMAS, lliiMlness Kin naffer
,OHN W. TIIOMAH, Hdltor 1IAKVKY E. RHODES, City Editor
L'm CATHHKINK MHHU:, Kdllrv Sh li.l I'aitinent
should bo present to enjoy the hour
The main number on the afternoon';-
ance ana aviicious luncn served oy
Mrs. Johnson.
propram will be a "Constitutional
Our city is well supplied with po
;to buyers, pickets and spuds. '
John Sanipy and wife were-iu town
Quiz" to be conducted by Mrs. Hai-
the puej;t or F. M. Hroome and otner t L. GRAVES. ,
rlet Vance. Mrs. Tully, an active
membr of the Alliance p. E. O. who
is now in Los Angeles, was a delegate
from Nebraska to the Supreme Grand
Chapter held in that city October 13.
The ladles of the sisterhood In Alli
ance are planning on entertaining
Solum, California.
Strictly pure California extracted
Old papers for Bale at The Herald
oth-5 tents a bunch.
' PiiMIMkmI every Thursday by
Friday after their new 1916 Maxwell
Walt Wedle, wife and daughter
visiter Mrs. Weddle's mother, Mrs.
Uoyd O. Thomas, President J. Carl Thotnaa, Vic Pre.
John W. Tliomaa, Secretary
the Nebraska P. E. O. next June, and
this means a big boost for Alliance,
as this Is the first gathering of Its
Fosket, Friday.
E. Schumacher was in from the
Dunlap country Saturday.
The Wesley Travis Company play
ed to a good crowd Friday evening.
Mrs. Joe Raymond came in Friday
and the children accompanied her
home for the week end.
Entered at the pout office at Alliance,
the mailt ai aecond-clasa matter.
Nebraska, for transmission through
kind held In western Nebraska, and
members will come from all over the
state to attend this state meeting.
The cltiznns of Alliance should heart
h Events in the Social Realm j
ily co-operate In entertaining this
company, or asBlst In any way possl
I; 1
1 1
gntlmen ever return to tns rlty
they will be made heartily welcome.
parents of children wishing to Join
this helpful club will endeavor to
have them there promptly. Let the
interested teachers of music see that
you are standing back of them in
pushing every effort.
On Monday afternoon, at Wood's
hall, after the regular physical cul
tnre class, the membera of that clnst
and of two musical organisations en
joyed a Hallowe'en party at which
the Misses Rurnett aid Oifford were
hoetesses for the young folks. Each
one was requested to bring a guest,
and the company numbered about
frty-Ave. Garnet were played such
aa "Button, button, who's got the
bat ton," "London bridge it falling
down," "tug of war"; .after which
the children were seated In a circle
te partake of light refreshments. The
Urge delicious doughnfMt, big round
pop corn .ballajirrappod In Hallow
e'en napkins, and b'ri gut . rosy apples
were among the "goodies" which the
young folks truly enjoyed. Then
Thlle the party were eating, two
"ghosts" were escorted Into the dark
ened hall by the light of two Jack-o-1
lanterns, and they proved to be
friendly as they shook hands with
each guest. The ghost story told ;
about this time and in the weird i
tones served as a feature of amuse
ment for the children and another
ghost announced that they would ap
pear again on Hallowe'en but not for
the purpose of harming any "good
rnlld." The effort extended ly tne Mr. Cook of Lakeside entertained
two ladies most interested In delight-jat a sumptuous chicken dinner at 6
ing the hearts of the young were lo'clock Sunday evening. Most of the
This evening there will be held
music recital at the Haddorff Music
House at 8 o'clock, under the dlrec
tlon of the School of Music. The pu
pils who are studying music will be
on the program, and the parents
should and will be present to encour
age them by their interest and pres
There is a Jolly good time anticl
pated by the members of the Elks
club and their invited guests tomor
row, Friday, evening. It la given out
that the ladlea will not be excused
I from attending in hardtlme costume,
and everyone who does not go with
the appearance of being "tacky" will
be fined for such disobedience of
rules. By the arrangements which
have been made, we are cure that the
evening will be one full of enjoy
ment and pleasure.
surely appreciated aa was told by the
happy faces of their young friends.
