WhatWill Wr I YOU Do f Have you ever thought what will become of you when your earning capacity is waning? At 50 will you still be working for a low wage or enjoying a good income? That depends upon what you are doing NOW to secure the train ing that will steadily advance you iu position and salary during the coming years. Only training will put you in the income class. To learn how you can receive this training without giving up your present occupation, let the International Correspondence Schools advise you. All you have to do is to mark the coupon as directed and mail It today. There is no charge for this advice. No present occupation is, the I. C. S. institution of experts experts in Only your spare time in your own an hour of work or a dollar of opportunity In the world for you to secure a happy, prosperous, and successful life, for it is an opportunity offered by an institu tion backed with a capital of six ' million dollars, whose sole busi ness for 22 years has been to pro vide ambitious men and women with salary raising training. Dont neelect practical opportuni ties for promotion. Stark and mail the coupon ROW. la a BECOME AN EXPERT AUTOMOBILIST BY ATTENDING THE AMERICAN Automobile College 2059 Farnam Street OMAHA, NEBRASKA , You can soon become expert under the instruction of our able teachers. It will pay you well, whether you wish to be come a professional chauffeur or handle only your own car. No dealer is properly equipped for his business without this instruction. We do auto repairing and rebuilding, self starter repair ing, etc., giving students practical knowledge under the in- struction of experts who know how to tfeach others. Write at once for further information, which will be glad ly given free upon request. , xii:t!Tiiitttititiii:::t:ii:iii::t:it:i:t:iiiit::t:iit:t:it:::iin:niii:iniii:ii:rr:;ii:iii:jimx WHY WEAR ILL-FITTTNC "HANI).MF,DOWAS" WHEN YOU CAN OUT A SUIT TAILORED TO YOUR OWN MEASURE FOR $1509 In this 915 suit are combined the same features you will find in $20 and 25 Suits. They're best wool, with very best linings, and the variety of samples is large enough to suit any and all tastes. They hold their shape until the end, and always look as good as any suit you can buy, at any price. Fact is, they're much better values than $15. with most of the profit knocked off. Every one bears the UNION LABEL, which in Itself Is a guarantee of good workmanship to fit and give gooC NOW and see oui Don't Forget Our French Work Called for Roy B. Alliance Nat'I Dank BIdg. ATLAS REDWOOD HOUSEHOLD GOODS for sale. Va oajit rooms for rent. At tit Big Horn avenue, AlUacne, Nebr. 3-tt-460 matter who you are or what your has a way of helping you. It is an helping poorly paid men succeed. home Is required. You do not lose pay. This coupon is the greatest InterMtlopal Correspondence Schools ' Box 888, Scruiton, Pa. ' Finn npUla. witknat lanbet oMlgttloa oa my part, how I caa quality lor lha position, lrtd. of protaHloa bctota wblck I aara auikad X. . I Aarricvltwra d SajMnaoabip 1 i Agriciitura AatoatoMIc Koaaaag Fowl try ParaocBuj Book kaapa tlwtfrapkrr AttTortMaa Maa thow lvd Wrttiae Wlaanr Trtmralnc Commercial UluMrat. Coamlat Bankios Civil Sanrtr SajMmanahip Blactrlcai Eoctow Macfcaalral Urate. Macbaaical Catnea Tataphoaa Expert Stationary Enpiaaar Crvll Eaalnear Bnlldlaf Contractor Arch ttactural Uratta. Architect Coacreta Oooatract'a riMmWng.Staain Una -I row I try WArwiUM I Mackaalral uralta. t Nam4 lsi.