V. 1 . J K-e y A ' MA T WEEK BARGAINS Geo. ...at the... A. Mollring Store Jtvie 932 As we are overstocked on Ladies', Misses and Children's Coats we find it necessary to .make less than manufacturer's prices on our immense stock. Bargains on Ladies' Coats will be on dis play in our Box Butte avenue window Wednesday In addition there will be piany more bargains in our Ready-to-Wear Deparrment. Everything plainly marked. School Shoes A full line of Cnildren's School Shoes, regular $2.00 and $2.25 quality, for Market Week sale, $1.38 In All Sizes Oet your children ready for school Ladies' Union Suits Wc offer one lot of Ladies' Union Suits, in all styles, in low and high neck, with long and short sleeves. The regular $1.00 quality. Your choice as long as they last, 79c Calicos All Calicos a full line of American Shirtings, for Market Week Bale, per yard 5c Genuine Bargains for you Outing Flannel We have on hand 150 bolts of Light and Dark Outing Flannels, worth 10c and 12'.'C. For Market Week sale, per yard, 8U Get ready for the Comforters Handkerchief Bargains Our baskets are filled with Bargains in Handkerchiefs. 1 Basket 10c values at- 5c 1 Basket 15c values, at 8 l-3c All Linen Goods CHILDREN'S HOSIERY 150 dozen pairs, in all sizes Children's School Hose, regular 15c value, at , 7c I lot Odds and Ends Ladies' Black Cat Hosiery, worth from 25c to 50c, to close., at 15c . Blankets High grade Cotton Blankets, as follows: 1 Lot at 55c 1 Lot at - 69c 1 Lot at 73c 1 Lot at 98c 1 Lot at - $1.17y2c 1 Lot at $1.30c Big range of Wool Blankets at low prices. Ginghams Amoskeg Apron Checks, in all sizes and Checks. Regular 10c quality at, per yard 8c Utopia Dress Ginghams. -' val ues, at, per yard - 8 l-3c Splendid range of patterns to select from. Children's Crib Blankets A full and complete line to select from, at most remarkable prices. Make the baby comfortable and hap-P7- Furs Ladies' Misses' and Children's Furs.' Full and complete line to select from. J We will quote you Market Week prices on Furs. Bleached fluslins During our Market Week sale, we will sell 12je Bleached Muslins at, per yard 8 ic A bargain for you Turkish Towels We have in stock a full line of these Towels in all sizes, in Bleached and Unbleached, Stripes and Checks, with the Guest Towel and' Wash Rag to match. Come in and we will please you. Just Received large shipment . Mill End Remnants A long and clean assortment that will please you. They are all marked down for this sale. We have pleased you before and will strive to do so again during this big sale. Percales One lot of Percales in all colors. Uegu- O lar 12l-;C quality, per yard 0 MERCERIZED PETTICOATS One lot of Ladies' Mercerized Petticoats, in plain Black, and Black and White Q9n stripes, $1.50 grade, at JuC Special for the Ladies Small lot of black and blue Serges and Novelty Cloth Skirts, worth from $5.50 to $10.00. You can buy these at I $2.87 Special Dollar Day Bargains will be on display Friday and Saturday. We anticipate making these Real Dollar Days. Watch Them. "The Store of Quality" - Geo. A. Mollring mm si liiiimiiiimmiiiiiiiiiHiiiniii ilHl!iiillllli' I I -I I "'X