The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 21, 1915, Image 20

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    Vri. L. I. Bressler. of Hutchinson,
Kansas, mother of Charley Walters,
who ti employed at the government
land office, arrived last week for a
visit until next week, when she wlU
return home with Charles, who ex
pects to make her a visit during his
C. R. Fuller, who at one time was
proprietor of the Alliance Art Studio,
bow owned by M. E. Grebe, who Is
imw living at Sheridan, Wyo., was In
the city tbla week visiting with llor
ace Dogue.
The First State Hank has notified
the Commercial Club that I hey will
Inaugurate the practice of keeping
pen during the noon hour, In ac
cordance with the recent petition
signed by many Alliance business
E. V. Cramer went to Torrington,
Wyo., Sunday to spend a few days
looking after business matters.
About sixty electric lights have
. been placed on the building occupied
by the Imperial theatre, the Alliance
Electrical Works, and Ray's Flower
Store. At night when all the lights
re turned on, not only the front of
the building, but all the adjacent
buildings are Illuminated in nice
nape. The lights extend entirely
Across the top of the building and
about half way down each side.
Mr. and Mrs. Mono Wright and
Mrs. W. R. Drake departed Sunday to
attend the Rehekah assembly which
convened at Omaha Tuesday. Tbla
assembly Is being held In conjunction
with the Odd Fellows convention,
which la In pension in Omaha this
Mrs. J. Pattlochy departed Wed
nesday for SpearflBh, S. D., for a few
days' visit with relatives and friends.
Mrs. Walter Adams, of Milwaukee,
Wis., is here this week visiting with
her sister, Mrs. W. E. Cotant, and
l!rs. Agnes Dempster-Cunningham
departed Monday for her home at
Madison, Wis., after, an extended vis
It here with friends! Mrs. Cunning
bam lived In Alliance about twenty
three years ago, and said her visit
was a rare treat, not only because of
her visit with her many old-time
friends, but to witness the results of
the many changes that have taken
place in and around Alliance since
he left.
Mrs. J. Carr went to Droken Mow
Tuesday for a few days' visit with
relatives and friends.
Mrs. J. H. Mosler, with her cousin,
Mies Ida Ryder, of Springfield. 111..
who ia here visiting, spent Tuesday
visiting with friends In Hot Springs.
Mrs. I I, and daughter! ft
Mabel and Miss Ida Hyder returned
last Friday from a few days' visit In
) Vern Leonard came tip from Liu
coin Monday for a short vIhU with
Bla parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Leon
ard. W. M. Robinson, of the HaddorlT
Music Company, came In Wednesday
- to loejc after business matters con
nected with the company.
M. C. Hubbell, a former resident
of Alliance, but now of Long Reach,
Calif., lost his automobile by fire a
short time ago as he whs traveling in
it from Long Reach to the Oklahoma
oil fields. This Is the Becond car
Mr. Hubbell has lost from the same
cause and under 'he same circum
stances, the first one burning while
be was on his way from Alliance to
Oklahoma some time ago, before he
moved to California.
Mrs. Hazel Amsberry Is spending
a few days In our city, introducing a
literary work, which is well known
and widely discussed with favor
Burton Holmes Travelogues. These
works cover a wide sphere of travel,
and anyone interested in securing a
et of twelve books may do so at a
reasonable expense.
The ladles belonging to the Pres
byterian Auxiliary are preparing to
bold a supper at the church basement
this evening Thursday. There will
be a small charge, but the goodies
which will tempt the palate of every
one will more than repay for the ex-
peine of attending.
Thia is not a cut price sale it is simply another way of advertising. We are willing to lose money to get you acquainted with these high standard goods.
Toilet Articles
40c New England Perfume, oz.
bottle, assorted odors ...2 for 41c
75c New England Perfume, 1 oz. bot
tle, assorted odors 2 for 76o
60c Pox New England Soap Lily of
the Valley 2 for flic
60c Box New England Soap RoBe
Duds : 2 for 61c
60c Box New England Soap Wood
Violet 2 for flic
26c Rexall Antiseptic Tooth Pow
der 3 for 56c
2.1c Can Trailing Arbutus Talcum
2 for 20c
25c Flexible Nail File 2 for 2flr
2 fie Bottle Harmony Perfume, Vi oz..
assorted odors 2 for 26c
50c Bottle Harmony Perfume, 1 ox.,
assorted odors 2 for 51c
50c Manicure Shears 2 for 51c
25c Rexall Blemish Soap. . .2 for 26e
25c Violet Dulce Rouge . . .2 for 26V
25c Harmony Carnation Talcum
2 for 26c
25c Box Face Powder 2 for 26c
25c Pearl Tooth Powder . . .2 for 26c
15c Nasal Douche 2 for 16c
23c Jar Hartley Cold Cream 2 for 26c
25c Cosmopolitan Tooth Brush
2 for 26c
50c Cloth Brush 2 for 51c
25c Lather Brush 2for26c
10c Dox. Rexall Steel Pens 2doa. 11c
10c pkg. Envelopes 64 size
2 for 11c
10c Rexall Ink Tablets ...2 for 11c
10c pkg. Visiting Cards ...2 for 11c
25c Box Shakespearian Station
ery 2 for 26c
3 5c Box Stationery, 60 sheets. 50
envelopes 2 for 86c
5c Lead Pencils 2 for 6c
5c Pen Holders 2 for 6c
10c Book .Strap 2 for 11c
10c Roll Crepe Paper 2 for 11c
Household Ned ami Keiiiedio
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
kwill buy any article mentioned in this advertisement, regardless of its retail value
providing a second article of the same kind is purchased at our regular price.
