r THE HORACE BOGUE STORE Below it a style niniwutunfiit from the October Ladies Mom Journal and the) current iua of Vogue. In this city, our is , The Store That SUs Wooltez nu;II.Bi-(K('oMiAwJ iJrJt'l 'J7 'iy PARIS .CllVCLAM) . tV Here's what Paris says about your new fall suit S!iehfly fitted jacket, flare skirt, hiiiH rolling collar, novel belt and pocket cfTocts and pre cise attention to the outline of the garment that's the com mandment on suit styles from Paris fur this season. i I an rrrv ha naJt t tw-snt 19 tut hftr IkH ia K. at fly ttfc Ml tl. Wtntu'ta4 vp Mm,.. T v a. iii it.ii ivmi lr a'4t kV MtH wt.ii'un S. hr tee S Ntft. IM l.-wh .J !( HI Ih MS, 3 TkN .' See lumthis Wooltex WinniiiRham luit follows the mode in itse xipiKite and classic simplicity. Keuit-tnler that it ii only one of six in the Win ninghatn pro up, und lint one of ni.iny others in tite ne w offerings of Woult t-x tailored coats, suits uiul Lirt.i, If you are -okIn; for a way to make your -lot he "uir y gr f mlirr to make it buy Mylc t' .it i..!,irrrt and rctinrd, and niutcr i Aork mant.liip that are riii.. t:;i. e of the custom tailors i, t i ! fit. it win jMruNjin ami nromunic io i'iuue Irom the tiu;;y uttuttivc model that earry the Wooltex label. Wooltex coats ne priinlat f 16. 51 to $55.00; suits at SZS.(H) to 57 5.00 j kirts at fS.lll) to iflS.00. To gt the full Itrnetit of the new styles, you should see fliem now, in your cit, at The Store That Sells Wooltex if 111 T? 4- :M 4-1, Cr.rtl T) xnlrvi Diss, The members and friends of the Elks Club enjoyed a pleasant even ing at the Klks rooms last Thursday evening. The music furnished for the occasion was of the very best and a large number of couples heartily Joined In the erforts to make the hour pleasant one. I'unch van nerved the merry-makers and the participants kept time to music In graceful strides and steps until the wee hours of the morning. It Is hoped that there will be many more such enjoyable evenings, and the guests report the hosts on this oc cattlon especially entertaining. Mrs. Claudia Dole will act as IiokI esa for the Woman's Club Friday af ternoon of this week, at her home on 211 V. 7th street. A very interest ing program will be carried out, thin to Include roll call of members, re sponded to by current events; report from the state federation meeting re cently held; a book review by Miss Wilson, und music. Another pleas ant and profitable afternoon is antic ipated iy the ladies. event. After oth r pleaslnt t;arnes. the guents were s-ated to a four-1 course luncheon, to which all did able Justice. The hostess, who so royally entertained these deserving people, was assisted In serving by the Misses Kibble, Fink and Smith. The ladies of the Haptist church who so royally entertained the pub lic at a chicken pie supper Tuesday evening faired well from a financial stand-point as well as making an en joyable place for the participants to meet and greet their neighbors. The bounteous supper more than repaid everyone for attending and It Is hop ed that there will be other similar events in the near future. Miss Mary O'Keefe was hostess to a company of friends at a very pleas ant dinner party last Thursdar even ing, at 6 o'clock. The event was one among the many other social times which some ladies of the town en- Joyed, when gathering together to visit with their old friend Mrs. Cun ningham. The hours on this occas ion, spent in a very informal way, were delightful, and the dinner serv ed proved to be of the best and was thoroughly enjoyed by all In attend- a nee. The members of Chapter A. II., P. E. O., were entertained Monday at the home of Mrs. W. M. WeMenha- mer. The program was one of mu sic which waB furnished by an Edi son phonograph, tinder the direction of Mgr. (ieo. Darling, who had been invited to the home with some of the new and latest records. lor the pur pose of entertaining the company. Responses to the roll chII were given by quotations from Emerson, and the leader for the afternoon was Mrs. Tillett. At the close of .the very pleasant afternoon hours the guets were served to a four-course lunch eon which was delirious, and reports grant the time spent profitable in every respect. Mrs. II. J. Sallows entertained the 1914 club at her home Monday after noon of this week. A very social time was enjoyed in addition to the noedlecraft and other work indulged In by the ladies. A delicious lunch eon was served and the participants report Mrs. Sallows