The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 14, 1915, Image 2

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Mayor Romig Makes Report
(kI Slumtiitt Made by Uy Admin-
Mention During Mrt His Month
of the Municipal VMr
these registered warrants, which the
banks collect 7 per cent nn.. Thin
would be handled very easily and it
would appear to me like a pood bus
l noHfl proposition, as the money
would thereby be l?rt In the City's
The report of the light and water
department for the nix months end
. M . V UH - t t . ...II ,l,l
Aiiui- "''Y-ii m 'iik September 15. 1915. show the
LUrir:"'lhi,,H IVM of the light plant: $14.-
or Ilomlg presented a report to the
rouncil showing the record of fh
city administration for the first six
months of the present municipal
year. Thla report was as follows:
Hciiil-AnniiAl Ibv"
Alliance, Nehr., Oct. 11, 1915.
To the Honorable City Council
of 'Alliance, Nebraska:
1 herewith submit to you a report
for the past six months showing the
267.43 gross earnings, and $1,035.33
receipts from merchandise. Disburse
ments "t the operating department
show In the six months $9,341.66 and
the purchase of merchandise belli
$872.17, making the total receipts
$15,302.76, disbursement $10,213.
93. milking a gross gain of $5,088.93.
These figures compare unite favora
bly with the figures that were hand
d to the City Council for the six
financial, health and general condi-1 mont ha urlor to April 1, 1915. At
tion of Alliance. The city is bonded that time we, made a 33 1-3 reduc
to the sum of $141,000, which is di
vided in the following bonds:
$75,000 water bonds, thla being,
two Issues, one $5 5,000 ami th oth
er of $20,000; sewer bonds. $3 5,000:
park bonds, $5,000; light bonds, $20
U00; Cily 1 lull bonds, $6,000.
.During the past year we have re
tired $5,000 worth of these bonds.
No more bonds will be retired this
year, but we hope to retire at least
$10,000 or $15,000 worth of these
bonds In the year 1916.
The report of the City Treasurer
will show that there are $1 1,289.41
worth of outstanding registered war
rants. The taxes for the year 1915
are now registered in the County
Treasurer's otlico and we should
within the next six months call in
approximately the entire amount.
During the past six months we
have transferred from the light and
water fund $5,000 to apply to the
general and street and alley fund. I
would recommend the Council that
ln'the future instead of transferring
' from the light fund to the general
fund, that the amount of unregister
ed warrants be sold to' the light and
water department at 5 pt-r cent rate.
This should take care of all the out
standing warrants that we woul 1
have to register from time to time,
besides saving the city 2 per cent on
aminlng the records that there in a front N'lobrara avenue to Kmerson
balance due to the rlty upon the sal ! avenue; 8th- ftrcet from Box Butte
of lots of $894. 1 have instructed avenue to Kmerson avenue; 9th
the city treasurer to notify the own- street from Cheyenne avenue to Box
ers of these lots and esk that they; Butte avenue; 10th street from Box
make some arrangements for the Butte avenue - to Kmerson avenue,
payment of the same. It la not the n aking a total of seventy-sli blocks
intention of the council to make any that are now on established grade.
Improvements In the cemetery this 'The heaviest part of the grading is
fall. However, up to this date we now completed, with the exceptions
have graded a five-foot furrow a- of a few blocks in the northeast part
round the outside edge of the ceme- of the city. I would recommend
tery In order that the ground may be 'that Missouri avenue be graded from
broken in suitable condition for the 6th street to 8th street; approximate-
aix months pawl ending September 30 J says that he did not go all over 111
wag $1,539.37. The cost of board- garden to find the largest one he
planting of trees in the spring. Lat
er on I will give you a report show
ing what improvements should be
made upon the cemetery beginning In
the spring.
ly 2,800 yards of ground should be
removed. Also that 7tb and 8th
Streets from Yellowstone to alleys
and Missouri avenue be lowered and
that 2nd street should be curbed and
t Ion in the light rate, and I advocat
ed at the time that the additional
consumers made thru this reduction
would offset the 33 1-3 per cent. In
addition to that the light report
would show that the six months end
ing May 15. 1915, were what we coti
Hider light months In the light de
partment. The light department for
the six months beginning Sept. 15,
1915, should nhow an Increase f ap
proximately . $7,000 or $8,000.
