A- $ PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Rates: One inch .cards, 50 cents; two-inch cards, $1.00 H. A. COPSEY . Physician and Surgeoa OSes Phone, 360 Res. Phone, 342 Call answered promptly day and might from office. Offices: Alliance National Bank building, over the Past Office. 0. E. SLAQLE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Dfiee phone, 65 ALLIANCE Ees. phone, 62 NEBRASKA Orla Coppernoll Km. Phone 20 F. J. Petersen Res. Pbons 43 Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen Osteopaths BOOM 6. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK VL VL BULLOCK Attorney-at-Law ' ALLIANCE NEBRASKA L. W. BOWMAN "fcyslclaa and Burgeon omCE, First National Bank Bldg. PHONES: Office. 362; Residence, 16 DR. D. E. TYLER Dentist PHONE 362 ' OVER FIRST NATIONAL BANK ALLIANCE : NEBRASKA PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER AT THE HERALD OFFICE SEASONABLE RATES PROMPT SERVICE J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstracter I hare the only set of abstract books ' in Box Butte county. OFFICE: Rm. 7, Opera House Block J. F. YAMDERS TAILOR and HATTER sTDBST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA LET ME CRY FOR YOU" HARRY P. COTJRSEY LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL SALES SPECIALIST AND AUCTIONEER Farm Sales a Specialty TERMS REASONABLE PHONE: 664 ALLIANCE NEBRASKA DR. L. W. CURTIS PREPARED TO TREAT ALL DOMEHTIC ANIMALS PHONE 633 ALLIANCE NEBRASKA EUGENE BURTON Attorney-at-Law lAnd Attorney OFFICE: First National Bank Bldg. PHONE 180 ALLIANCE NEBRASKA PHONE: 233. CLARE A. DOW Electrician House Wiring fete tor and Auto-starter Repairing ALLIANCE ' : : NEBRASKA GEO. a. Licensed PHONE: Day, ALLIANCE GADSBY Embalmer 498; Night, 610 NEBRASKA PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER Av kind of Photos. Interior and exterior views QUALITY PORTRAITS Alliance Art Studio M. E. Grebe, Prop. 114 East 4th. Phone Black 11 JAMES M. KENNEDT, DENTIST First National Bank Building, Al liance. Nebr. Phones: Offlce, 23 ffeatdence. Black 10. Nitrous Oxlds tcaUalstered. J. Jeffrey, D.C. PhC. A. Q. Jeffrey, D C. CHIROPRACTORS 504 Niobrara Ave. Office Hours, 10 a. m. to 8 p. m JAMESOSBORN Contractor and Builder Estimates Fundwhed Free ALLIANCE t : NEBRASKA THOMAS LYNCH Att'y-at-Law 1519-1521 City National Bank Building OMAHA Special Attention to live Stock Claims i Vi la, i AUTO LIVERY - - PHONE 573 - - C. E. Morgan On Tour Xxlp take with you a ' box of good and a late Get them at up-town news stand or at depot HILLER BROTHERS REP PEPS PHILOSOPHY "Life is a burden Cull L 1 I I III fo rne man ivno saddles himself trith trouMf? WE ARE HEADQUARTERS For Auto Supplies and Oil and Ga ollne Free Air on the Curb Alliance Auto Supply Co. Phone 29 MONUMENTS Granite and: Marble Paine-Fishburo Granite fa Grand Island, Nebraska Write for Information or sail on our Local Agent WISER Agent at AJUUnos NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of Ferdinand Basting, deceased. In the County Court of Box Butte County. Nebraska. Notice to all persons interested In said estate Is hereby Riven that Sam uel B. Otto. Executor of said estate, will meet the creditors of said estate at the county courtroom in the rity of Alliance, said county, on the 15th day of April. 1916. at the hour of 9 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of the hearing, adjustment and allowance of claims against eald estate. All persons having claims or demands against said estate must file the same In said court on or before the 15th day of April, 1916, or said claims will be forever barred. Dated September 14th, 1915. L. A. BERRY, (SEAL) County Judge. 41-5t-646-6014 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of Charles A. Clark, deceased. In the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. Notice to all persons Interested In said estate is hereby given that Cal vin J. Wildy, executor of said estate, will meet the creditors of said estate !at the county court room in the city of Alliance, said county, on the 15th day of April, 1916, at the hour of 9 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of the hearing, adjustment and allowance of claims against said estate. All per sons having claims or demands against said estate must file the same in Bald court on or before the 15tb day of April, 1916, or said claims will be forever barred. Dated September 14th, 1915. L. A. BERRY, (SEAL) County Judge. 