rl PROFESSIONAL Dl RECTO R Rates: One-inch cards, 50 H. A. COPSBY rbyslrUn and Surge Oflc Pbone, 360 Res. Phone. 141 Galls answered promptly day and mlgM from office. Offices: Alliance National Bank building, orer the Foat Office. 0. E. SLAGLE, M. D. PhysiclAB and Surgeon MBee phone, 65 ALLIANCE Rea. phone, 62 NEBRASKA OrU Coppernoll tea. Phona SO F. J. Peteraen Rea. Phone 41 On. Coppernoll & Petersen Osteopaths BOOM 5, OPERA HOUSE BLOCK H. ML BULLOCK Attorney-at-Law ALLIANCE NEBRASKA L. W. BOWMAN Pfcyalciaa and Surgeon OFFICE. First National Bank Bldg. PHONES: Office, 161; Residence. II DR. D. E. TYLER Dentist PHONE 361' OVER FIRST NATIONAL BANK ALLIANCE : NEBRASKA PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER AT THE HERALD OFFICE SEASONABLE RATES PROMPT SERVICE J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstracter I hare the only set of abstract books In Box Butte county. OFFICE: Rm. 7, Opera House Block J. F. YANDERS TAILOR and HATTER VIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA "LET ME CRY FOR- YOU" HARRY P. COURSEY UVE STOCK AND GENERAL """""" SALEM SPECIALIST AND AUCTIONEER Farm Sales a Specialty TERMS REASONABLE PHONE: 664 ALLIANCE : NEBRASKA DR. L. W. CURTIS PREPARED TO TREAT ALL DOMESTIC ANIMALS PHONE 633 ALLIANCE : NEBRASKA EUGENE BURTON . Attorney-at-Law Land Attorney OFFICE: First National Bank Bldg. PHONE 180 I ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA fHONE: 233. CLARE A. DOW Electrician House Wiring fetor and Auto-starter Repairing ALLIANCE NEBRASKA GEO. G. GADSBT Licensed Em balm er PHONE: Day, 498; ALLIANCE Night, 610 NEBRASKA PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER Any kind of Photos. Interior and exterior views QUALITY PORTRAITS Alliance Art Studio M. E. Grebe. Prop. 114 East 4th. Phone Black 111 JAMES M. KENNEDY, DENTIST First National Bank Building, Al tlance, Nebr. Phonei: Office, S3; Residence. Black 10. Nitroua Oxide administered. cents; two-inch cards, $1.00 J. Jeffrey, D.C. Th C. A. G. Jeffrey, DC. CHIROPRACTORS 504 Niobrara Ave. Office Hours, 10 a. m. to 8 p. tr JAMES OSBORN Contractor and Builder Estimates Furnished Free ALLIANCE s : NEBRASKA THOMAS LYNCH AU'y-at-Law 1519-1511 City National Bank Building OMAHA Special Attention to Lire Stock Claims AUTO LIVERY - - PHONE 573 - - C. E. Morgan On "2"oia.r .Trip take with you a box of gooil and a late Qet them at up-town news stand or at depot HILLER BROTHERS RED PEP'S PHILOSOPHY They say that mouw talks, but all it ever says to rtvc is 'Good Bye. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS For Auto Supplies and Oil and Ga oline Free Air on the Curb Alliance Auto Supply Co. Phone 25 Granite and: Marble Paine-Fishburn Granite Co. Grand Island, Nebraska Write for Information or call on our Local Agent AL. YVTKKR Agent at Alliance .1W vXVw MONUMENTS I OKDIXANCK NO. 121 I . An ordinance to provide for the m nrTtlon of milk and cram Hold with j in the city of Alliance, and of daiil-si , and dairy herds kept for I ho produc tion of audi milk, and to prevent fraud lu the sale- of milk, and pre serve the public health, and to 11 cenRe and re nu late the sale and din position of milk i:i said city. BE IT ORDAINED II Y THE MAY OR AND COUNCIL OK THE CITY OF ALLIANCE: Section 1. That from and after the passage, approval and publication of this Ordinance no parson, persons, flrni or corporation shall Bell or offer for sale any milk or cream within the City of Alliance without first having obtained a license so to do in the manner hereinafter provided. Section 2. That no license shall be issued for a period beyond the first day of May, 1916, and all li censes under the provisions of this act shall be issued on the first day of May, yearly, thereafter. Before the Issuance of a license, every vender of milk or cream shall pay to the city treasurer the license fee herein Imposed and shall take a receipt for the same, which said re ceipt shall be presented to the city clerk, whose duty It shall be to keep a record as follows: First. The name and residence of the applicant, or if a firm, name and residence