Condition of power plant is very
good. There Is nothing new to be
added. However, I would recom
mend to the council that in the
spring a general overhauling of the
street wiring system be made, there
by saving approximately from 4,000
to 6,000 kilowatt of electricity per
month. The renewal of these wires
should be mnde at the first opportun
ity 4n the spring, as I find the Insula
tion on a number of these has been
worn badly and In order to avoid any
accidents this work should begin the
first thing In the spring.
A report for the water department
for the six months ending Septem
ber 15, 1915, shows expenditures of
$3,4 57.17 with $655.65 worth of
merchandise purchased. Total ex
pensed the water department is
$4,177.71. total receipts. $4,112.82.
showing a deficiency of $64.89. This
is due to the fact that no record is
kept in the water department office
of the amount of water used for the
maintenance of the sewer depart
ment, street sprinkling, city hall and
liower plaivt. Were these Items in
cluded In the department and the
proper charges made I can see no
reason why the water department
should not pay a good dividend. The
In regard to the general health guttered from Cheyenne avenue to
condition of the city from April 1 to 1 the east side of Missouri avenue,
September 30, 1915: The city has j which would require very little grad
been fre from contagious diseases ing, about a (dx-incu cut on Box
of all kinds with the exception of a 'Butte avenue, and about a, one-foot
few cases of measles and two, or cut at the outer section of 2nd and
thre cases of typhoid. However, Yellowstone (I am negotiating for a
these diseases were not contracted In : right o! way between 7lb and 8th
the city of Alliance. j street a and Yellowstone and Sweet-
The disposition of the garbage has water avenues), and a cement culvert
received considerable attention by ! put in the crossing on 7th street. The
this council for the past six months ' waste dirt from Missouri avenue will
and it becomes necessary for this, put fith street to grade, also greatly
council to derive some way or means ; improve 7th street and Missouri" ave
In which to take care of and dispose nue between 5th and 6th streets. 3rd
of the garbage collected by the city, street should also be guttered from
and huuled to the dumping grounds, j t lie center of the block west of Lara
At th-present time 1 am negotiating ) mio avenue to the east side of Yol-
wlth a firm In Mineapolis, Minn., tollowstone avenue; 3rd street on the
ing prisoners for thesame period was
$409.50. The cot of maintaining
the pest house was $22.80. The re
port of the poller eparttiient will al
so show that during the six. months
past ending September 30, 1915,
there were 203 arrests. $630.30 in
fines collected, and 96 prisoners
worked their fines out on the street.
I find further that the police depart
ment as far as the police court Is
concerned is practically self-sustaining.
The condition of the fire depart
ment will show that there were ten
fires for the period ending September
30. Eighty per cent of these were
extinguished by the use of chemicals.
The equipment Is In first-class condi
tion. The cost of maintaining the
Just pulled the first one he came to,
and he's got more like it.
Will lie Held by libel h-IUumc (V.f
Net Wwk
From the 18tlrto the 23rd. there,
will be held at the store of Khein-
; Rousey company a demonstration of
the Majestic range, which Is one of
the best on the market. On those
dates a set of kitchen ware will be
given free to all purchasers of Ma
JeBtlc ranges, and there will be con
tests that will interest children. A
prize of $1 will be given to the bor
or girl who turns in the best answer
to the questions that appear in the
large advertisement in this Issue, and
r. A . . 1 ..A . . f ,inr win uuiri nu.i...v- ,i-iU
the driver was $4 58 70 for tho8 who do not Wln the caP,tU
tne anver was S4 58.7W. prixe. These demonstrations are
The records on the street grading . hii t
construct a plant in Alliance for the
burning of all garbage. The cost of
a plant of this kind should not ex
ceed $3,000 to $4,000. By building
this we would eliminate the com
plaints that we are receiving from
the condition of the , dumping
grounds and the general health con
ditions surrounding that district.