Savoy Chocolates lc
Two Pounds 41c
48 pieces, 17 different kinds, in pretty box
One box Atn wo oxt'8
One Tound 4UC Two Pounds
$1.00 Itcxall Sarsaparilla Tonic 2 for $1.01 25c Rexall Corn Solvent 2 for 26c
25c Rexall Mentholine Balm .2 for 26c 25c Box Rexall Cold Tablets 2 for 26c
A Perfect Dentifrice
Pleasant to taste and Anti
septic 1 Tube 25c, 3 Tubes 61c
.-""! S .JAVA
10c Cherub Pacifiers 2 for 11c
25c Rexall Medicated Skin Soap 2 for 26c
1 lb. Box Tulip Linen Paper, 50 Envelopes
to match, 55c, 2 for 56c
I ABB" -z
means u.
This talcum is exceptional for
its fineness and odor
't I'w can, 25c
Two cans for
25c Box Rexall Foot Powder 2 for 26c
25c Nasal Douche 2 for 26c
25c Bottle Rexall Blackberry
Cordial 2 for 26c
$1.00 Bottle Everyday Tonic 2 for $1.01
Manhattan Cnfe Open Again
The Manhattan Cafe, which haB
been closed several days for extens
fve Improvements, opened for busi
nea this morning. F. D. McCormick
Is the proprietor, and believes In glv
log his customers the best. The cafe
now presents a neat and modern ap
ItetuniM from Western Trip
Al Wlker returned Tuesday morn
Inn from a three weeks' bunting and
fishing trip in Wyoming. He stop
ped at Douglas where his son, Art
lives. Al Is now telling the boys
some new fishing stories.
McCarthy Was at Nebraska City
The Nebraska City Daily Press of
October 3 had the following to say
3. H. McCarthy of Alliance. Nebr.. is
visiting relatives In Wyoming pre
cinct for a few days. He attended
the football game here yesterday. Mr,
McCarthy was a resident of Otoe
county for many years. Today he is
one of the substantial farmers and
stock raisers of western Nebraska
Woman Seriously Injured
The wife of Mr. Honey, the cow
oy who created such a sensation at
e stockmen s convention in Ain
ace. was badly injured Monday ev
4 lug uear Ellsworth when a horse
10c Roll Toilet Paper 2forllC
25c Powder Puff 2 for 26c
10c Roll Crepe Paper 2forllc
10c Bottle Shoe Blacking .2 for lie
5c Hot tie Itexnll Cream of Almonds
2 for 36c
10c Cake Tar Soap 2 for 11c
0c Nursing Bottle Fittings 2 for 11c
Flavors: Peppermint, Spearmint, Cinnamon
5c per Package 2 for 6c
10c Hand Brush ...... 2 for 11c
35c Hand Brush 2 for 36c
75c Hair Brush 2 for 76c
$1.00 Hat Brush 2 for $1.01
Stork Nipples
Kach one packed In a sanitary carton red, white or black rubber
F-ach, 5c
Three for
Six Nipple, 21c
Twelve Nipple .