a charming hostess. What promises to be one of the most entertaining and profitable events in a musical way will take place at the Christian church, Satur day evening of this week, October 23, when the Royal Welsh Singers will appear. The program, which is given below, is one which will In clude a diversity of numbers proving itself adapted to all music lovers. Part one will consist of a chorus "Song of the Jolly Roger" Candlsh, Ensemble; bass solos (a) "Mells- ande In the Wood" Ooeti, (b) "Lit tle Grey Home in the West" Ixhr, by Geo. H. Lane; chorus "Medley from the South" Pike, Ensemble; tenor solo "Dear Ixve, Remember Me" Marshall. Hen Davies: niano Mrs. w. u.-uumer very pleasantly number 1 5th Rhansodv Liszt. Ar- enieriamed at ner nome rnoay ai- tbur s. smith; chorus Polka Seren ternoon of last week, a company of afle Schoeffer, Ensemble. Follow ing an intermission at this point, ladies in honor of Mrs. Walter Ad ams, and Mrs. Agnes Cunningham, the latter being here visiting old oc- quaintances of twenty-three years ago, and renewing the old friend ships. It is easily guessed that no time was lost in exchanging memor ies of the olden days and after a most social afternoon the guests were serv ed with a very elaborate dinner at 6 o'clock. Mrs. Rumer was assisted in serving by Miss Virginia Broome, and the former's daughter Mrs. Hive- ly. The guests report the hostess and tier helpers royal entertainers, and the enjoyable time spent will not soon be forgotten. part two will be as follows: Chorus 'Sextette from Lucia" Donizetti, Ensemble; duet "Ixve and War" Cooke, 13. Davies and Ceo. Lane; pat t song "Sleep Kentucky Babe" -(Jeibel, Ensemble; tenor solo "Mountain Ijovers" Squire, J. Pres ton Smith; The "Lusltanla Disaster" Rlsca Williams; vocal waits "Blue Danube" Strauss, Ensemble; (a) Welsh National Anthem (Hen Slad Fy Nhadau). (b) American Nat ional Anthem "The Star Spangled Banner" Ensemble. Mrs. John O'Keefe invited a com pany of ladies to go with her to the theatre Friday evening, and among her guests was her friend Mis. Cun- nlngham. After a pleasant time at I the show, the hostess escorted her guests to her home and there served them with a delicious luncheon, which all duly participated in and enjoyed. The Methodist ladies' aid met at the home of Mrs. W. A. Bennett Wednesday afternoon of this week and altho the session was a regular one, the large number who attended enjoyed the afternoon hours spent in a social way, after the business had been attended to. The Daughters of Isabella were en tertained at their rooms In the base ment of the Holy Rosary church last Thursday . afternoon. The hours were spent in a very social manner, and the lunch served at the proper time added to the pleasant meeting. Mesdames Nolan, Glleran, Burns and Phelan were the hostesses, and a very enjoyable time is reported by all those In attendance. The ladies of the Episcopal guild gathered at the parish house Wed nesday afternoon and enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon with their fancy work, and other interesting enter tainment. Mesdames Johnson and Reid were hostesses to the company and the delicate refreshments served by the ladies were fully appreciated. Mrs. C. A. Newberry very delight- i fully entertained a company of lady friends in compliment to Mrs. Cun ningham, on Saturday afternoon of last week. A very social time was bad, and the dinner served at 6 o'clock more than satisfied the appe- Mtes of all the guests, and all voted Mrs. Newberry an ideal hostess. On Friday evening of this week, at the parish house of St. Matthews church, will occur a very enjoyable event, when members and friends of the congregation will unite in giving Dean and Mrs. Shaw and family a welcome to the Alliance Deanery and the community. We are sure from the arrangements being made 1 that the social good time will be fully en tered into and everyone Bbould be there to express a warm hearted wel come to the strangers. , The members of the Eastern Star chapter met In their rooms Tuesday evening of this week and enjoyed a very pleasant evening. Regular bus iness was dispensed with and two candidates were initiated into the order. There was a large attendance and everyone had a delightful time. Mrs. J. N. Andrews entertained In honor of Mrs. Walter Adams, of Mll- I waukee, one afteruoon last week and the party of ladies enjoyed a very pleasant time. Refreshments added to the enjoyment of the occasion, and