of each of said firm, or if a corporation, name and residence of the person in charge of each, and the name of the president and secretary of said corporation. Second. The location of the bus iness place or places of the applicant, giving street and number, and the name and residence of the person in charge of each. Third. A description of each and every wagon or other vehicle used In the delivery of milk or cream and the number used to designate each. Fourth. The location of the dairy or source of supply. Fifth. The number of cows, if any, owned or controlled by the ap plicant. Whereupon it shall be the duty of the city clerk to issue a license, no li censes to be sold, assigned, loaned or transferred without the lenul conaent of the council. Section 3. On all wagons or other vehicles used for the delivery of milk or cream in the city of Alliance shall cause to be placed or printed in a conspicuous place on the Cody of such wapon or vehicle and upon the milk cans or other receptacle contain- j ing milk or cream, in large legible Bgures, the number corresponding with their respective licenses.. Section 4. That a license fee o' One Dollar ($1.00) per year for eaci cow kept within city limits shall ! paid nto the city treasury by th owner residing within the city limit, I when milk or cream is sold i.y such owner from such cow. Eveiy per- son, firm or corporation producing ' milk or cream for sale and sellinp clared unlawful for any garbage or the same in the city of Alliance, and refuse of any form or kind to be al every person, firm or corporation j lowed on any milk wagon, selling or offering for sale or keep- Section 15. No person having an Ins for sale any milk or cream from ' infectious or contagious disease such any milk depot, store, wagon or oth- as whoopinK cough, cholera, small er establishment in the city of Alii-! pox, typhoid fever, diphtheria, scarlet ance shall pay a license fee of J5.00 per year for each and every place, depot, store, wagon or other estab lishment used for that purpose. Section 5. Any such applicant, or any person from whom such appli cant obtains or is to obtain his milk. shall permit the officers of the city of Alliance to inspect the dairy and dairy herd of such applicant, or the dairy herd and dairy of the person or persons from whom the applicant obtains or is to obtain his milk or cream, together with all appliances and milk vessels used therein, and any refusal upon the part of such ap plicant or upon the part of the per son or persons from whom such ap plicant obtains or is to obtain his milk to permit the inspection above referred to shall be deemed a suffi cient ground upon which the City Council may refuse to Issue the li cense applied for, and for such cause may revoke the same after its issu ance. Section 6. On the first day of May of each year and every six months thereafter, the mayor shall appoint a committee of three councilmen whose duty it shall be to inspect the sanitary conditions surrounding dair ies, uiilk depots, wagons, or any food or the like in connection with the milk business which .may affect the public health and for the purpose of protecting the public health, and in conjunction with the board of health, may employ such expert services as the occasion may require, should it develop that the cows furnishing milk or cream for the public suffer from tuberculosis, the board of health shall order the disposition of such infected cow or cows and under no circumstances shall the milk of such cows be offered for sale or brought within the corporate limits of the city of Alliance; and upon the failure of the owner to dispose of such cow or cows so afflicted, or up on the failure of such owni to rem edy any unsanitary condition a may be brought to his attention by the aforesaid committee. Bald city council shall at once suspend the license of the owner of such cow or cows and such owner shall be subject to such Cine as hereinafter Imposed. Section 7. Any and all owners of cows who sell milk or cream within the corporate limits of the city of Al liance shall annually, cause