Household Needs and
11.00 Rexall Cod Liver Oil Emulsion
2 for 91.01
f t.OO Itexnll Celery and Iron Tonic,
5c Dottle Petroleum Jelly .. .2 for 6c
$1.00 Rexall Beef Wine and Iron
2 for $1.01
50c Rexall eczema ointment 2 for Clc
$1.00 Itoxbury Rubber Gloves
2 for $1.01
25c Bottle Glycerine and Rose Water
2 for 26c
10c Nursing Bottle 2 for 11c
5c Package Court Plaster. . .2 for 6c
15c Package Bird Seed . . . .2 for 16c
10c Pkg. Absorbent Cotton 2 for 11c
noc Bottle Rexall Rubbing Oil
2 for 51c
10c Bottle Rexall Soda Mint Tablets
u r r it-.-
25c Belladonna Plaster ...SlUUCi
25c Rubber Comb .2 for 26c
25c Rexall Headache Powders
2 for 26c
50c Rexall Kidney Remedy 2 for Sic
$2.0O Maximum Fountain Syringe
2 for $2.01
10c pkg. Epsom Salts 2 for 11c
25c Flannel Water Bottle Cover
2 for 26c
25c Rexall Arnica Salve ... 2 for 26c
25c Rexall Baby Cough Syrup
2 for 26c
5c Medicine Droppers 2 for 6c
25c Rexall Bed Wetting Remedy
2 for 26c
$2.00 Rexall Bamboo Brier Blood
Builder 2 for $2.01
10c pkg. Sulphur 2 for 11c
85c Fountain Syringe Tube 2 for 36c
15c Rexall Bronchial Tablets
2 for 16c
25c Rexall Carbolated Witch Hazel
Salve 2 for 26c
10c pkg. Borax 2 for 11c
$1.50 Money Hack Water Itottle, size
No. 3 2 for $1.51
15c Chamois 2 for 16c
35c Chamois . . . 2 for 6c
15c Household Ammonia ..2 for 16c
. 25c Monogram Kur and llcer
Syringe 2 for 26c
25c Rexall Carbolic Salve .2 for 26c
25c Comp Cathartic Pills . .2 for 51c
25c Box Rexall Charcoal Tablets
2 for 26c
25c Rexall White Liniment 2 for 26c
ftl.OO Rexall Vegetable Compound
Maximum Hot
Water Bottle
The largest selling bottle in the
world. . The price everywhere is
$2.00 each. Full two-quart ca
pacity. Guaranteed for two years
Standard Price, One I lot tie, $2.00
This Sale, Two Itottle . . . $2.01
The. ffW& Store
60c Olive and Palm
Oil Liquid Shampoo
and Soap, 2 for
which she was riding ran away and
nto a barb-wire fence. One of her
limbs was cut to the bone and she
was bruised and scratched. She was
brought to Alliance for medical
reatinent, being attended by Dr.
Well improved, fully equipped
3000 acre stock ranch in southern
Wyoming. 800 acres fine irrigated
hay land; remainder well watered
pasture land. Water rights perpetu
al and fully paid.
400 head of cattle;
25 head of horses and mares;
4 00 tons of hay.
Value of property, about $60,000.
One-half cash, balance on terms to
Address. WYOMING, 925 Foster
Building. Denver, Colorado.
TiiaeeoV 11 Is not aTfflcTrTo"beTleve
that sheep will increase In the next
ten years where cattle have been decreasing.
On Big Advantage Is That Animal
Yield Valuable By-Product In
Wool Multiply Raploly.
There Is a good basis for tne belief
recently expressed by Prof. Carlyle of
Idaho that sheep will partly replace
cattle and help to overcome the meat
sUortage. Sheep multiply more rapidly
than cattle; there are more multiple
births. One of the greatest drawbacks
to the production of beef on high
priced land Is that a cow must bs
kept a year for a calf.
Another advsntaga In favor of sheei
Is that they yield a valuable by-product,
the wool, without having to be
milked. That appeals to a good many
farmers. For the consumption of
roughage, the by-product of the farm,
sheep, are as well adapted as cattle.
Great Scavengers.
Sheep are of great value in remov
ing underbrush from a farm and In
this respect their activity is excelled
only by that of Angora goats. Given
plenty of brush and grass, located In
a. region that is free from sheep dis
eases, where the animals are supplied
LUfflcient fresh water and salt, the
gains that they will make In six
months will be quite astonishing. Of
course where the largest gains are
desired the sheep must be supplied
with plenty of supplementary grain.
The farmer who desires to feed sheep
should preferably purchase western
wethers or range sheep during a
period when the msrket Is right, so
that he will be able to fatten the mutton-producers
on a good margin of
y Chronic Consolation
"About two years ago when I be
gan using Chamberlain's Tablets I
had been suffering for some time
with stomach trouble and chronic
constipation. My condition improv
ed rapidly through the use of these
tablets. Since taking four or five
bottles of them my health has been
fine," writes Mrs. John Newton, Irv
ing. N. Y. Obtainable everywhere.
Adv Oct
arket Week Specials
Free Demonstration
of "Morning Cup" Brand Coffee and Iten Biscuits
On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, during Market Week there will be at our store rep
resentatives of the company manufacturing "Morning Cup" brand Coffee, and the Iten Biscuit
company, of Omaha, who will serve their products together to all who visit the store on those days.
This is done to acquaint the public w ith the excellent quality of these two products, which we han
dle and which we recommend to our customers.
Come in and Try Them at Our Expense
Strictly pure California extracted
honey. 120 lbs. net per case, deliver
ed. Freight paid to points in Nebr
aska, Dakota or Iowa, at $10 per
case. Cash with order.
Selrua, California
No. 1
25 cent Package Gold Dust,
16 bars White Russian or Diamond C
Soap, . CI
4 cans of Rex Lye - V
No. 2
5 pounds of Peaberry Coffee, regular 25 cents
a pound, for the two Dollar uays, 0l
- V
5 pounds for
During the six days of Market Week we
will conduct a 10 cent sale of staple
such as Corn, Kraut, Hominy, Tomatoes and
other canned and bulk goods. These are all
pure and fresh, and offer you a good opportun
ity to lay in a supply of table necessities.
And See What a Dime Will Do
Moore Grocery Company
i !