A. f V V t V Y t t Y X y Y Y ? I 1 W l 1 II I f f 111 0 f X Y ? f .aTa. Y Y t Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y I J T Y t T V I r"i m f-s r-n f r-i l II I ll 1 l.f l WW H VI I We have a new order for a big lot of French war horses and will hold our next inspection at Alliance, Nebraska October i Cavalry The following prices will be paid for accepted horses: - $115.00 Light Gunners -Heavy Artillery - 157.50 135.00 Watch this paper for later inspection dates, Write or wire at our expense for any information wanted. ie 9 uisnnsiu miuuuiM a ISO j Alliance, Mebr. AA AA AA AA AA AA AA, AA, AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA Aa AA AA AA AA, AA A-A AdlAAA'V 4V aVSvAAVftkatBk AjtAilVAAft AVA!BV Afr- aSa AA AAAAvAAvaSa AA aSa AA AA. AA. AA AA AA AA AA .AA. AA A A AA AA AA A-A AA AA AA AA AA AA) AA AA Al BUKtm:nnttt Cure That Window Pane We hare a complete stock of all sizes, but if you hare an odd slsed frame to fit we'll be glad to cut a glass any size or shape. We hare the equipment and can do it satisfactorily. The glass we carry Is the best we can obtain. Paints and Oils There's no better paint made than Hughes' Crescent Cottage Paint. It lasts longest and goes farthest, and there's satisfaction in every can, whether it is a large or small one. Our customers have learned that we carry none but the beat of materials and can rely on our statements. Let us give you an estimate on your painting bill. Phone 73 Geo. A. Heilman, Mgr. ROUND ABOUT TOWN FOUND Bunch of keys. Owner can have Bame by calling at The Her ald office, identifying the keys, and paying for this ad. 43-tf-6064 WANTED A good man to solicit for accident and health insurance. A good proposition for a live wire. Ad dress C. U. Can field, Burlington Ho tel. Alliance. Will be there on Sat urdays. 43-41-6064? FOR RENT Modernly furnished front room, close In. Phone 151. 43-U-6063 Important Council Meeting Mayor Romig urgently requests that the citlsens of Alliance be pres ent at the regular council meeting to be held -next Tuesday evening, Octo ber 12. Many important municipal Vfubjecta will be taken up and the kneeling will undoubtedly be the most Important one held so far thlB year. ' Ordinances will be considered affecting grading, curbing, cement guttering of Box Butte avenue and alley paving. A semi-annual report will be rendered by the mayor and other city officials covering all phas of the city management Only four blocks to the Court House, five blocks to the Drake ho tel, five blocks to the Bank corner, five blocks to the Opera House, four blocks to the City Hall, seven blocks to the Burlington Depot, only one block to the Fair Grounds Beauti ful Fairvlew Addition, to be thrown open to the public at 10 a. m., Wed nesday, October 20th. Fairvlew Ad dition will growy rapidly In popular ity as Alliance grows in population. Watch Alliance grow you can't keep Alliance down. tsto) paja) )nq jo taons no eueg t)nuiai aj iuo 3003 majSTom oj q3noua ujai anon injuoodsva) Uannq jo mjuoods va) tni japids eqi uo nj 'aainf uoiuo jo os 10 dojp 'jaddad )is ppv 'aug ooj ou qmi qj eauiw qiuri paouiw Neuralgia Pains Stopped You don't need to suffer those ag onizing nerve pains in the face, head, arm, shoulders, chest and back. Just apply a few drops of Boothing Sloan's Liniment He Quietly a few minutes. You will get such relief and comfort. Life and the world will look bright er. Get a bottle today. S ounces for 25c, at all druggist. Penetrates without rubbing. Adv No 1 Freh Oytter at Mailer) V 43-U-6058 C. A. Dow made a business trip to Bayard Friday, returning the next day. . George Mollring's pacing horse. Major, is entered at the Denver races this week. Dan Phillips, trainer, left with the horse Thursday night of last week, and Mr. Mollring left Sun day night. Fresh Oysters at Mallery's. 43-lt-6058 Born to Mr. and mVs. John Burke, a baby boy, Saturday. The baby has been named George Arthur, after his uncle George. DeLoss Hippick, brother-in-law of Joe Westover, whose home is at Kushville, stopped over the last of the week for a short viait on his way home from Omaha. Rev. O. S. Baker and Mrs. Baker left Friday noon for tbelr new home ut Long Pine, Nebr. Rev. Baker as sumes his duties there as superin tendent of the Long Pine district of the Methodist church. Mrs. C. L. Drake, wife of the Ho tel Drake landlord, writes