said cow or cows to be tested for tuberculosis by what is known as the tuberculosis test, and the certificate of such test shall be presented to the council for inspection and filed with the city clerk, at the time of filing application for license. Section 8. No milk or cream shall be sold, offered for sale or kept in the city of Alliance, which Is produc ed from sick or diseased cows, or from cows kept in an unclean, filthy or unwholesome condition or from cows fed upon any substance in state of fermentation or purifica tion, or any unwholesome food or 1m pure water excepting silage and malt The council committee or board of health shall condemn and destroy Any Impure food found which Is kept for the purpose of fociliiiK cows. Section M. It Is hereby declared unlawful for any person, firm or cor poration to put milk or cream Intt ti l ed for sab' from one can, bottle or receptacle into another ran, bottle or receptacle, on any of the streets, or in any wukoii or in any exposed place In any milk depot or on the enclosed premises of a customer of the dealer in milk. Section 10. Every peron. Ann or corporation, milk man or vender of milk or cream, going from house to house cr one place to another selling or offer: n. for sale, milk or cream shall be deemed to have all of such milk or cream in his possession for the purpose of sale, and all the milk or cream in his or its possession shall be subject to the rules and regula tions of this ordiuance. Section 11. The collection of milk vessels, milk cans or any other containers used In the delivery of milk from houses in which are locat ed cases of any of the following dis eases, is forbidden, namely, small pox, scarlet fever, typhoid fever, ty phus fever, diphtheria, measles, bu bonic plague, yellow fever, cholera, leporsy, glanders, antrhax, cerebros pinal meningitis, etc. Such Vessels must be left at the house until they have been-disinfected under the sup ervision of the board of health. They can then be collected by the owner. Both the householder and milk deal er shall be held responsible for any violation of the regulation. Section 12. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to allow cows, the milk of which ia to be sold, offered for sale, or brought into the corporate limits of the city of Alliance, to drink from stagnant ponds or pools, or from Inlets, moats, or pools of water where manure, dead animals, decayed vegetation, or other similar substances are dumped or deposited, which may In any way affect or contaminate the water. Any person, firm or corporation permit ting or allowing cows to partake of water in the above condition after five days notice from the health of fice or council committee to discon tinue the sam.e, the board of health or council committee shall be em powered by themselves or agent to confiscate and destroy all such milk wherever found In the city of Alli ance, Nebraska, and in addition the person, firm or corporation found guilty of violating this section shall be fined in the sum of not more thau Fifty Dollars (I&0.00) and costs for every offense. Section 13. The addition to milk or cream as a preservative or color ing matter such as formaline, for maldehyde, salicylic or boracic acid, t u..i, annlto, etc., or any other ..-jt;:nce Is hereby forbidden and declared unlawful. Section 14. All milk wagons, Ice chests, or ice containers therein must be kept at all times clean and. free from all odor, and it is hereby de- fever, consumption, or having recent ly been in contact with such person, shall milk cows or handle cans, bot tles, dippers, measures, or other ves sels used for milk or cream intended for sale, unless all danger of com municating such disease to other per sons shall have passed and the per son so contaminated shall have been adjudged by the board of health to be free from communicating any such disease aud no milk or cream shall be sold or dispensed for use us food, from any house, store, shop, wagon, dairy or other place in which there is a case of contagious or infectious disease as aforesaid, until all danger of contagion