& No.. City. tKi:tt::tKm8nmtim They're guaranteed service. Come 1 n ' line of samples. Dry and Steam Cleaning and Delivered Burns Phono 183 JocVNO TANKS SUPPLY Will outlast several ateel tanka or several tanka mad from other material, and cost leaa money. These tanks will keep the water cooler In summer and warmer Id winter. Send for price list today. ATLAS TANK MPO. COMPANY, Fred Bobten, Manager, 1102 W. O. W. Bid., Omaha, Neb. Office blanks and blank loose-leaf books for sale at The Herald office. Phone S40 and a representative will CaUL NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the KstRte of Ferdinand Hasting, deceased. In the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. Notice to all persons interested In said estate is hereby given that Sam uel n. Otto, Executor of said estate, will meet the creditors of said estate at the county courtroom In the city of Alliance, said county, on the 15th day of April, 1916. at the hour of 9 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of the hearing, adjustment and allowance of claims against said estate. AH persons having claims or demands against said estate must file the same In said court on or before the 15th day of April, 1916, or said claims will be forever barred. Dated September 14th, 1915. L. A. BERRY, (SEAL) County Judge. 41-5t-646-6014 notice to creditors In the Matter of the Estate of Charles A. Clark, deceased. In the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. Notice to all persons interested In said estate Is hereby given that Cal vin J. Wildy, executor of said estate, will meet the creditors of said estate at the county court room in the city of Alliance, said county, on the 15th day of April, 1916, at the hour of 9 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of the hearing, adjustment and allowance of claims against said estate. All per sons having claims or demands Jagainst said estate must flJ the same in said court! on or before the 15th day of April, 1916, or Bald claims will be forever barred. Dated September 14th, 1915. L. A. BERRY, (SEAL) County Judge. 41-5t-645-6013 NOTICE of Exceptor's Hale of Ileal Estate IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF BUT LER COUNTY, NEBRASKA. In the Matter of the Application of Edwin S. Wunderlich, as sole executor of the Estate of Jacob C. Wunderlich, deceased, for li cense to sell real estate. NOTICE is hereby given that un der a license granted te me by the District Court of Butler County. Ne braska, on the 16th day of February, 1915, same being one of the days of the regular February, 1915, term of said court, I will, pursuant to said order, on the 9th day of October, 1915,' at the West Front door of the Court House in Alliance, Box.. Butte county, Nebraska, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon of said day. sell at public sale, subject to extstlM; encumbrances, to the highest biddo for cash, the following deScrlbi i Real Estate owned by said estate, t wlt: The South East Quarter ( 'J ) of Section Twenty One (21) Township Twenty Eight (28) North of Range Forty Seven (47) West of the 6th P. M. In Box Butte County, Nebraska; The North East Quarter ( i ) of Section Twenty Eight (28) in Town ship Twenty Eight (28) North or Range Forty Seven (47) West of the 6th P. M. in Box Butte County, Nebr aska. The North West Quarter ( M ) of Section Three (3), Township Twen ty Seven (27) North of Range Forty Seven (47), West of the 6th v P. M. in Box Butte County, Nebraska. Notice is also given that said sale will be held open one hour, that is to say, from two o'clock In the after noon to three o'Hock In the after noon of said day. EDWIN S. WUNDERLICH, Executor of the Estate of Jacob C. Wunderlich, deceased. 41-4t-644-6011 NOTICE Bids will be receiVed until 8 o' clock p. m. Oct. 12, 1915, for the dig ging and laying of 1150 ft., more or less, of 4 in. Water Main on Platte avenue, between West 3rd and west 6th streets, also-three Fire Hydrants, the City to furnish the pipe. Work to be done according to Plate and Specifications of the City of Alliance. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. CARTER CALDER, (SEAL) City Clerk. 