Mr. Drak that she arrived safely at her former home in Hartford Citv. InrfUm where she will visit for several weHts with her father, mother anl other relatives. Fre4i 0tern at Mallery'a. 43-U-6058 Wm. Hill, who'went to Oui.ih.i several months ago for treatment w.r serious illness, returned Monday morning reeling much improvel in health. He was accompanied by hu sister-in-law, who has been belplug care for him. W. C. Schenck, Burlington engin eer, made a trip last week to the eastern end of the state. Mrs. Robert Campbell was called to her former home Sunday night by the death of her brother, Joe Knorr, who was killed in an auto accident In York county. Sam Knorr, a bro ther, left Saturday night. The fun eral was held Monday afternoon. C. D. Silver, representing the Jas. A. Coogan Company, of Kansas City, car lot brokers In potatoes, onions, cabbage and other vegetables, has been in the city this week on busi ness for his firm, who will buy Box Butte potatoes in carload lots. Colonel Pbelan, of the French ar my. In charge of the Inspections for war horses west of tba Missouri riv er, was in the city Saturday confer ring with the local French officers. His headquarters are at Denver. As will be noted by the ad in this paper, Mitchell, Hlllker! ft Simpson have se cured a new contract for horses, and inspection will start again on Octo ber 14, 15 and 16. Black baNH, halibut, salmon, trout and catfish at Mallery's Market. 43-U-6058 - - C. J. Buck, a relative of County Commissioner Cal Hasbman, whose home is In Michigan, stopped over the first of the week for a visit with Cal. J. H. Yost of Lincoln, an uncle of Miss Anna Senner, stenographer at the. Commercial Club office, stopped over for a short visit with her on Tuesday, on his way home from u trip to Scottsbluff. Illack baM, halibut, Habnon, trout and catflMh at Mallery'a Market. 43-lt-6058 Dean Wm. C. Shaw arrived laBt week from Chicago and held services at St. Matthews Episcopal church last Sunday for the first time. Sun day's services were used for the greater part in "getting acquainted", and amone other things Dean Shaw remarked that he did not want his audience to think that he was mak ing a sacrifice in coming from a larg er field to a smaller, but that he was glad to make the change when it was suggested by Bishop Beecher, and that he was gratified to get into the missionary field. . Dean Shaw has a ready, interesting flow of language, and his talks Sunday greatly im pressed bis hearers with his sincer ity. S. K. Warrick, former Alliance banker, stopped over in Alliance lust Friday enroute to his home at Scottsbluff. He had been attending the "dry" convention at Lincoln and feels very optimistic over the pros pects for next election. Illack has, halibut, salmon, trout and cattish at Mallery's Market. 43-U-6058 Post M, T. P. A., will meet Satur day afternoon at the Burlington ho tel, at 3 o'clock. When lUby Has the Croup When a mother is awakened from sound sleep to find her child who has gone to bed apparently in the best of health struggling for breath, she is naturally alarmed. Yet If she can keep her presence of mind and give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy every ten minutes until vomiting is pro duced, quick relief will follow and the child will drop to sleep to awaken in the morning as well as ever. This remedy has been In use for many years with uniform success. Obtaina ble everywhere. Adv Oct Sells-Floto Next Year A letter received from Secretary Fisher this week states that the Sells Floto circus will visit Alliance next year with the combined organization, as they start out on their tour. LOST BOYS :ARE FOUND Two Young Chaps Make Trip by Cart to Oawper, Wyo., Where Father of One of Them Is Working Arthur Whetstone and Chester Dyer, both sixteen years of age, left home Tuesday, September 28, and caused relatives much worry by not announcing their destination or stat ing that they were leaving. The two boy drove a black mare and rode in a two-wheel cart. The boy left at 1 o'clock in the afternoon and nothing was heard from them until a tele gram was received Tuesday stating that they had arrived at Casper. The boys each had a shot gun and plenty of shells and took groceries with tbem, so that they did not suffer from hunger and evidently enjoyed their lark. They will probably re turn to Alliance and re-enter school