During the past year we have had
considerable success with alfalfa on
the city farm and I made a contract
whereby the alfalfa was to be cut and
the city receive one-half and the man
who did the work to receive one-half
of the alfalfa. The sale of this al
falfa should bring to the city ap
ron h side from center of block west
of Laramie to east side of Yellow
stone avenue. I would Btrongly ad
vocate that Box Butte avenue be gut
tered from 1st street to 10th street.
Part of this work Is now built. Our
drainage on this street is not of the
very best, owing to the heavy truffle.
It would also greatly improve the
looks of the street as well ns take
care of all the mud holes which ac
cumulate In unpaved streets, where
heavy trafl.c is being made. I would
also recommend that the parking on
the north side of the James Armour
place be put to grade1 and the trees
lowered. This should be done this
will show that it cost the city ap
proximately $15 per day for the use
of a grader and men to operate it. I
would strongly recommend that the
city purchase a gasoline tractor en
gine to be used in grading our
streets. Tlin engine can be purchas
ed for about $4 00 or $500, and the
saving should pay for the machine
within the next year or two. We have
coiiFifiei able grading to do jet. and
with this engine the greater part of
the grading could be done by the city
Many people suffer the tortures of
lame muscles and stiffened joints because
of impurities in the blood, and cadi suc
ceeding attack seems more acute nntil
rheumatism has in vuded the whole system.
To arrest rheumatism it is quite as Im
portant to improve your pcmrai neaiui as fa j am handinf? you does
1 me con liver 011 1 im.i11(i ti, miarter endine Sen-
to nurifv vour blood, am;
1 Caa t. ... . . 1 Li .. la n ,1 1 1 1 m ' t: fTfrKi f l.lnnHa
maker, while its medicinal nourishment
strengthens the organs to expel the
Impurities and upbuild your strength.
Scott's Emulsion is helping thousand
every day who could not find other relief.
Refuse the alcoholic substitutes.
not include the quarter ending Sep
tetuber 15. which would show ap
proximately $3,000 additional for
the water department.
About thirty days ago the City
Council saw fit to take over the cem
etery proposition and I find upon cx-
proximately $200 above all expense. ! fall, before the ground freezes, in
and for the maintenance, of the city j order to save the trees and give him
farm. a chance to put in bis retaining wall
A great deal of grading, building ' and improve his place, which he
of crossings, lowering and raising of , agreed to do if the city would do the
crossings has been done by the city sam as they did to the property just
during the past six months. ()ur8u,h of hla t),ace- 11 would bo P
records will show that twelve new proximately 300 yards or dirt to
cement crossings have been con-n,ove-
structed. six stone crossings, and j During the past six months we
twelve alley crossings. In addition, have installed in the improvement
twenty-nine crossings were raised or districts numbers 1, 2. 3 and 16,
lowered. Up to date the following 16.425 linear feet of curbing and
described blocks have been graded '4.016 linear feet of curbing and gut
and are to established grade or very jtering. The street and alley gutter
nearly so: Box Butte avenue, from ' ing crossings, 1,140 linear feet, mak
4th to 10th; Laramie avenue from ing a total cost of $8,868.17. Of this
2nd to 10th; Cheyenne avenue from ' amount $3,148.07 should beeharged
3rd to 10th; Big Horn avenue from ! to cement guttering, which woul 1
4th to 9th; Toiuca avenue from 4th leave $5,715.10 taxable against prop
to 7th; Kmerson avenue from 5th torty where the curbing was done.