' Very pretty were the decorations
at the parish house last Friday,
which the ladies of St. Matthews
church had arranged in order that
the spacious room might put on a
gala appearance in the evening. The
members of the church and friendt
gathered In a merry company to
show their welcome for Dean and
Mrs. Shaw, and family, and everyone
enjoyed a very pleasant time. The
autumn colors and leaves were used
In profusion and "fruit of the har
ves" also added their beauty to the
scene. The reception committee,
which consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Hol
sten, Mr. and Mrs. Gavin, and Mrs.
Ilennett, were Ideal entertain and
the honored ones surety felt, I' never
before, that truly they were among
friends. Refreshments conslst'ng of
offee and sandwiched, punch and
wafers were served, and music fur
nished by a Vietrola added gayety to
the occasion' along with, dancing,
which took up the latter part of the
evening. It ia certain thaV the mem
bers and friends of Ube congregation
re endeavoring to .( tbe "new
earners" feel at home.
party were from Alliance, and went
over by auto to the home of their
host. The party included the Misses
Bennett, Dowd, Davenport, MorrlB
and Osborne, and Messrs. Drews,
Carmine, Newberry, Abbeg. The
guests report a delightful Unit and
ride, and that Mr. Cook was very pro
flclent in his role of host to the com
Mrs. H. P. Toohey has issued invi
tatlons to a luncheon at 1:30 o'clock
Saturday afternoon. Bridge and
kensington will occupy the afternoon
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffery entertained
Rev. and Mrs. Mclntyre at dinner on
Monday evening, at the Drake. The
evening proved to be a very enjoya
ble one.
The Rebekahs are planning a Hal
lowe'en social for Friday night and
arranging a good supper and "good
time" for all. Surely the "weird
spirits" find plenty of gatherings to
attend and undoubtedly they will
make . themselves seen as well as
heard. '
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Pearson are
planning to entertain the Christian
Endeavorers of the Presbyterian
church next Monday night. The
event will be a Hallowe'en social and
a delightful time is assured.
The Y. M. B. C.'s will hold their
regular meeting Ijt the room In the
basement of the M. E. church this
evening. Beside the study hour,
there will be a business meeting and
some time devoted to a social time.
Undoubtedly the hours will be prof
itably spent.
Thet apron Bale and public supper
which the ladles of the PreBbyterlan
ehnrch directed and served on last
Thursday evening in the church base
ment was a grand success. The de
licious eatables from the start to fin
ish were more than one could wish
for, and at the small sum asked. The
ladies certainly proved themselves
masters In the culinary line, and such
value for the money has never been
heard of before. Participants report
a fine feed and hope that another one
will be soon coming.
The regular dance held at the op
era house on Saturday evening last,
under the supervision of Mrs. Wlker,
was much enjoyed by those In at
tendance. The music was of the
best, and everyone seemed to thor
oughly appreciate the good time pro
On next Monday evening there will
be held at the parish house a social
good time and dancing will be also
enjoyed. The members of St. Mat
thew's church and the friends are
invited to attend, and a delightful
evening is anticipated and assured.
The ladies of the congregation are
planning to serve light refreshments,
and as heretofore, the hours will be
pleasantly spent.
George Darling and aswlatanta went
to quite a little extra labor Saturday
when they prepared to entertain on
that evening. They cleared a large
spaoe In their store and made the
floor such as would delight the com
pany of young folks who gathered In
the evening to enjoy a delightful
'time dancing to the music of a dia
mond disc Edison. Punch and waf
ers were served and the party proved
a pleasant one to all. The music
rendered proved that it would not be
a bad investment for every home, as
it was of high quality and entertaining.
