", t I ' i f l. tilfr ORDER YOUR MEATS AT Call 128 Call 128 r I P! Ii I If ; f ! i 8 MALLERY'S MARKET On Friday morning we will open our Fresh Meat Department. A complete line of the best in Fresh Meats will be carried at all times. Friday we will have Fish, Oysters, a nice line of Lunch Meats and the choicest of Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton, etc. Mr. Gribble, who will have charge of the meat department, will arrive before Friday from Denver. He is an experienced, able meat man. We will please you in goods, service and prices. - R emember-Friday MorningRemember Kieffer Pears, (TO fin per bushel - PUU Kieffer Pears, 1 OC in hampers - - Peaches, 1 OC per bushel - - Call 128 1i Mr. and Mrs. 8.-E. RoBslter depart d Wednesday for Kearney and other yolnta In that part of the atate for a two weeks' Tlsit with relatives and -friends. Fred Mollring, accompanied by his n, J. W., departed last Friday for fliverton, Wyo., for a two weeks' Mg fame bant alone the Big Horn. They , will probably visit In Idaho before returning home. While riding near Morrill In their automobile Monday night, the ma chine struck a rut and the three-year-old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Uoneycutt was thrown out of the ma chine, striking with Its head on a rock, and died shortly afterward. OLD-TIME COLD CURE I DRINK HOT TEA! j . & I,. ,n,i . . .,.. f-t a bmhU 'iiiKj;r of lUmlmrc Hiwt Tin. r it i trie Ci'rmun fulk ral. it, 'llnir.(... !'.riit "I le." at an j't.Mruimv. Ink.' a talli-iiMHiiul of the . i ul a i ii i Ik.'!i'..' a. r iixm J. our ttiru'li u bie iil Ur'uik a tritt full ut nny timo during the day or before retiriiij;. It in tlie most 0evtiv way to break a cold ami cure pi)', as it oeim the purrs of the ekiu, relieving conation. Also looMnt tbe Jjula, thua breaking up a cold. Try it the next time you nutter from A (uU or the grip. It ia inexpenaiv And entirely vegetable, therefore safe ol harmless. STIFF. ACHING JOINTS JUb Bareness from joints and musclsa with a small trial bottls of old 8t Jacobs Oil Stop "dosing" Rheumatism. It's pain only; not one case in fifty requires internal treatment. Rub sooth ing. penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" right os tbe "tender spot," and by the time you say Jack Robinson out comes the rbtiunatie pain. "St. Jacob's Oil" is a harmless rheumatism cure which never 4iappoutU and doesn't burn the skin. It takes pain, soreness and stiffness from chisg joints, muscles and bones; stops -tfciatlea, lumbago, backache, neuralgia. Limber up I Get a 25 cent bottle of old-tfme, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" froiu any drug store, and in a moment yen 11 be free from pains, aches and stiff seas. I)ont suffer I Rub rheuma iiaiu away. a !i nil t II iUU'VLtHSJL RUB RHEUMATISM Mallery Grocery Company Tbe skull waa badly crushed. The lloneycutt family have many friends in Alliance who extend sympathy in their bereavement. Miss Maude Moist arrived the first of this week for a few days' visit with her cousin, Miss Blanche Kibble. Miss Motet's home is at Long Beach, Calif., but she bad been visiting in the east for the past month. ,.. Mrs. W. O. Barnes returned last week from an extended visit with relatives' and friends in Illinois. Grace Kennedy, bookkeeper at the city light plant, and mother, Mrs. Charlotte Walker, departed Sunday for Rldgeway, Mo., for a two weeks' visit with relatives and friends. F. L. Sharp returned Friday from Marquette. Nebr., where he bad been visiting for tbe past two months. s Word has been received from Rev J. B. Cams, recently appointed pas tor of the Alliance Methodist church, who was at Spokane, Wash., at the time, that he would arrive in Alii ance this week In time to conduct services at the church Sunday morn ing and evening. A lot in Fairview Addition the new and popular Addition to Alliance is one of the best investments to be found in northwest Nebraska today Mr. and Mrs. Mart Johnson return ed Tuesday from a two months' so journ on their ranch in Idaho. Tbe Episcopal pulpit was occupied last Sunday by Bishop Beecher, of Hastings, who conducted both serv Ices. Rev. Shaw, the new dean, will be here shortly from Chicago to work In the Alliance parish. Bishop Beech er Is a forceful talker, and his dis courses