43-2t-6034 NOTICE FOIl UIDS Bids will be received until 8 o'clock p. m. Oct. 1Z, 1915, for 540 ft., more or less, of cement sidewalk, walks to be laid at the following premises, to wit: South ctde or lots 68, 69 and 70, 72, County Addition to Alliance, Ne braska; North side of lota 86, 87, 88, 89. County Addition to Alliance, Ne braska; East side of lot 91, County Addition to Alliance, Nebraska. , Said sidewalks shall be construct ed In accordance with the specifica tions In ordinances Nob. Ill and 126 of the City of Alliance, Nebraska. CARTER CALDER. (SEAL) City Clerk. 43-21-6036 NOTICE FOIt BIDS Bids will be received until 8 o'clock p. m. Oct. 12, 1915, for the removal of 1000 yds., more or less, of dirt, dirt to be removed from in front of the following premises, towlt: South side of lots 68, 69 and 70, 72, County Addition to Alliance, Ne braska; North side of Lots -416, 87, 88, 89. County Addition to Alliance, Nebraska; East side of lot 91, Coun ty Addition to Alliance, Nebraska. Dirt to be removed at once under the directions of the Street Commis sioner. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. CARTER CALDER. (SEAL) City Clerk 43-2t-60S5 Serial No. 017164. Notice for Publication Isolated Tract PUBLIC LAND SALE Department of the Interior, U. & Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska, August i, ll&. NOTICE Is hereby given that, as directed by the Commissioner of the OenereJ Land office, under provisions of Sec. 2455, R. S., pursuant to the application of James K. Rice. Serial No. 017164. we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than 2.50 per acre, at 10 o'clock A. M., on the 12th day of Oc tober, next, at this oftlre, the follow ing tract of land: The NE4 Sec. 33, T. 23 N.. R. 47 W.. 6th P. M. The sale will not be kept open, but will be declared closed when those present at the hour named have ceased bidding. The person making the hiRheBt bid will be required to Immediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. T. J. O'KEEFK. Register. J. C. MORROW, Receiver, aug 19-SU-5974 MIIK i: OK 1IKAH1XJ IN THK C'Ot'NTT COl'UT OF HOX IJUTTK COUNTY. NUHHAPKA. IN T1IK MATT UK OK Til 10 KSTATK OK KAKAH A.. SMITH. I I0CR ANKI . Notice In hereby given that on tho 23rd day of October. A. 1)., 191B, at the county court room In the city of Alli ance, Raid county, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., of iald day, the follow ing mutter will be heard and consider ed, to-wlt: the petition of Kmma K. Harris, for the probate of a certain written Instrument now on file In said court, and purporting; to be the Inst will snd te.sutment of Sarah A. Hmlth, deceased, foe the irrant of letters test mentary thereon, to B. F. Qllenan. Dated September 14th, 1916. L. A. BKKftY, (SEAL) County Judge. S-4t-M7-KOR NOTICE OP HEARING IN THE COUNTY COUKT OP BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NKHKASK A. IN THH MATTER OP THK KSTATE 1 OP I'ETKK D. 8PRACKLKN. Vi- Notice la hereby given that on the SJrd day of October, A. D., 115. at the county court room In the city of Alli ance, said county, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., of said day, the follow ing matter will be heard and consider ed, to-wlt: the petition of Clement La Spracklen, for the probate of a certain written instrument now on file In said court, and purporting to be the last will and testament of Peter D. Sprack len, deceased, for the grant of letters testamentary thereon, to Calvin J. Wil dy. Dated September 14th, 1916. U A. BEKKT, (SEAL) County Judge. 43-t-648-6044 NOTK'R OP HRARIKO IN THE COUNTY COUKT OP BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HENRY C. SPAULXUNO, DE CEASED. Notice Is hereby given that on the 23rd day of October, A. P., 1915. at the county court room in the city of Alli ance, said county, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., of said day, the follow ing matter will be heard and consider ed, to-wit: the petition of Charles A. I'ojivsr, for the probate of a certain 'i I t; n instrument now on file in said . und purporting to be an authen uuicil copy of the last will and testa ment of. Henry C SpauldinK. deceased, for the grant of letters of administra tion with the will annexed thereon to Keith L Pierce. Dated September 14th, 1915. L. A. BERRY, (SEAL) County Judge. 