thereof has been remov ed, and permission in writing is ob tained from the board of health au thorizing the sale of milk or cream in said nouse, shop, wugon or from said dairy or other place. Section 16. All milk sold or of fered to be sold within the corporate limits of the city of Alliance shall test at least three (3) percent butter fat. Section 17. Any person, persons, firm cr corporation found guilty of violating any part of thin ordinance where the, penalty Is not specifically provided for shall be fined In any sum not less than Five Dollars ($5) nor more thau One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) and shall stand committed in the city jail until such fine and costs are paid. Section 18. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publi cation as required by law. Passed and approved this 12th day of October, 1915. Passed flrst reading October 12, 191 Passed second reading October 12, 1915 Passed third reading October 12, 1915. PENROSE E. ROMIO. Mayor. Attest: Curter Calder, Secretary. (SEAL). 45-2t-652-6075 8H1JHFPS BALK By virtue of an Order of Sale di rected to me from the Clerk of thelticated copy of the lant will und testa District Court Of BOX Butte County,)"""1 of Henry C. Spauldintf. deceased, m.i,..v. - r,r. t i'fr the grant of letters ot adniiiilKtra- said court, on the 28th day of Decem ber. A. D.. 1914, In favor of W. B. Hurst as Plaintiff, and against Ros- coe P. Hurst, an unmarried man. Toilet O. Sands Nettie M. Sands, his wife, Albert P. Easton, and John Doe, as Defendants, for the sum of Fifteen Hundred Fifty-six and 40-100ths Dollars and Costs and ac cruing costs; and directing that the premises therein described, to-wit: The Southeast Quarter (SE4) of Section Two (2), in Township Twenty-seven (27), North of Range Forty eight (48), West of the Sixth Prin cipal Meridian, in Box Butte County, and State of Nebraska, be advertised and sold to satisfy said sum of $1556.40, and costs and accruing costs, I will offer said land above de scribed for cash In band, on the 15th day of November, A. D. 1915, in front of the west front door of the Court House, In Alliance, in nld county (that being the building wherein the last term of Court was held), at the hour of ten o'clock a. ni . of said day. when and where due attendance will be given by the un dersigned. Dated October 13th. 1915. C. M. COX, Sheriff of Said County. 4 5-5t-fi:i3-6086 NOTICE TO R. C. (1LANVII.LK. AND TO HIS HEIRS, DEVISEES. LEGATEES AND PERSONAL REPRESENTA TIVES. AND TO ALL OTHER PERSONS INTERESTED IN HIS ESTATE BY SUCH DESIGNA TION: You will take notice that on the 9th day of October. 1915, Charles A. Pohvar, Plaintiff, filed his petition in the District Court of Hoi Butte Coun ty. Nebraska, against the Above nam ed and designated defendants, the object and prayer of which are to quiet the title of the plaintiff in the following described premises, to-wlt: The Southeast Quarter (SEV4) of Section Twenty (20). Township Twenty-seven (27), North Range Fifty-two (52), West of the 6th prin cipal meridian, Box Butte County, Nebraska, and to exclude said de fendants and each of them from any interest therein, and for such other and further relief as equity may re quire. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 22nd day of November, A. D. 1116. CHARLES A. POSVAR. 45-ut-664-6088 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of Ferdinand Basting, deceased. In the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. Notice to all persons Interested In said estate Is hereby given that Sam uel B. Otto, Executor of said estate, will meet the creditors of said estate at the county court room In the city of Alliance, said county, on the 15th day of April. 1916, at the hour of 9 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of the hearing, adjustment and allowance of claims against said estate. All per sons having claims or demands against said estate must file the same In said court on or before the 15th day of April, 1 9 1 fi , or said claims will b forever barred. Dated September 14th, 1915. L. A BERRY, (SEAL) County Judge. 