41-5t-645-6013 NOTICE of Executor's Sale of Real Estate IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF BUT LER COUNTY. NEBRASKA. In the Matter of the Application of Edwin S. Wunderlich, as sole executor of the Estate of Jacob C. Wunderlich, deceased, for li cense to sell real estate. NOTICE Is hereby given that un der a license granted ta me by the District Court of Butler County. Ne braska, on the 16th day of February, 1915, same being one of the days of the regular February, 1915, term of said court, I will, pursuant to said order, on the 9th day of October, 1915, at the West Front door of the Court House in Alliance, Box Butte county, Nebraska, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon of said day. sell at public sale, subject to exist li..' encumbrances, to the highest bidd . for cash, the following descrlb? Real EBtate owned by said estate, t wit: i The South East Quarter ( hi) of Section Twenty One (21) Township Twenty Eight (28) North or Range Forty Seven (47) West of the 6th P. M. in Box Butte County, Nebraska; The North East Quarter (4) of Section Twenty Eight (28) in Town ship Twenty Eight (28) North of Range Forty Seven (47) West of the 6th P. M. in Box Butte County, Nebr aska. The North West Quarter ( 4 ) of Section Three (3), Township Twen ty Seven (27) North of Range Forty Seven (47). West of the 6th P. M. in Box ttutte County, Nebraska. Notice is also given that said sale will be held open one hour, that is to say, from two o'clock In the after noon to three o'clock in the after neon of said day. EDWIN S. WUNDERLICH. Executor of the Estate of Jacob C. Wunderlich, deceased. 41-4t-644-6011 LEGAL NOTICE To Fred Reeder, Ellen Shay, Wm. Mitchell, Mary Wrenn Regan, Lincoln Land Co.. Silas Calder & Emmer Etta Soules, Robert Bird, Wennlfred King, Lizzie Edwards, Ella Beck, Trustees of the German Evangelical Luther Congregational Church of Al liance, Thomas M. Lawler, Harry R Beans, Amelia Seidler, Lucy & James C. Wlllcox, and Llllie C. Carmicle. You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 24th day of Aug ust, A. D.. 1915. the following reso lutions were duly adopted by the jCity Council of Alliance' Nebraska, RESOLUTION Be It resolved by the mayor and council of the city of Alliance, Ne braska, that a sidewalk be, within thirty days from the publication of this resolution, constructed and laid to the established grade: On the north aide of West Seventh street and adjoining the following described premises, towit: Lot 6. Block 7. Wyoming Addition to Alli ance, Nebraska. On the north side of West Slxtn street and adjoining the following described premises, towit: Lot 6, Block 8. Wyoming Addition to Alli ance, Nebraska. On the east side of Cheyenne ave nue and adjoining the following de scribed premises, towit: Lots 10 and 11, Block 9, Second Addition to Alii ance, Nebraska. On the east side of Cheyenne ave nue and adjoining the following de scribed premises, towlt: Lot 12 Block 9. Second Addition to Alii ance, Nebraska On the north side of West Eighth street and adjoining the following described premises, towlt: Lot 6 Block K. Sheridan Addition to Alii ance. Nebraska. On the north side of West Sixth street and adjoining the following described premises, towit: Lot 6 Block O. Sheridan Addition to Alii ance, Nebraska. ' On the north side of East Third street and adjoining the following described premises, towit: Lot 68 County Addition to Alliance, Nebr aska. On the north side of East Third street and adjoining the followin described premises, towit: Lots 69 and 70, County Addition to Alliance Nebraska. Oa the north side of East Third street and adjoining the following described premises, towlt! Lot 71, County Addition to Alliance, Nebras ka. On the north side of East Third street and adjoining the following described premises, towlt: Lot 72, County Addition to Alliance, Nebras ka. On the north side of East Third street and adjoining the following described premises, towlt: Lot 73, County Addition to Alliance, Nebras ka. On the south side of East Third street and adjoining the following described premises, towlt! Lot 86, County Addition to Alliance, Nebr aska. On the south side of East Third street and adjoining the following described premises, towit: Lot 87, County Addition to Alliance, Nebras ka. On the south side of East Third street and adjoining the following described premises, towit: Lot 88, County Addition to Alliance, Nebras ka. On the south side of East Third street and adjoining the following described premises, towlt: Lot 89, County Addition to Alliance, Nebras ka. On the west side of Yellowstone svenue and adjoining the following described premises, towit: Lot 91, County Addition to Alliance, Nebras ka. Said sidewalks shall be construct ed by the owners of said property without delay and In accordance with the specifications contained In Ordin ances Nos. Ill and 126 of the city of Alliance, Nebraska. CARTER CALDER, (SEAL) City Clerk. 39-61-643-5005 DE 01 0 QG ESQ (0 0 3d ASHBY Ashby, Nebr.. Sept. 29 Mrs. R. L. Weedin and daughter left last Wednesday for a visit with home folks and friends In Rockport, Me. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Ray left Sun day for Omaha where they will spend a few days on business. John Halolren spent a few days the last of the week with his son Art looking after the interests of the Halloren Lumber Co. R. R. Pickrel of near Spade spent Monday in town trading with local merchants. Ed and Chas. Noah came In Fri day from Rockport, Mo., after a few months' visit there. "( o. Rowe and E. C. Cooper came torn Hyannls Monday and began plastering the many jobs they have here. F. A. Castle is in charge of the bank during the absence of C. D. Ray. Anna Albrlcht came up from Whit man and started to school here In the good school we have. Outte a number of old and young attended the Home Day celebration at Hyannls. Many of the business houses were closed here and business was at a stand still. J. H. Blxby came In from Martin- dale and laid in his winter supply.. Work began Monday morning on a new store building, for the Hubbard Mercantile, south of their present lo cation. Fred Hartley left Tuesday for a business trip to Broken Bow. Hervey Hubbard went to Hyannls Wednesday and played ball with Hy annls against Dunning. Hyannls won by a score of 9 to 1. John McCool and wife came In from Ellsworth Friday and spent a few days with their daughter, Mrs. E. Hubbard, and grandchildren. C. returned with them for a few weeks' visit. Thomas Stansbie and wife and Miss Anna Boa went to Omaha Mon day for a few days' pleasure trip. Miss Stevens of Lincoln spent a few days here looking after the in terests of the children s home in Lincoln. Miss Lilian ISmizer went to Hyan- nis Wednesday to work at the hotel during Home Day. New Lumber Shed The foundation is being laid this week for a new lumber shed which will be built by the Forest lumber company on their yard, on the south Hid. The new shed will be 36x100 feet, and will be built according to the latest and best plans, making it very convenient of access and for getting lumber in and out In a hurry. It will be double-decked, with tho roof extending far out over each side. Nine rows of concrete will be used for the foundation, expending from end to end. The business or the Forest has been steadily Increas ing for the past year until such an adidtion to the storage capacity was imperative. Manager Heilman says the work on the building will be commenced the latter part of this week or the first of next week. A six-foot fence will also be built en tirely around the yard shortly. Warning Signs for Auto In order that accidents on the streets near the public schools may be avoided, and for the warning to auto drivers, warning signs nave been placed near the public schools bv the city authorities, worder as follows: DRIVE SLOW PUBLIC SCHOOL SAFETY FIRST ALLIANCE DRUGGIST HAS A VALUABLE AGENC1 H. Thlele. druggist, has the Alli ance agency for the simple mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., known as Adler-1-ka. the remedy which became famous by curing ap pendicitis. This simple remedy has powerful action and drains such sur prising amounts of old matter from the body that JUST ONE DOSE re lieves sour stomach, gas oa the stom ach and constipation almost IMME DIATELY. The QUICK action of Adler-i-ka Is astonishing. -Adv. nov 19-4039 mm ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE. ,WE PERSONALLY HANDLE AND SOLICIT CONSIGNMENTS. ASK FOR OUR MARKET CARD. IT CARRIES OUR ELEVATOR BID, CASH SALES, ETC. SEND IN SAMPLES FOR GRADE AND PRICE. Blanchard-Niswonger Grain Company OMAHA Nebraska Tent ari iiHI Tli X 75 J. S" M If your dealer does not handle them write direct to us. AWNINGS for Stores or Residences All goods guaranteed as represented or money refunded 709 So. 16th St., Omaha, Nebr. Send for Price List No. 10. MONARCH NO. 1 DIP The BEST For CATTLE, SHEEP, HORSES, POULTRY And HOGH Sure death to Lice and Ticks, cures Scab, Mange, Chicken Chol era, Roupe and Gapes, CoUar Boils and Barb-wire cuts. Chases Flies, Kills Disease Germs and Prevents Hog (Cholera. 1 Gallon Makes 21 Gallons Fly Chaser. 1 Gallon Makes 41 Gallons Mite and Lice killer. 1 Gallon Makes 76 Gallons Hog Dip. 1 Gallon Makes 76 Gallons Sheep and Cattle Dip. 1 Gallon Makes 76 Gallons Germicide for Hog Cholera. 1 Gallon Makes 76 Gallons Germicide and Disinfectant for all diseases. Sold by F. E. HOLS TEN, Alliance, Nebr. Guaranteed by Roc Chemical Co., Lincoln, Nebraska ILER GRAND HOTEL 16th and Howard St., Omaha, Nebr. A Really Comfortable Hotel for You to Stop at It Is Popular with Many Live Stork Shipers. Why not You Try It Once? RATES ARE 1X)V P. W. MIKESELL, Prop. OCT"" Be an Fraction Course f" We want bright young men. mechanically in FREE bile industry. Experience unnecessary. We teach you the business thoroughly. Course in tractloneeri LINCOLN AUTO SCHOOL, ESS Hundreds of Boys snd Girls from all over the Country, including THE GREAT NORTHWEST, come to us each year for business training. Write for our beautiful catalog NEBRASKA SCHOOL OF BUSINESS lAocoln, Nebraska mm NEBRASKA & Awning Co. TENTS tnd Stack Covers at living prices We use a bone tipped cob pipe as an advertisement. It Is an emblem of comfort. We will mall you a half dos en upon receipt of a written request for them; or fill In your name and address be low, cut out this advertise ment and mall to Her Grand Hotel. Omaha, Nebr.. and you will receive the half dos en pipes by return mail: Name Address Auto Expert clined, to prepare in our school AT ONCE to fill money-making positions in the automo ng free to all who reply immediately. 81 10 O St., IJncolii, Neb. Hand made from best material. Outlast any factory made goods. Call and see. Harness repairing by experienc ed harness maker. J. M. COVERT At M. D. Nichols' stand. Alliance