43-41-649-6043 KOTlt'K OP HBAItlKU IN THE COUNTY COUKT )K BOX BUTTE COUNTY. NEBRASKA. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE 4)K FERDINAND BASTING. DE CEASED. Notice is hereby given that on the 23rd day of October. A. I).. 1916. at the county court room In the city of Alli ance, said county, at tne hour or iu o'clock A. M., of said day, the follow ing matter will be heard and consider ed, to-wit: the petition of Samuel B. )tto. for the probate of a certain writ ten Instrument now on file in said court, and purporting to be an authen ticated copy of the last will and testa ment of Ferdinand Hasting, deceased, for the grant of letters testamentary thereon to Samuel H. Otto. Dated September 14th, 1915. L. A. BERRY. (SEAL) County Judge. 43-4t-50-G0l2 NOTM K OP IIKAltl.Mt; IN THE -COUNTY COUKT OU .IMiX BUTTE COUNTY. NEBRASKA. IN THE MATTER (IF THE ESTATE OK CHARLES A CLARK. DECEAS ED. Notice is hereby given that on the 23rd day of October. A. IK 1916. at the county court room In the city of Alli ance, said county, at the hour of 10 o clock A. M., ot said day, the follow ing matter will be heard and consider ed, to-wit: the petition of Annie Kaper, for the probate or a certain written in strument now on file In said court, and purporting to be an authenticated copy of the last will and testament of Charles A. Clark, deceased, for the grant of letters of administration with the will annexed, thereon to Calvin J. Wildy. Dated September iitn, U A. BERRY. (SEAL) County Judge. 43-4t-651-6041 On October 20, FAIRVIEW Addi tion Is to be thrown open to pur chaseeverything at auction and to the highest bidder. LESS MEAT IF BACK i Take a glass of Salts to Stub, Kidneys if Bladder bothers you Drink lots of water. Eating meat regularly eventually pro duces kidney trouble in some form or other, says a well-known authority, be cause the urie acid in meat excites the kidneys, they become overworked; get sluggish; clog up and cause all sorts of distiess, particularly backache and mis ery in the kidney region; rheumaie twin ges, severe headaches, acid stomach, con stipation, torpid , liver, sleeplessness, bladder and urinary irritation. Tbe moment your back hurts or kid neys aren't acting right, or if bladder bothers you, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good pharmacy; take a tables poonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and jour kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity; also to neutralize tbe acids In the urine so it bo longer irri-'-tee, thus ending bladder disorders. 'ad Salts cannot injure anyone; .kes a delightful effervescent lithia water drink which millions of men sad women take new and then to keep the kidneys and urinary organs eJean, thue avoiding eerkwe kidney sieaesa AND KIDNEYS LIVE STOCK PRICES AT SOUTH OMAHA Steers Feirly Active and Cows Steady to Weak.' HOGS FIVE TO TEN HIGHER. Siieep Market Steady to Stronger. Good, Firm Feeling In Feeder Trade. Fat Lambs Bring $875 and Ewes ! Touch $5.75. Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, Oct. 5 Cattle receipts were liberal yes'erday, about 12,000 head showing up. The market for beef steers was sttlve and stronger. Cows and heif ers were in lilieral supply and every thing that would do for stocker and feeder purposes was active and fully steady. Killers were steady or pretty rlose to steady, but owing to the heavy run at Kansas City there was an un dercurrent of weakness and in spots the market may have been 10c lower. Stockers and feeders moved freejy at good steady prices. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice fed yearlings, 9.00ffT9.85; fair to good fed yearlings. $8.5O9.00; common to fair fed yearlings, $8.50?8.50; good to choice heavy beeves, $l004ttf.86; fair to good corn fed beeves. $8.308 85: common te fair cornfed beeves, $6.75 c?8.30; prim grass beeves, $8.00 8.40; good to choice grass beeves. $7.4ltf?8 00; fair to good grass beeves. $6.757. 