41-5t-64R-6014 NOTICE TO CltEDI'IXmS In the Matter of the Estate of Charles A. Clark, deceased. In the County Court of Hox Butte County, Nebraska. Notice to all persons interested In said estate is hereby given that Cal vin J. Wildy, executor of said estate, will meet the creditors of said estate at the county court loom in tho city of Alliance, said county, on the 15th day of April. 1916. at the hour of 9 o'clock a. ni., for the purpose of the hearing, adjustment and allowance of claims against said estate. All per sons having claims or demands against said estate must file the same in said court on or before the 15th day of April, 1916, or said claims will be forever barred. Dated s-ptembr 14th, 1915. L. A. BERRY. (SEAL) County Judge. 41-5t-645-6013 ao ri( i: OK HKAItl.tU IN THH COUNTY COUItT OF l!OX III ITT K COUNTY. NKKIIASK A. IN THIS MATT Kit OK THK INSTATE OK SAICMI A. SMITH. DECEASED. Notice Ih hereby given Unit on th 23rd (lay of October. A. !., 1915. lit ttie county limit room in the city of Alli ance, Raid county, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., of said day. the follow ing mutter will he heard ami consider ed, to-wlt: the petition of Emma K. Harris, for the prohate of a certain written Instrument now on tile in wild court, and purporting to be. the lost w ill und t hiaiMcnt of Sur.-ih A. Smith. deeefined. for tho grant of letter test- mentary thereon, to H. r. i.ilinar.. Dated September 14 th. IS 15. L.i A. HKUUY, (SKAI.) County Judge. 43-4t-M7-nr, mu m i: ok iieahim; IN THR COUNTY COURT- IIF HOX lit .'TTE COl'NTY. NEI'.k ASK A. IN THE MATTER OK THK KSTATK OK I'KTKR I). SPICACKI.KN. PU- CEASEI . Notice Ih hereby Riven thnt on the 23rd day of OiUotk-r. A. I.. U'ii. at tho county court room in the city of Alli ance, said county, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. of Hiiid ii. the follow iiiK mutter will be henrd itml coiiHidcr eil, to-wit: the petition of Clement L Spracklen, for the protmle of a certain written innti unient now on tile In xtlfi court, and purporting to be the InM will and testament of IVter I). Kpratk len, deceased, for the p. runt of letters testamentary thereon, to Calvin J. Wil dy. Hated September 14th. 191.. L. A. ItKltllY, (SKAI.) County Judge. 43-4t-64-fiOI4 MITK K OK IIKAHIM; IN THK COl'NTY COUUT OF HoX lil'TTK COl'NTY", N K I ! It A S K A . IN THK MATTKK OK THK KSTATR OK HKNKY C. H PAULDING. DE CKASKU. Notice ia hereby Riven that on the 23rd day of October. A. l.. 1916, at the county court room in the city of Alli ance, said county, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., of aid day, the follow ing matter will be heard and conalder ed, to-wit: the petition of CharleM A. I'oxvar, for the probate of a certain written instrument now on file in said court, and purporting to be an autlien tion with the will annexed thereon to Keith U Pierce. Dated September 14th. 1915. L. A. HKHItV (SKAL) County Judge. 43-41-649-6043 NO IKK OK IIK.AIUXO IN THK COUNTY COI'ICT OP POX HUTTK COUNTY. NKKIIASK A IN THK MATTKK OK THK KSTATR OK KKKDINAND BASTINU. DE CKASED. Notice Is hereby given that on the 23rd day of October. A. D., 1916. at the county court room In the city of Alii ance, said county, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., of said day, tiie follow Intc matter will be heard and consider ed, to-wit: the petition of Samuel H Otto, for the probate of a certain writ ten instrument now on tile tn said court, and purporting to be an authen Heated copy of the last w ill and testa meut of Ferdinand Hasting, deceased for the grant of letters testamentary thereon to Samuel H. Otto. Dated September 14th. 1916. L A. HKItriT. County Judge s-4t-G0-604: THURSDAY PREMIUMS Market Week Premium Offered ftr TlinrHla), (MotVr 2H, for K. Iilhitn, Worth Trying- fo Premiums offered for tne exhibit of uralns, vegetables and horses ta Thursday. October 2S. during Market Week, are as follows: drain t-Milblt IteHt I'eck Winter wheat .60 $.2& Ordinary sprlnn wheat . . .50 .ti Durum wheat 50 .1 Spring wheat 50 .It Spring rye 50 ,2fc Fall rye 50 .2$ Harley f,o ' .26 Karly oats 60 .21 Late oats 50 .21 Alfalfa seed 50 .2fr 10 Kars Yellow dent corn 50 .21 ChIIco dent corn 50 .21 Whtf flour corn 60 .26 niue flour corn 60 .26 Flint corn, any color ... .60 .26 Vegetable Kxhiblt Early Ohio, one pock ... .11 .If Triumphs, one peck 60 .Ih Kureka, one peck 50 .26 Turnips, one peck 60 .2S Tomatoes, six 60 .2ft Onions, one peck 60 .25 Deans, quart 60 .ti Pumpkin, three 60 .2t Squash, three . . ., 50 ,.2-V Cabbage, three 50 .25 Deets, one peck 60 .2 Parsnips, one peck 60 .25 Carrots, one peck 50 .15 Kntrlea close Wednesday, October 27, at 6 p. m. Show continues bal ance of Market Week. No entrance fees. Make entries at the Commer cial Club office. Hone Hhcw Class A horses open to all breed. Judge J. L. Carlson, Norfolk, Nebr. Draft Stallion, 3 years or more. 1st, 2.60 cash; 2nd, 11 cash. Draft stallion, 2 years. 1st, $2.69; 2nd, $1. Draft stallion, 1 year. 1st, $2. 5t; 2nd, IIT Draft stallion foal. 1st, $2.50; 2n4, II. Draft mare, 3 years or over. 1st, 12.- 60; 2nd, $1. Draft ruarn, 2 years. 1st, 12. G; 2nd, $1. Draft mare, 1 year. 1st, $2.60; 2u4, $1. Draft mare foal. 1st, $2.50; 2nd $1. Best hitched farm team. ' 1st, $2.51; 2nd, $2. Best hitched driving horse. 1st, $2; 2nd, $1. The C. A. Newberry Hardware Oe. will give a baiter free for every foal exhibited whether It wins a prise er not. Make all entries at the Alli ance Commercial Club office. Entries: close Wednesday. October 27. I lore show Is October 28. Chicken Hltow Judge, F. M. Seidell. In crates, one male and two fe males: 1st 2ad Plymouth Rocks $1 .59 Duff Orpington $1 .19 Rhode Island Red $1 .59 White Leghorn $1 .5 Dlack Langshan $1 .50 Light II rah mas . $1 .50 Drown Leghorn $1 .50 White Wyandotte $1 .59 Entries close Wednesday, October 27, 6 p. ni. Show continues balance of Market Week. Each exhibitor is to fun Ink enough feed for the four days e-.lii- bitlon. No entrance fees. Make en-" tries at the Commercial Club rtf'l .. DRINK HOT TEA FOR A BAD COLD ( 'i t .1 until package of Ilaml ur;j iiieu-t Tea. or ax the Ccrmaii folk cull it. "llHiiilntrer Hriixt. Thee," at any pl.ii 1 nun y. 'l ake a tuhlcxpoonful of U14 tea. put a cup of lioilinc; water 11 (wa it, pour tlirou'li h sieve and drii !c a teacup full at 'imy time during the da 01 before retiring. It is the numb elici t iw way to break u cold and nire trip, in it imi'iii tlie pore- of tlie i-kin, relieiii context ion. Al-o ioonens the bowels. Hum driving a cold from the teiu. 'I ry it the next time yon suffer from a colli or I lie j.'1'ip. II is incxjif MSITW and entirely vegetable, therefore safe and liaiiiilos. LUMBAGO RIGHT OUT Rub Fain and Stiffness away with a small bottle ot old honest St. Jacobs Oil When your back is sore and lam or InmbuKO. sciutica or rheumatism baa you tdillenid up. don't suffer! tiet 'id cent ''ttle of oil, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" at any dru store, p ur a lii tie in your hand and rub it right into tlie pain or ache, and by the time you count fifty, the soreness and laine-fic-4 is ("one. Ikm't xtay crippled ! Thi soothing, penetrating oil needs to be used on! nee. It takes the ache and pain right ut of your back and ends the misery, it U inaifical, yet absolutely harmless and doesn't burn the skin. Nothing cine stops lumbago, sciatica aud lame back misery so promptly 1 1 AND XOT1CK OK IIKAKIK4; IN THK COUNTY COUUT OF UOJC HUTTK COUNTY, NKliHASKA. IN THK MATTER OK THK ESTATB OF CHARLES A CLARK. DECEAS ED. Notice Is hereby given that on the 23rd day of October, A. D.. 1916. at the county court room in the city of Alli ance, said county, at the hour of 10 o'clock A M . of said duy, the follow ing matter will be heard and consider ed, to-wit: the petition of Annie Kaper, for the probate of a certain written in strument now on file In said court, and purporting to be an authenticated copy of the last will and testament of Charles A. Clark, deceased, for tb grant of letter of administration wita the will annexed, thereon to Calvin J. Wildy. Dated September 14th, 1916. U A. HEKRY. (SEAL) County Jud. 4S-4t-51-04l r