i the company iu attendance surely ap preciated the social time so afforded. Rhein-R ousey Co. Market Week Specials A $135 International Spreader To the person mailing or handing in highest sealed bid before 6 p. m., Saturday evening, October 30, 1915. Give us your bid. A High Grade Henny Buggy Starts at the regular price) $100.00, Monday, October 25th. Reduced $2.50 each day until sold. Better be on the lookout than regret letting the other fellow get it. Other Specials for the Week See us for Particulars Rhein-Rousey Co THE ROOMING HOUSE OP ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA COMFORT WITHOUT EXTRAVAGANCE 47-ATLAS ROOMS-47 F. L. SMITH. Proprietor RATES: Ier Day, ftOc and Up. Per Week, $2.00, $3.00 and 9S.HO REVIVAL MEETINGS IU-v. H. J. Young, Pastor of Cluistiun Church, Will Iiegiu Revival Her- rices Next Sunday Morning Beginning next Sunday morning, the Christian church will conduct a series of revival meetings lasting three weeks. Rev. H. J. Young wil! do the preaching Instead of calling in an evangelist. Live themes rela tive to the church and Its work and man's relation to it will be treated In the fairest manner possible. The An Interesting missionary program is being prepared for next Wednes day afternoon, at the home of Mrs 1 C. B. Gibson. The ladies of the M. E. Aid society are planning it for 3 o'clock, and all will be eager to attend and be Instructed in this line of thought. A New Roof The party held at the home of Mrs .la int. n Hunter at 724 Box Butte ave nue, Tuesday evening, was one which carried with it much pleasure to the invited guests, who were the lady teachers in the city schools, and the the supply teachers. Twenty-seven in vitations were issued for the event. and everyone who attended truly en Joyed every minute of the evening hours. The rooms were prettily dec orated in the Hallowe'en designs and there was great merriment for the guests heartily entered into the Pleasurable stunts which they were If this job la not to be don over supposed to Indulge in. After the coast be put on the house or baru this spring. The old shingles can not withstand the sun and atorm an other season. guests had arrived and were seated, the Important personage who is al ways In attendance at such occasions the witch with her suit of black set off with a bright red shawl and carrying her broom appeared and immediately took up her abode in the booth prepared for her and then everyone had the extreme pleasure of having their future foretold In the most graphic terms possible, and wo .Lumber, too, for repaJ about the ere sure that the services of the per son employed were appreciated During this form of entertainment und fitting in with the program was the arrival of an Italian dressed la the glowing colors so dear to the hear' of this nationality, carrying an A lot in Fairvlew Addition the accordion, and accompanied by a new and popular Addition to Alliance monkey. The usual tin cup was Is one of the bent Investments to be presented for almi, and this ell add rmd in northwest Nebraska today, ed to the pleasaut features of the galn for at least tea year you bet tk um) OUR Shingles They are good for that length of tne, anyway, and perhap longer. At a lower price we can sell you Ahtngles not quite so good. place. Dierks Lumber Co. The Elks club are planning a liard- tlme harvest social and dance for Friday evening, the 29th, and a pleasant time is looked forward to. The event is to take the form sug gestive of Hallowe'en, and besides an elaborate supper, which is being planned for that occasion, an orches tra from Denver will be present to furnish high-class music, and the members of the club, with their friends, are anticipating a delightful time. "TIZ" GLADDENS SORE, TIRED FEET 'TIZ" makes sore, burning, tired feel fairly dance with delight. Away go the aches and pain, the corns, callouses. blisters and bunions. "TIZ" draws out the acids and poisons that pull up your feet. No matter how hard you work, how long you dance, how far you walk, or how long you remain oa your feet, TlZm brings restful foot comforl HZ. is won derful for tired. aching, swollen, smarting feet Your ft juat tingle lor joy; shoes never hurt or eem tight. i Get a 25 cent box of TIZ now from any druggist or department store. End foot torture forever wear smaller shoes, I keep your feet trend, ftwect an I happy. I M f New and Re-Built TYPEWRITERS Repairs and Supplier for all Makes r Typewriters C. J. FAUGH T Local Representative for L. C. Smith A Bros. Typewriter Co. PHONE BLACK 443 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA tel. Alliance. urdays. 