were listened to with great interest. Johnnie King and Ray Tompkins were each fined 15 and costs before Judge Roberts Wednesday morning for fighting. According to Tompkins complaint, King struck him without provocation In Coyle's restaurant Tuesday afternoon. Their fines were suspended pending their good behav ior. The new display cases for the Hor ace Bogue store will soon be here and will be used on the second floor for displaying their ladies' ready-to- wear garments. They recently In stalled some display wall cases in the hosiery and button department and found them so compact, cleanly and labor-saving that the cases for the ready-to-wear department were ordered. Only four blocks to the Court House, five blocks to the Drake ho tel, five blocks to the Bank corner five blocks to tbe Opera House, four blocks to the City Hall, seven block to the Burlington Depot, only one block to the Fair Grounds Beautl ful Fairview Addition, to be thrown open to the public at 10 a. m.. Wed Morning Glory Flour Best New Per Sack $1.75 Quality nesday, October 20th. Fairview Ad dition will growy rapidly in popular ity as Alliance grows in population. Watch Alliance grow you can't eep Alliance down. Mrs. Fanny Switier came in Mon day from a visit to the exposition at San Francisco, where she had been for several weeks, to visit with her sister, Mrs. C. P. Wakeman. Mrs. Switzer lives near Antioch, and Mrs. Wakeman accompanied her to that place Tuesday for a short visit. Be on the grounds early don't ov erlook a good bet get in on tbe ground floor and buy a lot In Fair view Aditlon, the brightest and nlc est Addition to Alliance the closest and most accessible Addition ever be fore thrown open in this city, on Wednesday, October 20th. - Sale be gins promptly at 10 a. m. The new plumbing work in the Drake hotel has been completed, and the workmen were dismissed Wed nesday morning. Every sleeping room In the Drake is now supplied with hot and cold running water, and there are seven rooms with prl vate bath. Mr. Drake says the next Improvement in line will be the in stallation of a tile floor and marble wainBcoating, and that if the busl ness continues to increase as it has in the past, a commodious addition will soon be built. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Yarbrough, of Bridgeport, passed through Alliance Wednesday enroute to Springfield Mo., to attend the funeral of his brother, Ambrose. Tbe brother died in the Philippines recently from the effects of typhoid fever, while he was in the 17. S. army service, and the body was brought to Springfield for burial. . County Treasurer Martin says for the benefit of the real estate' tax de linquents that they had better come in and "pay up" or they will find their names in the advertised list next week. He reports a heavy bus Iness just now from those who are making eleventh hour payments This has no bearing on the personal taxes. Mrs. Hattle McFeron and Fred C, Robblns were granted a license to wed by Substitute County Judge Broome Wednesday. This is the second matrimonial venture for both of the contracting parties. You can't keep Alliance down it is the blggeBt, best and most prosper ous city in western Nebraska the biggest city west of Grand Island north of Denver, south of Lead City and east of Billings. Its future is assured; its railroad facilities are un challenged it will always be the biggest and best, and values of city property cannot help but increase rapidly. A lot In Fairview Addition bought with a payment of only $1 down and 15 a month thereafter, will buy a place In which to invest your pin money and at the same time an Wheat Per hundred $3.40 Grocers nvestment that will bring you in good returns and big profits in future years it will always be worth more money than you will have to pay for it at tbe sale beginning at 10 a. m., Wednesday, October 20th. L. E. Fodnees, living in Box Butte precinct, has a new Ford. Oscar Miller will be down from Hemingford the last of this week to take charge of the school in district 36. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Nolan departed Tuesday for Omaha to vUlt and to look after business matters. On their way to Alliance from Chi cago this week, Mrs. Shaw, wife of the new dean of tbe Alliance Episco pal church, and children, will stop at Hastings for a visit with the Bishop Beecher family. Rev. Shaw will come direct to Alliance, and the fam ily will join him here in about two weeks. County Agent Seidell and Demon strator A. E. Anderson went to Chad- ron Wednesday to accompany the silo booster trip under the supervis ion of County Agent Hawk, of Dawes county, for the benefit of Sheridan county farmers. The trip will be made today and tomorrow. E. C. Drake and Lloyd C. Thomas made a business trip to Hemingford Tuesday in the former's auto. Mr. Drake Is a member of tbe firm of Drake & Drake, Optometrists, and will be in Hemingford on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 5 and 6, to test eyes and fit glasseB. The ties were ripped up for a dist ance' of several hundred yards last Friday when a journal on a stock train burned out while the train was coming into the Alliance yards, let ting the boxing down on the track. The train was going at a rate of about twenty-five miles an hour when the accident occurred, and it re quired some distance to bring it to a halt. It was about seven hours af ter the accident occurred before the stock was unloaded. The case of Mrs. S. Kingsley vs. the Burlington railroad has been transferred to the U. S. district court at Cbadron. In her petition the plaintiff declares that she stumbled and fell over a mall sack while at tempting to board a train at Hem ingford,. in which accident she sus tained severe bodily Injuries. The case will probably not come up be fore aome time next year, as the doc ket is well crowded. Amazlah Johnson of Billings, state munager of Montana for the Royal Highlanders,, came in last week to do some special work for the lodge in and around Alliance. He will be here until the middle of November. Several entertainments of a social nature are planned by the local "cas tle" for the winter, the first of which will be held next Thursday night at Gadsby's hall. There will be music. Plums, in peach boxes per box (y)iyj ibyiiiiii WHY WEAR LLL-FITTTNG "HAND - GET A SUIT TAILORED TO YOUR In this $15 suit are combined the same features you will find in $20 and $25 Suits. They're best wool, with very best linings, and the variety of samples is large enough to suit any and all tastes. They hold their shape until the end. and always look aa good aa any suit you can buy, at any price. Fact is, they're much better values than $15, with most of the profit knocked off. Every one bears the UNION LABEL, which in itself is a guarantee of good workmanship, nr to fit and give good NOW and see our Don't Forget Our French Work Called for Roy B. Alliance Nat'l Bank IUdg. . 1 Dray Phone 64 I HJITT.Od (f'i TwSlFUT J PURE. FRESH MILK AND CREAM Direct from the TRABERT DAIR CtaaCdes Our Milk is from Inspected Cows, Guaranteed Par. Ptaiml Delivery. Phone us for a Trial Order speaking and dancing, and refresh ments will be served. The last day that payment on the new curbing can be made by proper ty owners will be Friday, October 1. After that the records will be certi fied and turned over to the county treasurer and charged up against tbe property the same as taxes. The yearly payments run from $1.13 to $8. Miss Florence Aiken has been Ul for several days, being confined to her room at the home of W. S. Ache son on Laramie avenue. Rev. F. C. Barrett, formerly pastor of the Baptist church in Alliance, ar rived this morning from Albion, Ne braska, where he la pastor. He will Call 128 MR - DOWNS" WHEN YOU CAN OWN MEASURE FOR They're guaranteed service. Come I n line of samples. Dry and Steam Cleaning and Delivered Burns Ihone 1.13 DYE & OWENS Transfer Line HOUSEHOLD GOODS moved promptly, and irauwer work solicit ed. Residence phone 636 and Blue 674 hold services at the church here on Sunday and probably be here a week or ten days. -While here he is stay ing at the borne of S. O. Carr hvFit (Myer8 wa" lnntly killed by lightning at his home near Lynn KfaeVenln- M'-Mmsw.sa Klnkajder, and was well known In "anMc, uAt . time of the accl- sittinr in the same room, and al though the house was badly damp ed, the two women escaped unhurt. CuTih fi,mfKUng of the Episcopal Guild at the parish bouse .Tuesday afternoon was very successful. Mrs Bennett and Mrs. Gants were the hostesses. There waa a good attend-ance. i 4