40; common to fair grass beeves. $5.85$.7S; good to choice grass heifers, $8.256.B0; good to choice grass cows, $5.70 6.1 5 1 fair to good rows, $5.O05.75; common to fair cows. $4.00016.00; prime feeding steers, I7.75ft8.10; good to choice feeders, $7.2567.75; fair to good feed' ers, $6.5007.25; common to fair feed ers, 15.6066.60; good to choice stock ers, $7.758.00; fair te good stockers, $6.7507.75; common to fair stockers $5.506.75; stock heifers. $5 7507 00; stock cows, S5.506.25; stock calves, $5.608.60; veal calves, $8.00010.00; bulls, stags, etc., $5.0006.50. Receipts of hogs yesterday were 2, 800 head. There was a fair shipping outlet at prices that were fully a dime higher. A piece of a load set a top of $8.00, while two full loads on the light butcher order reached $7.90. Most of the packing Bales were mads at $7.1507.30, with rough heavies as low as $7.10. and a few sales scattered on up towards the top. Receipts of sheep and lambs yes terday totaled 38,000 head. Fat lambs were fully steady. Three loads ol choice stuff went to killers at $8 75. Several strings were cashed around $8.65, with an occasional sale at $8.50 6 8 60. There was a good. Hrrn feeling In the feeder trade, and lambs moved fairly free on a steady to strong basis. One string which carried a rat end went to a feeder buyer at $8.50 Most of the early sales of . good feeders ranged at $8.2505.40, with less de 8lrnb!e stuff on down. Old ewes for breeding purposes touched $.00 attain yesterday. Packers had only limited Offerings of old sheep to pick fron. and paid fully steady prices for ewes, while some of tjie ewes that brought $5.75 mit?ht have been a little strong er than hist week's close Quotations on sheep" and Tamils: Iainbs. good to choice. $S Kuffr 8.7.r: lambs, fair to good, $8.45f8 fid; lambs feeders. $7 750 8 50; yearlings, fair to choice, $5.7306 75; yearMnps. feeders. $6.0007.10; wethers fair to choice $5.5006.35; ewes, good to choice $r, Sfl 05.75; ewes, fair to good. $1.7305,50; ewes, feeders. $4.5005.00. iota 3C 1 Dusty's Doublings IlL ii ii- ii rifjJI It may be that all clouds have a sliver .lining, but you couldn't make European people think so right now Will Jordan says a bloodhound's evidence is not worth "the paper It Is written on". Jordan possibly goes ou the supposition that a blood bound's evidence is about as forceful and has about the same bearing as a private detective's evidence. Just because Secretary Fisher painted all colors of the rainbow on the road markers on the roads lead ing Into Alliance does not mean that he painted Denver red while he was there with Box Butte county's exhib it at the Dry Farming Congress. After a boy, gets old enough - to start shaving every morning, he wonders why he didn't put off start ing the habit a little longer. Some men risk their lives by going to war. Others risk their lives by bringing home with them company that the Misus didn't expect. "Fall skirts will be fuller." says a fashion note. Most men will agree that It can't be done. After Father has paid six hundred and fifty dollars on daughter's music al education, she thinks he Is awful ly Ignorant not to know that a cello Is a "c hello". A man's political prospects never look so good as they do on the day before he decides to become a can dldate. As a rule, the man that exceeds the speed limit neve" s anything to do when he reaebee his destination. He Is tbe same man that harries across tbe track la front of an oncoming train, and then stops and looks back while the train passos. If you wish sympathy, you must fee th under dog. Nothing excltrs so much prejudice and adverse crltio4wn as success. The great trouble with most peo ple nowadays Is that they have I'lerce-Arrow taste and a Ford la come. Over at Crawford the other night a bunch of soldiers from Ft. Robin