43-4t-0S4 Will be there on 3at- FOR SALE Bargain In fire roetn cottage at 118 Missouri arense. Large rooms. Renting for $1J ner month. In good repair. Price 10M. DR. GEORGE J. HAND. 29-tf-6690 x REV. II. J. YOUNG music will be an interesting part of every service. Good choruses, solos and duets, etc., will have a prominent part, while various instruments and an Edison disc wil lend their assist ance. For the benefit of those who are compelled to work till 6 o'clock these meetings will begin at 7:45 and will last till nine, no longer. You be prompt and so will we. Please plan to attend as many of these meetings as possible. Remember, they begin next Sunday, October 24, and last three weeks. You are welcome. Mrs. J. B.' Johnston returned Tues day to tu-r home at Ellsworth after a few days' visit here with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bauer, and her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Johnston. Serial No. 014930. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska, October 18. 1916. NOTICE is hereby given that Mar tha C. Duskin, of Alliance, Nebraska, who, on June 29. 1912, made Home stead Entry, Serial No. 014930, for SSE4 Sec. 3; NNEVi Sec. 10, and WV4NW4 and SEVi NWVi Sec. 11, Township 22 North, Range 48 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make Final Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the laud above described, be fore Register and Receiver U. S. Land OfUce, at Alliance, Nebraska, on the 23rd day of November, 1915. Claimant names aa witnesses: Ed ward North, Ernie May, James D. Lawrence, and Frank Cantwell, all of Alliance, Nebraska. T. J. O'KEEFE. Register. 46-5t-655-6103 rOR 1-aXB aUSCKIXAJTEOCS FOR SALE REASONABLE Second-hand Ford touring car in geed running condition. GHO. F. SNYDER. 40-tf-5023 rK gaiM-ii tiros "TolCsALif6irTirA res, 20 miles south of Alliance, It miles east of Angora, and 6 miles from Lynn. 11 -room frame hoase and other good ranch improvements. Cuts 690 tons of hay. Price S12.W per acre, 10 years' time on $2 5, DM or more. School on land. Geo. D. Workman. Lynn, Nebraska. 42-tf-602S POCHD FOVtiUuuclTriteyZ Owner- can have same by calling at The Her ald office, identifying the keys, and paying for this ad. 43-tf-6064 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT RATES t The charge for both rsa tar and special editions la le per won par insertion, six words to the Una. Advertisers so desiring- may bava an swers to their advertisement addraae d to a box number, car of Tba Her aid. Advertisements charged to patroni bavins accounts are measured by tb, line, not by the word. N.B. The Herald cannot be respon sible for mora than one wrong- Inser tion due to typographical error. Ni claim for error can be allowed aftat the 10th of the following month. An? advertisement Inserted to run ontli forbidden must ba stopped by 'rrlttes -rder. WANTED-SITUATION Stenographic Work Wanted, Dy young lady. Write Mrs. A. N. Hay- ward, Hytinis, Nebr. 46-tf-6104 v.. WANTED AGENTS WANTED A good man to solicit for accident and health Insurance. A good proposition for a lire wire. Ad dress C. U. Can field, Burlington Ilo- FOR RENT Modernly furnished front room, close In. 48-tf-6063 Phone 151. Uonor to loan on raJ natt. tf V. B. REDDISH. RECORD ron TRAINMEN Railroad men can secure a verr us. ful book at The Herald office. It la ft dally time boo It for trainmen and ea glnemen. The price U reasonable. MONEY TO LOAN on your land. Write the First Mortgage Loan & Se curity Co., Council Bluffs, Iowa. 27-tf-4933 MOVM FURNITURE 8AFELY We have equipped our dray wag ons and auto truck with the latest appliances for moving furniture without marring or scratching or damage. Up-to-date wagon pads will be used by us on all moving jobs JOHN R. SNYDER. Phone 15. 37-tf-5950 Buy your receipt books, legal blanks, blank notes, all kinds of blanks at The Herald office. Price reasonable. A big assortment. Office blacks and blank loose-leaf books for sale at The Herald office. Phone 340 and a representative will call. TENANT WANTED for two sec tions of land. Improved, eight miles from Alliance. Write J. F. Dineen Columbus, Nebr. ' 41-tf-fi016 THOROBRED Jersey rail cow for sale, t resh. Four years old. Tame and gentle. Phona Spruce 8061 VI w CovaJt. Alliance. Nebr. V,T 41-4t-(0:0 V t