The Royal Welsh Male Quartette
were enthusiastically received at the
Christian church on Saturday even
ing. The music and rendition was
all that was anticipated, and all of
the five In the company proved them
selves persons of talent and willing
to give of their best. From the first
number, Ensemble chorus, through
to the last number, the program In
cluding vocal solos, piano solo, duets,
choruses and a description of the
"Lusitanla Disaster", was one of en
joyment, instruction and Interest and
showed the singers to be those of
rare merit,. The audience could have
been larger, but we are sure if the
The members of each class in the
high school are planning for a frolic
on Friday night of this week, which
will take the form of a Hallowe'en
festival, and the faculty are Included
in the company. Committees from
each class are pushing the entertain
ment, and other things pertaining to
the event, and we are sure that these
young people will be in full dress to
entertain any "ghosts" who might
put in an appearance. A fuller de
scription will be given In our next is
sue, but let every one permissible en
ter Into the Jollities of the occasion
Mrs. Wm. Mitchell and Mrs. Harry
Ganti have Issued invitations to a
o'clock luncheon for thla afternoon,
to be given at their home, 814 Lara'
mle. The decorations are to be tug
gestive of Halowe en and the ap
pointments daintily arranged. The
hostesses will be assisted by the
Misses Doris Young, Margaret Shaw,
Mrs. W. T. Schlupp and Mrs. J. O
Kerns. Bridge and klnsington will
be Indulged In. The list of guests
Include MesdameB W. V. Norton,
Ward Norton, D. W. Butler, Reuben
Knight, J. A. Hunter. Claude
Vaughan, Marcus Frankle, A. V. Gav
in, Bruce Wilcox, Fred Helpbrlnger,
Nellie Wilson, C. E. Hershman. Roy
Beckwlth, M. E. Grebe, C. A. New
berry, Wm. Blgnell, Robt. Reddish,
Wm. Barnett, Wm. Eubanka, Fred
Holsten, Arthur Nelson, Carson
Shaw, J. C. Morrow, oJe Westover,
Jack Boyer, and Mrs. Culver of Den
ver, Colo.
The P. E. O. Sisterhood are to be
entertained at the home of Mrs. C.
E. Marks next Monday afternoon and
a pleasant afternoon is anticipated
The regular business will be dispens
ed with and the remaining time given
over t" A social time. During the af
ternoon the hostess will serve a de
licious repast, and all members
The Baptist Ladles' Society met
with Mrs. J. S. Corps on yesterday af
ternoon and a very profitable pro
gram was carried out. The topic
was "Home Missions", the talk being
on American situation and also Alli
ance In particular, the leader of the
subject being Mrs. A. H. Robbins.
The remaining time of the afternoon
was spent in a social manner, and
the hostess to the company served a
very delicious and elaborate lunch.
which was a very pleasant feature of
the meeting.
Mrs. C. B. Gibson entertained the
ladles of the Methodist Aid on Wed
nesday afternoon of this week and
report grant the time pleasantly
spent. The topic for the afternoon a
meeting was "Home Missions", and
dealt with the country wherever the
American flag floats. We are sure
that the subject was an interesting
and Instructive one and Mrs. A. P.
Brown proved herself a capable lead
er of the dlscuslson. A social time
was also spent and a fine "get-together"
spirit was manifested.
Little Jay Hall recently fell and
broke his arm. His parents brought
him'lo town and had the broken
member dressed.
MIbb Esther Kinsley, who Is teach
ing in the Weddle district, in Sioux
county, was home Sunday.
Jake Elsa and mother were shop
pers in town Saturday.
Miss Rose Carrol was an Alliance
visitor between trains Saturday.
Lloyd Grommet is vlflltlng his
grandparents during his parents' con
finement In the hospital.
The Hansen family autoed to Alli
ance Saturday of last week.
Mrs. Charley Hucke and Mrs. Etta
Michael have returned from a month
visit with relatives In Iowa.
Miss Amelia Hucke and Miss Stella
Hucke spent Sunday in Alliance, tbe
guests of Mrs. Overman.
Barney Shepherd went to Canton
Monday with the mail.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Curry ' and
Mrs. Best and son Ilascal are in Wy
oming this week, going In a wagon,
to build on Mrs. Beat's claim near
Van assel, Wyo.
Monday morning Bennie Humph
rey, accompanied by Miss Merle
Clark, started to Canton with the
mail. In some way some of the
steering gear broke and the auto
turned turtle, throwing both out.
Bennie escaped with no Injury. Miss
Clark had several ribs fractured, but
otherwise Is none the worse for her
The dance at the opera Jiouse Sat
urday night was well attended.
Quite a number of the young folks
from town attended the dance at
Wlnton's. Saturday night.