son gave the Crawford marsbul a terrible beating. They're evidently getting In training to go to Mexico. Hhmh In Physical, Culture the Alliance School of Music have organized a young ladles' class la Physical Culture and Folk Dance with an attendance of ten very Inter ested young ladies. we urne all others who expect to lake up the work soon to meet with this class from 7 to 7:45 o'clock on Tuesday and Friday evenings of e. cb wnek, at Woods Hall. Our rates are very reasonable, so that all younf la dles may avail themselves ot this) opportunity. MATTIE C. GIFFORD, Physical Direotor. GOOD SUGGESTION TO aixianck rnorut It Is surprising the amount of foul matter the simple mixture .. buckthorn bark, glycerine, ., known as Adler-1-ka, drains from tk system. This remedy became faoo ous by curing appendicitis and aCs en DOTH the upper and lower bowel so thoroughly that ONE DOSB re lieve sour stomach, gas on tit stomach and constipation alasest IMMEDIATELY. We are mlar glad we are Alliance agents for A4-ler-t-ka. H. TIIIELH, Druggist CLASSIFIED DEPARTMBIT RATBSi The char for both reer Ur and special editions te le oer wer par laacrtUn, all words to the lamh Aavsrtiaere so eestrinar may have swars to tnsir advartiaantant Mdr M to box number, care of The aia. Advertisements charg-ad to siatrews) having- aeeounts ar measured by gave llna, not by tha word. N.B. The Harald cannot be raspesi i slbla for mora than one wrona; Inser tion die to typographic) error. tSa claim for error can be allowed arte tbe 10th of the following mo nth. Jjaw advertisement Inaerted to run until forbidden must be stopped by writ hew order. FOB SALE C1TT PROPERTY FOR SALE: Bargain In fire roein cottage at 116 Missouri arena Large rooms. Renting for $1$ per month. In good repair. Price $lA4)fl. DR. GEORGE J. HAND. 29-tf-6690 FOB RENT ROOMS f o rren Tn rjaiNKss' pnoVka iC For RENT VrlckbuUdlng. dowa town location. Suitable for garage or blacksmith shop. See, phone or write B. C. Anderson, Alliance. Phone 6 or 358. 39-tf-501 , FOR SALK MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALrT'llEolLSSeo ond-hand Ford touring car in rood running condition. GEO. F. SNYDER 40-tf-5023 FOR SALE (tood auto-player pi ano. Ninety records so with it. nl quire Robert Campbell. Alliance. Ne braska. 41-4t-tOO$ FOR SALE LANDS FOR SALE OR TRADE 2720 :- res, 20 mlleB south of Alliance, IZ miles east of Ani:ora, and 6 n iles from Lynn. 11-rooin frame h uue and other nood ranch improvements. Cuts 600 tons of hay. 1'rire fl-.flrt per acre, 10 years' tirn on $25 ")0 or more. School on laud. Geo D. Workman. Lynn, Nebraska. 42-tf-6025 LOST LOST At Fair Grounds on Libor Day, a black umbrella, square cut handle. Notify Mrs. Harvey Hacker, Phone Black 417. 40-tf-5024 MISCELLANEOUS Money to loan on real estate. tf F. EL RKDDIBHLr RECORD FOR TRAIN M KIT Railroad men can secure a very use ful book at The Herald office. It U e dally time book for trainmen and eo- flnemen. Tbe price Is reasonable.. -tf-8728 MONEY TO LOAN on your la ad. Write the First Mortgage Loan Se curity Co., Council Bluffs, Iowa. 27-tf-49J3 MOVE STKNITURK SAFELY We have equipped our dray wag ons and auto truck with the latest appliances for moving furnitore ithout marring or scratching or damage. , Up-to-date wagon pad will be used by us on all moving jobs. JOHN R. SNYDER, Phone 16. 37-tf-6950 Buy your receipt books, legal blanks, blank notes, all kinds at blanks at Tbe Herald office. Prioe reasonable. A big assortment Office blanks and blank loose-leaf books for sale at The Herald office. Phone S40 and a representative will call. TENANT WANTED for two tlons of land. Improved, eight mfiee from Alliance. Write J. F. Dineeo. Columbus, Nebr. 41-tf-6016 8TRAWBERRY PLANTS shoaM be set out during September. Bar them from J. P. Bsrger, Phone t. 18-71-4911 THOROBRED Jersey milk eow fr sale. Freeh. Four years eld. Tarn and gentle. Phone Bpmce 1041. VI Covalt. Alliance, Nebr. 4l-4t-0lf