7th; 3rd street to Yellowstone ave- The putting In of this curbing and
nue (when grading Is complete); 4th cement guttering has greatly lmprov
street from Yellowstone uvenue to ' ed the looks of these streets as well
Emerson avenue; 5th Btreet from as taking care of the drainage.
Sweetwater avenue to Emerson ave-; The report of the police depart
nue; 6th street from Niobrara ave- ment shows that the cost of main
nue to Kmerao.i avenue; 7th street taining the police department for the
the method of construction of the
stove Is explained and it is told bow
to get the best results with them.
Only four blocks to the Court
House, five blocks to the Drake ho
tel, five blocks to the Bank corner,
five blocks to the Opeia House, fosr
blocks to the City Hall, seven blocks
to the Burlington Depot, only oae
block to the Fair Grounds Beauti
ful Fairview Addition, to be thrown
nnen to the nubile at 10 a. Ul.. Wed-
without leavir.g the grading to con- m,gtiay October 20th. Fairview Ad
tract. I would also recommend that . uion will growy rapidly in popular
steps be taken to build a service j Uy. a9 Alliance grows in population,
building at the rear of the city hall 1 watch Alliance grow you can't
for use of the repair department orip Alliance down.
the light and water department a
Tor the hiepin!j of material anil toold 1
for the street commissioner. This
work is now being done in the city
hall, and It surely makes a bad ai
pearunce In that building to have a
repair department In if. We have
sufficient brick to build this building
and the cost of M should, be taken
from the light and water department
funds, as It will be used exclusively
by the light and water department.
Grandma kept her locks dark, glow
thick with a mixture of Sage
Tea and Sulphur.
Weighs 17 '4 Poinds, and Circumfer
ence l ;t."i Inches
Sure you've seen lots of large
turnips but did you ever see one
that weighed 1 7-1 n pounds and meas
ured 35 inches in circumference?
You haven't seen more than on- or
two of them, anyway. But whether
you have or haven't, there is one
that comes up to these specifications
on display in E. T. Kibble's otlice. and
it's not imported, either grown
right here in western Nebraska, a
t short distance northeast of Alliance.
I l"p and down the turnip measures
nearly eight Inches. Mr. Kibble says
it is the largest he ever saw, as dues
everyone else who sees it. When a
turnip prows twelve jnches in diam
eter it is almost getting its full
growth, and all will admit that tur
nips seldom get their full growth.
The man who raised this specimen
brought It to town Monday, and he
Hie old time mixture of Snfle Tea and
Fuipliur for darkening gray, streaked
and faded hair ia grand mother's treat
ment, and folk are. aguin using it to
keep tlieir hair a good, even color, which
is quit sensible, as we are living in an
!' when n youthful appearance is of the
greatest advantage.
Nowadays, though, we don't have the
l i-nuhlcsoras tvl: of fathering the sage
'; the mu&sy mixing at home. All
ilru store sell the rcady-to-tise product
called "Wyelh's S;ige anil Sulphur Hair
licmedy" for alout CO cents a bottle.
It U very popular because nobody ona
!i -cover it has been applied. Simply
ti:n:.sen your comb or a soft brush with it
onJ dr.-nv tli's through your hair, taking
one small strand nt a time: by morning
t'ie er.iv hiir disappears, but what de
li?lit tli,' '.i.Ji M with Wyeth's Sage ami
Sulphui i.. that, liesides beautifully
Wkonin tl, hair after a few applies.
inns, it atao prihicp8 that soft lustre
id appearance of abundance which is so
"mctive: besides, prevent dandruff,
ln end falling hair.
w mm. f mm i
I . " 1 I
We have a new order for a big lot of French war horses and will hold
our next inspection at
Alliance, Nebraska
October 14 to 16
The following prices will be paid for accepted horses:
Cavalry - - $115.00 Light Gunners -
Heavy Artillery - 157.50
Watch this paper for later inspection dates. Write or wire at our expense
for any information wanted.
Alliance, Nehr.