Pete Vaughn, Mrs. A. H. Mabin.
and Mrs. Shepherd autoed to E. L.
Vaughn's, Sunday.
A goodly number of ladles are en
joying pleasant times while attend
ing Miss Glfford's physical culture
classes which , are held on Monday
and Thursday evenings. There Is
room and an opportunity for more to
enter and we are sure that everyone
will receive a welcome and a great
deal of pleasure.
An event that promises to be in
teresting and entertaining to many
Alliance people is the appearance of
David V. Bush at the Methodist
church next Monday evening, Nov
ember 1st. Judging from reports of
the people and the press where be
has appeared, Mr. Bush Is one of the
best of his kind on the platform. In
eluded in his evening program will be
the impersonated lecture, "Pike's
Peak or BuBt." The entertainment
will be in charge of tbe Epworth
A Junior musical club is to be or
ganized at the School of Music at S
o'clock Saturday afternoon. This will
be free for the young folks who are
now taking physical culture, and
there will be but a small eharge for
outside pupils.
Mr. and Mrs. Fosket autoed to Al
liance Wednesday of last week to
visit their daughter and husband, Mr.
and Mrs. jonn Grommet, who are
both confined at the hospital.
Mrs. Graham and Bert Lancaster
returned to their respective homes in
Illinois, after a few days' visit with
the Shull family.
Mrs. Ira Phillips is clerking at the
D. W. Butler store for a few dayB.
The Methodist Ladles' Aid met at
the home of Mrs. Will Johnson last
week. A large crowd was In attend-
We will offer the following bargains on the two Dollar Days
of this week, namely Friday and Saturday. These Bargains
are for Cash.
15 lbs. Cane Sugar
26 Bars Crystal White Soap
20 Bars Swifts Laundry Soap and 1 large
package Swift's Pride Washing Powder $1.00
4 lbs: Special Blend Coffee $1.00
Prof. Condra Here
Prof. Condra, of the state univer
sity, 1b in Alliance this morning en
route to Crawford to attend to some
research business. He has been in
this section for some time observing
sugar beet conditions, and said this
section la blessed with an abundant
crop, and that the quality of the
product is excellent. In addition to
the researches and observations,
Prof. Condra, with a corps of assist-
3 cans Empson Pears
3 cans Empson Kraut
2 cans Empson Hominy
2 cans Empson Pumpkin
Make our store your headquarters during your stay in Alliance
Market Week
Geo. W. Duncan & Son
I have secured the agency for this territory of the Oriental
Store, of Lincoln, Nebraska, and now have on hand a large
supply of imported oriental goods, consisting of Kimonas, ac
cordion plaited in all sizes, drawn-work and cologne goods
which I am now offering at reduced prices.
Call al 116 W.o; 4th Street.
Mrs. Anna Simmons
HHHHiiiimimnHmnnm "Uini inn 1111 1111 mimiiimiiinii
ollar Day Bargain
For Friday and Satur day, Oct. 29-30
Just the Things You Will Need for Fall
and Winter-All New-All Good
Women's $1.50 Corsets, Special $1.00
Corsets with medium low bust, well boned, non
rustable, all new models, for $1.00
Women's 70c Separate Suits 2 for $1.00
Fleece lined, 35c vests and drawers, 4 for $1.00
Women's 65c Outing Gowns 2 for $1.00
Women's $1.25 Fleece Lined Kimonos, $1.00
Belgium blue, grey and lavender, in floral de-
signs, at $1.00
Women's $1.39 and $1.19 Shirt Waists Special
All long sleeves, good weight, striped designs,
for $1.00 ,
Women's 65c Brassiere, 2 for $1.00
New Fancy Handkerchiefs 4 for $1.00
Dainty crepe de chine Handkerchiefs, solid col
ors, with colored borders, 35o 4 for $1.00
All Pure Linen Initial Handkerchiefs 20 for
65c Large Turkish Bath Towels 2 for $1.00
40c Turkish Bath Towels 4 for $1.00
Ttieee are all new, fctylish, seasonable good
something thai you wear uearly all the time. Save
money on necessities you'll probably not have a
chance to get goods like these again for these
At The
Opera House Block