here. IXM.rMJll'H DAY Will lie Observed by K. of C. inxl D. of 1., with I'roRiuin Tuesday, October 12, is Columbus Day, and it will be appropriately ob served in Alliance by the nKights of Columbus and Daughters of Isnbellr. with a program at the opera Louse in the evening. Mr. Morrow, of Scotts bluff, will make the address of the evening, and there will be many oth er interesting numbers, Including choruses, vocal and instrumental so los and duets. After the program a lunch will be served. Admission will be by ticket, although no admission will be charged, and the tickets may be secured from members of the K. of C. or D. of I. CALIFORNIA IN HAD SI1APK Dr. V. M. Knight Hays Financial Con ditions Worst He Has Seea Dr. F. M. Knight, president of the Alliance National Bank, who with W. E. Solllnger, of Alliance, and L. L. Wright, of Billings. Mont., made a trip to the exposition at San Fran cisco, and who lately returned, la bet ter content than ever to live In west ern Nebraska. Being in the banking business. Dr. Knight took more than ordinary no tice of financial conditions In tho sev eral states he visited, and be said that in no place did he see more bus iness depression and stagnation than la California during the short time he was there. "People in western Nebraska," said Dr. Knight, "are far better off than those along the weet coast. Land values have flattened in California until some of the best farms and city property can be bought for a half and In some cases one-third of their real value. The people there are waiting for a re-adjustment of condi tions, which they know must come sooner or later, but in the meantime only those that have plenty of money can hold out against the odds." "On doxens of corner of the city blocks," Dr. Knight continued, "can be seen signs announcing bankrupt sale. and in many cases these sales are be ing conducted In what was thought to be the strongest mercantile insti tutions in the West." Dr. Knight says the only advan tage California has over western Ne braska at this time is the balmy, equitable climate, which is a poor as set when there Is no employment and little money in circulation. He is now back at his accustomed place in. the Alliance National Bank, and is glad to scknowledKe that he. lives on the best part of the globe. For Indigestion Never take pepsin and prepn ra tions containing pepsin or other di gestive fermeuu for indigestion, as the more you take the more you v ill have to take. What is needed 1 a. tonic I'.ke Chamberlain's Tnblets t.i.it will enable the ptomach to perft nu its functions naturally. Obiaim le everywhere. Adv Oct VAititLu.r. i7u i:xsi:h Business in Hyiri-'n's Depart nieuc at rhe t'onnt tlirt IIo im' Is I'icl. iliU iij (nsli'ei'rtl)l The ni!iri;M licence busines': is showing coni'.i U'ruble activity ncr.a dayfl. :"ive lk-eniJ-6 Ii.iv bwn 1 .-u- ed during the past week, which i.i a two or three hundred per rent in crease over nearly any single v. eek since sptinx. Here are the name) of the com rat-ting parties to ih several affairs, and the dates on which the licenses were itued: Oct. 1 Norman E. Merrill and Miss Lule Ellen Blxby, both of Spade, Nebr. Married by county judge In the court room. Oct. 2 William A. Witowack. of Marslund, and Miss Henrietta Schaf er, of Bingham. Married by county judge In the court room. - Oct. 2 Geo. H. Ellis, of Alliance, and Miss Maude Bilistine, of Yeriug ton, Nevada. Married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Bryno Surday noon by the county judge. Oct. 4 Ora E. Campbell and Miss Alma McCabe, both of Pawlet Mar ried by county Judge at court bouse. Oct. 4 John Frederick Engel and Anna Bob, both of Ashhy. Cougte Recomuiemds Chamberlain's IUunedy "Last winter I used a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for a bad bronchial cough. I felt its bon eficlal effect Immediately and before I had finished the bottle I was cured. ' I never tire of recommending thbx remedy to my friends," writes Mrs. William Bright, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Ob tainable everywhere. Be on the grounds early don't ov erlook a good bet get la on the ground floor and buy a lot In Fair view Adition, the brightest and nic est Addition to Alliance the closest and most accessible Addition ever be fore thrown open In this clt7, oa Wednesday, October 20 th. Sale be gins promptly at 10 a. m.